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December 20th 2007
THIS really is the last News
Letter for this year.
all Pensioners! Chris Herring invites all Hyde Heath Pensioners to lunch in
the Minstrels Gallery at The Plough on Monday 7th January 2008. If you would
like to join the party, please let me know - 01494 776193 or e-mail

IS there a Keep Fit instructor looking for a class to instruct? Look no
further than Hyde Heath Village Hall on Monday evenings, 7.30 to 8.30pm.
There is a group of ladies looking for you, feeling bereft now that Jill
Wheeler has folded her mat and opted for a quieter life. If you are
interested or know some-one who would be, please contact the hall booking
secretary 01494 773988.
HEARTFELT thanks to everyone who helped in so many ways at the Village
Christmas Morning last Friday. The stall holders, the cake makers, Margaret
and Margaret for dispensing tea and coffee, the washers-up, David Bevan for
the music and of course, all of you who came and helped fill those boxes. So
how much did we make? The total was £401 which included a hefty contribution
from Chris Herring. As you know, the profits have gone into the coffers of
the Pepper Foundation, the branch of Iain Rennie Hospice at Home for
children with long-term illnesses.
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" - Tickets are already going
quickly for this show in Hyde Heath Village Hall on January 17,18,19.
Prices are £7.50 with concessions at £6.50 for each performance. The box
office is me, telephone no. and e-mail as above.
HAPPY CHRISTMAS! The next News Letter will be available on 4th January
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
December 13th 2007
I told you of the tragic circumstances of the man found in the woods and
asked for your help in tracing his relatives. Then we heard that his brother
had been located. I have now been asked to pass on this message from him. He
is most grateful and deeply moved by the response from the villagers. So
many of you came forward with information about the family, it was a great
comfort for him to know that his brother, although a recluse, had not been
abandoned by the community here. When the funeral takes place, he hopes to
be able to thank you personally.
RECYCLING bins outside Hyde Heath Infant School. Unfortunately
they are to be removedin the near future. The Headmistress and school
governors have been advised by the local authority that situated as they
are, in close proximity to the wooden garage wall and to the school itself,
the bins present a risk to health and safety. The headmistress and governors
regret the inconvenience this will cause to villagers but obviously the
safety of the pupils and the school buildings is paramount.
HAS anyone a suggestion for the re-positioning of these bins ?
in the village hall will take place as usual on Christmas Eve at 4.30pm.
This year the collection will go Macmillan Cancer Support.
ON Sunday, l6th in Little Missenden Parish Church, there will be a
candle-lit service of nine lessons and carols at 6pm, followed by mulled
wine and mince pies.
ST.ANDREWS, Hyde Heath. On 23rd there will be morning service at 9.15am and
at 4pm, Family Carols of the Nativity.
Christmas Day at 9.15am Holy Communion will be celebrated at morning
will soon be January again when Hyde Heath Drama Group take the stage for
the hilarious comedy musical, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the
Forum. Tickets are now on sale from me and in January available from the
Village Shop. Prices are unchanged at £7.50 with concessions at £6.50.
Performances are in the village hall at 8pm on 17th, 18th, 19th January.
This show is not suitable for young children, so there will not be a
matinee. Interval refreshments are courtesy of the group - a thank you to
our loyal patrons.
THIS will be the last letter until January but don't forget that you can
still catch up with all local events on the website- .
UNTIL the next time, may I wish you all a Happy Christmas with all good
wishes for the coming year and thank you for supporting the News Letter.
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
December 6th 2007
more can one say about last week's re-dedication of St.Andrews church and
the wonderful Christmas Fair, except that it was a perfect occasion. Even
the monsoon didn't keep the villagers away. we're made of sterner stuff than
to let a drop of rain spoil our evening. It was estimated that 200 people
attended the service and the collection, in aid of Bangladeshi flood relief,
realised £800. Congratulations to Fr. John Simpson and everyone who made
this such a memorable event.
COME and join in the Hyde Heath Village Christmas Morning on December 14.
From 9.30am to 12.30pm there will be coffee/tea, cakes and mince pies to
eat, more to buy and take home. A Christmas gift tombola, a fantastic bring
and buy table with quality items. Phoenix cards, stationery and wrapping
paper. Can you guess the name of a large mouse? and of course, the Raffle.
But I need your help. Small gifts, wrapped if possible, for the tombola. Can
you bring them to me by next Wednesday? So far I have just one raffle prize,
please help.
HAVING a party? Then you need music to make things go with a swing and who
better to provide this than the Manhattan Roof Orchestra.
can have a simple keyboard trio or a seven-piece ensemble to suit your
function. They offer Dinner Jazz, Swing, Blues and Boogie, the choice is
yours. And who is the leader of the band? None other than our own Bob
Thompson. You may be too late to book him for your Christmas/New Year events
but give him a call on 01494 772143 or e-mail
get your taste buds in full working order for a Wine Tasting on December 12
at 8pm in the village hall. This is promoted by the management and staff of
Hyde Heath Village Shop to launch a new range of French wine obtained from a
local importer. Please advise the staff at the shop if you wish to attend.
you know that you can order your turkey from the village shop? Fresh bronze
or white birds, locally produced with weights in the range 12 to 14 lbs.
When ordering, indicate the weight required and you will be quoted a price.
Order now to guarantee your choice of bird.
So, we've dealt with the turkey, then there is a whole range of
mouth-watering cakes available. Ask for an order form to make sure of your
Christmas treat. Down to basics. Bread. Please order your bread and rolls as
soon as possible. The shop management cannot guarantee meeting demand, even
from regular customers without a firm order. Do it now, then you can settle
back with a glass or two of Hyde Heath Ale. Cheers!
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
November 29th 2007
ANDREWS DAY. After the re-dedication of the refurbished church by the Bishop
of Oxford, the Rt.Revd. John Pritchard, it is hoped that all villagers and
visitors will join in the festivities of the "Olde English Christmas Fayre."
I am told that the marquees will have under-floor heating, so whatever the
weather we will be warm and dry. The Fayre goes on until 10pm and then again
on Saturday from 3 to 7pm. I hope you have bought one of the attractive
programmes. You have? - then look on the back page and you will see that on
Friday evening, you have the chance to win one of the splendid prizes,
generously donated.
ON Sunday there will be no 8am nor 10.30am services at Little Missenden
church. Worshippers are invited to join the congregation at Hyde Heath for
the first communion to be celebrated there following the re-dedication. The
Advent Carol Service by candlelight will be held at St. John the Baptist
church, Little Missenden at 6pm.
AND this is not all for this weekend. On Saturday afternoon from 1.30 to
3.30pm, the Parents Association of Hyde Heath Infants School is holding its
annual Christmas Fair in the school hall. Probably you have given something
for the tombola or for the secret shopping but there will be lots more to
tempt the coins out of your pockets. It is always a jolly affair which helps
to swell the coffers of the association.
THE school does need help other financial. There is a vacancy for a
part-time teaching assistant. The hours are five days a week, each morning
and one afternoon. Salary is in accordance with government regulations.
Qualifications? Enjoying working with young children. The successful
applicant would, as the title suggests, assist the classroom teacher and
help supervise the lunch-time break. Do you think you fit the bill? Then
call or ring the school now as the final date for applications is December
4. Telephone 01494 783835.
OLD Time Music Hall raised the rafters of the village hall last weekend. It
was a splendid show, many of the audience thought it the best yet. It was
certainly the best I have seen. The costumes were lovely, the chorus so
vibrant and the pace, breath-taking. It was good to see Brian Barnett back
on stage amongst all our regular favourites. Good as they all were, they
couldn' t have done it without the orchestra of the indefatigable Elaine
Brown. What hours and hours of rehearsal must have gone into this production
and all the profits are shared between village groups, the school,the
pre-school, the scout group (cubs and beavers) and the village hall. A big
Thank You and congratulations to Barbara and Terry Cann, the moving spirits
behind it all.
IT will be a full weekend and to quote Tiny Tim "God Bless Us All."
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
November 22nd 2007
I REFER to last week's item
concerning the sad account of the unidentified man found dead. I have now
been asked to pass on a message of thanks from the coroner for the helpful
response from villagers which greatly aided the identification. I understand
that a close relative has been located.
EGYPT. What thoughts of mystery and romance are conjured up by the very

Chris Herring tried but couldn't produce the golden mask of a pharaoh so he
is doing what he does best - putting on Egyptian Night at The Plough next
Wednesday. The mouth-watering menu is displayed in the Village Shop (and
on this web-site - see link on main page). There is a selection
of starters, then a choice four main courses with a sweet to finish. The
price of £16 a head includes wine. Forget whatever is on T.V. that evening,
the place to be is The Plough at Hyde Heath, 7.30 for 8pm.
is going out in style. Friday 30th is St. Andrew's Day and this year, a very
special day. At 6pm we will witness the re-dedication of our church on the
common by the Rt Revd John Pritchard, the new Bishop of Oxford. As you all
know for the past six months the church has undergone an extensive programme
of refurbishment. This includes new stained glass windows commemorating our
benefactors, Bill and Violet Williamson and Frances Clark without whose
great generosity, none of this would have been possible.
A MOMENT of quiet reflection and then at 7pm, the common will erupt into
life with
an "Olde English Christmas Fayre." There will be Marquees, stalls of craft
goods, a tombola, hot chestnuts, a hog roast, mulled wine and a Carousel.
Rain or shine, come to the Fair !
I DON'T often mention the Chiltern Society, mainly because Hyde Heath and
District seldom comes into its remit. However, I hear from my contact in
Chesham, none other than the Mayor, Merrin Molesworth, that the Society is
pushing the local authorities to ensure greater road safety for walkers. We
do have a lot of walking groups here and their outings would be more
enjoyable with adequate, well-maintained grass verges and with better help
in crossing busy roads.
I KNOW we haven't had Christmas yet but one must plan ahead. On January
17-19,2008, the Hyde Heath Drama Group present "A Funny Thing Happened on
the Way to the Forum," with a cast, if not of thousands, just about the
entire membership of the group.
box office is now open, ring 01494 776193 (yes, it's me) to book your seats.
Tickets, no increase, are £7.50 with concessions at £6.50. Interval
refreshments are courtesy of the group. The director has asked me to point
out that this very amusing show is not suitable for young children, so there
is no matinee performance. However for adults, a visit to the Village Hall
at 7.30 for curtain up 8pm, will chase away those January Blues.
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
November 15th 2007
HYDE Heath Infant School Travel
Plan. The government is encouraging all schools to have a School Travel
Plan. This is a document setting out local issues in connection with getting
pupils to and from school safely. To this end, the school has set up a
working group, seeking the views ans experiences of school parents and their
children and local residents. It has issued a questionnaire available from
the shop or the school and asks all concerned villagers to complete this
form, returning it to the school by November 30. Foremost in mind is a
decent path from the road to the school gate with a pavement at the
beginning. Parking in the area of the school is becoming a hazard and a
pedestrian crossing would slow down speeding motorists. What ideas do you
SATURDAY, December 1, the school is holding its Christmas Fair from 1.0 to
3.30pm. Unfortunately I have no further information apart from guessing that
there will be all kinds of temptation to extract coins, large and small from
your pockets. Do go along and support our school. You have only to look
around to see how wisely the money is spent for the benefit of our young
NOW, here's an idea for Christmas. "Annus Horribilis" - Latin for everyday
life. This is a small hard-back book extolling the joys of Latin. The local
author, Mark Walker was inspired to write this following his experiences
teaching Latin to adult classes. It wil be in all good book shops at the end
of the month.
SCANNAPPEAL has hit on a novel fund-raising wheeze. A world record of
on-line donations. This scheme records the numbers of donors, regardless of
the money but the minimum donation is £2. To make your donation visit: Geoff, a Scannappeal volunteer has
set this up in memory of his late brother.
THE Mayor of Chesham has issued an invitation to all elderly people in
Chesham, Amersham and surrounding villages to a Christmas Party on Christmas
Day from 11.30am to 3.30pm. No details available at present but I will keep
you informed.
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
November 8th 2007
IT's good to be back with you. The
unforeseen circumstances of the last two weeks were caused by B.T. cutting
me off altogether just because I asked to come back to them! All is well now
and I have received a fulsome apology from a charming lady in the complaints
WE'VE had the half-term holiday and now it is Countdown to Christmas. If you
are still looking for Christmas cards, why not go along to St. Michael's
church in Sycamore Road, Amersham? There you will find a selection from 32
different charities. The shop is open inside the church, Monday to Saturday
from 10am to 4pm from November 7 to December 11. There is also a selection
of calendars and small gift items. Make it your first stop after parking and
before your visit to M.&S.
IT is November and some days when it has been dull and gloomy we feel that
winter has really started. Chesham Theatre Company has a remedy for the
blues - Fur Coat and No Knickers! This is a comedy by Mike Harding to be
staged at The Elgiva on November 14-17 at 8pm, directed by Helen Salisbury.
Tickets are £12 with concessions at £9 from the box office 01494 582900.
HYDE Heath Old Time Music Hall Society takes the stage in the village hall
at 8pm on November 23 and 24. I'm not sure if there are tickets still
available but it might be worth ringing Barbara on 01494 783254 for possible
ONE event we don't need tickets for is the service of re-dedication of St.
Andrews church on November 30 at 6pm. The Bishop of Oxford, the Rt.Revd.
John Pritchard will officiate and the Revd. John Simpson hopes that as many
villagers as possible will come to join in this special service. Afterwards,
weather permitting, we will enjoy a Victorian Christmas Fair on the common.
FRIDAY, December 14, the village hall will be the setting of the Hyde Heath
Village Christmas Morning, from 9.30am to 12.30pm. There will be coffee/tea
and cakes, more cakes to buy and take home. A raffle, of course. Your
favourite bring and buy table, a Christmas tombola, Christmas and general
greetings cards. This year the profits will go to The Pepper Foundation, the
children's branch of the Iain Rennie Hospice at Home charity. Once again I
am asking for your help to make this morning a success. We need cakes,
biscuits, preserves for the cake stall, small Christmas gift items for the
tombola, prizes for the raffle and attractive items for the bring and buy
table. The team is counting on you and I know you won't let us down.
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
October 12th 2007
I AM sorry that last week's news
letter was late reaching the shop, the notice board, etc. This was due to
circumstances beyond my control.
ARE you a community minded person who is interested in the development of
our future citizens? If so, Hyde Heath Infants School would love you to
volunteer to join its Governing Body. To find out more please contact Chair
of Governors, Susan Rayne either through the school (783835,) the village
shop or at home on 783362.
RECENTLY I spoke about the need for house to house collectors for the
British Legion Poppy Appeal.
now learn that Hyde Heath is particularly lacking in volunteers. David Cope
on 01494 776472 is urgently awaiting a call from you. It is only once a year
and a couple of hours to do your own part of the village is all that is
asked. Please make that call now.
SPEAKING of volunteers, the shop at Amersham hospital is quite desperate for
people to take the shop trolley round the hospital each weekday morning. If
you have had the misfortune to be a patient, you will recall how glad you
were to hear the cry "Anything from the trolley?" They carry an amazing
selection of goods and bring a breath of the outside world brightening the
four walls of the ward. The whole stint takes no more than two hours. Please
can you spare that time once a week and cheer just one person's stay in a
hospital bed? For details ring Wendy Golding at 01494 734436.
OLD Time Music Hall. Barbara tells me that there are still some (not many)
seats available for Saturday, November 24. Friday 23rd is filling up, so
don't delay in ringing her on 01494 783254.
ANDREW'S DAY, November 30 is a very special day this year for us in Hyde
Heath. Our church on the commom, refurbishment completed, will be
re-dedicated by the Bishop of Oxford, the Rt.Revd. John Pritchard. The
service will be at 6pm - do note the time. The church will have three
beautiful new stained glass windows, each containing a small commemorative
plaque to Bill and Vi Williamson and Mrs. Frances Clarke, our generous
benefactors who made this project possible. The service will be followed by
a Victorian Christmas Fair on the common with local crafts, a hog roast,
chestnuts, mulled wine and The Amersham Town Band. I hope the new Christmas
cards will be available. There are three attractive designs in packs of 10
with envelopes at £4.99. To order, contact the Parish office on 01494 862008
or e-mail
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
October 5th 2007
BIG Thank You to everyone who helped last Friday (Macmillan Coffee morning)
and raised the splendid total of £600. Apart from the people who ran
the stalls, the wonderful cake-makers, donors of bric-a-brac, books and
raffle prizes, my special thanks to that knight in shining armour, Alan
Childs. Alan not only put up all the tables on Friday morning, on Sunday he
came and carried several large boxes of books from my hall to the garage. It
would have taken me many back-breaking journeys to have done it. It was a
kind, spontaneous action, typical of the folk of Hyde Heath.
THE director of "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" i s
seeking a young man - well, aren't we all? Seriously, she needs this male
person to complete the cast for the show to be staged by Hyde Heath Drama
Group on January 18,19,20,2008. What are the requirements? Age 17-30 years,
obviously able to act, sing a little and generally have all-round skills to
perform in this light-hearted production. Are you that young man or do you
know someone who fits the bill? If you are interested, please ring
Erica Elson - 01494 784760. Rehearsals are held in Hyde Heath Village Hall
on Mondays 8.30-10pm and Fridays 8-10pm. You will be assured of a very warm
welcome and three months of jolly rehearsals culminating in being part of a
stupendous production.
SATURDAY, October 27 is the date of this year's Endeavour Auction held at
the Endeavour Centre, Cameron Road, Chesham. If you have any good quality
items to donate, please contact Danny Baker, 01494 776188. Small items of
furniture are most acceptable but we regret that we do not have the
transport for larger pieces. Chiltern Friends of the Endeavour is a
registered charity whose sole purpose is to raise funds to provide extra
equipment, outings and entertainment thus helping to improve the lives of
the clients at the Centre. Viewing at the auction is from 10am, bidding
starts promptly at 12noon. Refreshments are available, bacon or cheese
rolls, tea, coffee and cakes.
200 CLUB. Have you completed the form and sent it with your cheque to Jayne
Howlett or handed it in at the Shop? October 28 is the closing date. No
applications can be accepted after that date.
Night on October 13 is three-quarters sold out. If you haven't already
booked your place, do it quickly. The price is a modest £7 for a great
evening's entertainment with a scrumptious supper. Ring 01494 775967 and say
I sent you!
ADVANCE notice. There will be a Christmas Village Morning on December 14.
You all enjoyed last Friday so much I thought we might do it all again. This
time proceeds will go to the Pepper Shop in Amersham where I spend so many
Saturdays. More details later but please note the date.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
September 27th 2007
28th is the day for coffee - lots of it means lots of coins filling the
collection boxes for Macmillan Cancer Support. I look forward to seeing
you all in the Village Hall from 9.30am to 12.30pm, please come and join
in the Biggest Coffee Morning in the World.
HYDE Heath caters for all ages with a complete range of activities. The
Drama Group includes two octogenarians and right at the other end of the
scale we have the Parent and Toddlers' Group. This lively band meets on
Wednesday morning from 10am to 11.30am in the Village Hall. It is a
friendly "parent" run group offering a variety of activities for
pre-school age children. There is a weekly charge of £2 which includes
coffee for the mums and juice and biscuits for the children. Everyone is
welcome, do go along and enjoy what I imagine must be an hilarious
SOMETHING calmer now for a Sunday afternoon. Priestfield Arboretum at
Stony Lane,
Little Kingshill has an Open Day on October 14 from 10.30am to 4.30pm.
It is the last chance this year to see the fine collection of rare and
unusual trees growing in a small woodland setting. Priestfield is
privately owned and managed by a small band of dedicated volunteers,
nurturing at least a dozen specimen trees known to be globally
threatened. Guided tours take place throughout the day and a guide book
is available. Sturdy footwear is advised and families are especialy
welcome. For further details contect 01494 565269.
Once again collectors are needed for the door-to-door collections for
Remembrance Day poppies. Can you help? It is a good idea if you can do
it in pairs, particularly when going round in the evening when you are
more certain of finding people at home. I haven't got a contact number
at the moment but if you are interested, please let me know and I will
pass on your name to the organiser.
ARE your little grey cells in full working order? You'll need all your
wits about you on October 13.
It is the annual and ever popular David Coulton Quiz Night. Tickets are
£7 per person which includes a superb supper with pudding. There is a
licenced bar and please do not bring your own drinks as this invalidates
the licence. We play in tables of eight but don't worry if you cannot
make a complete team, singles and couples are welcome and will be fitted
in to make up eights. Time 7.30 for 8pm, Venue: Hyde Heath Village Hall.
NOVEMBER is the time for another eagerly awaited annual event in the
Hyde Heath calendar. The Old Time Music Hall, this year on 23rd and
24th. As you know it is always a sell-out, so to make sure of your
tickets, ring Barbara on 01494 783254 and make a reservation now.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail Top of Page
September 14th 2007
IT happens year after year, as
soon as the schools go back, we have an Indian Summer.
that there was no News Letter last week, I was enjoying a short break in
Bournemouth. I was not allowed to leave Hyde Heath and its problems
completely behind. I travelled with Woottons Coaches and the driver also
drives one of the school busses. I was boasting that we are the best kept
village whereupon he asked very firmly when would the oak tree at the bus
stop be cut back? It overhangs the road so much that coaches are
forced to park outside the area of the bus stop causing an obstruction at
that time of day. So, whose problem is this, Parish Council, District
Council or Highways and Byways ? However he was such an excellent driver,
I'm sure our children are safe in his hands.
BELATEDLY, my Birthday greetings to Chris Herring. I have seen the pictures
on the website . What a great time everyone had and it was a fine evening,
the icing on the cake. It was a splendid occasion to say "thank you" to
Chris for all he has done for the village.
I SEE the shield is in place on the common and on Saturday at 4.0pm
Rodney Howlett will officially receive it from the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of
Buckinghamshire, Mrs. Jenny Hopkirk. It is a great achievement and I noticed
that Chris is still working to make everything right for The Day. One of his
"young men" has cleared all the overgrown greenery from the path to the shop
and by Saturday the fence will have been completely painted.
AFTER all this excitement, it is our turn to host the Church Harvest Supper
in the village hall. Tickets are £10 and bring your own drinks. There may be
a few tickets left so quickly ring the parish office ar 01494 862008 or
Barbara Cann at 783254.
28 is the day to mark in red on your calendar. The Coffee Morning in aid of
Macmillan Cancer Support. From 9.30am to 12.30pm there will be a constant
flow of tea and coffee with cakes and biscuits. More cakes to buy and take
home. Delightful treasures to find on the bring and buy table. Quality
second hand books, a raffle and soft toy tombola. Stock up with greetings
cards, etc. from Phoenix Cards and then a chance to win £5,000 worth of John
Lewis vouchers. Altogether the Coffee Morning to end them all. Come and meet
friend, old and new, bring the babies, swap photos and news of the families,
all the while supporting this wonderful charity. If you cannot come, can you
please, make a cake, give something for the raffle or send me a donation.
Thank you.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
August 30th 2007
The end of August, I can hardly believe it,
though at last we've had a taste of real summer weather.
you hear Hyde Heath on Three-Counties Radio last Sunday morning ? The
recording was made on Friday. Chris Sargeant had received a call from a
reporter who, having heard about this remarkable village, wanted to come
and see for himself. Chris asked me to go along to the shop and between
us we told the story of how the shop was set up and what a great success
it is. Of course it would happen to be a slack period but there was
Wendy ringing up imaginary purchases and handing out the change. It was
all great fun and the reporter was happy with his recording. There's no
doubt about it, Hyde Heath is now firmly on the map, thanks to Ray
Challinor and everyone who has made our Village Shop the success story
of The Chilterns.
It is back to school and the regular activities in the village hall.
Here's a reminder -
Monday - 7.30-8.30pm, Keep Fit with the indefatigable Jill Wheeler
Tuesday - 6.00-7.30pm, Cub Scouts with Akela Barbara Cann
8.15-9.45pm , Line Dancing with Derek Faversham
Wednesday - 10.00-11.30am, Toddlers Group
Thursday - 10.15am - 12.15pm, (2 sessions) Pilatus with Karen Moule (if
check with her first on 01628 522557)
On second thursday in the month, W.I at 8.00pm
Friday - 9.30-10.30am, Jazzercise
Meanwhile in the school hall, Monday - 6.00-7.30pm Brownies with Brown
Tuesday - 6.15-7.30pm Beaver
Scouts with
T. Wye.
dates to remember: This Wednesday, 5th, AGM of the Drama Group, followed
by auditions for "A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum."
Monday, 10th, Pam's Monday Lunch Club in the Chapel at 12.15pm. All are
welcome but book first with 01494 786224.
Wednesday 19th, AGM of the Village Hall Management Committee at 8.15pm
Friday 28th - The Big One at 9.30am come and join in the Biggest Coffee
Morning in the World in aid of Macmillan Nurses.
As you see we cater for all tastes and ages, it's what makes Hyde Heath
the favourite village in The Chilterns.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail Top of Page
August 23rd 2007
- gentlemen to help ladies in distress. Tell me the age of chivalry is
not dead, o brave chevaliers of Hyde Heath ! The fair maidens in
question are the WI who run the Amersham Country Market every Friday
morning in the hall of Amersham Free Church on Sycamore Corner. They
need help to put up the tables and arrange the layout at 7.30am ready
for the 8am opening. Then at the close at 11.30am, they need help for
the reverse process. The tables are similar to those in our village
hall. A small remuneration might be arranged but the big advantage is
first choice of the excellent produce on sale. If you can assist these
dear ladies at either time, please ring Felicity Beynon 01494
THE Age Concern Shopping Bus on Friday afternoons is a great social
outing. There
are two or three pick up points, always convenient to the passenger's
home. The return journey is right to one's own front door. And all for a
donation of £2. At present there are four wonderful drivers, Anne
Lloyd-Jones, Bill Newman, Ron Flint and Mary Collins. To cover for
holidays, illness or emergency, an extra driver is needed - can you be
that person? What is entailed? Three hours a month to take a cheerful
group of over 60s to Chesham for shopping. Full training on the mini-bus
will be provided before you are allowed to go solo. The whole duty would
occupy you from 12.30 to 3.30pm on one Friday in the month. This bus is
such a boon, beside shopping, it is a jolly little outing and a really
worthwhile cause. Please say you will help. Bill Newman 01494 774234 is
waiting for your call and will gladly answer any questions you may wish
to ask.
WE'VE had
awful weather this month but each Friday it has been fine for the
Kick-a-Bout on the common. The reports I have received say that the
children have enjoyed themselves but it is a pity that more did not go
along. The trouble was that so few people knew about it. The details
were not circulated until the first week of August. It was a joint
venture of Chiltern District Council and Paradigm Housing, a great idea
but needed more and earlier publicity.
TWO weeks ago, I celebrated 30 years of living in Hyde Heath, soon I
will be able to count myself a villager. It is the longest that I have
lived anywhere and now I can't imagine living anywhere else. I just hope
that now I will be forgiven for inhabiting the house that was built on
the site of a brick and flint cottage. We were not the first occupants
of the house, never knew of the existence of the cottage but somehow
local people felt we were to blame for its demolition. I wonder where
that JCB operator is now ?
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
August 16th 2007
SORRY there was no news letter last week. I
went away for a couple of days, the weather was lovely, we could drink
the water and I was having such a good time, I stayed another day.
did I miss? Well, the first Kickabout on the common. I hope enough
children turned up as it was rather short notice for parents. However,
it carries on each Friday until the end of the month. If you haven't had
the details, all information is on the card displayed on the counter of
the village shop.
NOW, I know the weather has not encouraged us to engage in strenuous
outdoor activities but does this mean that you have been just a little
indulgent in your diet or taking the car instead of walking? Help is at
hand! You may have the advice of a personal trainer. Ceefee Dunn is
offering free consultations during August. Amongst her range of services
she offers nutritional advice, weight management and massage. Give her a
ring on 07920 014003.
I WAS thrilled to learn that Hyde Heath was among the top Macmillan
Coffee Mornings in the County last year. 28th September is the day we do
it all again this year. The hall is booked and paid for by an anonymous
donor. Already I have received pledges of help but more are needed.
are cakes and biscuits to go with the coffee/tea and to sell separately.
Jams, marmalade and preserves will also be welcome. We need raffle
prizes, small objets d'art and other interesting items for the bring and
buy stall and this year we are having a second-hand book stall. I hope
to persuade Phoenix cards to come with greeting cards, etc. Please say
you will help to make this a bumper year for Macmillan Nurses. If you
want to know more, please ring me, 01494 776193 or e-mail .
THE Village Hall Management Committee holds its AGM on 19th September at
8.15pm. the members hope that more villagers will come along this year.
If you have a point to make, it is important that you are heard. On the
other hand, if you just want to say what a splendid job the committee is
doing, they would like to hear that too.
the time of year - the Drama Group is holding its AGM on 5th September
in the Village Hall at 8.0pm. This will be followed by auditions for the
January production, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum."
This has a largely male cast but the gentle sex will be required for
small parts and crowd scenes. Then there is always work for the back
stage crew and set building. Whatever your particular attributes, do
come along, find out about the play and the group and before you can say
"Frankie Howerd" you'll find yourself in a toga and never look back.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
August 3rd 2007
MY Goodness! What an exciting week we have
had. We've won the Cup!
Cup in question is the Morris Cup, awarded each year for the best kept
village in the Chilterns. There are various categories and Hyde Heath
came into the class for 501 - 1,500 inhabitants. In past years we have
been highly commended or received a certificate of merit but never
before have we come top of the class.
HOW did we do it? Well, we like to think that perhaps the "litter-pick"
helped. Then the area of the hall and shop is looking smart and
cared-for but the prize must go to Chris Herring and The Plough. As you
approach the village from either direction, you are immediately aware of
the massed flowers decorating the outside, it all looks so welcoming.
But this is not all that Chris has done for the village, apart from the
lovely meals. It is thanks to him that young men doing "community
service" have painted the seats and benches on the common and kept it
tidy. Have you noticed that the bus shelter is clean and freshly
painted? In fact the whole common has a typically English look. The
cricket pavilion on the far side and "the square" marked out, so
lovingly tended by Mike Thompson. On a fine Sunday afternoon, with our
team playing at home, this is a perfect English village scene.
The presentation will be made on 15th September by the deputy Lord
Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, Mrs. Jennie Hopkirk. Details will be
announced later.
IN the village hall, I know many of you have wondered who was Tui
Addison? She lived here some years ago and was a great supporter of the
village and the hall. It was through her generosity that the original
kitchen was installed. Last week, Ray Challinor met an elderly couple in
the shop, on their way to Little Missenden Church. It was none other
than Heather Tinsley (nee Addison) and her husband. They were visiting
the church where they were married sixty years ago. The visit was in the
nature of a pilgrimage as they have lived in Yorkshire for many years.
Ray was delighted to show them round the hall where they were impressed
with the changes that have taken place. It gave Heather great pleasure
to see that her mother's plaque is still in place. Ray asked the origin
of the unusual name Tui. It comes from New Zealand and is the name of a
rare bird found only there.
I HAVE said before that people never really leave Hyde Heath and this
week I received an e-mail from Glenys Groome, now living in California.
She and her husband lived at Consett, Brays Lane from 1992 to 1996 and
she had just found our website. She was amazed to see all the changes
that have occurred. They are hoping to visit the family at Christmas and
will certainly call in and support the village shop.
SADLY there are some villagers who are unaware of this Newsletter.
Please pass the word around. There is no formal charge but I would be
grateful if you would put a coin in the Pepper Pot in the shop or in the
Scannappeal box in The Plough.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
July 26th 2007
Dear! As I write it is still raining and I have a dreadful cold and cough.
I have to look at the calendar to make sure that it really is July.
the good news is that we have a new clutch of graduates in the village.
The subjects range from business studies to music, a first class honours
there for a mature student. We wish them all every success as they follow
their chosen careers.
MORE good news came in the announcement of the engagement of our Brown Owl
of Hyde Heath Brownie pack, Shanta Gillott to Darrell Hoar. We send them
our best wishes foe their future happiness.
CONGRATULATIONS to Clarice Underwood, only 15 year old she
took bronze at the ESAA Sainsbury's Track and Field Championships in
Birmingham, running the 100m in 12.28 seconds. This is her first year at
intermediate level, watch her progress, you heard it here first! Another
sporting success was the victory for the The Lee cricketers in the under
11 Bucks KO cup final. Our own Rhys Gordon was a member of the victorious
in the Parish Church. On Friday at 7.30, "A Festival of Britten" which
includes a selection of folk songs by Britten, Purcell and Quilter. Then
on Saturday, 8th September, "The Autumn Concert." This features the
Retallick String Quartet and the programme includes works by Mozart,
Borodin and Schubert. Tickets for both concerts are £7 and may be
purchased at the door or by ringing the parish office 01494 862008.
DO you ride a horse or a bicyle or like a good interesting walk? You do?
Then Satuday 8th September is a must for your diary.
of Buckinghamshire will be on the move that day, taking part in the
sponsored ride or stride in aid of the Historic Churches Trust. Last year
Wendover Deanery raised more than any other diocese and Little Missenden
contrinbuted £1,000 from our six riders and walkers. We would like more
people to join in to increase our contribution. Half the money raised goes
to the Trust and the rest to our own parish. It is a most enjoyable day
(weather permitting) visiting our lovely old local churches. For more
information and a sponsorship form, please telephone Anthony del Tufo
01494 416330. Before you set out, why not read up about it? The Trust has
recently published a new book featuring pictures and stories about the
churches you will visit on your journey. Copies are available from the
parish office or from Anthony del Tufo.
WITH the continuing unseasonal weather, our thoughts are with the farmers,
will they be able to bring home the harvest in September? Whatever the
weather, Little Missenden Parish will hold its harvest festival supper on
15th September in Hyde Heath Village Memorial Hall. Places are
unfortunately limited, so call the parish office or sign the list in the
porch at St. John the Baptist. Tickets are £10 for two courses and please
bring your own wine.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
July 19th 2007
Heineken Cup comes to Hyde Heath Infants School. It was Celebration Day at
the school on Wednesday. Along with the Cup we had the Wasps Mascot, Sting
and a young representative from Wasps Training Academy. The occasion was the
presentation to the school of two National Awards. Headmistress, Mrs. Julie
Moulsdale accepted the Basic Skills Quality Mark Award for maintaining high
standards in the teaching of literacy and numeracy. The second plaque, the
Healthy Schools Award was accepted by Mrs. Phyl Flack. This award confirms
that the school is meeting the emotional, educational and health needs of
the staff and pupils. In other words, Hyde Heath Infants is a happy school.
The children are taught about healthy eating, they enjoy regular outdoor
activities and if they have any little problems, these are dealt with
sympathetically with the co-operation of the parents. The welfare of each
individual child is paramount.
Mrs. Moulsdale paid tribute to the Parents Association which is tireless in
its support and imaginative ideas for fund raising. Last Saturday at the Fun
and Sports Day, it presented the school with a cheque for £5,000. The target
of £15,000 for the bricks has been achieved but it is not too late to add
your name, more bricks have been set aside for late comers. A special
presentation was made to Debbie Kohl for her work with the association
during the past 12 years. She hasn't finished yet as she is the official
keeper of the rabbit during school holidays.
THIS week, Mrs. Moulsdale is meeting the senior surveyor of Bucks County
Council to plan the start of the building works.
has been overwhelmed at the financial support from many sources for this
work. Mike Wingrove, a parent, organised a Golf Day and raised £5,050 which
included a contribution from Anglo-Irish Bank plc. Pre-School and Daisy
Chain gave a cheque for £1,400 and the Village Shop gave £1,500 with a
similar sum to come in September.
WHAT an achievement! Never mind the official recognition, the committment of
parents and villagers speaks volumes for the regard and affection in which
we hold the school, the staff, the parents association and the governors.
breaks up on Friday - A Happy Holiday to you all.
FUTURE Event, 27th October. The Great Endeavour Auction. If you have any
good saleable items you are willing to donate, collection can be arranged
any time now. The Auction is in aid of The Chiltern Friends of the Endeavour
- the fund raising arm of the Endeavour Day Care Centre, Chesham. If you can
help, please contact Danny Baker 01494 776188. We are sorry that we cannot
accommodate large pieces of furniture but small items are most acceptable.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
July 12th 2007
you to all my eagle-eyed readers for pointing out that 24th September is not
a Friday. I should have said that the Biggest Coffee Morning in the World
takes place in Hyde Heath and everywhere on 28th September.
ON Tuesday I was privileged to be in the audience at Great Missenden School
for the performance of "The Witches" adapted by David Wood from the story by
Roald Dahl. Each year all the pupils of year 6 are involved in a stupendous
production. This is the fourth one I have seen and they have all
breath-taking. Imagine coping with a cast of 58 eleven year olds and a
backstage crew of 12 and you get some idea of the scope of the undertaking.
It says much for the spirit of the school that so many of the parents were
involved too. The costumes, scenery and effects were so professional it was
difficult to realise that we were watching a school play in the school hall.
It would not be fair to single out any one of the cast, they all came
together and the effect was magicial. But it all happened because of two
people, the directors, Paul Hankey and Anna Bowden to whom I offer highest
praise for their achievement and committment. Whoever thinks that teaching
is a nine to four job should spend a term at Great Missenden or indeed at
any of our local schools.
BACK home at Hyde Heath Infants School, it was Open Evening on Wednesday
when the children were able to show their work and their school to their
parents. Then on Saturday we have the School and Pre-School Sports and
Family Fun Day. We start at 10am with School Sports, followed at 11am with
the Pre-School Sports. From 11.30am it is time for Family Picnic and Fun
Day. My Goodness! How different from my infant school days when most of the
time I was terrified by the forbidding teacher and the Dickensian building.
WEDNESDAY 18th July is a special celebration day for the school. Parents are
invited to join staff and pupils in the playground (the hall if wet) at 10am
when the school will be presented with the Buckinghamshire Healthy Schools
Award and the Basic Skills Quality Mark Award. The staff have worked hard
this year to promote all sports and an active lifestyle for the children. To
crown this achievement, representatives from London Wasps Rugby Club will
bring that most prestigious trophy, The Heineken Cup for us all to see. You
may recall Wasps were awarded the cup on winning the European Rugby Cup
Final at Twickenham in May this year. What a scoop for Hyde Heath and
congratulations to the headmistress, Mrs.Julie Moulsdale, her staff and the
committed Parents Association on their success.

EVEN more success to report. Isobelle Piper of Walnut Way, a pupil of Bob
Thompson, has passed the examination in Pianoforte with merit.
Congratulations and please carry on practising !
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
July 7th 2007
WHEN most local thespians are "resting" the Chesham Theatre Company go
into overdrive.
Putting their
faith in the shades of thespis and their loyal supporters, they are staging
an Open Air Summer Festival at The Bury in Chesham. It all started last
weekend but you can, with suitable waterproof clothing and a large umbrella,
enjoy "The Importance of Being Earnest" this Friday and Saturday at 8pm.
Then on Saturday at 3pm, a treat for all the family, "Alice in Wonderland."
Tickets are from £6 to £12, available from 01494 783355 and 771002. Seats
are not numbered, it is just a case of first come have the best choice.
news about the "Sponsor a Brick" scheme at Hyde Heath Infants School. The
latest total is £3,000. If
you haven't already done so, please pick up a leaflet from the Village shop
and make your pledge. The Parents Association, the organiser of the scheme,
has asked me to express its gratitude to everyone who has supported it. The
response has been heart-warming. However, there are still the £50 and £100
bricks available. These may appeal to local business organisations. If you
know anyone in this category, please pass the word on or better still, had
round a leaflet.
THE management of Hyde Heath Village Shop is not contents to rest on its
laurels. Oh, those little temptresses! The latest addition to the
mouth-watering goodies on the shelves, is a range of organic jams,
preserves, chutneys and pasta sauces, some of which are gluten free. Just
reading the labels is enough to
set the taste buds working overtime.
NEXT Wednesday is Curry Night at The Plough. For those of you who have not
been before, the menu is a
starter followed by a choice of four curries with accompanying dishes and
all for £9. Booking is advisable so
ring 01494 783163. The fourth Wednesday in the month, 25th July, is the
night for the international menu.
This month it is the turn of Poland, details of this later. These
evenings take place in the delightful Minstrels
Gallery, all part of The Plough Experience. Between The Plough and the Shop,
Hyde Heath is fast becoming
the Epicurean Centre of the Chilterns.
TALKING of food, next Monday is Pam's Lunch Club in the Baptist Chapel at
I cannot give you
details of the menu, all I can say is that we will enjoy a lovely
home-cooked two-course meal. Everyone is
welcome but please ring 01494 786224 to say you are coming. The cost ? a
donation of £2.50 is suggested.
SADLY, in spite of Mike Thompson's best efforts, the weather has defeated
our cricketers. This week, the
annual key event, The Plough v. Hyde Heath Cricket Club had to be called
off. Should things improve by
Sunday, we are at home to Ballinger Waggoners, with play due to start at 2pm
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
June 28th 2007
early and stay late! Now there's an invitation. Where is it?
I hear you cry as you reach for telephone and wallet. It's That Pepper
Effect, an extravaganza of all the best in live music performed by local
musicians, rock and big band and with children from Pepper Youth. Backed by
state of the art lighting, sparkling sound and an amazing stage set to give
you a musical night out to remember. Among the musicians will be Hyde
Heath's King of the Keyboard, our own, Dave Bevan. The venue: Centenary
Hall, Berkhamsted Collegiate School, Kings Road, Berkhamsted, HP4 3BG. The
dates: 14th to 21st July. The time: live music, bar and buffet food from
6.30pm until after the show until 11.30pm. On Sunday, from 4.30 until
9.30pm. To book, ring 01442 877292. Prices range from £15 to £25 with
concessions at £7, please note there is a 50p charge per ticket for credit
card bookings. The show is sponsored by B.P. Sanders & Co.Ltd and for
further details visit the website: . All the proceeds will be used by The Pepper
Foundation to enable the charity provide much needed funding for the Pepper
Nursing Team.
AM pleased to let you know that contributions to the Pepper Pot in the
Village shop last month realised £26.52. As you know this is largely your
donations for this Newsletter which I grateful to say will continue to be
printed by Savills. This support vindicates my faith in starting the venture
last February and all the help and kind comments I have received are greatly
appreciated. Tell your friends from further afield that they can read the
Newsletter on the Hyde Heath website:
LAST weekend, the Cricket Bonanza was not completely ruined by the weather.
The Beer Festival was its usual rumbustious success in the splendid marquee.
The next day, in spite of lowering skies, play was possible and the result
between the President's and the Captain's Elevens was an honourable draw.
Unfortunately on Sunday, the weather won and the six-a side tournament had
to be called off. This Sunday, weather permitting we are hosts to Southwell
Ramblers, play due to start at 2.30pm
ADVANCE Notice. On 24th September, Hyde Heath
again take part in The Biggest Coffee Morning in the World. As you know this
is in aid of MacMillan Cancer Relief. Will you help me make this our best
result ever? I need helpers, lots of cakes and biscuits to have with the
coffee or to sell separately. Really good little items for the bring and buy
table, raffle prizes and suggestions for simple competitions. If we get
enough, we could have a book stall. I know it is three months ahead but
please start thinking about it now.
ONCE again, my thanks to the staff, now of Savills, Estate Agents for
printing this Newsletter. It has made a world of difference.
P.S. Chris, I love your little illustrations
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
June 21st 2007
weekend is Hyde Heath Cricket Weekend. Starting on Friday evening with
Beer Festival, sorry sold out. Saturday is President's Day and you are
welcome to come along partake of a delicious lunch and tea and watch the
cricket. To book, please ring Caroline Capper 01494 784043. Sunday is the
six-a-side tournament and there is a BBQ from 10am to 2.30pm. Costs and all
details from Caroline.
FOR some of you going to the Henry Allen Nursery School must seem a long
time ago. The
school is celebrating its 65th birthday with a birthday tea on 7th July from
2 to 4pm. Jamie Shaw, the present head teacher extends a warm welcome to all
former pupils. I think he would like an RSVP so that the organisers know how
many jellies and chocolate biscuits to provide.
IF you go along to Hyde Heath Infants School, you will see a chart showing
the progress of the Sponsor a Brick scheme. It is a bit slow at the moment
with lots of empty spaces. The organisers, the Parents Association, hope to
provide the opportunity for the supporters of the building project to see
the improved school premises and be present at the unveiling of the
engraved bricks. I will keep you posted of the developments.
THE Murder Mystery Evening was great fun. It is a real village event with
the village hall management committee combining with the drama group. This
evening was a special occasion as the loop system, the gift of the village
shop, had been installed and proved to work perfectly.
SUNDAY, 24th June is the patronal day of St. John the
and parishioners will honour the day by morning service in the parish church
and in the afternoon with a garden party in the Manor House, next to the
church. Take your own picnic and enjoy the games and entertainment whatever
the weather.
THE forecast doesn't look too good for barbeques on Saturday, so why not
take a trip to the Ballinger War Memorial Hall and catch the last night of a
memorable production of "Educating Rita." I have been told that there seats
available at £8. Doors open 7.15, curtain up 8.0pm. You are invited to take
your own supper with you to eat before the play opens and finish off during
the interval. Do please remember to take crockery, cutlery and glasses with
you, only the tablecloth is provided. I was privileged to watch the dress
rehearsal and Barry Slade and Marie Newey kept me spell-bound throughout the
entire performance. If you don't see any other play this year, do go to this
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
June 14th 2007
week l told you about the extensions and other work that is being done at
St. Andrews Church. I omitted to say that these improvements are possible
not only through Bill Williamson's legacy but also by the generous bequest
of the late Mrs. Frances Clark. In their lifetimes, they were both devoted
to the well-being of Hyde Heath and all villagers. Their memories will
always live on by their great generosity and we feel sure that they will
have approved at the differences they have made to our lives here, at the
village hall and shop, the school and the church .
them eat cake? No way! The management of the village shop has changed the
supplied of bread. There were difficulties about delivery times with the
previous baker and from this week, Darvells of Chesham will supply bread and
a selection of cakes and pastries each day. Darvells will also supply
GLUTEN-FREE and organic loaves. If you would like this special bread, please
let Ruth know (01494 774252) as it will not normally be stocked but she will
be happy to order it for you.
OVERGROWN hedges are becoming a bit of a problem in the village. One in
particular has completely covered the footpath, causing everyone to walk
into the road at the corner. In Weedon Hill one has narrowed the footpath so
that single file is the order of the day.
motorists, the junction at Brays Lane and Weedon Hill is always tricky but
now the hedges on either side limit visibility to a dangerous level. A visit
to the shop is becoming "a walk on the wild side" ducking under hedges,
avoiding dog excreta and discarded remnants of last night's take-away. But
it need not be like this if we all did a little bit to keep the village
clean and tidy.
WE pay our community charge to Chiltern District Council. Surely this must
give us some say in what goes on in Amersham, our nearest shopping centre.
Do you recall the time when the only place for a cup of coffee or meal was
the little tea-room above the butcher's shop in Sycamore Road?
Now there are three other outlets and three restaurants. There are two
mobile phone shops, in total seven charity shops and countless shops selling
greetings cards but nowhere for ladies to buy even a pair of knickers! When
a card shop recently closed, we held our breath, what would take its place?
Guess what? A purveyor of quality organic coffees! This is town planning. Do
these "planners" actually live in Amersham or even on this planet? The car
park was extended to accommodate the hoped-for influx of customers to the
new M & S Simply Food store but knicker-less females will still have to go
further afield for their basic necessities and will do their other shopping
in those other towns.
FINALLY if you are quick, you may still be in time to book seats for
Saturday's Murder Mystery Evening. in the village hall. Supper is
included in the admission charge of £10. 01494 775967 is the number to ring
but do it now.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
June 7th 2007
exciting times ahead for the village but first I must correct remarks I made
last week about the extension to the school to provide a third classroom and
amenity areas.
A PUBLIC meeting was held at the end of April at which the plans were shown.
These are now displayed outside the school. Visitors to the school on Fete
Day were able to view the plans. The project was set out by school governor
Margaret Dunn in the March/April edition of the parish magazine.
finance for the project comes mainly from the legacy of Bill Williamson,
there is an amount of state funding and the balance will come from the
imaginative scheme of the parents association to sponsor a brick. I am
grateful to the headmistress, Mrs. Julie Moulsdale and to school governor,
Susan Rayne for explaining all this to me and apologise for the distress I
caused to them and to members of the parents association for last weeks
comments. If you would like to discuss the matter, any of the school
governors would be happy to talk to you. But now, all you have to do is get
out your cheque book, fill in that form and take it along to the school.

THE other great regeneration is to our church, St. Andrews on the Common.
There was a fully illustrated article about this in the magazine a few
months ago. Again it has been made possible by Bill Williamson's generosity.
For the time being, services are being held in the school hall. If you would
like to know more, I'm sure Fr.John will be happy to talk to you. Call him
at the parish office 01494 862008.
THE Tomball Charity is honouring the memory of Thomas Ball's passing four
years ago in a positive way. In partnership with the Anthony Nolan Bone
Marrow Appeal, it is holding a Bone Marrow Clinic. If you are in good health
and aged between 18 and 40 years and committeed to saving a life, please go
along to Prestwood Junior School, Clare Road, Prestwood on June 21 between 5
and 8pm. Be prepared for a brief counselling session and a blood test. For
full details, ring Elaine Ball 01494 890157.
THE Village shop has a new range of biscuits in stock. But these are not
just biscuits, they are confections made from the finest ingredients
enhanced with morsels of ginger, almonds from the foothills of Greece and
spices from the Orient. These are Hyde Heath Village Shop biscuits.
are a few places left for the Murder Mystery Evening on June 16 at 8pm in
the Village Hall. £10 will give you a great evenings entertainment plus a
superb supper. Ring 01494 775967 but do it now.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
June 1st 2007
got the bus shelter and the tables and benches smartened up, Chris has
turned his attention to the gates. When they were installed, it was never
clear who would maintain them. Now Chris has the matter in hand and they
will be cleaned, cleared of debris and look as good as new - not that
drivers seem to take much notice of the request to drive carefully through
the village.
JUNE 13 is Curry Night at The Plough. I've had a peep at the menu and it
certainly looks
inviting. Start with Balti prawns in a coconut sauce and follow with a
choice of four different curies with accompanying dishes all for £9. As this
is served in the delightful Minstrels Gallery, it is advisable to book, ring
01494 783163. June 27 has a Japanese menu, but more of that later.
YOU probably have had a leaflet asking you to sponsor a brick towards the
cost of the extension to Hyde Heath Infant School. The parents association
is aiming to raise £15,000. A highly commendable endeavour but possibly,
like me, you would like to have a little more information and even be shown
the plans for this project. We are talking about a considerable amount of
money and perhaps there could be a meeting for villagers to be told in more
detail about the proposal.
HAVE you booked your seat for the Murder Mystery Evening on June 16 in the
village hall? I understand that already half the places have been booked, so
get your friends together to make up a table then ring Ruth on 01494 775967.
DEAR, it hasn't been a very good start to the cricket season has it? This
Sunday, if it stops raining, we travel to Ley Hill as the guests of Ley Hill
C.C. We hope that play will start at 2.00pm
I MUST make a small correction to my comments last week about the Annual
Meeting of the Village shop. I said that only five members attended but that
did not take into account the members of the committee which numbered seven.
So in fact there were twelve of us. However, the point that I was trying to
make was that the committee want our comments and ideas. When making
suggestions for additional items of stock, we must bear in mind the limited
space available, shelf life and is there a demand other than from ourselves?
I think we all agree Ruth and Wendy do a fantastic job but they are always
looking for new ideas and would welcome our thoughts.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
May 24th 2007
HAVE you
noticed that the bus shelter has been cleaned and painted? This is thanks to
Chris Herring who engaged a young man on "community service" to do this and
to paint the benches and tables on the common. Once again, thank you Chris.
What a difference he has made to the common. He has brought it to life.
Early evenings and at weekends it is a joy to see families using their
common, playing with children or simply sitting having a quiet drink.
A BIG Thank You to Hyde Heath Cricket Club which for the fourth time
sponsored an outing for, as they put it, "The Golden Oldies."
By popular
request we went to Bournemouth and what a day we had ! 17 of us accompanied
by Caroline and John Capper, Pam and Steve Epps and Sandra Telford. It was
wall to wall sunshine throughout the day, Bournemouth at its glorious best.
The sea sparkled to such an extent some of the party couldn't resist a
paddle. Others walked through the gardens for which the town is justly
famous while the rest of the group sat and soaked up the sunshine. The whole
day, including lunch was the gift of Nick Wells and the cricket club funded
largely by the profits of the Beer Festival. So don't feel guilty as you
imbibe on 22nd June, it is all in a good cause !
I AM particularly fond of the Brownies ands asked Brown Owl for news of
their latest activities. In reply I received a letter from all 24 of them.
They told me of all the things they do at meetings and the places they have
visited and most of all how much they enjoy being a Brownie. At present the
pack has its total complement but there will be vacancies in the autumn.
They will have missed the Brownie camp and the visit to Woburn Safari Park
but I'm sure there are many more exciting events from October onwards. To
find out more, call Shanta Gillott 01494 722674 or e-mail
HYDE Heath Village Shop held its A.G.M. this week. Out of 115 members only 5
attended - a disappointment for the committee. We must not get complacent
about the shop. It continues to do well, thanks to careful husbandry of the
stock and accounts. However the committee would like to hear our comments
and suggestions. If you are not already a member, a share certificate costs
a modest £10 and you have a vote at any meetings. Contact the chairman, Ray
Challinor 01494 776200 for full information.
THIS year so far has seen a positive orgy of theatrical productions and
before the summer "resting" period, there is one more that I must bring to
your attention. You must cross the border, yea, even unto the realms of
Ballinger, where on June 21,22,23, in the Ballinger War Memorial Hall, two
local thespians will perform Will Russell's masterpiece "Educating Rita".
All details and booking from 01494 837321. Don't miss it.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
May 17th 2007
hardy lot we are! The torrential rain couldn't keep us away from the fete.
Of course it was disappointing that the bouncy castle and slide could not be
used, it would have been too dangerous in the wet conditions. But the
Spitfire flew over us, the beautiful cars lined up, dogs brought their
owners and the stall holders displayed their various wares. After all the
expenses have been paid, the total net profit is about £3,000. Once again,
congratulations to David Coulton, the master-mind behind another fantastic
THE Jarvis Family. From Chris's website and the newsletter, trace of
descendants has been made. Thanks to one villager who got clicking away on
the internet, we now know that Alfred did marry, twice and had four sons.
Our clever lady researcher is now in contact with the enquirer who lives in
GET out your walking boots as Saturday is for Beating the Bounds. We muster
at 9.0am at Little Missenden Church. The complete walk, at a leisurely pace
takes about 8 hours, including breaks. However you can take just one
section, say around Hyde Heath or Little Kingshill. For full information
call the Parish Office 01494 862008.
WALKING is the name of the game as next week is Walk to School Week. Please
do take especial care in the mornings and mid-afternoon as more children
than usual will be walking around the village and we know that small
children can do sudden, unexpected things. The roll at the school is now 55
young pupils from 5 to 7 years. The staff and we, as enthusiastic villagers
can be proud of this achievement. It is another reason why people want to
come and live here. The headmistress and staff are grateful for all the
support they receive from us, in particular the recent donations of Tesco
and Sainsbury vouchers and the on-going Nestle box top coupons.
NEXT Wednesday, 23rd, is South African evening in The Plough. I have seen
the menu and the dishes are mouth-watering. Book your table now you won't
want to miss this one, ring 01494 783163.
MURDER Mystery Evening on 16th June. As you know, this is a joint venture
between the Village Hall Committee and the Drama Group. Members of the hall
committee arrange the evening and provide the splendid supper, the drama
group provide the action. Please book through Ruth Coulton 01494 775967.
Tickets @ £10 include the supper and there will be a licenced bar. The
previous evenings have been complete sell-outs, so you should book your seat
now. In case you have not been before, the playlet is a who-dun-it ? Each
table works as a team to decide who the murderer is . They can ask questions
of the cast who must answer truthfully, except the guilty one who may lie.
The winning team is the one who not only guess the identity of the murderer
but how and why he/she did it.
NO cricket news but if it stops raining on Sunday we are the guests of Great
Missenden C.C. play starting at 2.0pm
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
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May 10th 2007
WELCOME to the Hyde Heath Summer
WE are delighted to welcome old friends who visit us every year at this
time. To you and all villagers, we hope you have a wonderful afternoon and
maybe win a prize or two.
WENDY Axe and JENNY Shaw will man the village shop for the whole afternoon.
I am told that extra stocks of ice-cream and soft drinks have been laid in.
The Plough will be dressed overall and Chris will make sure that everyone
enjoys that special holiday mood.
CAN you spare a little time in village research ? As you know our village
website reaches far and wide and Chris Sargeant has had a request for help
in tracing possible relatives.
THE Red Cow public house was run by George and Eliza JARVIS in 1871. They
had a son Alfred. Now does this ring any bells with present day villagers ?
Did Alfred marry and have children? Are there any Jarvises living in this
area now? Chris's correspondent is a rather distant relative of George and
Eliza and wonders if he has relations here. If you can help, please contact
THE Village Hall Committee and Hyde Heath Drama Group are combining to give
you another Murder Mystery Evening on 16th June in the Village Memorial Hall
at 8.0pm. Tickets are £10 which includes a splendid supper. There will be a
licenced bar. There was some discussion about the date as last year some
patrons found the hall uncomfortably hot. However, with the new
windows, ventilation is better controlled and unless overcome with the
excitement of the play, the audience should not suffer any discomfort.
THE SOUL AGENTS will be back for the dance organised by the parents
association of Hyde Heath Infants School on 9th June. This is always a
complete sell-out so don't delay in booking your place, where else but on
the village hall dance floor. Tickets are £12.50 which includes supper,
available from Caroline Arnold 01494 775091.
I have been asked to pass on this rather sad information. "Dragonflies" is a
monthly bereavement group for parents who have lost a child. The next
meeting is on Monday, 21st May, 7.30 to 9.30pm. All bereaved parents are
welcome to come along for a friendly supportive evening at Holy Trinity
Church Cottage, Wycombe Road, Prestwood. For more details contact Elaine
Ball 01494 890157.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
May 4th 2007
MAY already! What
happened to April? This is such a busy month and with two bank holidays, how
can we fit in everything? Well, read carefully, get out your diaries and see
how you can work things.
NEXT Thursday, May 10 is the Annual Assembly of the Parish Council. If you
are on the electoral roll for the parish of Little Missenden, you are
invited to attend. The meeting starts at 7.30pm in the Rosetti Hall, Holmer
Green. You may also attend the parish council planning committee meeting at
6.30pm but you may not vote for decisions made. I will just remind you that
the parish of Little Missenden comprises Hyde Heath, Little Kingshill,
Little Missenden and Holmer Green. Hyde Heath has two parish councillors,
Rodney Howlett and Eunice Narcissi.
SATURDAY,May 12 there is something going on on the common, that is if David
gets enough helpers to set up our wonderful summer fete. It is always a
fantastic day, each year better than the last. All you need are comfortable
shoes, a hat if the weather stays like this and a pocket of small change.
IN the evening there is a Race Night at The Village Hall Pub at Chalfont St.
Peter. This is organised by the Parents Association of Hyde Heath School.
Admission is £5 for the race card. Supper may be purchased from the special
menu offered by the landlord, Mark Hall. The are wonderful prizes to be won
at the final race. Tickets are still available from Hyde Heath Village Shop.
For all details ring 01494 774182
THURSDAY, May 17 a visit from the Pampered Chef at 7.45pm in the Village
Hall. Pam Ruff (01494 786053) tells me that she has a few tickets left at
£3. A small sum to pay for what I know will be an entertaining and possibly
an instructive evening, with all profits going to the Hospice of St.
Francis. Don't forget the bring and buy table for cookery books. A chance to
find that old recipe of your mother's that you can never quite remember. I
know a new young housewife who was desperate to find the recipe for
Yorkshire Pudding. The new books just don't cover the good old basics for a
happy dining table.
UNFORTUNATELY I cannot be there. I will be on stage at the Ballinger War
Memorial Hall taking parts in a revue "Lollipops and Allsorts" present by
the Ballinger Players. You can come and see the show on 17,18,19th, doors
open 7.15pm, curtain up 8.0pm. You are invited to bring your supper with
you, that way even if you don't enjoy the show, you know the food will be
good. Tickets are £8.0, to book please ring 01494 489833. Do come for an
evening of cheerful lightheartedness.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
April 26th 2007
a wonderful turn-out we had for the
Litter Pick last Saturday. It was amazing but quite disgusting the
amount of rubbish that was collected from the back of the common. How can
people be so thoughtless? Nevertheless, the pickers worked with good
spirits, the day was fine and the whole affair was a great village
community effort. We must not forget to thank the villagers who regularly
look after their own patches. They may not have been there on Saturday but
we know they are doing a grand job and we thank them. Look on the website
for the pictures. My daughter in Italy was amused to see me apparently
hoovering the front grass !
APOLOGY. My information about the evening with the Pampered Chef was
incorrect and incomplete. The date is 17th May but this is not a W.I.
event is part of the group's charity of the year, St. Francis Hospice and
all profits will go to that worthy cause. I understand that there are
tickets are still available, ring Pam Ruff 01494 786053. There will be a
bring and buy table for cookery books, particularly older ones - you know
where the recipes are for everyday dishes made from easily obtainable
BY the time some of you read this, you will have seen "The Hollow."
Whilst admiring the set, did you notice the scene glimpsed through the
french window? This was the work of Bob Burns-Green. Although he knew it
would be visible for only seconds, it was meticulously designed and painted.
This is typical of the work that goes into the sets, everything is planned
to give the correct atmosphere of the period of the play.
HAVE you bought your copy of the programme for this year's fete?
We are
promised a feast of entertainment. Do you know, it could be even better than
last year - there is so much to see. Now is the time to start baking cakes
for the cake stall, look out those objets d'art for the white elephant stall
but please no jumble and books, videos and CDs, etc. for the drama group
stall. Most of all David Coulton asks for your help, not only for selling
programmes now but helping on the Friday afternoon to set up the rides and
on Saturday morning (12th) generally setting up for the whole fete. He needs
people for car parking duties and then, don't go away, help to clear the
common at the end of the day. He is waiting for your call, 01494 775967.
I HAVE written before about the Thomas Ball Children's Cancer Fund. this
group is indefatigable with fund-raising and the next event is a Rock'n'Roll
Evening to a live band, the B17s. On May 4th at the Great Missenden Memorial
Centre, you can dance from 8pm till late . There are prizes for dancers in
50s gear. Tickets are £12.50 including buffet but bring your own drinks.
Ring 01494 890157 to book.
DON'T forget Curry Night in The Plough on May 9th and the special
international menu dinner on 23rd. Both gastronomic occasions in the
Minstrels Gallery.
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
April 18th 2007
WEDNESDAY morning started badly with the news that England had been
knocked out of the cirkcet world cup. I was quickly cheered up by Bob
Thompson's news. Six of his young pupils has passed the examination in
pianoforte, Emma Hardy with distinction. Congratulations to all the girls
and I think that Bob must take a little of the credit for their success.
WHY not make Tuesday your Green Day? Leave the car at home and take the bus
to Amersham. I know that an argument against this is that we have only 65
minutes in the town. At the present time, one can do quite a lot in that
time. However, when that new store opens in what was Budgens, it may not be
long enough. It occurs to me that if more people used the bus, the company
may be persuaded to extend the schedule.
THIS week we had an extra passenger, Sidney accompanied by Sue Flint. Like
all her puppies, he is quite delightful and larger than the others. He is
destined, if he passes all the tests, for an elderly couple who want a large
dog. Sue was delighted to tell us that Yorick is now sponsored by The Kennel
A FEW weeks ago I told you about the most interesting and entertaining
morning I enjoyed at a demonstration by The Pampered Chef. The committee of
our W.I. have invited her back as a guest at the May meeting on Thursday
17th at 7.45pm. Non-members are welcome for the small admission charge of
£3. Numbers have to be limited so please ring Pam Ruff 01494 786053 to book
as ticket as admission will be by ticket only.
THE FETE is only three weeks away, please let the weather be fine. We are
hoping for the Spitfire to be able to make an appearance this year. Last
year, if you remember, it was too cloudy for it to take to the air. One
thing we can be certain of is the Flower Festival in St. Adrews Church. This
is always a delight and a chance to enjoy a few quiet moments in our lovely
little church. Every club and association in the village produces an
arrangement of garden, commercial or even wild flowers. There is no set
theme this year, just appreciate the imagination and artistry of our flower
SUNDAY, April 29th marks the opening match of the Hyde Heath Cricket Season.
It will be an inter club challenge match. This should be great fun as we
show Vaughan, Flintoff and Co. how it should be done.
HAVE you bought your tickets for "The Hollow?" You haven't? Well hurry up,
they are going fast and the show is next week, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
at 7.45pm in the Memorial Hall. You can buy them at the Shop or ring me,
£7.50 with concessions at £6.50 but do it now.
SEE you at the bus shelter on Saturday, 10am for the Great Litter Pick
Sylvia Brown, tel. 01494 776193, e-mail
Top of Page
April 11th 2007
ARE you a member of Hyde Heath
Village Shop Ltd? That is, did you pay £10 and receive a share certificate
which entitles you to vote on matters raised at the Annual General Meeting
to be held this year on 23rd May. If you have changed your postal or e-mail
address or telephone no. please advise the secretary Val Merrett at
I THINK at this stage, you had better get out your diaries, events are
coming thick and fast.
SUNDAY, 22nd April in Little Missenden Village Hall, the Annual Parochial
Church Meeting and Parish Lunch at 12noon. Please advice the parish office
01494 862008 if you wish to attend. Continuing with church affairs, on
Saturday 28th April at 7.30pm the Spring Concert takes place in the church
of St. John the Baptist. Entitled "From Russia with Love" the programme
features artistes from Novgorod and the U.K. Tickets £7 are available at the
door or reserve by telephone, as above.
YOU will have of course already noted that 28th April is the last night of
"The Hollow" performed by the Hyde Heath Drama Group in the Memorial Hall at
7.45pm. There are still some tickets available from the Village shop or by
contacting me -
CRICKET news. This is what you have been waiting for, isn't it? Each
Saturday morning until 28th April, there will be Nets at the Beacon School.
That evening, we get our little grey cells in working order for a Quiz
Night. This is at Ballinger War Memorial Hall at 8pm. Tickets are £10 which
includes supper are available from Caroline Capper 01494 784043. Then we
move on to the Big Event. The Weekend Extravaganza, starting with the Hyde
Heath Beer Festival on Friday 22nd June, 7.30 to 11.30pm. Tickets, again
from Caroline are £15 which includes two free drinks, the BBQ, live band,
followed by a disco. Unfortunately numbers are limited so do book early.The
following day is President's Day and the weekend concludes with a six-a-side
tournament on Sunday. For details of all these events, contact Caroline.
THIS year, Caroline hopes to arrange another "Golden Oldies" outing. No
details at present but you will be the first to hear when I have

Top of Page
April 4th 2007
LISTENING to the radio this
lunchtime, there was a discussion on whether eating too much red meat could
cause breast cancer. How many other causes will be discovered? Again, surely
it is a case for moderation in all things. This took my mind back to the
special meals we had at Easter when I was a child pre 1939. There as smoked
haddock topped with a poached egg for tea on Good Friday. Saturday dinner
(mid-day) was the superb boiled beef. I can still see and taste that lovely
pink slice of beef , so tender with the hint of salt. I don't think you can
get this now and probably someone has said it is very bad for us . What are
you having this weekend?
SPEAKING of food, what a feast they had last week at The Ploughfor the
Bulgarian Evening. Chef Jordan's wife and daughter were there to explain the
tradition of the various dishes, the recipes and why that fantastic brandy
was drunk with the platter of hors d'oeuvres. Next Wednesday is Curry Night
and on 25th April, the dinner will be from Mexico. Have you bought your
tickets for the Grand Easter Raffle from the bar? The draw will be made on
Easter Sunday.
I HOPE you have marked Saturday 21st April on your calendar. This is the day
when we will return the village to its litter-free perfection. You could
make a start now by checking the outside of your house and the hedge
opposite. Every bit of paper, chocolate wrapper or bottle that you can pick
up will make a difference.
THURSDAY 3rd May is voting day to elect our representative for Little
Missenden, Hyde Heath and Little Kingshill Ward on Chiltern District
Council. This year one of the candidates actually lives her in Hyde Heath.
If elected, it would be good to have someone who knows our problems in the
seat of power. Our roads, full of potholes are becoming dangerous. The
neglected footpaths, hazardous for elderly people and mothers with toddlers.
The money for improvements never seems to be available for Hyde Heath.
HOWEVER, there is a light on the horizon. Chiltern District Council is
supporting a grant application on behalf of the Infants School and the
Parents Association to the BBC's Breathing Spaces Scheme to restore the pond
at the school. There are many obstacles to be overcome before this project
becomes a reality, but a start has been made. I hope to keep you up to date
with developments.
Top of Page
March 29th 2007
ON Sunday, Margaret Dunn invited a group of
friends and ex-colleagues to celebrate her special birthday. It was a
happy occasion as Margaret has been such a pillar of village life. For 23
years she ran the pre-school group. How often did I hear a mother say of
her little one, "He/she will do anything for Mrs. Dunn, she has such a way
with them." Given a shoe-string budget, for 20 years she guided her team
of helpers to provide a meal for audiences at the Old Time Music Hall. A
dedicated member of the Evening W.I. she served three years as President
and when I organise a coffee morning, Margaret is my lynchpin. I know
there are many other reasons to thank her but I will spare her blushes and
say on behalf of us all, may you enjoy Many Happy Returns.
OUR congratulations and good wishes go to Michael Guthrie who last week
received his OBE from the Queen herself - the icing on the cake.
Accompanied by his wife, Joyce and daughter Lyn, it was a wonderful day,
even the weather was fine.
WHEN it comes to charitable work, Chris Herring is never far behind. He is
holding a Grand Easter Raffle in aid of Scannappeal. There are lots of
wonderful prizes. Buy your tickets from the bar for the raffle to be drawn
on Easter Sunday.
A REMINDER to the regulars and an invitation to newcomers, because of the
Easter break, Pam's Monday Lunch will be on April 16, the third Monday
instead of the normal second Monday of the month. Don't forget to book
with Joy 01494 786224.
THE Village Shop is welcoming Easter with an array of Easter Eggs and
confectionery to suit all pockets as well as attractive Easter cards. Do
take note of the special opening hours. On Good Friday and Easter Monday,
the shop will be open from 9am to noon. Saturday, normal hours 7.30am to
1.0pm. Easter Sunday closed.
LOOKING ahead to May, Hyde Heath Infants School Parents Association is
holding a RACE NIGHT on Saturday 12th. All details from Caroline 01494
775091 or Claire 791945. Then on June 9th there is the ever popular Soul
Agents Dance. I know it is six weeks away but you may be well advised to
contact Caroline now.
THIS Newsletter has really caught on, 70 copies were printed and taken
last week- plus those who read it on the website. (I do hope you are
putting a coin in either of the charity boxes.) With its widening
circulation, do let me have news of your club's activities and details of
special celebrations, anniversaries, etc. After all, it is your
newsletter, I just put it together. Have a lovely happy Easter.
Top of Page
March 22nd 2007
FOR some time I have been deploring the litter that spoils the village.
The Village society is taking the matter in hand and on 21st April will
organise a "Litter Pick" throughout the village. Everyone is welcome to join
in. We will meet at the bus stop at 10.00am where we will be handed gloves,
pronged sticks and bin bags. The aim is to cover the whole village, down
Chalk Lane as far as the bridge, the whole of the common and all the roads
and footpaths. The committee of the society will be there in force asnd it
is hoped that many villagers will come along too. Members of the Drama Group
will be excused if they are involved with set building for "The Hollow."
"THE Hollow" by Agatha Christie will be performed in the Memorial Hall on
26, 27, 28th April. Doors open 7.15, curtain up 7.45pm. Please note the
earlier starting time. Tickets are available from me, prices are £7.50 with
concessions at £6.50 at each performance. Interval refreshments are courtesy
of the group. The Village Shop will not have tickets until after Easter.
Please book early to avoid disappointment.
PREPARATIONS for the Fete on 12th May are well under way but more helpers
would be welcome. If you have an idea for a stall or game or would would
like to help one, please ring Jayne Howlett, 01494 774209. Angela Baker will
be running her soft toy tombola and would be grateful for donations of good
quality toys. This stall is mainly for the benefit of The Endeavour Centre
but Angela always gives a generous donation to the Memorial Hall funds.
THE ENDEAVOUR Centre in Cameron Road, Chesham providces support for
physically and mentally disabled young people from 18 years upwards. They
work in a flourishing nursery which has contracts to supply hanging baskets
and bedding plants for various local organisations, It is open to the public
from 10am to 4pm weekdays and during Bank Holidays. The Chiltern Friends of
the Endeavour of which I am the hon.sec., raises funds by various means,
Quiz Nights and the Autumn Grand Auction to provide extra facilities,
outings and Christmas entertainment to give the clients a more fulfilled
life. If you would like to know more about the Centre and The Friends,
please contact Danny Baker 01494 776188.
DID you know that Buckinghamshire County Cricket Club has an under 10
division? There are 14 players in the squad and Reece Gordon of Westfield is
one of this elite band. During the coming season, they are playing matches
against other counties from Durham to Sussex. We wish Reece and his fellow
players a happy and successful season.
Top of Page
March 15th 2007
ISN'T the village looking lovely with the trees
in blossom, a riot of daffodils wherever you look and all the spring flowers
ready to burst forth. Yes, it is lovely if you can avoid the litter and the
dog excretia. Why, oh why cannot we control this? 1 will distress you
further, this week in the bus shelter the floor was littered with torn up
daffodils. Who on earth can be so mean minded to do this?
HOWEVER, it is not all doom and gloom. We have a flourishing infants
school and pre-school and the toddlers group on Wednesday morning in the
village hall. Time was when the school was under threat of closure with only
23 children on the roll. Now it is bursting at the seams with over 50 happy
5 to 7 year olds. True we used to have several shops and a post office but
we set the trend in the Chilterns to establish our own village shop and what
a success story that is. Records show that there were in the distant past,
four public houses. Now we have one but that is The Plough with Chris at the
helm and who could ask for more?
ON top of all this, Hyde Heath has a secret weapon - the village spirit.
People care for each other here. At Pam Bowler's lunch club, two regular
diners were too poorly to come to the Chapel, so lunches were taken to them.
Recently the Friday Age Concern shopping bus was missing two passengers
through illness. What happened? - the driver collected the list from one
patient and one of the passengers did the same for the other. Perhaps we
should keep this to ourselves or everyone will want to come to Hyde Heath.
CHESHAM Comedy Festival 2007. Yes, it is Hamilton Pike Productions but a
new venue and different date. Bigger and better than before, it will staged
at the Elgiva Theatre from 30th May to 3rd June. To give you a little taste
of what is in store, among the artistes performing will be Sandi Toksvig and
Bonnie Langford, Kit and The Widow and Rainer Hersch. With all this
unbelievable talent on our doorstep, you will have to book early. If you
book through Hamilton Pike Productions before 2nd April, you will avoid the
Elgiva booking fee., after that date, all bookings must be made through the
Elgiva box office. Annie has sent me one programme and booking form, you can
obtain another from the office at 119 High Street, Amersham HP7 OEA or
contact her on 0777 573 6879 but do it NOW.
FROM today you will be able to read the Newsletter on the Hyde Heath
website - do tell your friends here and abroad. People may have physically
left but there is always part of them back here and they love to hear our
news – find it at
A WORD of warning. A knife was found at the back of the common,
behind the swings. If you are using a knife for whittling, please be sure to
take it home with you. To mothers, if your children are playing there, take
a good look at the surrounding ground
Top of Page
March 8th 2007
I HOPE you managed to find a copy of last weeks newsletter. Unfortunately on
Saturday morning they got pushed behind the newspapers and weren't found
again until late Sunday morning. A stack will be there on Friday afternoon,
if you can't see it, please ask
NEXT week is celebration time for Ron and
Eve Brown. On Thursday, Ron's mother, Laura celebrates her 100th birthday. A
remarkable lady, still living on her own in her own bungalow in Devon. We
join with Her Majesty in wishing Laura a very happy birthday. Ron and Eve
moved to Hyde Heath in 1960, the first to take up residence in Heath Road
and on Friday they celebrate 50 years of marriage, truly a Golden
Anniversary. From us all in Hyde Heath we wish them a joyous anniversary
with many more years of good fortune and happiness.
YOU are seeking something special to give your mother on Mothering
Sunday? Caroline Waterhouse has the answer. Caroline with many years of
experience now works as a complementary therapist at Wycombe Hospital, GE
Healthcare and in her home practice. Among the treatments she offers
aromatherapy massage and reflexology and suggests, "what could be a nicer
gift for your mother than an opportunity for her to take time out for
herself, to really relax and feel restored ?" Caroline is currently offering
a 20% discount on her gift vouchers for Mothering Sunday. Do ring her on
01494 783632.
IN case you've forgotten, the date is 18th March and Chris is laying on a
special Mothering Sunday Lunch in the Minstrels Gallery. Ring him for
details and to book, 01494 783163.
FIVE villagers went to the Neighbourhood Policing public meeting on
Monday evening at Holmer Green. The aim was for members of the public to
identify the matters that concern them and help the police in tackling the
problem areas. High on the list of all the villages came speeding,
vandalism, anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping.
A WPC told me that now the 30mph signs have been up for several months,
the police will be monitoring speeds. At first they will just give a warning
but the next time you are caught, it will be points. So, it behoves us all*
to watch our speeds, particularly Weedon Hill and Brays Green Lane.
AGE Concern Bus. I must correct the information given in last weeks Bucks
Examiner. The bus stops outside the old post office, then in Meadow Way but
the driver will pick up anyone from his/her home. On the return trip, each
passenger is taken right to his/her own front door. At present there are
four wonderful volunteer drivers, Anne Lloyd-Jones, Bill Newman, Ron Flint
and Mary Collins. They would love to have a couple more to act as back-ups
in case of illness and holidays. If you can help, contact any one of them
for details.
"THE HOLLOW" by Agatha Christie to be performed by the Hyde Heath Drama
Group in the village hall on April 26, 27, 28 at 7.45pm. The box office is
now open which is a posh way of saying, ring me for tickets 0 1494 776193.
For all performances, the price is £7.50 with concessions at £6.50.
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March 1st 2007
FIRST of all Happy Birthday to anyone who was born on 20 February!
THE Newsletter is now being sponsored by Christopher Rowland & Co, the
Amersham based estate agent and Chris Herring of The Plough. I am deeply
grateful for their support and belief in this new enterprise.
COPIES will still available in the Plough and at the Infants School and
will appear on the notice board outside the shop and inside the village
hall. The big difference is that at the weekend, there will be a pile of
them inside the shop for you to help yourselves. As you know, this is a free
service but if you would like to put a coin into the Scannappeal box in The
Plough or the Pepper pot in the shop, it would be appreciated.
MONDAY, 12th is the next lunch in the Baptist chapel. Last month Pam
Bowler was pleased to announce that due to the generosity of the monthly
diners, there was a surplus of £75. It was decided that this should be given
to a local charity and the hospice of St. Francis was chosen as the
beneficiary. Ring Joy on 01494 786224 to book your place this month.
LAST week on the Tuesday morning bus, we had an extra passenger Yorick,
accompanied by Sue Flint. This was another step in his training. He was
extremely well behaved and went on down to the railway station to watch the
trains. Sue says he is doing very well and is sure that he will make a
wonderful hearing dog for a deaf owner.
THEMED Evenings in The Plough. The first will be a Curry evening on
Wednesday March 14. Then on 28th we will savour the delights of Bulgarian
cuisine. These events will take place in The Minstrels Gallery, please ring
01494 783163 to book. Every Thursday evening in the bar, spoil yourselves
with fish and chips at £5 a head.
MOTHERING SUNDAY, the fourth Sunday in Lent, falls this year on March 18.
Our village shop will have cards and a display of gifts for you to celebrate
this old tradition of paying a tribute to your mother. Please note that
Mother's Day is a completely different occasion, celebrated in May. I'm not
sure if it is in the Catholic church calendar or if it is an American
invention, perhaps someone will tell me.
WE were saddened to learn of the death of Vera Woodward after a short
illness. Vera and her husband were farmers in Sarrat before coming to Hyde
Heath and the farm in Fullers Hill. On retirement they moved to Keepers Lane
and shortly before Christmas, Vera, now widowed was admitted to Wycombe
hospital. The funeral at Sarrat will be on Monday and there she will be
buried with her husband. To her sons, daughters in law and relatives, we
extend our sincere sympathy and condolence.
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February 22nd 2007
NEW readers begin here. Community Voice is dead, long live the Newsletter !
A LOT has happened since my last column in the "Examiner" We had the
heaviest snowfall for several years. It lasted only one day but didn't the
children and their parents enjoy it. It was great to see whole families
having such fun on their unexpected holiday.
THIS village is becoming the fun centre of the Chilterns. Following the
pantomime, the Old Time Music Hall society moved into the hall for another
two nights of rumbustious entertainment. Two weeks later, Dr. Bryn Neal was
at it again, bringing the house down at the party given by the Friends of
Rectory Meadow Surgery. On Saturday week, 3rd
March, there is a Quiz Night in the hall hosted by the
parents association of the Infants School. However, with all this going on,
Chris Herring ensured that Romance was not dead here. He offered a special
St.Valentine's Day dinner at the Plough. It was a delightful evening and the
next day, ladies reminiscing had that dreamy look in their eyes.
SPEAKING of The Plough, Peter Hawkes has written a book about the pubs of
Chesham and Amersham, in which one page is devoted to Hyde Heath and the
four pubs that used to be here. As we know, only the Plough still exists.I
wonder what the previous owners would make of it now? 1 did tell you of
Chris's plan for themed evenings, well, with Chef Jordan, he has lost no
time in putting the idea into practice. In the Minstrels Gallery on the
second Wednesday of the month, it will be Curry Night. If this is not quite
to your taste, wait for the fourth Wednesday for Dishes from Around the
World. But if you really like the finer things of life, then every Thursday
is for you - Fish and Chips at £5!
MEANWHILE Hyde Heath Drama Group is well into rehearsals for Agatha
Christie's "The Hollow" to be staged in the village hall on April 26, 27,
28. Ticket prices are unchanged at £7.50 with concessions at £6.50 at each
performance. There is a large cast and we welcome back Wendy Ward and
newcomer Alan Francis. You can reserve your tickets now by ringing me on
01494 776193.
FETE DAY is 12th May and the indefatigable David Coulton is already into
planning. If you would like to help in any way, do contact him on 01494
775967. The Drama Group will as usual be running a books, videos, CDs, etc.
stall. If you have donations for this stall, you can bring them to me, any
time from now on.
THE Village hall now has a REFRIGERATOR. This is thanks to Patricia
Birchley, the Bucks County Councillor for Chiltern Ridges who gave us money
from her special fund to purchase a specific item for use in the village
hall. There it stands, in the kitchen, gleaming in all its glory and heaven
help anyone who makes a mess!
THIS will be a weekly newsletter - if you have anything you would like
included, a celebration, an anniversary or forthcoming event, please let me
know. I can't do it without you. Your comments are welcome but not too
harsh, please.
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