Hyde Heath's weekly Newsletter by Pauline & Robin Richards |
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December 20th As this will be the final newsletter of 2012 may I wish you all the compliments of the season… have an enjoyable Christmas holiday and may good fortune be yours in the New Year. Midst the joy of this holiday season is the sadness which comes with the news of the passing of our friend, Brian Hartley. He was chairman of our village society and did much good work in the furtherance of its aims. I first met him when we were members of the Hyde Heath cricket team. He also played my winter sport for many years, hockey. Veronica has cared for him during the years of his illness with a cheerful serenity, and to her and the family we send our deep condolences, and assure her that they are in our kindest thoughts. St.Andrew’s Hyde Heath has a service of lessons and carols this Sunday 23rd at 10.00 am, later than usual & hopefully more convenient for people - also holy communion at 9.15am. on Christmas Day. St.John’s, Little Missenden 4.30pm Christmas Eve has a Children’s Crib Service and Midnight Mass at 11.30 pm. with carols from 11.00. On Christmas Day there will be Holy Communion at 8.00 am. and Family Communion at 10.30 am. At Hyde Heath Chapel Philip Woodley will lead a Carol Service at 10.45 am. on Sunday 23rd. and a Service at 10.45am. on the following Sunday (30th.) The Village Shop is now stocking even more excellent locally-produced lines, such as “Tim’s Dairy Yoghurt” from Chalfont St.Peter, plus their irresistible “Love Tub” puddings, Ben and Jacob’s cook -in sauces and fresh soups, together with tasty sausages from King’s Farm, Wendover – do give them a try… For every £10 you spend in the Shop you will be given a free ticket to the Shop’s Christmas Hamper draw. Oh, and by the way there are still some scrumptious own-brand Christmas puddings in stock in both large and small sizes. Ron Flint will have a landmark birthday next March and will be retiring as a driver for the Friday Shopping Bus Service. There is therefore a need to recruit a fourth regular driver. If anyone would like to help,or knows of a suitable person to fulfil this role, please contact Derek Faversham at derekfaversham@aol.com After over forty years of providing theatre in Hyde Heath the Drama Group have decided it is time for a change of name, for a more modern feel and to encourage younger members. The first production by Hyde Heath Theatre Company, at the end of January / beginning of February, 2013 will be “Tom’s Midnight Garden”, a play adapted by David Wood from the book by Philippa Pearce. More details later.. The Plough will be open on Christmas Eve from noon until midnight; on Christmas Day from 11.00 until 2.00 pm. and 7.00 pm.until 11.00pm; Boxing Day noon until midnight and New Year’s Eve noon until late. Christmas celebrations in Hyde Heath begin officially at 4.30 pm. on Mon December 24th. in the Village Hall with Carols, Mince Pies and Mulled Wine. A good number of Amersham Band members with an array of brass instruments will lend mellowness - come along and get Christmas off to the best possible start… The driver of this Friday’s (21st.)
Shopping Bus to Chesham is Ron Flint and the following Friday
(28th.) will be Steve Epps. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Well, I asked for better news from India, and my wishes have been granted…a ten-wicket win in the second test and a 7 wicket win in the third. We only need to draw the fourth and final match to take the series…my only request now is that our captain should concentrate his many talents into winning the toss occasionally. I am delighted to report that the Old Time Music Hall in November made an amazing £3150, which has been distributed equally between the Village Hall, the scout group, the infants school and the pre-school parents’association. The performances were enjoyed by audiences and artistes themselves, so, with such financial rewards, no wonder everybody leaves the show with a smile on their face. Well done, all of you…. This evening (13th.) at 8.00 in the Village Hall is the W.I. Christmas Party. Have a good time, ladies… The Village Shop is now stocking even more excellent locally-produced lines, such as “Tim’s Dairy Yoghurt” from Chalfont St. Peter, plus their irresistible “Love Tub” puddings, Ben and Jacob’s cook-in sauces and fresh soups, together with tasty sausages from King’s Farm, Wendover. Sample quantities are now available – give them a try… For every £10 spent in the Shop you will be given a free ticket to the Shop’s Christmas Hamper draw. Also, there are still some scrumptious own-brand Christmas puddings in stock, both large and small. Estelle Johns advises: “Misbourne Matins Rotary Club will be bringing their Christmas Float to Hyde Heath on Sunday, 16th.December leaving the Common down Brays Lane at about 2.00pm. Father Christmas should be in attendance with his sweets and elves to collect donations. Carols will also be played throughout - loudly” I went to the Amersham Band’s excellent Christmas Concert last Saturday evening. What I did not appreciate was that a Beginners’Band had been started in September and in the intervening three months their coach / trainer / conductor, Mary Wells, had already fine-tuned them sufficiently to play two pieces in this concert. It was a delight to see so many very young ones earnestly coaxing their instruments into harmony. Well done, Band, and well done, Mary. Mayor of Amersham, Cllr.Mimi Harker, was present and she had some nice things to say at the conclusion of the concert about the Band and its ambassadorial virtues when not on home turf. Ron Flint will have a landmark birthday next March and he will be retiring as a driver for the Friday bus service. There is therefore a need to recruit a fourth regular driver. If anyone would like to help, or knows of a suitable person to fulfil this role, please contact Derek Faversham at derekfaversham@aol.com On Sat 15th 7.30pm Gt Missenden Choral Society will perform Saint-Saens Christmas Oratorio , Pergolesi’s Magnificat and Ave Maria Stella by living composer, Cecilia McDowell, who hopes to be present. Also music from Handel’s Messiah (part1). Soloists are: Jennifer France (sop), Anna Harvey (mezzo-sop), Ian Milne (tenor) & Bradley Travis (bass-baritone). Musical director John Cotterill & St.John’s Chamber Orchestra. Tkts (£12.50 ; £6.00 students/children) from Wynyard-Wright and Ellis, 368, High Street, Great Missenden (864225). Christmas in Hyde Heath begins
officially at 4.30pm.on Monday, December 24th in the Village
Hall with Carols, Mince Pies and Mulled Wine. There will be a goodly
number of Amersham Band members present to lend a certain mellowness to
the event. Do come along, join in and get Christmas off to the best
possible start. Robin Richards
01494 774582
We are now well into Advent, and another personal birthday has been and gone – I’ve got a free television licence to look forward to next year…hope the programme quality picks up. I am delighted to report that this newsletter has a readership not only in Christchurch, New Zealand and Penticton, British Columbia, but also Lincoln and now Ovingdean in Sussex, England…ah, the wonders of electronic mailing. This Saturday evening (8th.) is the Amersham Band Christmas Concert at the Free Church in Amersham, starting at 7.30 pm. The Senior Band will be joined by the Training Band and the trophy which is evidence of their latest triumph, on 25th.November in the open contest at Leicester. I am informed of a series of break-ins at garden sheds etc in the village, Do remember to take care of your property by locking up, and if you require advice on security you can get be help from Thames Valley Police. I understand that Ron Flint will have a landmark birthday next March and he will be retiring as a driver for the Friday bus service. There is therefore a need to recruit a fourth regular driver. If anyone would like to help, or knows of a suitable person to fulfil this role, please contact Derek Faversham at derekfaversham@aol.com The Village Shop Christmas Bazaar was enjoyed by all who attended and patronised the various stalls. An additional attraction was Bob Thompson playing seasonal music on his portable organ. A big thank you to all those who helped to organise the event.
I understand that there are details in the Shop concerning a Christmas Eve hamper draw. Call in and find out. Also in the Shop is a reprint of Irma Dolphin’s delightful book “Our Village 1929--1999” at £5.00 per copy. This is an ideal gift. Irma has kindly donated all proceeds to the Village Hall. The next meeting of the Chapel Lunch Club will be on Monday (10th.) at 12.00 noon for 12.30pm. On Saturday week (15th.7.30 pm.) the Great Missenden Choral Society are performing Saint-Saens Christmas Oratorio, Pergolesi’s Magnificat and Ave Maria Stella by the living composer, Cecilia McDowell, who hopes to be present at the concert, plus excerpts from Handel’s Messiah (part 1), which will be the highlight for many. Soloists will be : Jennifer France (soprano), Anna Harvey (mezzo-soprano), Ian Milne (tenor) and Bradley Travis (bass-baritone). Musical director is John Cotterill with St.John’s Chamber Orchestra. Tickets (£12.50; £6.00 students and children) from Wynyard-Wright and Ellis, 368, High Street, Great Missenden (01494 864225) Chris Herring tells me that there are still a few places available in the Minstrel Gallery at the Plough For Christmas Day lunch. I must say that the menu looks good. Why endure the agony of cooking and washing-up when for a reasonable outlay you can relax and let others do it for you ? Secure your reservation now at £40 per head; (£30 for under-twelves) at 01494 783163. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Derek Faversham. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Last week the weather was dull and miserable, but at six hundred feet above sea level Hyde Heath is likely to be spared the threat of flooding. I mentioned better results from India would help, and things did get better - a ten-wicket win in the second test match ! What next ? I know…a win on the lottery ? …watch this space… This Saturday (1st.Dec.) from 9.30 am. to 12.30 pm. in the Village Hall will be the Hyde Heath Village Shop Christmas Bazaar with refreshments, locally sourced produce and decorative items for Christmas gifts together with plants, local honey and own-brand Christmas puddings. For children there will be face-painting, fun tattoos and an aerial (treeborne) lucky dip. Also there will be wrapping paper, gift tags, calendars and “Phoenix” greetings cards, knitwear and jewellery. There will be a grand raffle and music by Bob Thompson. Your Community shop is there for you in sunshine and snow. Please support it. I understand that there are details in the Shop concerning a Christmas Eve Hamper draw. Also in the Shop is a reprint of Irma Dolphin’s delightful book “Our Village 1929-1999” at £5.00 per copy. This would make an ideal gift. Irma has kindly donated all proceeds to the Village Hall. There will be a special service of Holy Communion at St.Andrew’s Church this Sunday (2nd.Dec.) at 10.30 (please note the change of usual time ) to celebrate St.Andrew’s Day, which is actually 30th. November. There will be no service in Little Missenden at 10.30am. that morning as it is hoped that the parish will come to Hyde Heath. We welcome anyone who would like to join us. An added incentive will be Eve Brown’s famous shortcake. At 6.00 pm. in Lt Missenden there will be carols and lessons to mark the start of Advent. The service of carols and lessons in St.Andrew’s Church will be at 10.00 am. on Sunday, 23rd.December. Everyone is very welcome to come and start the Christmas season in a positive, traditional and enjoyable way. The Amersham Band enjoyed a rewarding awayday last Sunday, going north to the Open Contest promoted by the Leicestershire Brass Band Association and coming away with the prize of Best Band (of sixteen) on the day. Well done, boys and girls – another pot for the trophy cabinet. Their Christmas concert will be on Saturday, December 8th. at 7.30 pm. in Amersham Free Church, where they will be joined by the Training Band. Last weekend’s Old time Music Hall was generally agreed to have been the best yet, but then that compliment is paid every year, deservedly, in my opinion. It is always a full house, with alcoholic sustenance to hand, to lubricate the singing voices, you understand. Everybody leaves with a smile on their face. Chris.Herring tells me that there are still a few places available in the Minstrel Gallery at the Plough for hristmas Day lunch. I must say that the menu looks good. Why endure the agony of cooking and washing-up when you can relax and let others do it for you ? Secure your reservation now at £40 per head; £30 for under twelves) at 01494 783163. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Steve Epps. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Rain is streaming down the window, all looks miserable outside, but what can be expected for this time of year ?…better results from India would help… Tomorrow & Saturday evenings 23/24 Nov will be the Old Time Music Hall…doors open at 7.30 pm., curtain up at 8.00 pm. If history is a guide all tickets will have been sold long ago. In the unlikely event of any returns becoming available ring Barbara Cann on 783254. Somebody who works very hard in the Music Hall is that Queen of the Keyboard, musical director, Elaine Brown. Not for her a rest after two performances and countless rehearsals. On Sunday (25th.)at 7.00 pm. in the Broadway Baptist Church, Chesham she will be conducting her Chrysalis Community Choir as they present their “Countdown to Christmas” The handbill says that it is a great evening of music for everyone with songs from the shows, pop, gospel…and a taste of Christmas ! Tickets are £10 (concessions £8) from the box office at 01494 581115 or office@chrysalis.org.uk and the concert is in aid of the charity, Revelation Life (changing lives in Uganda). The Village Shop presently stocks advent calendars and own-brand Christmas puddings. Further seasonal goodies are expected in the next week or so. Ruth has asked me to remind you of the Christmas Fair which will be held 9.30 - 12.00 noon on Saturday, 1stDecember. Stalls will include plants, cards and wrapping paper. Others, with children in mind, will include face-painting, tattoos and an aerial (treeborne) lucky dip. Also raffle and refreshments & music by Bob Thompson. Also available in the Village Shop is a reprint of Irma Dolphin’s delightful book “Our Village 1929--1999” at £5.00 per copy, as before. This would make an ideal gift. Irma has kindly donated all proceeds to the Village Hall. There will be a special service of Holy Communion at St.Andrew’s Church on Sun., 2nd.Dec. at 10.30 (please note the change of usual time) to celebrate St.Andrew’s Day, which is actually 30th.November.There will be no service in Little Missenden at 10.30 am. that morning as it is hoped that the parish will come to Hyde Heath - all welcome - an added incentive will be Eve Brown’s famous shortcake. At 6.00 pm in Little Missenden there will be a service of carols and lessons to mark the start of Advent. The service of carols and lessons in St.Andrew’s Church will be at 10.00 am. on Sunday, 23rd.December- everyone welcome - start the Christmas season in a positive, traditional & enjoyable way. Chris.Herring tells me that there are still a few places available in the Minstrel Gallery at the Plough for Christmas Day lunch. I must say that the menu looks good. Why endure the agony of cooking and washing –up when you can relax and let others do it for you ? Secure your reservation now (at £40 per head ; £30 for under twelves) at 01494 783163. Holiday opening times: Christmas Eve noon-midnight. Christmas Day 11am-2pm 7pm-11pm. Boxing Day noon-midnight. New Year’s Eve noon-late. A final thought for today is the thorny subject of HS2……If this unpopular project goes ahead, as was originally planned, and tunnels, rather than cuttings, are used in the Chilterns, then access shafts will be necessary, and the one which presently concerns the population of Amersham is that proposed for the junction of Whielden Street and the southbound A404. This is in close proximity to the hospital, an area where parking is already a perennial problem. Current thinking is that the shaft head house will measure 25m.x 25m….that will mean a lot of traffic disruption during its construction and installation. Where will the next access shaft in the line be located ? The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham will be Ron Flint. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Well, Remembrance Sunday was bright and sunny, but its now back to dismal and damp. I have made a resolution, for the first time in my life, to keep a diary, in the fond hope that some routine events thus recorded may be of interest to you through the medium of this newsletter… The Village Shop presently stocks advent calendars and own brand Christmas puddings and further batches of seasonal goodies are expected to hit the shelves in within the next week or so. Ruth has asked me to remind you of the Christmas Fair which will be held on Saturday morning , 1st.December. 9.30 - 12.30. Various stalls will include plants, cards and wrapping paper. Others, with children in mind, will include face painting, tattoos and an aerial (treeborne) lucky dip. There will be a raffle and refreshments, to include hot mince pies, sausage rolls and cakes. Also available in the Village Shop is a reprint of Irma Dolphin’s delightful book “Our Village 1929-1999” at £5.00 per copy, as before. This would make an ideal gift. Irma has kindly donated all proceeds to the Village Hall. My calendar shows no activity this weekend, but next weekend (23rd. to 25th.) is action-packed. On Friday and Saturday evenings in the Village Hall (doors open 7.30 pm., curtain up at 8.00) will be this year’s production of the Old Time Music Hall. If history is a guide, then all tickets will have been sold long ago, but in the unlikely event of any returns becoming available ring Barbara Cann on 783254. Somebody who works very hard in the music hall is that empress of the ivories, musical director Elaine Brown. But not for her a rest after performance, because on Sunday evening (25th.) at 7.00pm. in the Broadway Baptist Church, Chesham she will be conducting her Chrysalis Community Choir as they present their “Countdown to Christmas” The handbill says that it is a great evening of music for everyone with songs from the shows, pop, gospel and…a taste of Christmas! Tickets are £10 (concessions £8) from the box office on 01494 581115 or office@chrysalis.org.uk The concert is in aid of the charity, Revelation Life (changing lives in Uganda) Another reminder that the Burns Night supper, planned for 25th.January (the true date) in the Village Hall has been cancelled due to the scheduled refurbishment in December and January of the kitchen there. Check with Tim Wye (01494 792387 or tim.wye@telmanage.com) Another victim of that refurbishment would appear to be the Rotary Club of Great Missenden whose annual old time music hall “do” has been postponed from 19th.January, 2013 to 19th.April, 2013 Advanced notice of two Christmas concerts…The Amersham Band will hold theirs on Saturday, December 8th. at 7.30 pm. in Amersham Free Church.Whereas the Great Missenden Choral Society will hold theirs on Saturday, December 15th. at 7.30 pm. in Great Missenden Parish Church. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham will Mary Collins Robin Richards
01494 774582
Well, that’s Hallowe’en, Bonfire Night and the American Presidential elections done and dusted…now all we have to concentrate on is the run-in to Christmas, with a brief break for Remembrance Sunday and the Old Time Music Hall. But first we have this evening (8th.) at 8.00pm. in the Village Hall the AGM. of the WI.. As an additional feature, very useful at this time of year, Di. Coombes will demonstrate the art of producing and presenting flower arrangements. This Sunday (11th.) is Remembrance Sunday. The Amersham Band will be on parade at 10.30 am. in the Memorial Gardens and then at the Remembrance Day Service at 11.00am.in the adjacent St.Mary’s Church. On Monday (12th.) the Hyde Heath Chapel Lunch Club meets at 12.00 for 12.30. The Village Shop wishes it to be known that its own brand of Christmas Puddings are currently on sale, together with a pleasing range of Advent calendars. The management would also like to remind you that the Shop will be holding its Christmas Fair on Saturday, 1st. December. Also available in the Village Shop is a reprint of Irma Dolphin’s wonderful book “Our Village 1929-1999” at £5.00 per copy, as before. This would make an ideal Christmas gift. Irma has kindly donated all proceeds to the Village Hall. This year’s performance by the Old Time Music Hall Company will be on Friday,23rd. and Saturday,24th.November in the Village Hall. Doors open at 7.30pm. Curtain up at 8.00pm. I have received a lengthy e-mail from Tim Wye to the effect that since the Village Hall kitchen is scheduled for refurbishment in December and January the Burns Night supper, planned for January 25th (the true date), is cancelled. An alternative event is being planned for spring, 2013. Advance notice of two Christmas concerts:- The Amersham Band will hold theirs at 7.30pm.in Amersham Free Church on Saturday, December 8th. The Great Missenden Choral Society will be at 7.30pm. in St.John’s on Saturday, December 15th. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham will be Derek Faversham. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Now that we have returned to Greenwich Mean Time how are you coping with the darker evenings ? May we start this new month with a reminder that Two Hundred Plus Club subscriptions expire at the end of it, and organisers are anticipating another good year - so let us not disappoint them. Renew now, and , if you can manage it, take out an extra share…it all goes to the necessary maintenance of our beloved Village Hall. Despite the acknowledged excellence of the HS2 Action Alliance, and its fellow complainants, one still gets the impression, especially from last week’s local television news, that this High Speed Train Set will go ahead, no matter what. Could it be that Britain does not want to be left behind in the international race for technical achievement ? If that is the case, why was Concorde scrapped ? I saw in last week’s Bucks Examiner a letter which appeared to me to be quite thought-provoking… ”It must be realised that HS2 is an EU project with the aim of ultimately linking Edinburgh with the far-flung corners of the EU empire. No-one in Westminster therefore has the will or power to stop it. The only party which will fight against it is UKIP, which is against all these draconian projects being imposed on this country by unelected foreign powers. It will have little benefit to the British people and there is no guarantee that it will be built with British labour, but almost certainly it will be funded with British money, since we are one of the major contributors to the EU.” It seems to me to be irresponsible to consider the HS2 project at a presently estimated cost of thirty-three billion pounds plus when our National Health Service appears to be in such a parlous state. Irma Dolphin’s wonderful book, “Our Village 1929-1999” has now been reprinted and is on sale again in the Village Shop at £5.00 a copy, as before. Irma has kindly donated all proceeds to the Village Hall. Next Thursday (8th.) at 8.00pm. in the Village Hall is the WI. AGM. As an additional feature, very useful at this time of year, Di.Coombes will be demonstrating the art of producing and presenting flower arrangements. This year’s performance by the Old Time Music Hall Company will be on Friday, 23rd. and Saturday, 24th.November in the Village Hall. Doors open at 19.30 hrs. Curtain up at 20.00 hrs. If Barbara has an unsold ticket I ought to go along and see how they are getting on without me…Probably very well… The Amersham Band’s Christmas Concert is on Saturday, 8th. December at 7.30pm. in Amersham Free Church Great Missenden Choral Society will be performing Christmas Oratorio by Saint-Saens, Pergolesi’s Magnificat and Ave Maris Stella by the living composer, Cecilia McDowell, who hopes to be present at the concert, as well as Christmas Music from Handel’s Messiah (part 1), which will be the highlight for many. Soloists will be: Jennifer France (soprano), Anna Harvey (mezzo- soprano), Ian Milne (tenor) and Bradley Travis (bass-baritone). Musical director will be John Cotterill with the St.John’s Chamber Orchestra. Date: Saturday, 15th.December at 7.30pm. Tickets (£12.50; £6.00 students and children) from Wynyard- Wright and Ellis, 368, High Street, Great Missenden (01494 864225). The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham will be Steve Epps. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Two months to Christmas…where does the time go? I suppose that I had better get the greetings cards sorted… Thanks from the Village Hall Committee to all those who turned up last Saturday evening for the Grand Village Hall Quiz Night…it was a sell-out and it seems that everybody who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and had good things to say about the evening, especially the top-notch supper. A well-deserved round of applause should go to Ruth and David. Have you noticed that the hanging basket at the Village Shop still looks as vibrant and colourful as it did in midsummer ? This is due to the expert attention it receives from Felicity Beynon. Thank you, Felicity, for bringing some brightness into some otherwise dull days. This Saturday evening (27th) Little Missenden Evening W.I invites you to an evening with Rosemary Hawthorne , “The Knicker Lady” at 8pm in L.M Village Hall . I am told that this is not a knicker sale but a very funny show . Tickets £12 from Mrs Stephanie Whitehead , Ridgewell House, Lt. Missenden, HP7 0QX. 01494 – 862631. Or e-mail:- sfjwhitehead@gmail.com. There is still a vacancy for a Crossing Patroller at the school . Contact Georgina Longley on 01494-586639 or 07734 481586 or e-mail: glongley@buckscc.gov.uk Mark Walker is still offering guitar in Hyde Heath … all styles from rock to classical , either for fun or with a view to taking exams in the future. Contact:- 01494-782283 e.mail: mark@snazzystuff.co.uk. I, and other local newsletter compilers, have been asked by Vicki Parker, Mobile Outreach Coordinator and Community Impact Bucks, Administrator – there’ a job title for you – to announce the following:- “Aylesbury Festival Choir” are giving a concert of English Music on Saturday 24th November at 7.30pm at Aylesbury Methodist Church, to include works by Handel, Parry, Walton Finzi and their founder, David Aylett. Tickets and further information are available from the choir website www.aylesburyfestivalchoir.net or at the door on the evening of the performance. Tickets £12 (£10 concession) contact Barbara Venables on 01296-489988. The Hyde Heath Old Time Music Hall this year will be performed on Friday and Saturday 23rd and 24th November in The Village Hall . Doors open at 7.30pm . Curtain up 8pm . Tickets £14 to include supper available from Barbara Cann on 01494-783254. The driver of this week’s shopping bus to Chesham is Ron Flint.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Well, last Saturday was a busy day…the Village Shop’s
Celebrity Coffee Morning was a great success, with Mary
Later on Saturday Amersham Band Director of Music, Paul Fisher, was unable to appear, but the Band was fortunate to obtain at the last minute the excellent services of James Dickinson. Over two hundred and twenty tickets were sold, and the Band, Jubilate Ladies Choir, & Keep Clear Jazz Band plus trombone soloist, Gordon Campbell, were all applauded at great length. As last year, a great success…shall we do it again in 2013 ? I mentioned this next item before but for the safety of our children I repeat the vacancy for a School Crossing Patroller. If you are interested please contact Georgina Longley on 01494 586639 or 07734 481586 or e-mail glongley@buckscc.gov.uk This Saturday (20th.) at 7.30pm is the ever-popular Village Hall Quiz Night - a light-hearted affair with all questions answered as a team (tables of up to eight persons). If you cannot make up a tablesworth the organisers can arrange singles, couples etc. into groups of eight. This is a great opportunity to meet other villagers and make new friends. The two-course buffet supper alone is well worth coming for. There is a licensed bar. Tickets @£10 from Ruth or David on 01494 775967 or e-mail davidcoulton@yahoo.co.uk Mark Walker is offering guitar lessons in Hyde Heath…all styles from rock to classical, either for fun or with a view to taking exams. in the future. Contact him on 01494 782283 or e-mail mark@snazzystuff.co.uk On Saturday week (27th.) Little Missenden Evening WI. invites you to an evening with Rosemary Hawthorne, “The Knicker Lady” at 8.00pm.in LM. Village Hall - not a knicker sale-it but a very funny show Tickets are £12 from Mrs.Stephanie Whitehead 01494 862631 or e-mail sfjwhitehead@gmail.com or at the door. Ticket price is £12 (£10 concessions) Please contact Barbara Venables on 01296 489988 for further information. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Mary Collins. Robin Richards
01494 774582
This evening sees the monthly meeting of the WI., in the Village Hall at 8.00 pm. The guest speaker will be Sally Botwright and her subject will be “City of London Gardens” Then, on Saturday, 27th.October, Little Missenden Evening WI. invites you to an evening with Rosemary Hawthorne, “The Knicker Lady” at 8.00 pm. in LM. Village Hall. I have a handbill with a hand-written note at the foot, saying “This is not a knicker sale – it is a very funny show” Tickets are £12 from Mrs. Stephanie Whitehead, Ridgewell House, Little Missenden, HP7 0QX ( 01494 862631) or sfjwhitehead@gmail.com Tomorrow evening Fri 12th Oct sees the Mark Armstrong Big Band, 7.30pm.at the Watersmeet Theatre, Rickmansworth. Beneficiaries are Amersham Rotary Club and the Pepper children’s charity which we support through its trustee, Val Bevan. It is an amazing 16-piece Big Band, with guest soloists Atila Huseyin and Sarah Ellen Hughes. Tickets are £25 and £20 from the box office 01923 711063 www.watersmeet.co.uk The next day Sat 13th sees the Village Shop’s “Mary Berry Celebrity Coffee Morning” from 10.00am. to 12 noon featuring an “Impress Mary Berry” junior bake-off for school-age children for which entries are now closed. Mary will bring and sign some of her recent books…for those early Christmas presents. Admission will be £3.00 per adult at the door and will include tea / coffee and a piece of cake. Children will be admitted free with a drink and bsicuit .The event includes the unveiling by Ray Challinor of the new Village shop sign at approx 12.00noon On that evening at 7.30pm. at the Elgiva, Chesham will be the Community Music Fest with the Amersham Band, their guest soloist, Gordon Campbell (lead trombonist with the BBC.Big Band), Jubilate Ladies’Choir and Keep Clear Jazz Band. All tickets £12.50 from the box office 01494 582900 www.elgiva.com This Music Fest is a follow-up to the splendid success of that held last year, so naturally Rod Stevens and the boys and girls of the Amersham Band are looking forward to similar great things this time. Sunday, 14th.October will be an open day at Priestfield Arboretum, Stony Lane, Little Kingshill, starting at 10.30 am. and closing at 4.00pm.This is a private arboretum, managed by volunteers. It boasts a fine collection of rare and specimen trees in a delightful woodland setting. Admission £1.00. Free guided tours throughout the day. Guidebook available. Regret uneven terrain is not suitable for disabled persons. Contact Barbara Rippington on 01494 564019 or e-mail rippbrip@gmail.com Another reminder that Mark Walker is offering guitar lessons in Hyde Heath…all styles from rock to classical, either for fun, or with a view to taking exams.in the future. Contact him on 01494 782283 or mark@snazzystuff.co.uk On Saturday week (20th.) at 7.30 pm. will be the ever-popular Village Hall Quiz Night. This is a light-hearted affair with all questions answered as a team (tables of up to 8). If you cannot make up a table, singles, couples etc. are most welcome, as they can help the organisers to make up the. tables of eight. This provides a great opportunity to meet other villagers and make new friends. The two-course buffet supper is a great attraction and well worth coming for. There will be a licensed bar. Book your tickets @£10 per person from David or Ruth on 01494 775967 or e-mail davidcoulton@yahoo.co.uk The driver of this Friday’s
shopping bus to Chesham is Derek Faversham
Another month…loads of activity on the horizon, starting with the Drama Group’s autumn production, “The Thirty-Nine Steps”, which has its Hyde Heath world premiere this evening at 7.45 pm. in the Village Hall then 7.45 pm.Fri & 2.00pm. and 7.45 pm Sat. Tickets are £10 each (£9 concessions),are available from the Village Shop and the box office (773511 or 786939) and include refreshments. Drama Group’s AGM.is on Mon 8th.Oct 7.30pm Village Hall followed by auditions for "Tom’s Midnight Garden” (to be staged on Jan.31st., Feb.1st. and 2nd., 2013) Erica says that the Drama Group wants to encourage any young men from eleven years upward to join this friendly company and pursue a theatrical interest. The Chapel lunch club meets on Monday, 8th. October at 12 o’clock for 12.30pm. I thought that you would like to know that your newsletter, via the website, has a wide circulation…not only is it read in Christchurch, New Zealand, but I now find that we have a readership in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada, who conversed at length about the Henley Iron Man on which I wrote last week. On Thurs 11th Oct 8.00pm the WI speaker is Sally Botwright on “City of London Gardens”. Then on Sat 27th Oct Lt Missenden Evening WI invites you to an evening with Rosemary Hawthorne “The Knicker Lady” at 8.00pm. in LM Village Hall. This is not a knicker sale – it is a very funny show ! Tickets are £12 from Mrs Stephanie Whitehead, Ridgewell House, Little Missenden, HP7 0QX (862631) or sfjwhitehead@gmail.com Friday, 12th.October at 7.30pm sees the Mark Armstrong Big Band concert at the Watersmeet Theatre, Rickmansworth in aid of the Rotary Club of Amersham and Pepper, a children’s charity which we support through its trustee, Val Bevan. It is an amazing 16-piece Big Band, with guest soloists Atila Huseyin and Sarah Ellen Hughes. Tickets are £25 and £20 from the box office 01923 711063 www.watersmeet.co.uk The Village Shop thanks all who have taken entry forms & recipe for their “Impress Mary Berry” junior bake-off for school-age children - please could you return completed forms to the shop asap - closing date for entries is 5.30 pm on Wed Oct 10th latest - due to demand late entries may not be accepted. As stated in the rules, all entries should be the work of the children themselves and be brought to the hall between 9.00 & 10.00 on Sat Oct 13th for Mary to see. She will also be signing some of her books – ideal Christmas presents. Admission £3.00 per adult on the door and will include tea / coffee and a piece of cake. Children are free. All villagers invited - not just parents of Junior Bakers. Also unveiling of the new Village Shop sign at 12.00 noon. On that evening Oct 13th 7.30 pm at the Elgiva, Chesham will be the Community Music Fest with the Amersham Band & soloists BBC Big ban trombonist Gordon Campbell, Jubilate Ladies’Choir and Keep Clear Jazz Band. All tickets £12.50 from the box office 01494 582900. www.elgiva.com On Sunday, 14th.Oct 10.30 am is the annual open day at Priestfield Arboretum, Stony Lane, Little Kingshill. Admission £1 Free guided tours. Regret that the uneven terrain is not suitable for disabled persons. Contact Barbara Rippington on 01494 564019 or e-mail rippbrip@gmail.com Saturday 20th .Oct is the Village Hall Quiz Night, competed for in teams by table – don’t worry if you have not got a tablesworth - organisers will do it for you. Tkts £10 ea inc supper - ring Ruth or David on 01494 775967
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Steve Epps.
Autumn appears to have arrived…back to the wet and windy weather…with the distinct possibility of flooding in places…there’s a lot to be said for living in a village which is almost six hundred feet above sea level… Last Saturday, as I advised you, the Amersham Band was taking part in the National Brass Band Championship Finals at Cheltenham. There were twenty-three bands competing in their section (fourth), and they were drawn to play twentieth, which meant that they didn’t get home until the early hours of Sunday morning…As you can imagine, there is a lot of waiting around on these occasions, and in this instance not much else to see, as they were located in the middle of the racecourse. Anyway, our brave lads and lasses came thirteenth (out of the twenty-three), which wasn’t too bad a result… I went to the Village Hall AGM. last Thursday evening and was delighted to note the healthy appearance of the accounts where the highlight contributor was the Village Fete. The chairman, Derek Faversham, spoke at length about the ongoing improvements to the Village Hall, and from that it is clear that there is much dedicated work taking place behind the scenes to keep our hall in the best possible condition. The management committee is due a well-deserved vote of thanks. Incidentally, Ralph Bartlett assumes the mantle of chairman in early 2013. Did you see the Village Hall featured in this week’s episode of “Midsomer Murders”? There were two long sequences of a yoga class, and the WI. banner and embroidery looked really good. The Drama Group’s current production, “The Thirty-Nine Steps” will be shown in the Village Hall on Thursday and Friday, October 4th.and 5th.. at 7.45 pm. and on Saturday, October 6th. at 2.00pm.and 7.45pm. Tickets (available from the box office-773511 or 786939- and also the Village Shop) are £10 (£9 concessions) to include refreshments. And now for something completely exhausting…it’s called the “Henley Iron Man”…a triathlon of a 2.4 mile open-water swim along the Thames followed by a bicycle section of 113 miles in four laps up to Christmas Common and finally a marathon of 26.25 miles in four laps along the Thames tow-path. This was on September 16th. and local personnel involved were Tamsin Neale and Beky Cann. Tamsin was fifth lady home in 11hrs.04.55, won her age group category and picked up three trophies. Beky was tenth lady home in 12hrs.08.28, was third in her age group and picked up two trophies. Tamsin achieved the fastest non-professional swim and ran the marathon in only 5.29 minutes more than her time for the London Marathon alone this year. Well done, ladies…I’m worn out with just writing about it all…are you sure the whole contest isn’t called the “Henley Iron Maiden”? Things to come…on Friday, 12th.October the Mark Armstrong Big Band will be in concert at the Watersmeet Theatre, Rickmansworth at 7.30pm. The beneficiaries are the Rotary Club of Amersham and Pepper, a children’s charity which we support through its trustee, Val Bevan. The handbill tells me that it is an amazing 16-piece Big Band, with guest soloists Atila Huseyin and Sarah Ellen Hughes. Tickets are £25 and £20 from the box office 01923 711063 www.watersmeet.co.uk The Village Shop’s Mary Berry Celebrity Coffee Morning is on Saturday, 13th.October 10.00 am.-12noon and will feature an “Impress Mary Berry” junior bake-off for school age children (details, recipe and entry forms are in the Village Shop now). Mary will also bring and sign some of her recent books – for those early Christmas presents. Admission will be £3.00 per adult on the door and will include tea / coffee and a piece of cake. Children 12 & under free. All villagers invited - not just parents of Junior Bakers. The event will also include the unveiling of the new Village Shop sign at 12.00 noon. On that evening (13th.) 7.30pm. at the Elgiva, Chesham will be the Community Music Fest with the Amersham Band, their guest soloist, Gordon Campbell (lead trombonist with the BBC. Big Band), Jubilate Ladies’ Choir and Keep Clear Jazz Band. All tickets £12.50 from the box office 01494 582900 www.elgiva.com Village Hall Quiz Night is on Saturday, 20th. October…5* supper…tickets £10… Ruth or David on 775967. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham
is Ron Flint
Ask not what your village hall can do for you, but what you can do for your village hall…this evening sees the AGM. of our Village Hall Management Committee, a section of which will be concerned with the election of officers for the coming year. One very important vacancy to be filled is that of Bookings Secretary. If you believe that you have the necessary vim and vigour to carry out this vital function, then make yourself known and get yourself nominated at the meeting which will be at 8.30pm.at – where else – the Village Hall. This Saturday (22nd.) the Amersham Band takes part in the finals of the British Brass Band championships. The event is at The Centaur, Cheltenham, and if you would like to go along to support your talented local outfit then contact Rod Stevens on 775344 for times, directions etc. Good luck to you all… The cricket season ended miserably last Sunday with an 83-run defeat by Ivinghoe and Pitstone…I think that it is the first time they have ever won on our ground; they were certainly deserving of it being better than us in all departments, except that of off-breaks, where Richard Austin recorded the splendid haul of seven wickets for 44 runs. So, the visitors scored 188 and we replied with 105 in a match which we at no stage ever looked like winning…a drab end to a generally drab season. The fantasy league, run by Richard Austin, looks as if it has been won by Caroline Capper…I personally don’t take part in this event, finding it difficult to keep up with real life, let alone a fantasy one. I have been asked by Mark Walker to publicise the fact that he is offering guitar lessons in the Village for anyone interested – all styles, from rock to classical, either just for fun or with a view to taking exams. in the future. Ring him on 782283 or e-mail mark@snazzystuff.co.uk Now, a couple of advance notices… On Saturday, 13th. October there will be a coffee and cake morning at the Village Shop from 10.00am. until midday. The special guest will be Mary Berry who will judge a competition of cakes baked by schoolchildren, sign some books and generally be the personality that she is. Tickets are available at the door and children under the age of 12years will be admitted free of charge. I shall publish further details in the coming weeks. Then, on the following Saturday, (20th.October) is the ever-popular Village Hall Quiz Night, which is competed for in teams by table – don’t worry if you haven’t got enough bodies at your disposal to make up a tablesworth, because the organisers will be able to do it for you. Tickets are £10 each, to include a 2-course supper (the best bit, in my opinion) and are available from Ruth or David on 01494 775967 or e-mail davidcoulton@yahoo.co.uk But, before that, on Sunday, 14th. October will be an open day, starting at 10.30am. at Priestfield Arboretum, Stony Lane, Little Kingshill. Admission £1.00, free guided tours; regret that uneven terrain is not suitable for disabled people. Contact Barbara Rippington on 01494 564019 or e-mail rippbrip@gmail.com Age Concern for Amersham & District has sent me a blurb on their local Good Neighbour scheme which I will tell you all about in the next few weeks. Once again, that vacancy for a School Crossing Patroller at Hyde Heath…contact Georgina Longley at 01494 586639 or 07734 481586 or e-mail glongley@buckscc.gov.uk The Drama Group’s current production is “The Thirty-Nine Steps”, to be shown on October 4th.,5th. and 6th. Tickets are £10 (£9 concessions) available from the box office (01494 773511) Then there’s the Mark Armstrong Big Band in concert on Friday, 12th.October. Full details again next week. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham
is Mary Collins
This evening sees the September meeting of the WI., when the speaker will be Jane Dunsterville and her topic – “Not in Front of the Servants” 8.00pm. in the Village Hall. I have been asked by Erica Elson to inform all interested parties that the auditions for the next production by the Drama Group, together with the AGM., set for tomorrow evening (Friday, 14th.), have been postponed until Monday, 8th.October at 7.30pm.in the Village Hall. I would remind you that the Drama Group’s current production is “The Thirty-Nine Steps”, to be shown on October 4th., 5th. and 6th. Tickets are £10 (£9 concessions ) available from the box office (773511 or 786939) I have advance notice of a concert to be given by the Mark Armstrong Big Band on Friday, October 12th. at the Watersmeet Theatre, Rickmansworth. One of the beneficiaries is Pepper, a charity which we support through its trustee, Val Bevan. The handbill tells me that it is an amazing 16-piece Big Band with guest soloists Atila Huseyin and Sarah Ellen Hughes. It starts at 7.30pm. and tickets are £25 and £20 from the box office 01923 711063 www.watersmeet.co.uk Here’s a situation…you are driving to the Village Hall with a disabled wheelchair passenger…you need to park close by, but there is no room in the roadway You see a large space nearby beyond an open gate. DO NOT GO IN…unless you want to be faced with an uncompromising and unchristian attitude, together with an avalanche of “tutting”. Why is the gate always open ? Presumably because sloth slips in and the members only cannot be bothered to alight from their vehicles to close it. I have been asked by the Sustainability Services Officer/SCP Supervisor of Buckinghamshire County Council, Georgina Longley, to advertise the vacancy at Hyde Heath for a School Crossing Patroller. If you are interested in filling this position contact her on 01494 586639 or 07734 481586 or e-mail glongley@buckscc.gov.uk The cricket match last Sunday was at Abbots Langley, where the home side batted first and after a slow-ish start reached 279 for 3 wickets. One opening batsman made a century and their Australian professional, batting at number 4, made another. In reply Hyde Heath were 90 for three after ten overs, and although Luke Brennan and Spencer North each made 48, and Richard Austin weighed in with a 60-odd, they could not maintain this level of pressure, and were eventually all out for 219, a defeat by 60 runs. Still, 498 runs in a day is not to be sniffed at ! This Sunday’s fixture is the last of the season, at home to Ivinghoe & Pitstone starting at 1.00pm. On Saturday week (22nd.) the Amersham Band will be playing at the Centaur, Cheltenham in the National Brass Band finals. If you have the time, and can afford the road fuel, why not go along to support them ? Have you ever noticed that even if you don’t have a quadruped for a pet the local cats and dogs will try to compensate you for this oversight by using your front garden as a latrine ? We and three of our neighbours are currently suffering from a surfeit of cat foulings. What’s the cure ? chemicals (at what cost ?)…I personally prefer a jet of cold water. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham
is Derek Faversham.
Are we about to enjoy an Indian Summer ? That’ll be good, because we didn’t have much of an English one…
Tomorrow evening (Friday) sees the celebration of his 75th.birthday by our pub.landlord, Chris.Herring, and you are all invited…There will be an outdoor bar (as well as the regular indoor one), a steel band and a swing band (from Bisham). Should be a great evening…Happy Birthday, Chris. Then, on Saturday (8th.), I shall be occupied with my own celebrations; the ever-lovely Pauline and I will be marking the golden anniversary of our wedding day…where have fifty years flown to ? Sunday (9th.) is Heritage Day and the Amersham Band will be playing in the Memorial Gardens from 2.30 to 4.30 pm. The weather is set fair, so take a stroll and listen to your local award-winning brass band. Monday (10th.) is the next meeting of the Hyde Heath Chapel Lunch Club at 12.00 for 12.30 pm. I have been asked by the Sustainability Services Officer/SCP Supervisor of Buckinghamshire County Council, Georgina Longley, to advertise the vacancy at Hyde Heath for a School Crossing Patroller. If you are interested in filling this position contact her on 01494 586639 or 07734 481586 or e-mail glongley@buckscc.gov.uk Last Sunday’s cricket match was not against Old Salopians; for the second successive year they were, apparently, unable to raise a side to play us…so, that scrubs them from our Christmas card list. We were able to get a substitute fixture from the Conference, against Roxbourne (from the Harrow area). Hyde Heath made the impressive total of 211 for 4 wickets declared, of which Henry Capper made a splendid 121 not out, but then found it difficult to winkle out the visitors who finished on 130 for 8 to obtain a draw. The light had been indifferent and there was a continuous drizzle to dampen the spirit. Next Sunday’s match is at Abbots Langley with a 1.00 start. Next Thursday (13th.) is the September meeting of the WI. when the speaker will be Jane Dunsterville and her topic is “Not in Front of the Servants”…I’ll be interested to know the content of her talk, as a matter of social history, you understand. The box office is open (01494 773511 or 01494 786939) for the Drama Group’s next production, which will be “The Thirty-Nine Steps” by John Buchan. I don’t know how the production team is planning to get all these big items, such as the Flying Scotsman, the Forth Bridge and a biplane into the Village Hall, but I’m looking forward to see them try. Tickets are £10 (£9.00 concessions), to include refreshments, for Thursday 4th. and Friday 5th.October at 7.45 pm. and Saturday, 6th.October at 2.00 pm. and 7.45 pm. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham
is Steve Epps.
Back from my break…have the Olympics finished ? Didn’t Team GB.do well ! My abiding memory, apart from the great feats of human endeavour, I was most impressed by the dressage horses, changing step as the music varied. The WI.’s next meeting is Thursday, 13th.September, but exactly one week prior to that (6th.) is their ramble and supper. Walkers will depart the Village Hall at 6.30 pm. sharp for a walk which is approximately three miles long, with two stiles. It is a little muddy in places and there are rather tall stinging nettles on part of the route, so please wear stout sleeves and footwear. Supper will be between 7.45 and 8.00 pm., cost £7.50 per head and non-walkers are cordially invited. All proceeds are to go to the South Bucks Hospice and Lymphoedema Clinic. The weather has relented enough recently for some cricket to take place. Last Sunday at the Common the Bank of England Touring XI. were invited to bat first and they did tolerably well on a pitch, made interesting by the previous evening’s thunderstorms, with 192 all out by tea. Alistair Richards took four wickets (for 17 runs) and Richard Austin three (for 55). Some of the regular batsmen were absent, but James Shrimpton (89) and Simon Chase (60) stayed at the crease for long enough to add 144 for the second wicket. James had an early let-off when he was caught at mid-on, but the umpire had called “no-ball”. This partnership was vital in the run chase, and Hyde Heath reached the target comfortably for the loss of just three wickets and with 7.2 overs to spare. While I was away the Club played three matches and recorded a draw with Bourne End, a 99-run win over Longwick and a seven wicket win against Gamecocks. This latter match included the unedifying sideshow of a stand-up fight between two women, neither being cricket visitors. (See the match report on the website). Next Friday (7th.Sept.) Chris. Herring is planning to celebrate his 75th. birthday , and you are all invited…there will be a jazz band and all sorts of entertainment at and around the Plough. More details next week…. Next Sunday (9th.September) is Heritage Day and the Amersham Band will be playing in the Memorial Gardens from 2.30 to 4.30 pm. Go and listen to an award-winning brass band, especially if the weather is clement. A little advance warning that on Saturday, 13th.October famous TV. cook, Mary Berry, will make a personal appearance at the Village Shop. Another advance notice concerns the open day on Sunday, 14th.October at Priestfield Arboretum, Stony Lane, Little Kingshill. Admission £1.00 New Guide Book available. (Barbara Rippington on 564019) I have been asked to include the following in the newsletter:- “Hyde Heath Drama Group presents one of the most spell-binding thrillers of the twentieth century. Patrick Barlow’s award-winning and hilarious adaptation of The 39 Steps. Based on Alfred Hitchcock’s legendary 1935 movie version of John Buchan’s gripping tale , this outstanding whodunit is an astonishing theatrical tour-de-force with just seven actors playing all 140 parts! This spectacular classic thriller remains faithful to the original movie in every detail and will have audiences on the very edge of their seats with a heart-stopping chase on the Flying Scotsman, the death-defying escape on the Forth Bridge, the pursuit across the desolate Scottish Highlands, and the very first theatrical bi-plane crash ever staged at Hyde Heath. All leading to a dramatic climax on the stage at the London Palladium. This is a theatrical extravaganza not to be missed.” Venue: Hyde Heath Village Hall Thursday 4th. and Friday 5th. October at 7.45 pm. Saturday, 6th. at 2.00 pm. and 7.45 pm. Tickets : £10 (£9 concessions) includes refreshments. Box Office: 773511 or 786939 These are not my words but those of Erica Elson. I suppose that the Alfred Hitchcock film starred Robert Donat and Madeleine Carroll, not to be confused with the later version with Kenneth More and Taina Elg (…who ?) The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Ron Flint.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
My, how the months do fly…August already and the Olympic Games are upon us…is it still raining ? I mentioned a while back that Bridget Harrison had
been selected to be one of the drummers at the opening ceremony…Did you
see her on the televised section ? … No, neither did I…not surprising,
really as she was one among some nine hundred and eighty-odd drumming
persons…anyway, well done Bridget. I have been watching the equestrian events in the forlorn hope that I might get a glimpse of Tim or Nell Neale, who were volunteer marshals, but they remained well disguised in their red and purple uniforms. Well done to them, too. Last Sunday at 2.00pm. a large very black cloud arrived over the Common and emptied its contents shortly after. So, the Cricket Club’s match at home to Cublington had a delayed start with the format changed to a 35 overs-a-side affair, with no player to bowl more than seven overs. Cublington made 172 for 8 wickets in their 35 overs, with young Charlie Foster taking four wickets. The Hyde Heath reply contained good knocks from Tom Jeffrey (37) and Luke Brennan (41 not out), which enabled the total to reach 173 for 7 wickets with an over or so to spare, thus giving us a three-wicket victory. This Sunday’s match is at home to Bourne End (the Hertfordshire one) with a 2.00pm. start. This Saturday (4th.) the Amersham Band will be playing at the Monks Risborough fete from 13.30pm.On the following Sunday they will be at King George V playing field, Amersham for an Olympic Big Screen Event. Further details from Rod Stevens (775344).
On 16th.July, 2012 the government made an announcement of a £10 billion investment for 2014-2019 in the country’s existing railway network. This has generally been met with approval and must further undermine the business case for HS2. Watch this space… Due to holidays the next newsletter will not be before 23rd.August. I’ve got my bucket and spade packed… The driver of this Friday ‘s shopping bus to Chesham is Ron Flint. Robin Richards
01494 774582
At last we have some weather worthy of being called summer…is it because the wretched jetstream has moved further north, or yet another celebration of the imminent Olympics ? I can remember the last lot in 1948 when almost everything was rationed and everybody looked far leaner after the war. There was not a great deal of pomp, but I believe that those Games were considered to be a success, with an unlikely star, the Dutch housewife, Fanny Blankers-Koen.
Next Sunday (29th.) the match will be at home to Cublington with a two o’clock start Also on that day from 2.30pm.to 4.30pm. the Amersham Band will be playing in the Amersham Memorial Gardens. Go and hear them and understand why your local brass band is considered good enough to appear in the national finals in September at Cheltenham. The Pepper Show had some good enthusiastic audiences at the end of last week. Thank you all for supporting this excellent cause. Last Saturday’s trip by the WI. to the bunker and
museum at RAF.,
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Mary Collins. Robin Richards
01494 774582
I would like to remind you that St.John’s Church in Little Missenden
serves cream teas every Sunday afternoon during the
And the weather wasn’t too bad last Sunday afternoon (cool to start but warmer later) when the Cricket Club paid its annual visit to Ivinghoe and Pitstone C.C. Having been put in the home opening batsmen scored fairly rapidly, reaching 77 for no wicket in the twelfth over, but then the visitors applied the brakes, and a further 23 overs saw the score advance to 140 all out. Alistair Richards, Jeremy Stevens and Tom Jeffreys took two wickets each, but the best haul fell to Spencer North with three wickets for 27 runs. The fielding had been of high quality, especially Jeremy’s bullet-like throw to run out their opener, Paul Culley. After tea all appeared to be going well until a moment of madness saw Henry Capper surrender his wicket run out for 38. The other party to this incident, James Shrimpton, then saw us to the target, through a nicely compiled 60 not out, with 8 wickets and 11 overs to spare. This weekend we have two matches, the first on Friday (20th.) against Petts Wood where we used to conclude our tour of Kent and the second on Sunday (22nd.) against the Full Tossers. Both games are at home and start at 2.00pm. Sue Flint tells me that a lady who used to live at “Woodside” in Chalk Lane and then went to her daughter’s in Spain, Jess Soper, has passed away. She would have been 87 in September, and I’m sure that many Hyde Heath villagers will remember her.
The Village Shop now stocks Chiltern Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oils and Dressings in several versions, including the pure oil, a chilli infusion, stir fry, balsamic vinegar and honey & mustard. These oils, produced in nearby Marsworth are proving very popular. The fresh fruit and vegetable displays in front of the Shop look very attractive, testament to Peterley Farm quality and Wendy’s arrangement skills. As ever we appreciate those kind souls who donate to the Shop from their own garden produce-thank you all. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Derek Faversham. Robin Richards
01494 774582
No Hyde Heath cricket meant that I could watch TV.and support Andy Murray, making his bid for the men’s singles title at Wimbledon…this reminded me when I met Fred Perry. His father was an MP who had moved to the Ealing area (presumably to be nearer to the House of Commons). Fred was paying his old school a visit with talks to the boys. I was about twelve years old at the time and my sporting interests were confined to soccer and cricket where Denis Compton excelled at both games, and I had no idea who this gent with a nut-brown complexion was, and what he had achieved. Ah, the folly of youth ! This evening sees the month’s meeting of the WI., where the guest speaker will be Mr. Oakes and his subject will be “London in the fifties and sixties – never so good” 8.00pm. in the Village Hall. I understand that there are still a few places available on the trip to the RAF. Uxbridge bunker / museum on Sat.21st. – check with Barbara Aris on 01296 682661 and have your stair-climbing boots and stamina with you. Meet outside the Village Shop at 9.30 am. sharp for the tour starting at 10.30am. I am obliged to Roy North for bringing back from his holidays a copy of “Coffee News”, a free weekly from Williamsburg, Virginia. It contains snippets of local news, horoscopes, a small quiz, sudoku and loads of advertising, which clearly pays for its printing and professional appearance. I shall have to see if some of its features could be adapted for our own newsletter. The Village Shop now stocks Chiltern Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oils and Dressings in a number of versions, inc pure oil, a chilli infusion, stir fry, balsamic vinegar and honey & mustard. These are produced in nearby Marsworth and are proving very popular. The fresh fruit and vegetable displays in front of the Village Shop look very attractive, testament to Peterley Farm quality and Wendy’s arrangement skills. As ever thanks to those kind souls who donate to the Shop from their own garden produce.
People campaigning against HS2 have been shocked to learn that the Major Projects Authority in a report awards the project the second worst possible rating, just one above saying that the project is unachievable. I understand that there are still a number of limited edition bone china Diamond Jubilee mugs for sale. St.John’s Church is featured on them, and enquiries about them may be made at the Parish office (862008) The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Steve Epps. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Di. Coombes ran a successful coffee morning last Friday, attracting very reasonable crowds and raising some £130 for the charity, South Bucks Hospice and Lymphoedema Clinic, as chosen by the late Margaret Sargeant. A weakened (at the eleventh hour Charlie had to persuade David Brennan to exchange his lawn-mowing duties for wearing his whites duties) Hyde Heath C.C. lost their match to Southwell Ramblers by some sixty-odd runs on Sunday. The visitors batted first and amassed a total of 192 for 9, with the bowlers sharing the spoils. Hyde Heath replied with a very much below par 126 all out. Next Sunday’s match is at Ballinger Waggoners (2.00pm. start). Here’s something a little different…last Sunday Eleanor Hutchings, aged 7, who attends Hyde Heath School, won the Jean Archer Award and attended a prizegiving at the Amersham Museum. She was one of fourteen winners out of the three hundred children who entered, and the first ever winner from Hyde Heath School. She did a piece in writing, with a picture, about her grandad’s old toy tortoise, and received a book token and a puzzle. All winners were photographed in a group, and hopefully the picture will appear in the local press. Don’t forget the new date for the WI. outing to the bunker / museum at RAF., Uxbridge. It is Saturday, 21st.July. Meet outside the Village Shop at 9.30am.for a tour start at Uxbridge at 10.30am. Be at optimum fitness as there are quite a lot of steps to descend, and then climb again. No doubt a further briefing will be available at the WI. monthly meeting on Thursday week (12th.), when the guest speaker will be Mr. Oakes and his subject will be “London in the fifties and sixties - never so good” Incidentally, I now understand that there are still a few places available on the Uxbridge outing…check with Barbara Aris (01296 682661). Now some information from Zoe Allsop of Harvest Bank…www.streetlife.com is a local online “social network.” It provides an easy way for locals to share practical information, advice, opinions, skills and resources. People sign up, using their postcode, and can start and join conversations with neighbours. You can place items “for sale” and advertise local events (am I making myself redundant here ?) Users can customise their settings so that they control how much information they receive, the areas they are interested in and what they share about themselves. You can specify to receive news from Hyde Heath only. The more people join the more useful the site will become. Zoe (01494 810170). At the end of the month, on Sunday, 29th. July at 2.30pm. the Amersham Band will be playing in the Amersham Memorial Gardens – getting in some worthwhile practice for the National Finals at Cheltenham later on in September. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Ron Flint. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Earlier that day the President’s XI played their match with the Cricket Club, and, much to the old man’s great disappointment, were bowled out for a measly 52. (We shall need to stop the practice of giving these visiting teams such a good lunch!). Destroyer-in-chief was Jeremy Stevens with five wickets for 14 runs. Needless to say, the Club lost just one wicket in reaching the required target. Agreed, the wet weather had made the pitch difficult, but we lost too many wickets with injudicious shots. I would thank all those who attended the President’s Day festivities, and promise them that we will do better next year. I would also like to thank the ladies who prepared the splendid lunches and teas. Next Sunday’s match (1st.July) is at home to Southwell Ramblers (2.00pm.start). The Beer Festival on the previous evening was reportedly the best yet with some 200 people in attendance (approx. the same as last year) and all the beer went…there certainly wasn’t much left for the president’s people at lunchtime on Saturday ! The evening finished on a surprisingly unsharp note when, after the Band and Disco had packed up and gone home, an impromptu game of musical chairs took place…very genteel ! The fresh fruit and veg. displays in front of the
Village Shop look very attractive, testament to Peterley Farm quality and
Wendy’s arrangement skills. As ever, we appreciate those kind souls who
donate to the Shop from their own garden produce – thank you all. There is a lady who works in the Shop and is celebrating a milestone birthday this Sunday…wish Wendy many happy returns if you visit on 1st.July. The Village Shop now stocks Chiltern Cold Pressed Rapeseed oils and dressings in a number of versions, including the pure oil, a chilli infusion, stir fry, balsamic vinegar and honey& mustard. These oils are all produced in nearby Marsworth and are proving very popular. Tomorrow (Friday, 29th.) Di Coombes will be hosting a coffee morning from 10.30am., with a Bring and Buy table and Raffle. All are welcome to join her at Fourwinds, 1 Bromley Lane. This event is to raise funds for the WI.’s charity, the South Bucks Hospice and Lymphoedema Clinic, as chosen by the late Margaret Sargeant. I understand that there are a number of limited edition bone china Diamond Jubilee mugs still for sale. St John’s Church is featured on them, and enquiries about them may be made at the Parish Office (862008). The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Mary Collins. Robin Richards
01494 774582
On Saturday is the cricket match against the President’s XI, with lunch and tea in the marquee, and on Sunday is a Twenty-20 contest between the Club and the Plough. (both with 2.00pm.starts). Also on Sunday (24th.) with a 2.00pm.start is the WI.’s Treasure Hunt for all the Family. Meet at the flagpole at 2.00pm. and bring along a picnic to enjoy afterwards…weather permitting. On the subject of cricket the Club enjoyed its second win of the season last Sunday with a six-wicket defeat of Red Square Lions, and then two major batting partnerships saw us home. The first was 90 between James Shrimpton and Dominic Haddock (37) and the second was 77 between James and Spencer North (29 not out). Between these two stands the Club lost four wickets for the addition of just nine runs, including a hat-trick, to the visitors’ second-change bowler. James stood firm, however, and he finished on 97 not out, unluckily missing out on what would have been a richly deserved century. My copy of the School fortnightly newsletter states
the following:”Further to our recent visit from Saturday (23rd.) sees the last night of the Little Proms in Little Missenden at 8.00 in the Manor House Gardens (open at 7.00pm.) It will feature Christine Rice (mezzo soprano) and the Aylesbury Concert Band, and you can expect to hear all the regular favourites from a proms last night. There will be a licensed bar and BBQ. Picnics, blankets and families are welcome. Tickets are £15 and available from the Parish Office (862008) I understand that there are a number of limited edition bone china Diamond Jubilee mugs still for sale. Again, check with the Parish Office. (St.John’s Church is featured on them) Thanks are due to the folks of Hyde Heath for their contributions to the successful Flower Festival; this began the Patronal Festival, which will end with choral evensong at St.John’s this Sunday evening with the choir of St.Mary’s, Amersham. On Friday week (29th.) Di Coombes will be hosting a coffee morning, with a Bring and Buy table and Raffle from 10.30am. All are welcome to join her at Fourwinds, 1 Bromley Lane. This event, and the previously-mentioned Treasure Hunt, are to raise funds for the WI.’s charity, the South Bucks Hospice and Lymphoedema Clinic, the charity chosen last year by the late Margaret Sargeant. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Derek Faversham. Robin Richards
01494 774582
The thoughts of Sally Carrington after she and husband Charlie took part in the Diamond Jubilee Flotilla on Sunday3rdJune…”What an honour and privilege to be part of the Thames River Pageant. What a spectacle-1,000 boats of all shapes and sizes, spanning the 60 magnificent years Of Her Majesty’s Reign. The crowds on the riverbank, balconies and rooftops were cheering us On for the whole 7 miles. We waved and cheered back. It was a truly emotional and amazing Experience, which I shall never forget. Well done to Her Majesty for standing throughout the Parade. What a remarkable lady.” This evening at 8.00pm. in the Village Hall is the WI. meeting for June. The speaker will be Mrs.Alexander and her subject will be “The history of the Rye and Holywell Mead” Oh, and don’t forget the Treasure Hunt on the Common on Sunday, 24th. June at 2.00pm.
My spies tell me that Prom.1 at Little Missenden last Saturday evening was a great success, with Rosemary Wainwright (first violin with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) and Marisa Thornton -Wood (piano). They played pieces by Beethoven, Elgar and Malcolm Arnold. This Saturday (16) in St.John’s Church at 7.30pm. the AMOS trio (Anna de Bruin, violin, Stephen Morris, cello and Olwen Morris, piano) will play Prom.2. I’m not sure if they will be accompanied by any of the splendid displays from the Jubilee Flower Festival. Tickets are £10. There will be a licensed bar and complimentary canapés. More details from the Parish Office (862008) Last Sunday’s rain came later than forecast, and this enabled the Cricket Club to play a match at Little Missenden Misfits and achieve their first win of the season, by six wickets. See the website (www.hydeheath .com) for a more detailed report. This Sunday’s game is at home to Red Square Lions, 2.00pm.start. On Friday, 22nd.June at the Common from 7.30 until 11.30pm. will be the annual Beer Festival, which is the major fundraiser for the Cricket Club. It enables the Club to maintain the Common, the pavilion and playing equipment for the coming season. Some of the profits are used to take our “golden oldies” out for the day. A ticket for the Beer Festival costs £20.00 and will include theband, BBQ.,disco and two free drinks. Please buy early, as numbers are limited and tickets cannot be reserved, from Emma Burgham at 2, Cedar Ridge (off Brays Lane) 01494 773660. Caroline Owen-Thomas is pleased to announce the recent installation at her Weights and Measures gymnasium in South Heath of a new “core align” machine for pilates workouts. Now something of a more unpleasant nature… whilst motoring in my wheelchair around the village I have noticed dog foulings on the pavements at the junctions of Brays Green Lane with Walnut Way and with Meadow Way. This is irresponsible and anti-social behaviour by dog-owners…it’s not as if there are no dog litter boxes about the village…for the sake of our health CLEAN IT UP. There are currently five separate challenges being brought against the Transport Secretary’s announcement earlier in the year to proceed with HS2. They are by opposing local authorities, Heathrow Hub Ltd., Aylesbury Vale Golf Club and two by HS2 Action Alliance. It is presently thought that the cases will reach court in the autumn, but that’s not definite. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Steve Epps.. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Last Saturday’s Jubilee Coffee and Cake morning, run by the Village Shop,
was well attended, and the management would like to I hope that you all had an enjoyable Diamond Jubilee holiday. The Cricket Club suffered a disappointing Sunday – the match at Ley Hill was called off at 10.30am.due to continuous rain. We hope for better conditions this Sunday (10th.) at Little Missenden Misfits where there will be a 2.00pm. start. The Club is in the second month of the season and has yet to record a victory…
On Monday evening last (4th.) a beacon was lit on the Common, and there were very few people present, doubtless due to a lack of publicity. The organiser, Little Missenden Parish Council, feared that a large number in attendance would be contrary to the regulations on (you’ve guessed it) Health and Safety. In my opinion this lack of information was contrary to the interests and wishes of Hyde Heath villagers. Did we need to consider H&S. when attracting crowds to the Village Fete ? It would be preferable to be given advance information on items such as a beacon; at least that would let us know what is happening in our village. The weekend of June 9th. and 10th. will see at the Church of St. John the Baptist in Little Missenden a Jubilee Flower Festival, together with many stalls. For further details ring the Parish office (01494 862008). The tea stall and the cake stall would welcome any contributions; please ring Avril Cobham on 01494 864581. This Saturday (9th.) sees the first of three Little Proms at Little Missenden in St.John’s Church at 7.30pm. (the second and third will be on the two following Saturdays) There will be a licensed bar and complimentary canapés. Tickets £10.00 Further details from the Parish Office (862008). The next assembly of the Chapel Luncheon Club will be on Monday, 11th. June at 12.00 for 12.30pm. The WI. meeting for June will be on Thursday, 14th.at 8.00pm. in the Village Hall. The guest speaker will be Mrs.Alexander and her topic will be:”the history of the Rye and Holywell Mead” Barbara Aris would like to publicise the planned Treasure Hunt on Sunday, 24th.June. Meet at the Common at 2.00pm.opposite the Village Hall. £3.00 for entry. There will be one hunt for children, another for adults and a prize for the winning family. Bring your own picnic for afterwards. (There is a home cricket match on that day). On Friday, 22nd.June on the Common from 7.30pm.until 11.30pm.will be the annual Beer Festival, which is the major fundraiser for Hyde Heath Cricket Club. It enables the Club to maintain the Common, the pavilion and playing equipment for the coming season. Some of the profits are used to take our “Golden Oldies” out for the day. A ticket for the Beer Festival costs £20.00 and will include two free drinks, the band, BBQ and disco. Please buy early, as numbers are limited and tickets cannot be reserved, from Emma Burgham at 2, Cedar Ridge (off Brays Lane) 01494 773660. Caroline Owen-Thomas is pleased to announce the installation at her Weights and Measures Gym.of a new Core Align machine, for pilates workouts. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham
is Mary Collins.
May 31st
Groundsman Mike Thompson prepared a great track for last Sunday’s
match against Next Sunday’s match is at Ley Hill (2.00pm.start).
The next assembly of the Chapel Luncheon Club will take place on Monday, 11th.June at 12.00 for 12.30. Thursday (14th.) is the June meeting of the WI. at 8.00pm.in the Village Hall. The guest speaker will be a Mrs.Alexander and her topic will be “the History of the Rye and Holywell Mead” Barbara Aris would like to publicise the planned Treasure Hunt on Sunday, 24th.June. Meet at the Common (2.00pm.) opposite the Village Hall. £3.00 for entry. There will be a hunt for children and one for adults, and a prize for the winning family. Bring your own picnic for afterwards. (There is a home cricket match on that day) . The weekend of June 9th. and 10th. will see at the Church of St.John the Baptist in Little Missenden a grand Flower Festival, together with many interesting stalls. For further details, times etc. ring the parish office on 01494 862008. Avril Cobham (01494 864581) would welcome any contribution for the tea and cakes stalls. On Friday, 22nd.June on the Common from 7.30pm. until 11.30 pm. will be the annual Beer Festival, which is the major fundraiser for Hyde Heath Cricket Club. It enables the Club to maintain the Common, the pavilion and playing equipment for the coming season. Some of the profits are used to take our “golden oldies” out for the day. A ticket for the Beer Festival costs £20.00 and will include 2 free drinks, the band, BBQ and disco. Please buy early, as numbers are limited and tickets cannot be reserved, from Emma Burgham at 2, Cedar Ridge (off Brays Lane) 01494 773660. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham
is Ron Flint. He has swapped duties with Mary Collins, who will be the
driver on Friday of next week (8th.)
The Amersham Band concert at the Free Church last Saturday evening was very enjoyable, with a wide range of pieces played for the benefit of Christian Aid. If you missed that performance you have another opportunity to catch them this Saturday (26th.) at 7.30pm.at Chesham Baptist Church with the Chess Valley Male Voice Choir in a concert entitled, for reasons unknown to me, “Six of the Best” Come and listen to the southern area Section 4 champions. The Cricket Club played its second match of the
season last Sunday, when the If brass bands are not for you, then you could come along to the Hyde Heath Infant School Parents’ Association Quiz Night this Saturday evening (26th.) in the Village Hall. This is a very popular fund – raising event, for which tickets are £12.50,which includes a chilli supper and two free bottles of wine per table. Teams will be made up of 8 persons, and there will be a licensed bar with a variety of wines, beer, ale and soft drinks. Doors open at 7.45 pm. for a prompt 8.00 pm.start. For tickets please call Jenny Armstrong on 07780 661187 – leave a message and a contact number. The WI. has organised an outing to the RHS. Gardens, Hyde Hall, Chelmsford, Essex and the Beth Chatto Gardens, Elmstead Market, Colchester, Essex on Saturday, 16th.June. The coach will be leaving Hyde Heath at 8.20 am. and returning around 6.30 pm. The cost is £23.10 for RHS. Members (each member is allowed one guest) or £28.10 for non-RHS members. If you are interested please contact Barbara Aris (01296 682661 or barbara.aris@homecall.co.uk) or Pam Ruff (01494 786053). Cheques to be made payable to H.H.Evening WI. The secretary at the School very kindly sends me a
copy of the fortnightly newsletter, centred on year 2 – Mrs.Batson. It
makes fascinating reading, especially the Other Activities, which have
recently ranged from making musical instruments in science through rugby
coaching and Amersham Red Watch fire crew to birdwatch week and Chinese
new year. I don’t remember my primary school days being so
interesting, but then they were a long time ago…Mrs.Batson is to be
congratulated. And thank you, Sarah Smith, school secretary. There was a nice pictorial spread of the Fete in last Thursday’s Bucks Examiner. Don’t forget that photos of the Fete may also be seen on our village website (www.hydeheath.com). Incidentally, the provisional net profit for the event is reported as being in excess of £4,500…another bumper year…well done, everybody ! The Hyde Heath Beer Festival will be on Friday, 22nd.June 7.30pm – 11.30 pm. in the marquee on the Common. Tickets will be £20.00, to include two free drinks, the band, BBQ.and Disco, and are available from Emma Burgham at 2, Cedar Ridge, off Brays Lane, (01494 773660) It’s heartening to know that the Major Projects Authority awards the HS2 project the second worst possible rating, that is just one above “unachievable”, but this decision will not be made available to MPs. and the public until the hybrid bill (in favour of HS2) has been presented to Parliament. This seems unreasonable to me…what do you think? The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Derek Faversham. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Well, another excellent Village Fete achieved last
Saturday, and the architects of that excellence, Ralph Bartlett and Sarah Thanks also to Bill Franklin for providing additional parking space. This relieved pressure on the Common, which only a few days before resembled a swamp. Lost and Found: If anyone lost or found items during the Fete please contact Ralph on 01494 783489. St.Andrew’s Flower Festival had record attendances, with red, white & blue displays true works of art. The Spitfire in the fly-past was a mark19, PM631, a high-altitude photographic reconnaissance aircraft. It was unarmed, but could fly at 370 mph. at 40,000 feet with a range of 1,500 miles. It made daily ascents to 30,000 feet to gather meteorological information. A mark 19 Spitfire still holds today the altitude record for piston-engined aircraft, flying out of Hong Kong in Feb, 1952 and reaching a recorded 51,550 ft. The pilot at the Fete was Wing Commander Paul Godfrey, Officer Commanding Operations at RAF. Coningsby, where the BBMF is based. Part of his day job is as a Typhoon pilot. Wg.Cdr. Godfrey will be leading a formation of 9 Typhoons over Windsor Castle this coming weekend as part of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations. I am obliged to Bill Newman for the aeronautical information. Pictures of both Fete and Flowers are now on the website at www.hydeheath.com The Village Shop AGM. went well and had a good attendance. Please spread the word among friends and neighbours to encourage regular support and continued success. Amersham Band are playing this Sat 19th 7.30 pm in Amersham Free Church in a concert for Christian Aid. This Sunday 20th sees the Open Day at Priestfield Arboretum, Stony Lane, Little Kingshill managed by volunteers and a fine collection of rare and specimen trees in a delightful woodland setting. Admission is £1. There are free guided tours throughout the day and a guidebook is available. Uneven ground is not suitable for the disabled. Further info from Barbara Rippington 01494 564019 or rippbrip@googlemail.com The Cricket Club at last started its season on Sunday, with a draw at The Lee, who made 209-8 in 53 overs. In reply Hyde Heath scored 185-5 in 40 overs. Our man of the match was Nick Burgham with 4 wickets and 74 runs. This Sunday’s game is at home to Great Missenden Pelicans. 2.00 pm start at the Common.. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Steve Epps. Robin Richards
01494 774582
All additional help will make the day go with a swing and let our village to be seen at its best. It should be an enthralling day, what with the veteran and vintage car show, plus the Spitfire fly-past. It all starts at 1.30pm…. See you there… The Village Flower Festival may be seen on Saturday (12th.) between 10.00am. and 6.00pm. then Sunday (13th.) from 11.00am.until 6.00pm. at St Andrews Church. During the Fete Melissa Laing will be organising a “Find the Hyde Heath Dogs” treasure hunt for children. This will involve the finding of photographs of local dogs. If you have a dog and would like to take part (no dogs will be required-just photos.) please e-mail Melissa (melissaclaing@googlemail.com) a photograph of your dog, its name and breed. This evening in the Village Hall at 8.00 pm. sees the WI. monthly meeting. There will be no guest speaker, because the meeting will be given to considering the proposal of resolutions to be forwarded to WI. head office. Then, on Monday (14th.) at 12.00 for 12.30 will be the monthly meeting of the Chapel Lunch Club. And on that evening will be the Annual General Meeting of Hyde Heath Village Shop Ltd. (at 8.00 pm. in the Village Hall).The Management Committee will be happy to see as many members as possible in attendance. After the meeting there will be a cheese and wine social. Priestfield Arboretum in Stony Lane, Little Kingshill will be holding an Open Day on Sunday week (20th.) from 10.30am. until 4.00pm. It is a private arboretum, managed by volunteers, and boasts a fine collection of rare and specimen trees in a delightful woodland setting. Admission is £1 and there are free guided tours throughout the day. A guidebook is available, but the uneven terrain is regrettably not suitable for the disabled.
What about that fighter jet which swept our skies late last Sunday morning ? Was it a security exercise for the coming Olympic Games or Diamond Jubilee ? I thought that the reason might be that the Cricket Club had a home match on the Common in the afternoon against a side of dubious reputation, such as the Taleban Touring.But, no, the Club’s game was at Chartridge, and that had been called off days before, due to the state of their pitch after sufficient rain…see what a hosepipe ban does… This Sunday’s match is at The Lee, 2.00pm. start. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Ron Flint. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Only another NINE days to go until the Village Fete. Sarah Hortop (772104) is still seeking sellers of programmes, volunteers to help set up on the day (and dismantle at the end) or the manning of a stall. It should be an enthralling day, what with the veteran and vintage car show, plus the spitfire fly-past. Do help Sarah, Ralph and the whole team to make it a show to remember…Saturday, May 12th… At the Fete Melissa Laing will be organising a “Find the Hyde Heath Dogs” children's Treasure Hunt based on finding of photographs of local dogs. If you have a dog and would like to take part (no dogs will be required-just photos.) pls e-mail Melissa (melissaclaing@googlemail.com) a photo of your dog, its name and breed. On the following Monday (14th.)
will be the Annual General Meeting of Hyde Heath Village Shop Ltd. (at
8.00pm. in the Village Hall) and the Management Committee will be happy to
see as many members as possible in attendance. Following the meeting there
will be a cheese and wine social. Also on 14th. May at 12.00 for 12.30 is the monthly meeting of the Chapel Lunch Club. Thursday (10th.May) at 8.00pm in the Village Hall sees the WI Monthly Meeting - no guest speaker because the meeting will be given to considering the proposal of resolutions to be forwarded to Head Office. Priestfield Arboretum Stony Lane, Little Kingshill will be holding an Open Day on Sunday, 20th.May between 10.30 am. and 4.00 pm. It is a private arboretum, managed by volunteers, and boasts a fine collection of rare and specimen trees in a delightful woodland setting. Admission £1. Free guided tours throughout the day. Guidebook available. Regret uneven terrain not suitable for disabled. My notes from St. John the Baptist at Little Missenden tell me that cream teas start on Sunday, May 6th. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham will be Steve Epps. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Charles Manson would like to say a big “thank you” to everybody who supported the Great Litter Pick last Saturday…due to their efforts about thirty sacks of rubbish were collected…well done ! Congratulations to Wendy Axe on her achievement of grandmotherhood…her daughter, Jacqui, gave birth on 17th.of this month to a bonny 8lb.boy, Alfie David. We understand that mother and son are doing well. The WI has organised an outing on
Saturday, 16th.June to RHS Gardens, Hyde Hall, Chelmsford,
Essex and the Beth Chatto Gardens, Elmstead Market, Colchester, Essex.
The coach leave Hyde Heath at 8.20 am. and return app 6.30pm. Cost
is £20 for RHS members (each member is allowed one guest) or £25 for non-RHS
members. Please contact Barbara Aris (01296 682661) or Pam Ruff (01494
786053). Only another sixteen days to go before the Village Fete is with us …Sarah Hortop (772104) still seeks volunteers to sell programmes, help set up on the day or man a stall. This is probably the finest day of the year for the Village to show itself at its best, so please lend a hand to ensure continued success. “Daisy Pulls It Off” at 7.45 pm. in the Village Hall this evening and at the same time tomorrow (Friday,27th) and the day after (Saturday,28th.) This is a Hyde Heath Drama Group production, and tickets are £10, with concessions at £9, available from the box office (773511) or the Village Shop. Also on Saturday is the Great Missenden Choral Society’s concert with the theme of “Music from the Countryside” It will be in GM.Parish Church and start at 7.30pm. Tickets are £12.50 (students an children £6.00) and are available from the secretary (863851), or from Wynyard Wright & Ellis, 34B, High Street, GM. Tristram Blake (actor, Michael Elwyn) will be at Little Missenden Village Hall on Sunday April 29th.at 3.00pm & 7.00pm. to “spread the poetry gospel” Tickets are £12 and available from Annie Hamilton-Pike (786220) Also on that day is the AGM. of St.John’s Church, Little Missenden (862008) The cricket season opens with a practice match on the Common at 2.00pm also on Sunday (29th.) The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Derek Faversham. Robin Richards
01494 774582
So, now you know how to make rain…declare a hosepipe ban, or the start of
the cricket season… Members of the Rotary Club of Great Missenden present tomorrow (Friday 20th.) at Ballinger War Memorial Hall an evening of words and music for St George’s Day. Doors open at 7.00 pm. and supper is at 7.45 pm., followed by the show. Tickets are £12.50 from Alan Jones (863887). On the next day (Saturday, 21st.) will be the Great Litter Pick. Meet at the flagpole on the Common at 10.00 am. Refreshments will be provided, along with litter pick sticks and refuse sacks. Please bring high visibility clothing and gloves. The contact is Charles Manson (785077), who asks you to support this event and bring your children… Next Wednesday (25th.) sees the Little Missenden version of the Antiques Roadshow at the LM.Village Hall, hosted by Amersham Auction Rooms (Messrs.Pretty & Ellis). I quote the flyer: “You can bring your own antique to be discussed and valued…this will be a supper evening.” Contact the Parish Office (862008) for further details. Then, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 26th., 27th. and 28th.April at 7.45pm.in the Village Hall The Hyde Heath Drama Group will present that spiffing play “Daisy Pulls It Off”. Tickets are £10 and available from the box office (773511) or the Village Shop. Also on Saturday, 28th.April will be a concert by the Great Missenden Choral Society. It will commence at 7.30pm.in the Parish Church and its theme will be “music from the countryside” Admission will be by ticket (£12.50) from the secretary (863581) or from Wynyard Wright and Ellis, 34B, High Street, Great Missenden. Tristram Blake (a.k.a.the actor, Michael Elwyn) will be at Little Missenden Village Hall on Sunday (April 29th.) at 3.00pm. and 7.00pm.”to spread the poetry gospel” Tickets are £12 and available from Annie Hamilton-Pike (786220). Also on that day (April 29th.) is the AGM. of St. John’s Church, Little Missenden. (862008) The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham will be Mary Collins; next week it will be Derek Faversham and the week after (4th.May) it will be Steve Epps. Robin Richards
01494 774582
I hope that you all enjoyed your long Easter weekend…well, at least we had some overdue rain on Monday… This evening at 8.00 in the Village Hall the WI speaker will be Sandra Webb and her subject will be Caribbean Cookery. The planned outing for April 28th. to the RAF bunker/museum at Uxbridge has been delayed until a date in July…my thanks to Sue and Ron Flint for alerting me to this change…watch this space. The Hyde Heath Chapel Seniors Lunch Club meets next Monday (16th.) at 12.00 for 12.30 pm. An important message from Sarah Hortop:- “We have been working hard to make sure that the Village Fete is as successful as in previous years. Please note the date (12TH.MAY) in your diaries. If you can offer to help with programme selling, setting up on the day or helping out on a stall, please contact Sarah Hortop on 01494 772104. The more help we receive the easier it is for everyone, so do please call ! Thank you, Sarah.” Next Fri (20th) Great Missenden Rotary present an evening of words and music for St.George’s Day. at Ballinger War Memorial Hall. Doors 7.00 pm. & supper 7.45 pm., followed by the show. Tickets are £12.50 from Alan Jones (01494 863887) Saturday (21st.) will
be the Great Litter Pick. Meet at the flagpole on the Common at 10.00.
Refreshments will be provided, along with litter pick sticks and refuse
sacks. Please bring high visibility clothing and gloves. The contact is
Charles Manson (785077), who asks you to support this event and bring your
children… Audiences are going to be highly sought after, for on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 26th., 27th., and 28th.April at 7.45 pm in the Village Hall the Hyde Heath Drama Group will present that spiffing play “Daisy Pulls It Off”. Tickets are £10 and are available from the box office (773511) and the Village Shop. On Sunday 29th Tristram Blake (actor Michael Elwyn) calls in at Little Missenden Village Hall at 3.00pm. and 7.00pm. “to spread the poetry gospel” Tickets are £12.00 and available from Annie Hamilton-Pike (786220). Priestfield Arboretum, Stony Lane, Little Kingshill will be open on Sunday,20th.May at 10.30am. Admission £1.00. Guidebook available. Uneven terrain not suitable for disabled. Fine rare and specimen trees… There will be no shopping bus to Chesham this Friday, because the vehicle will be undergoing essential repairs. ( thanks to Ron Flint for the information)
Robin Richards
01494 774582
A Very Happy Easter to you all. Don’t forget that Easter Eggs, cards, hot cross buns, and all other seasonal goodies will be in stock in the Village Shop. Fruit, vegetables and flowers will be available also. Services for Holy Week: Today, Maundy Thursday, at 7.00pm. Little Missenden Solemn Eucharist for the Lord’s Supper. Tomorrow, Good Friday, at 2.00pm. Little Missenden Vigil of the Cross & Communion.Sunday, 8th.April, Easter Day Little Missenden Said Communion 8.00am. Sung Communion 10.30am. St.Andrew’s, Hyde Heath 9.15 am. The Chapel meets at 10.45 when the speaker will be Glynne Hampson.
Sarah Hortop has asked me to include the following:- “We have been working hard to make sure that the Village Fete is as successful as in previous years. Please ensure that you have the date 12TH. MAY in your diaries. If anyone can offer to help with programme selling, setting up on the day or helping out on a stall, please would you contact Sarah Hortop on 01494 772104. Remember the more help we receive the easier it is for everyone, so please do call ! Thank you! Sarah “ Next Thursday (12th) at the next WI. meeting (8.00pm.in the Village Hall) the speaker will be Sandra Webb and her subject will be Caribbean Cookery. Don’t forget about the planned outing to RAF Uxbridge Bunker/Museum on Saturday (28th) The Hyde Heath Chapel Seniors Lunch Club next meets on Monday (16th.) 12.00 for 12.30pm. On Friday 20th Great Missenden Rotary present an evening of words and music for St.George’s Day at Ballinger War Memorial Hall. Doors open at 7.00pm and supper is at 7.45 pm followed by the show. Tickets £12.50 from Alan Jones (01494 863887). An e-mail tells me that Hyde Heath audiences are set for an absolutely ripping and perfectly spiffing entertainment. “Daisy Pulls It Off” will be presented by the Drama Group in the Village Hall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 26th.,27th., and 28th.April at 7.45pm. Tickets are £10 and are available from the box office (773511) and the Village Shop. “Music from the Countryside” is the theme for the next concert by the Great Missenden Choral Society and it will start at 7.30pm. on Saturday (28th.) in Great Missenden Parish Church. There will be baritone and violin soloists. The choir will be accompanied by the St.John’s Chamber Orchestra, conducted by John Cotterill. Admission (£12.50) will be by ticket from the secretary (863581) or from Wynyard,Wright and Ellis, 34B, High Street, Great Missenden. It’s going to be a busy weekend, for on Sunday (29th.) Tristram Blake (alias the actor, Michael Elwyn) calls in at Little Missenden at 3.00pm. and 7.00pm. to “spread the poetry gospel” Tickets are £12 and available from Annie Hamilton - Pike (786220). The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham will be Mary Collins. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Summertime… and the living is not quite as easy as we’d like it to be, what with the threatened strike by fuel delivery drivers, but at least the weather is playing its part to perfection, provided that you are not desperate for rain, that is… Congratulations to the Amersham Band on coming a clear first in the recent National Championship for the Southern Counties. Local musicians Rod and Jeremy Stevens should be feeling very pleased with themselves. Watch this space for details of the National Finals, which I believe will be at Harrogate in September. Palm Sunday 1st April at St. Andrews, Hyde Heath , Holy Communion 09.15am. Sunday Service at St. Johns, Little Missenden preceded by a prossession to the Church for 10.30am , provided that a Donkey has been found. The Chapel , Hyde Heath Service is at 10.45am on Sunday, 1st. The speaker will be David Clark. The Village Shop will be holding generous stocks of Easter Cards, Easter Eggs, Hot Cross Buns on a daily basis .Fresh Fruit , Vegetables and Fresh Flowers from Peterley Farm are also available in the Shop every Wednesday. An early notice about the Gt Missenden Choral Society’s next concert …. on Saturday 28th April at 7.30pm in The Parish Church . The theme is Music from the Countryside and amongst other items will include “The Lark Ascending” by Vaughan Williams . Tickets are available from Wynyard Pretty and Ellis in Gt. Missenden. In last Sunday’s Sunday Times ran the leader “Country Dave champions the green belt” and in the article our beloved leader describes the countryside as a “national treasure which should be loved ,enjoyed and protected for every one” For the Countryside Alliance magazine he has written an article in which he states that the countryside is in his blood. If that is the case, why does he want to unleash his high-speed train set on our area of his beloved countryside ?? Then, in Monday’s Times, it was announced that HS2 is to get a new boss…his name is Douglas Oakervee and his primary task is to win hearts and minds over the project. His salary will be £120,000 for a two-day week… nice work(?) if you can get it… The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham will be Derek Faversham. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Another beautiful day…Spring must have sprung…will this glorious weather last until the start of the cricket season ? Speaking of cricket, I must remind you that on this coming Saturday evening (17th.) the Cricket Club will be holding its annual dinner in the Minstrels’ Gallery at the Plough. It is due to start at 7.30, and there will be awards presented for onfield achievements during the 2011 season. The following day will be Mothering Sunday…the Village Shop has a large range of greetings cards, sweets, chocolates, flowers and other goodies, enough to gladden the hearts of all Mums. Also on that day the Plough will be serving a three-course Sunday lunch for £15 per head. Ring 783163 to make your reservation…do it now… During the Hyde Heath Fete, which is set for Saturday, 12th.May, Melissa Laing will be organising a “Find the Hyde Heath Dogs” treasure hunt for children. This will involve the finding of photographs of local dogs. If you have a dog and would like to take part (no dogs will be required-just photos) please e-mail Melissa a snapshot of your dog, with its name and breed, to melissaclaing@googlemail.com On Saturday week (24th.) at 8.00 pm. in Little Missenden Village Hall will be presented the Hamilton Pike production “Sherlock Holmes the Death and Life”, starring Roger Lewellyn who will grip you with a bravura performance that is often very funny. Tickets are £15 each from Annie on 786220. This month’s Chiltern News magazine contains an article by Alison Doggett, chairman of the Chiltern Society, on the dreaded subject of HS2, and she asks “Is it in the right place ?” “Is it the right kind of line ?” and Is it for the right reasons ?” The whole article is extremely thought-provoking…worth buying the Chiltern News for this alone. Due to the success and popularity of last month’s international menu meal, Thai, this month’s will also be Thai, so make your reservation for Wednesday, 28th.March with David Coulton (776957). There will be no newsletter next week as yours truly will be away. I expect the next one to be published on 29th March. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham will be Derek Faversham, and next week it will be Steve Epps. Robin Richards
01494 774582
This evening (Thursday) sees the March WI. meeting, and there is a change of speaker. Roddy Lloyd Jones is unable to come and give his advertised talk, but the ever-resourceful ladies have managed to find an able substitute in Jean Hatton, who will be speaking about Elizabeth Fry, the prison reformer, whose likeness appears by kind permission of HM.Treasury on our five pound notes. The competition this month is childhood memory from school. Tomorrow evening (Friday, 9th.) in the Village Hall at 8.00 pm. will see the Hyde Heath Old Time Music Hall Society repeat its programme of last November for the benefit of Revelation Life, a charity set up for Simon Neal and his wife who work in the slums of Kampala, Uganda. Tickets for the show are available from Ann Neal (01494 259917) @£15.00 each. A light supper will be provided and there will be a bar. I am told that this programme will be run again on the following evening for Great Missenden Round Table, but I regret that I have no details on timing and location. Also on Friday (9th.) at 7.30 pm. in Little Missenden at the church of Saint John the Baptist will be a concert given by the organist, Philip Wayne, and his wife, Elen Mon Wayne. I had previously understood the theme of this concert to be “Springtime”, but it is in fact “Love and Romance through Popular Song, Verse and Music” Tickets are £10 each and may be booked from the Parish Office (862008). There will be a licensed bar. I have been asked to notify you about Robin Barclay, a resident of Hyde Heath since 1949. He died peacefully aged 96 at Rayners on Sunday, 26th.January. He was a keen gardener and dog walker; he and his cocker spaniels were inseparable ! His funeral will take place in the Hampden Chapel at the crematorium at 12.30 on Wednesday, 14th.March. The Union Chapel Lunch Club (Seniors lunch and fellowship) meets next Monday (12th.) at 12.00 for 12.30. The Cricket Club dinner, at which the awards and trophies for 2011 will be presented, will take place on 17th. (Saturday) in the Minstrels Gallery at the Plough at 7.30pm. Mothering Sunday is on 18th.March. The Village Shop has a large range of greetings cards, sweets, chocolates and other items to gladden the hearts of all Mums. On Saturday 24th. at 8.00pm. in Little Missenden Village Hall will be Hamilton Pike Productions’ wryly humorous tale of murder, mystery and the occult in which the world’s greatest detective refuses to leave the stage. For tickets ring Annie on 786220. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Mary Collins. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Tomorrow week (9th.) in the Village Hall at 8.00 pm. will see the Hyde Heath Old Time Music Hall Society repeat its programme of last November for the benefit of Revelation Life, a charity set up for Simon Neal and his wife, working in the slums of Kampala, Uganda. Tickets for the show are available from Ann Neal (01494 259917) @ £15 each. Or, try ann@revelationlife.org.uk A light supper will be provided, and a bar will be
available. On that same evening will be a programme of organ music and songs, with a general theme of Spring. The organist will be Philip Wayne, who studied at the Royal Northern College of Music, and is a member of the Royal College of Organists. He has played occasionally at morning prayer and at the Little Missenden Music Festival. The concert will take place at the Church of St.John the Baptist at 7.30 pm. Tickets may be obtained through the Parish Office (862008). Next Thursday (8th) sees the March meeting of the WI. The guest speaker will be Roddy Lloyd Jones and his topic will be “Young people, and how they help others in our world-wide community” 8.00 pm at the Village Hall. Don’t forget that the Village Shop carries a wide range of stock and that with the goods comes a guarantee of service with a smile. The shop is there for our benefit, so let’s use it as often as we can. At the end of the month, on Saturday, 24th.March at 8.00 pm in Little Missenden Village Hall will be Hamilton Pike Productions’ wryly humorous tale of murder, mystery and the occult in which the world’s greatest detective refuses to leave the stage. Tickets are £15 each, but £14 if you book before 2nd March…better hurry, then and ring Annie on 786220. You’re never short in this parish of entertainment.
Don’t forget the dinner on Saturday, 17th.March in the Minstrels Gallery at the Plough. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Ron Flint. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Bryn and Ann Neal’s eldest son, Simon & his wife live and work in the slum areas near Kampala, Uganda, bringing a wide range of different types of aid. A UK-based charity, Revelation Life, has been set up (www.revelationlife.org.uk) to try and raise funds where possible. To this end the Hyde Heath Old Time Music Hall is putting on a performance (a repeat of last November’s programme), to raise funds for Revelation Life, on Friday 9th March at 8.00pm in the Village Hall. Tickets @£15 per person available from Ann Neal on 01494 259917 or at ann@revelationlife.org.uk A light supper and a bar will be available. I apologise for an error in last week’s newsletter
concerning the very important date of Mothering Sunday - actually Sunday,
18th. March, and the Plough will be serving a three-course
lunch at £15 per person. Ring Chris on 783163 to make your reservation. Friday, March 9th St John's Lt Missenden will see an evening of organ music and songs, both classical and showtime with a general theme of Spring. The organist will be Philip Wayne, who studied at the Royal Northern College of Music and is a member of the Royal College of Organists. He has played occasionally at Morning Prayer and also at the Little Missenden Music Festival. His wife, Ellen, has sung on the West End stage for ten years. Watch this space for timing and programme details. Watch this space also for news of the Judicial Reviews en train concerning HS2. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Steve Epps. Robin Richards
01494 774582
HS2.. .Mark Ladd writes.. ."Now is the time for all to help with fundraising, both for the judicial review and for the media/PR campaign against HS2. The media have been largely won over on the inadequacies of HS2, but the key is to win over more of the country and especially get more MPs on our side. The next meeting to get an update on events and to support the fundraising, to which all are welcome is at Little Missenden Village Hall on Sunday 19th February at 5.30pm. I thought that I would give you a gentle reminder that Waitrose in Chesham has nominated Hyde Heath Village Hall as one of the three charities which will form part of their February Community Matters Scheme. This scheme, if well supported, could bring the Hall an extra few hundred pounds Regardless of how much one spends in the store, they are given a green token at the till point, which can then be used to support one of three charities. You show your support for your elected charity by placing the token in the appropriate "pot" as you leave the store. Remember, the Village Hall has been nominated for the month of February only, so please support the scheme, if you can. On Tuesday, February 21st. at the Church of Saint John the Baptist in Little Missenden will be held a "Mardi Gras" evening of wine and cheese, with numerous examples of each to try, together with professional information, advice and guidance, according to churchwarden, John Lamb. This event supersedes the Pancake Evening of previous years. I apologise that I failed to jog your memories for St. Valentines Day and how you could find a suitable gift for your beloved in the Village Shop.. .no matter what the occasion there is always something of worth to be found there... such as the new stock of Lime Tree pies. I've received a note from Margaret Gordon of the Great Missenden Choral Society giving details of its next concert on Saturday, 28th.April at 7.30pman Great Missenden Parish Church. Tickets are £12.50 and are obtainable from Christopher Pallet Estate Agents in Station Road. I'll give details of the concert contents over the next few weeks. I understand that Mr.ChrisSargeant gave a most interesting talk to the WI. last Thursday evening, his subject being "Photography - Getting Better Pictures". This was in contrast with the evening's competition for the ladies - "The Worst Photo you have Taken". The themed dinner menu at the Plough on Wednesday, 29th. February is Thai, starts at 7.30 and costs £20 per head, inc.a half-bottle of wine. Ring Chris, on 783163. That's also the number to call if you would like to book lunch for Mothering Sunday - March 18th. A three-course meal will cost £15.00. Friday, March 9th will welcome to St. John's at Little Missenden an evening of organ music and songs, both classical and showtime with a general theme of Spring, played by Philip Wayne. The driver of this Friday's shopping bus to Chesham is Ron Flint.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Mary Collins. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Snow…the first fall a little later than usual this year, but nevertheless just as unwelcome. Some of us older folk find it very difficult to get about, and I am therefore grateful to two of my neighbours, David Coulton and David Forster, for so quickly clearing my wheelchair runway last Sunday morning. The snow put off a few folks from attending the final performance of “Treasure Island”, so, regrettably not the anticipated full house, but the cast all made it to the Village Hall on time and gave the fourth outstanding performance of the run…well done to you all. We await “Daisy Pulls It Off “ in April with much anticipation.
Tim and Nell Neale have been invited to officiate at the Olympic Games this summer, specifically in the Three Day Eventing at Greenwich Park, where they will be part of the course timing team on the cross-country phase. We congratulate them on their selection. After Bridget Harrison’s being chosen for the drumming team at the opening ceremony it seems that local folk are well thought of when it comes to the organisation of the Olympics. I received the following notice too late for
inclusion in last week’s newsletter:-
The next Plough overseas menu dinner is 7.30pm Wed 29th February - a Thai Evening atThai £20 per head inc 2 glasses of wine.
The Union Chapel Lunch Club meets next Monday (13th.) at 12.00 for 12.30 To continue the good fight against HS2 it would seem that we currently need to build a substantial fund, so that we may be able to afford the very best of counsel. Whilst all contributions would be voluntary the ideal level would be £250 per household.!! The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Mary Collins. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Then, with disembarkation from the Hispaniola and the atmosphere of the Admiral Benbow still a recent memory, auditions for the next production, “Daisy Pulls It Off”, will take place in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. on Monday, 6th.February . Thursday, (9th.) will see this month’s WI. meeting at 8.00 pm. in the Village Hall when the speaker will be our own Chris.Sargeant, and his subject will be “How to get the best out of your camera.” This should be very interesting, judging by some of the shots he’s taken at various cricket matches on the Common. Whilst we’re on the subject of cricket the Club Dinner, scheduled for Saturday, 17th.March, will now take place at the Plough ...of course …Why didn’t I think of that ? The financial controller at the School, Bridget Harrison, who plays various percussion instruments, has been honoured to be selected as one of the drummers at the opening ceremony of the Olympics this summer. Our congratulations to her…all that practice with the Amersham Band must have stood her in good stead. I am grateful to Sarah Hortop for this item:- Waitrose in Chesham have nominated Hyde Heath Village Hall as one of three charities in their February Community Matters Scheme. This could give the hall an extra few hundred pounds, if well supported. Whatever you spend you are given a green token at the till point. Show your support by placing the token in the appropriate “pot” as you leave the store. Remember, the Village Hall has been nominated for the month of February only. Please support the scheme. The Union Chapel Seniors Lunch Club next meets on Monday week (13th.) at 12.00 for 12.30pm. On Tuesday, February 21st. at St John's Church Lt Missenden there is a “Mardi Gras” evening of wine and cheese, together with professional tasting advice according to John Lamb, the churchwarden. This event supersedes the Pancake Evening of previous years. This month’s overseas menu at the Plough is currently under discussion, so watch this space. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Derek Faversham
Village Hall carols on Christmas Eve raised £320 for
the Florence Nightingale Hospice at Stoke Mandeville (in memory of The Village Shop has received thanks from the BBC for
the £200 donation the shop raised pre-Christmas for Children in Need.
The Cricket Club has suffered a setback in its attempts to hold the annual dinner on 17th.March. It would appear that The Cross Keys in Great Missenden is not completely wheelchair-friendly, so a new venue must be found. The School Secretary, Sarah Smith, has started electronic mailing to the parents in the form of a fortnightly newsletter. It highlights Key Activities for the following two weeks in Literacy, Numeracy and Other, together with Requests/Reminders, Celebrations, Achievement Awards and Birthdays. This seems to me to be a good way for the whole school, and other interested parties, to stay in touch with itself. Congratulations…long may the newsletter succeed. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham
is Steve Epps.
Final reminder about Burns Night, tomorrow evening (20th) in the Village Hall at 8.00pm. Tickets are £14 each from Barbara Cann (783254) to include supper and a tot of whisky - to toast the haggis. All proceeds to the Scouts. It appears that I got the dates wrong in last week’s newsletter concerning the performances of the Drama Group’s next production, “Treasure Island” It must have been very confusing for you, readers, because I got them right in the newsletter of the week before. The correct times are :- Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 2nd., 3rd. and 4th. February at 7.45 pm. with a Saturday matinee at 2 .00 pm. Tickets cost inc. refreshments and programmes and are available through the box office (Carole North 773511) and from the Village Shop. My apologies for any previous errors. The Drama Group’s next production, after Treasure Island, will be “Daisy Pulls it Off” Erica Elson is seeking girls aged 13 to 18 (she doesn’t say how many). Auditions will be held on Monday, 6th. February in the Village Hall and rehearsals are planned for Mondays and Fridays 7.00 – 9.00 pm.Production dates are set for 26th.- 28th.April. The speaker at last Thursday’s WI meeting, Mr.Neal Rees, gave, as forecast, a fascinating talk on King Zog of Albania. The WI does seem to attract the interesting speakers, on wide-ranging topics. The Cricket Club Dinner, postponed from last Autumn, will now take place on St.Patrick’s Day (Saturday,17th.March) at the Cross Keys, Great issenden…Hyde Heath C.C. usually manages a good turnout. So, HS2 looks like it’s going ahead, while anti-HS2 Groups vow to fight on. The Secretary of State for Transport has asked HS2 Ltd. to carry out a full Environmental Impact Assessment on the route. That should make interesting reading, if it is carried out accurately. An early notice of a couple of events at St.John’s…Tuesday, 21st.February will be a wine and cheese evening, with numerous examples of both items to sample, together with professional information, advice and guidance. This event will be a substitute for the pancake evening , held in previous years.Friday, 9th. March will see an evening of organ music and songs both classical and showtime with the general theme of Spring. It will be played by Philip Wayne, who is a member of the Royal College of Organists. The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham is Ron Flint. Robin Richards
01494 774582
I was watching television last Sunday teatime, BBC’s “Countryfile”, to be precise. One part of the programme was devoted to a cosy kitchen table chat between John Craven and the Prime Minister, who, among other things, mentioned the target of a “green” government and the non-alteration of existing Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. I wondered how this latter point would square with the soon to be announced HS2 project, but then I reminded myself that politicians generally work to more than one standard at a time and are trained to talk their way out of any problem, no matter how tricky. Part two of this televised conversation will, I’m told, be at the same time next Sunday. This evening at 8.00 pm. in the Village Hall will be the WI. monthly meeting, which boasts a highly-recommended guest speaker, Mr.Neal Rees, whose address is entitled “A Royal Bucks.Exile” I understand that the subject is Zog 1, King of Albania (1928-1939), having been Prime Minister and then President, he went into exile on the arrival of Mussolini as head of state in Italy. Looks like an interesting evening… I have received the following request from Erica Elson re. The Drama Group’s Spring production, which will be “Daisy Pulls It Off.” Auditions will be held on Monday, 6th.February at 7.30 pm. in the Village Hall, and she is seeking girls aged 13-18. (She doesn’t say how many…) Rehearsals will be on Mondays and Fridays 7.00-9.00. Production dates are set for 26th.-28th.April. Here’s another reminder for Burns Night, to be held on Friday, 20th.January from 8.00pm. until 11.00pm. in the Village Hall. Tickets (£14.00 each, to include supper and a tot of whisky- to toast the haggis-are available from Barbara Cann-783254) All proceeds to the Scouts. I don’t have satellite television at home, but I understand that recently Sky TV. transmitted a production of “Treasure Island”, and the critique which I read gave it a thorough slating, starting with the “practised and expensively competent cast”, but concentrating on the poor chap playing Long John Silver who was deemed to have been outperformed by the parrot ! I’m sure that the Drama Group’s production on February 4th,5th.and 6th. will not be beset by such problems…tickets are available through the box office (Carole North 773511) and the Village Shop. Robin Richards
01494 774582
Back at the desk for the first newsletter of the year…From Pauline and me A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to YOU ALL…it’s going to be a busy twelvemonth, what with the Olympics, personal mile-stones etc. and all culminating in a Golden Wedding anniversary in September. Now,where did I put my chequebook? January’s WI. meeting, on Thursday 12th., (at 8.00 in the Village Hall) brings a highly-recommended guest speaker, Mr.Neal Rees, whose talk is entitled “A Royal Bucks Exile” and, I am told, the subject is Zog 1, King of Albania (1928-1939). Sounds pretty interesting… Due to my own lack of mobility I failed to get to the Village Hall on Christmas Eve for the carols etc.,but Gary Beynon has provided me with a DVD., so that I have been able to view the proceedings, particularly noting the usual excellent turnout of brass instrument players, the solo by the training band’s Charmaine Vivian and the singing of Gary’s daughter, Sian. All in all, with the mince pies and mulled wine, a very pleasant session…Thanks, as ever, to Chris.Sargeant and Bob Thompson for organising things. Another reminder about Burns Night, to be held on Friday, 20th.January from 8.00 until 11.00 pm. in the Village Hall. Tickets (£14 each, to include supper and a tot of whisky, to toast the haggis, are available from Barbara Cann – 783254) All proceeds to the Scouts. With David Coulton’s retirement from Village Fete organisation the mantle has passed to Ralph Bartlett and Sarah Hortop, who will be holding the first fete committee meeting on Tuesday, 10th.January at 8.00 pm. in the Plough. If you are interested in joining a very small committee of people to help with the organisation of the fete please do contact either Ralph on ralph@amershamcomputers.com or Sarah on sarah.hortop@yahoo.co.uk They look forward to hearing from you. The next production from the Hyde Heath Drama Group is the swashbuckling adventure, Treasure Island, written by Howard Elson (with acknowledgements to RLStevenson). Performance dates :- Thursday to Saturday 2nd.-4th.February at 7.45 pm. with a Saturday matinee at 2.00 pm. Tickets cost £10, including refreshments and programmes. Concessionary tickets £9 for Thursday performance only; family tickets are available through the box office (Carole North – 773511) Tickets may also be purchased from the Village Shop. The Hyde Heath Chapel Lunch Club next meets on Monday, 9th.January at 12.00pm.for 12.30 The driver of this week’s shopping bus to Chesham is Derek Faversham. Robin Richards
01494 774582