December 22nd
A little snow to make things seasonal… 
Church services over Christmas…
St.John the Baptist, Little Missenden:-
Christmas Eve 23.15 hrs. Holy Communion Christmas Day
08.00 hrs. and 10.30 hrs. Holy Communion
St.Andrew’s, Hyde Heath:-
Christmas Day 09.15 hrs. Holy Communion
Union Chapel, Hyde Heath:-
Christmas Day 10.45 hrs. the Kings’Story
Word has reached me that a very happy customer at the
Chapel Lunch Club would like to express thanks for the consistently top
quality and ambience of lunchtimes there.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Ron
Don’t forget… Carols, together with mulled wine and
mince pies, at 4.30 pm. on Christmas Eve in the Village Hall.
The Plough will be open during the holiday as
Christmas Eve noon - 23.59
Christmas Day 11.00 – 14.00, 19.00 – 23.00
Boxing Day noon – 23.59
New Year’s Eve noon – late.
Christmas fare (turkey, plum pudding etc.) will be
available on the above dates.
Don’t forget the Gala New Year’s Eve Dinner, Theatre
and Cabaret in Little Missenden Village Hall at 8.30 pm., presented by
Hamilton Pike Theatre Productions. Tickets are £48, which includes
three-course dinner, welcome drink and professional entertainment by John
Griffiths and Richard Hazlewood. Call Annie on 786220 to book, or for any
further information. Importantly, the deadline for definite numbers, at
the caterer’s request, is Christmas Eve.
Your newsletter always thinks ahead, so this is the
first notice for Burns Night to be held on Friday,January 20th
from 20.00 to 23.00 in the village Hall. Tickets, available from Barbara
Cann (783254) cost £14.00, to include supper and a tot of whisky, to toast
the haggis. All proceeds to the Scouts.
The next edition of this newsletter is planned to be
published on 5thJanuary, 2012, provided that I escape the
clutches of a bug, which currently has me in its grip.
Finally,may I thank all of you who found time to
visit me during my long incarceration in hospital at the beginning of the
year and wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS
NEW YEAR. Certainly I would wish 2012 to be a far better year than
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
December 15th
Only ten shopping days, including today, to
Congratulations to the management and staff at the
Village Shop, who, through their efforts on Sat., December 3rd.
at the Christmas Fayre, raised enough funds for them to be able to send a
cheque for £200 to “Children in Need”

The Ultimate Plum Pudding, available in the Shop as a Hyde Heath “own
label “ product in 1lb. and 2lb. sizes, is the winner of a Gold Great
Taste Award…get one, or more, before they’re all gone…
There will be a Gala New Year’s Eve Dinner, Theatre
and Cabaret on 31st. December in Little Missenden Village Hall,
presented by Hamilton Pike Theatre Productions. Tickets are £48, which
includes three-course dinner, welcome drink and professional entertainment
by John Griffiths and Richard Hazlewood. Call Annie on 786220 to book, or
for any further information.
Congratulations to the Hyde Heath Brownies, who
recently celebrated their 60th. birthday…1951… I remember it
well…the Festival of
with the Skylon, the Dome of Discovery and loads of other displays to show
that Britain was getting back on its feet after a debilitating World War
Something else I remember was the novel, refreshing
taste of a cucumber sandwich eaten at the Battersea Pleasure
Gardens…enough of my wanderings, now back to the Brownies who gathered at
the School in the company of past Brown Owls, including the very first,
Lena Pearce. The past and present leaders were entertained by a play, a
puppet show, poems, singing and the playing of musical instruments. The
evening concluded with a special cake, made for the occasion, cut by Lena
and the youngest Brownie, Molly Wingrove. Thank you to Shanta Gillott, the
current Brown Owl, and, her team, for organising such an interesting event
where the past met the present.
The Amersham Band’s Christmas Concert last Saturday
evening was a splendid occasion. They have improved markedly, doubtless
due to the influence of their present Director of Music, Paul Fisher. It
was also interesting to note the increased number of striped waistcoats in
the Training Band, and it was a Hyde Heath girl, Charmaine Vivian, who was
presented with the award for most improved player in the Training Band.
Well done, Charmaine…
Christmas Church Services:-
St.Andrew’s, Hyde Heath Christmas Day Holy
Communion 0915.
St.John the Baptist,Little Missenden Christmas Eve
2315 Holy Communion. Christmas Day 0800 and 1030 Holy
The decision on the HS2 route through the Chilterns
was due yesterday, but has been delayed until January. We believe that
this is
because the government is considering the provision of a further £500
millions to extend the tunnel 1.5 miles, thereby limiting the damage to
the Chilterns. Many pundits think that this is a thinly-disguised
attempt to “buy off” the protest, while our County Council leader opines
that delaying a bad decision still makes it a bad decision. In the
meantime we shall all be watching the pop charts to see how “Oak Tree
Lament (Stop the HS2)” and local group, Dirty Mavis, gets on in its quest
for a Christmas no.1
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus will be Mary
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
December 8th
Festive fun in the Village Hall this evening at
8.00…it’s the monthly meeting , and Christmas party of the W.I,…have a
good time, ladies.
This Saturday evening (10th.) at 7.30 will
see the Amersham Band’s Christmas Concert at the Free Church in Woodside
Road, Amersham. Doubtless their recently-won silverware will be on
display, as well as copies for sale of their latest C.D. “And all that
This Sunday (11th.) in St.Andrew’s Church
at 4.00 pm. there will be a service of lessons and carols for Christmas.
Everyone will be very welcome.
The Lunch Club of the Union Chapel meets next Monday
(12th.) at 12.30 pm.
Next Tuesday (13th.), after the Carol
Service, Bob Thompson will be retiring from playing the piano and keyboard
at Hyde Heath School after 12 years in the job and having last year
retired from the post of Village Piano Teacher. He says what a pleasure
it has been, how quickly the children picked up the tunes, and how well
they sang. He plans to play some more boogie woogie with his band before
his fingers slow down completely.
The Carol Service itself will be at 10.00 in
St.Andrew’s Church.
Saturday’s Christmas Fayre at the Village Shop was a success with
marginally more income than last year. Pudsey Bear was of course extremely
popular, and the photographs taken with him and various children are now
printed and available in the shop. He has been asked to make a return
visit next year. Thanks to everybody who attended, and especially those
who helped.
Holiday opening hours of the Plough will be as
Christmas Eve noon – 23.59
Christmas Day 11.00 – 14.00, 19.00 – 23.00
Boxing Day noon – 23.59
New Year’s Eve noon – late 
The Hyde Heath Brownies recently celebrated their 60th.birthday…
a full report will appear in next week’s newsletter, and, importantly,
there will be spaces for new Brownies in 2012 should any girls aged 7-10
wish to join.
The Hamilton Pike Productions New Year’s Eve Dinner,
Theatre and Cabaret at 8.30 pm. in Little Missenden Village Hall will
feature John Griffiths performing “A Child’s Christmas in Wales” by Dylan
Thomas and Richard Hazlewood, a multi-lingual baritone with a
post-graduate Masters in musical acting. Tickets are £48, to include the
foregoing, plus a welcoming drink, may be booked by telephoning Annie on
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus will be
Derek Faversham.
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
November 30th
Nice to
be back after a refreshing break and ready to crack on with another newsy
edition…firstly, this coming Saturday (3rd.) will see the
Village Shop Christmas Fayre (09.30 - 12.30) with the star guest in
attendance being Pudsey Bear, now recovered from helping to raise all
those millions a couple of weekends ago for Children in Need.
shop still has stocks of Hyde Heath own-brand Christmas puddings, in 1lb.
and 2lb.sizes, and, looking further ahead, has some snow shovels for sale.
(perish the thought…)
On the
evening of that same day will be the Great Missenden Choral Society’s Cool
Yule concert at 7.30 the Parish Church. The choir under its
conductor, John Cotterill, will be joined by Sarah-Jane Lewis (mezzo
–soprano) and the Laurie Holloway Trio. Admission to this concert will be
by ticket only (£12.50, students and children £6.00) from 01494 863581 or
Christopher Pallet Estate Agents 01494 890088).
Friday and Saturday evenings saw the annual performance of the Hyde Heath
Old Time Music Hall Society. Both shows were to full houses and the
audience was particularly responsive on the second evening, much to
Mr.Terry Cann’s delight. News of proceeds from ticket sales, and their
appropriation, will appear here shortly.
The HS2
decision on the preferred route of the £33 billion London to Birmingham
high speed rail link is due, so we understand, on 14th.December.
The chairman of Amersham HS2 Action, Nigel Shepherd, wrote a thought-
provoking response which was printed in last week’s Bucks Examiner. Did
you read it?
Thursday (8th.) at 8.00 pm. in the Village Hall will see this
month’s WI. meeting, which will, in fact, be the occasion of their
Christmas party. Have a good evening, ladies.
Lunch Club of the Union Chapel next meets on Monday week (12th.)
at 12.30 pm.
service of lessons and carols in St Andrew’s Church, will be held on
Sunday 11th December, at 4 pm. Everyone is very welcome to
come and join in.
Interviews were held recently for the post of Head Teacher at the Village
School, but unfortunately the Governors were unable to appoint any of the
interviewed candidates and will re-advertise the post shortly. For the
Spring term Mrs.Moulsdale has kindly agreed to continue as Head Teacher on
a part-time basis (3 days a week) while Mrs.Batson will be Acting Head
Teacher for the other two, as well as teaching her normal classes all
week. The Governors are pleased that this arrangement has been agreed,
because continuity of staffing is very important to pupils, staff and
parents alike.
For the
2012 Village Fete the first committee meeting will be held in the Plough
on 10th. January. The new organisers are Ralph Bartlett (
and Sarah Hortop (
They will be pleased to hear from anyone willing to lend a hand towards
this most important Village function.
notice of Hamilton Pike Productions New Year’s Eve Dinner, Theatre and
Cabaret at 8.30 pm. in Little Missenden Village Hall. More details in next
week’s newsletter…
driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Steve Epps.
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
November 17th
Lang is running a new four-week ”Learn to Nordic Walk” course on Mondays
from 1030 am. at the Common, starting on 21st.November. These sessions
will be specifically for those who are new to exercise or over 60. Contact
her for more details on 01494 778518 or Remember that
her Saturday morning bootcamp class is for men too.
Tomorrow (Friday 18th.) will be a “mufti” day at the Village School,
that is one where civvies may be worn, instead of uniform. The price to
pay for this concession is for the children to bring donations for the
Christmas raffle.
The tickets usually sell themselves for this activity…the Old Time
Music Hall, an event which I enjoyed taking part in for some twenty-odd
years, will be held in the Village Hall on Friday, 25th. and Saturday,
26th. Nov. If you are desperate for a ticket ring Barbara Cann on 783254
to see if she has had any returns.
Don’t forget that the Village Shop has stocks of its own-brand
Christmas puddings, in 1lb.and 2lb.sizes. 
On Saturday, December 3rd. the Shop will be holding its annual
Christmas Fair with all the usual merchandise on display, plus a welcome
return visit by Pudsey Bear, provided that he has recovered from feverish
activity this coming weekend for Children in Need.
Next week Pauline and I will be away, she for a well-earned rest,
especially from me, so, if there is an item which you particularly would
like to be included in the following week’s newsletter, please e-mail it
to me at
The Transport Select Committee’s report which backs HS2’s £33billion
project will find that the many protesters to the project will vow to
fight on. Watch this space…
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Mary Collins.
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
November 10th
Right, that’s Hallowe’en and Bonfire Night done and
dusted for this year. What’s next ? Well, of course it will be Christmas.
Seasonal comestibles will be available in the Village Shop, and that might
just be the place to get the odd stocking filler, or card and calendar for
someone you might have otherwise (temporarily) forgotten… Christmas
Puddings already on sale.
This evening (Thursday) , at the Village
Hall is the WI. AGM. A lady from their current charity, the South Bucks.
Hospice and Lymphoedema Clinic will be there to give a talk about the work
of the charity, and there will be a Bring and Buy table. Also, if time
permits, there will be a quiz. How do they fit all these activities into
one brief evening ?
Saturday evening (12th.), starting at 7.30 pm. sharp will be a
Quiz Night in Little Kingshill Village Hall. Tickets are £12 each and are
available through the Parish Office (862008).
The Union Chapel Lunch Club meets next Monday (14th.)
at 12.30 pm.
Tomorrow week (Friday 18th.) will be a
“mufti” day at the Village School, that is one where civvies may be worn,
instead of uniform. There is a price to pay for this concession, of
course, that is for the children to bring donations for the Christmas
Another prompt for the Great Missenden Choral
Society’s “Cool Yule” concert on Saturday 3rd.December at
7.30pm. in Great Missenden Parish Church…The choir, under the leadership
of its conductor, John Cotterill, will be joined by Sarah-Jane Lewis
(mezzo soprano) and the Laurie Holloway Trio, featuring Laurie himself on
piano, Jules Jackson (double bass) and Harold Fisher (drums). Admission to
this concert will be by ticket only (£12.50, students and children £6.00)
from 01494 863581 and Christopher Pallet Estate Agents, Station Road,
Great Missenden (01494 890088). 
Also on Sat December 3rd our Heath Village Shop will
be holding its Christmas Fair, with all the usual merchandise on display
and a welcome return visit by Pudsey Bear. Watch this space for further
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus will be
Derek Faversham.
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
November 3rd
British Summertime has ended for this year: this is
sad, for anybody who does not enjoy winter, even though their birthday
falls in the middle of it. Roll on BST, 2012…
(Thurs.) at the Parish Church of St.John the Baptist, Little
Missenden will be held “The Bible in Voice and Verse”, a special concert
in words and music to celebrate the 400th.anniversary of the
King James Bible. There will be a licensed bar which will be available for
refreshments , both before the concert and during the twenty-minute
interval. Tickets £10 on the door.
glad tidings…Copperkins Lane is now open again, all water pipes having
presumably been installed.
Next Thursday evening (10th.) in the
Village Hall at 8.00pm. is the WI. AGM. A lady from their current
charity, the South Bucks.Hospice and Lymphoedema Clinic will be there to
talk about the work of the charity, and there will be a Bring and Buy
table. Also, if time permits, there will be a quiz. How do they fit it all
in ?
The Christmas lights have been switched on in London
(on 1st.Nov.!), so I guess that it’s o.k. to air the
subject generally…here goes. Christmas puddings in two sizes (1lb.and
2lbs.), specially made for Hyde Heath, are now available in the Village
Shop, which has sole merchandising rights. Buy early to avoid
The Cricket Club dinner, planned for Saturday, 12th.November,
has been delayed, probably until Spring, 2012 when it will be timed to be
a pre-season function. We had already had a very successful ball in June
this year, to round off President’s Day, so perhaps two formal functions
of this nature, five months apart, was asking too much of the membership
and friends…anyway, it gives me more time to get the statistics and
averages polished up…
On that same evening, starting at, is a
Quiz Night in Little Kingshill Village Hall. Tickets are £12 each and are
available through the Parish office (862008).
The next meeting of the Union Chapel Lunch Club will
be on Monday, 14th.November at 12.30pm.
At the School Friday 18th.will be a
“mufti” day, one where civvies may be worn, instead of uniform. There is a
price to pay for this concession, of course, that is for the children to
bring donations for the Christmas raffle. Then, at a later date, the
children, through their own art and craft skills, will construct Santa's
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned the Great Missenden
Choral Society’s Christmas concert on Saturday, 3rd. December
in Great Missenden Parish Church at 7.30pm. The choir, under its
conductor, John Cotterill, will be joined by Sarah-Jane Lewis
(mezzo-soprano) and the Laurie Holloway Trio in a programme of close
harmony spirituals and gospel Christmas music. Tickets are £12.50 each and
are obtainable from 01494 863581.
enjoy yourselves on Bonfire Night and remember safety first with
fireworks…and don’t forget to lock up your pets.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Steve
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Printed by Chris Sargeant
Top of page
October 27th
Remember to put your clocks back one hour on
Saturday night Oct 29th ! 
I told you last week about
Burglary Awareness events scheduled to soon take place in the district.
They are:
Tues. 1 Nov. 5pm.-7pm. Budgens,
Market Place, Chalfont St.Peter.
Mon. 7 Nov. 5pm.-7pm. Co-op,
105, High Street, Prestwood.
Tues. 8 Nov. 3pm.-5pm.
Sainsbury’s, Elgiva Lane, Chesham.
Fri. 11 Nov. 3.30pm.-5.30pm.
Tesco, London Road West, Amersham.
Tues.15 Nov. 5pm.-7pm. Chalfont
and Latimer train station.
Wed.16 Nov. 5pm.-7pm. Great
Missenden train station.
Timer light switches will be
available while stocks last. Dates for December & January events will
Furthermore, Chiltern Community
Safety Partnership has organised a “Nightsafe” event on Friday, 28th.November
in the Fire Exhibition Unit on the roundabout by Café Nero between
5pm.and 9pm. There will be information about bonfire and firework safety
and the chance to pick up a Trick or Treat poster. Residents can also sign
up for a free Home Safety Check, with free smoke alarms fitted where
I watched some of the HS2
parliamentary debate on channel 81 the Thursday before last and overall
learned nothing new, except that Bechstein is not merely a producer of
splendid pianofortes, but also lends the name to a species of bat, which
is highly protected throughout Europe and has taken up residence in the
Chiltern target area. Could this be another weapon with which to fight the
dreaded HS2 ?
“The Bible in Voice and Verse”
celebrating the 400th.anniversary of the King James Bible next
Thursday, 3rd.Nov at 7.30 pm. in Little Missenden Church. There
will be a licensed bar & refreshments.
This is definitely the final
reminder for you to complete, and hand in, your 200+Club membership
renewal forms for the new 200+year, which begins on 1st.November.
Cricket Club will be holding its annual dinner on Saturday, 12th.November
at the Memorial Hall, Ballinger. Tickets are £37 each and there will be a
review of the past season as the averages are presented, together with the
cups for excellence in batting, bowling and fielding, as well as the
outstanding achievement of the season, most promising young player and the
duck trophy, which is always keenly anticipated. For any further
information please ring me on 774582.
On that same evening, starting at
7.30 sharp, is a Quiz Night in Little Kingshill Village Hall. Tickets are
£12 each and are available through the Parish Office (862008).
The driver of this Friday’s
shopping bus will be Ron Flint.
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
October 20th
frustration of finding all, or part of, Copperkins Lane closed is likely
to continue for at least four weeks, due to the installation of a new
water main. Chris Sargeant has kindly put a link on the website, giving
details and regular updates.
In response to the traditional rise in burglaries
after the clocks go back the community safety officer of Chiltern District
Council, Caroline Saunders, is advising residents to use timer light
switches. Burglary Awareness events will take place from the end of
October through to the beginning of January next year. Staff from the
Thames Valley Police and the Chiltern District Council Community Safety
Team will be at locations across the district, such as train stations and
supermarkets, handing out timer light switches and information on how to
secure your home effectively against burglary. For most economic results
couple a timer switch with an energy-saving bulb.
I have had another e-mail from Caroline Saunders,
attaching a reversible poster, which says on one side “TRICK OR TREAT
WELCOME” and on the reverse “NO TRICK OR TREAT” “ please enjoy your night
without disturbing others” (I would enclose a copy, but the colours have
not registered with my printer).
Time is running out for you to complete, and hand
in, your 200+Club membership forms for the new year, which begins 1st.November.
Last reminder for the Mad Hatters Race Night this
Saturday evening (22nd.) in the Village Hall at 7.30 for 8.00
It will be operated by the worthy members of the Great Missenden Rotary
Club, will boast a licensed bar and give prizes for the best hats.
Further information and tickets (£10 each) from Brian Barnett (774850).
Next Wednesday (26th.) will be “Italian
Night” at the Plough. The full menu may be seen there, on the website or
in the Village Shop. Cost per ticket is £20 per head, to include two
glasses of the house wine. Make your reservations at the Plough (783163). 
“The Bible in Voice And Verse” is a special concert
of words and music celebrating the 400th.anniversary of the
King James Bible. The concert will be held on Thursday, 3rd.November
at 7.30 the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, Little Missenden.
I had not wanted to mention Christmas just yet, but
Ron Gordon is keen for the Great Missenden Choral Society to receive an
early plug for their concert on 3rd.December, which is called,
“Cool Yule”, and will probably be worth attending for the advertised
participation of the Laurie Holloway Trio. Tickets will be £12.50 each
(863581). More details as we get nearer the date…
Another advance notice is that there will be a quiz
night on Saturday 12th.November in Little Kingshill Village
Hall, starting at 7.30 Tickets will be £12, each from the Church
office (862008).
I watched some of the HS2 debate last Thursday on
channel 81, and learned nothing new, but I have read that a colony of
Bechstein’s bats, a protected species, has taken up residence in the
target area, not that Philip Hammond will care, now that he has other fish
to fry.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Mary
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
October 13th
today’s the day – very important as far as the anti-HS2 lobby is concerned
– the whole project is due to be debated in Parliament by the newly-formed
Backbench Business Committee. I thought that there was a TV. Channel which
broadcast Westminster happenings live, but I can’t find it, and that’s
assuming we’d have the stamina to sit through such proceedings…we’ll just
have to wait for tomorrow’s newspapers.
Later, at the Village Hall, is this month’s
meeting of the WI. The guest speaker will be Sally Botwright, and her
subject will be “Olympics, Ancient, Modern and 2012” The competition
will be ”A Favourite Poem”
Sunday evening at the Elgiva Theatre in Chesham the Amersham Band and
their guests delighted an almost full house with a splendid evening of
music. Having taken part in a contest at Folkestone the previous day the
Band was able to display its winning silverware, for Best Band, Best
Musical Director, Best Horn Player, Best Horn Section and Best
Percussionist…all very heart-warming and a far cry from the old days when
we would troop off to Watford Town Hall, hang around for what seemed like
hours and then come last, or close to it. The Amersham A Cappella
ladies’choir and the Chrysalis Community Choir were both delightful guests
and the Amersham Band was at its Sunday best…a thoroughly enjoyable
Don’t forget to complete your 200+ Club membership
forms for the new year which starts on 1st.November. We are
seeking an optimum number of shareholders for the next funding year, so
let’s get those forms filled in and handed in while we’re thinking about
Next Wednesday morning (19th.) the
children at the Village School will be celebrating Harvest Festival.
Here’s an early notice that Wednesday (26th.)
is planned to be “Italian Night” at the Plough. Full menu may be seen
there, on the website or in the village shop. Cost per ticket is £20 per
head (including two glasses of house wine). Make your reservation at the
Plough (783163). I must say that I’m looking forward to the Venetian-style
liver and onions, followed by the blood-sugar-count-wrecking tiramisu.
The Rotary Club of Great Missenden is pleased to
remind you about its Mad Hatters Race Night on Saturday (22nd.)
in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. (for 8.00). Bring your own picnic; there
will be a licensed bar and a prize for the best lady’s hat and the best
gentleman’s hat. Tickets are £10 each from Brian Barnett (774850).
Bible in Voice and Verse” is a special concert of words and music
celebrating the 400th.anniversary of the King James Bible. It
will be held on Thursday, 3rd.November at the Parish
Church of St.John the Baptist, Little Missenden
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Derek
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
October 6th
wonderful weather we had over the past weekend…could have done with some
of that during the latter part of the cricket season…yours truly was
encouraged by the home secretary to engage in an urgent session of
decluttering the garage…most
Last Saturday evening (1st.) saw the
Village Hall Quiz Night, which was as enjoyable as ever, but the
attendance was a tad disappointing…David and Ruth worked hard to prepare
for the event, and had earlier in the day been part of the workforce
performing the year-end stock count in the Village Shop. Let us hope that
the participation in the 2012 Quiz will be of Olympian proportions.
Don’t forget to complete your 200+Club membership
forms and hand them in as soon as possible…we are seeking an optimum
number of shareholders for the coming funding year. Yes, I know that the
deadline is October 31st, but let’s do it now while we’re
thinking about it…
I must commend to you this Sunday (9th.)
evening’s concert at the Elgiva Hall in Chesham at 7.30 pm…it will contain
an award-winning
brass band and choral groups in an extravaganza of popular music for all
the family.
That means the Amersham Band, with Big Band trumpet
star Andy Greenwood, plus the uniquely entertaining Amersham A Cappella
(hope I’ve got the spelling right this week) Singers and the very popular
Chesham Chrysalis Choir. Tickets are £12 from the Elgiva box office
(582900) and any further information may be obtained from Rod Stevens
(775344). Looks like being a marvellous evening…
The Union Chapel Lunch Club meets next Monday (10th.)
at 12.30 pm.
On that same day Chiltern Community Safety
Partnership has organised a free event for National Personal Safety Day.
(Did you know that there was such a thing ?) It will be between 11am.and the council chamber of Chiltern District Council offices and you
will be able to talk to staff from the following agencies:- Community
Safety, Thames Valley Police, Bucks. Fire and Rescue Service, Bucks Drug
and Alcohol Action Team and half a dozen others.
The WI.’s next meeting is on Thursday (13th.)
at 8.00pm. in the Village Hall. The guest speaker will be Sally Botwright
and her subject will be “Olympics Ancient, Modern and 2012” The
competition will be “A Favourite Poem”.
Let me
give you another reminder about the new stock (of the full range) of Lime
Tree pies now available in the Village Shop…they really are rather good.
Also a further reminder about the Mad Hatter’s Race
Night (sponsored by the Rotary Club of Great Missenden) on Saturday, 22nd.October
in the Village Hall. For further details ring the Great Barnetto (774850)
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Steve
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
September 29th
Last Saturday evening’s Harvest Supper was a jolly
affair, with a generous helping of quiz questions after a meal of a tasty
coq au vin followed by a choice of sweets, each of which sent my
blood sugar reading into orbit - thank you, ladies.
This Saturday (1st.) it’s the Village Hall
Quiz Night at 7.30 pm….good food, good fun and good company and a licensed
bar…teams of 8, cost of £8.00 per person. The question master is bound to
be on his usual good form, guaranteeing an entertaining evening. Check
with David or Ruth Coulton (775967) to see if there are any tickets still
You probably know by now that the Head teacher at the
School, Julie Moulsdale, has announced her retirement at Christmas. She
started at the School in September, 2004 and in that time the School has
doubled its pupil numbers, been extended and refurbished and generally
gone from strength to strength. Mrs.Moulsdale will take with her some very
fond memories of her time at the School and says that Hyde Heath is a very
special school full of very special people. She would like to thank the
staff, all the parents, governors and the local community for their highly
valued support during her time here, and is confident that the School will
continue to thrive.
Good news for all campaigners against HS2…it appears
that despite an anticipated shortfall in the required number of signatures
to a new e-petition, necessary because of a change in the rules,
parliament has been persuaded to hold a debate on the project. It is
presently scheduled for Thursday, 13th.October by the
newly-formed Backbench Business Committee
The Amersham Band’s Music Fest is on Sunday, 9th.October
at the Elgiva Hall in Chesham. Appearing with the Band will be the
Amersham Acapella Choir, the Chesham Chrysalis Community Choir and Big
Band top trumpeter, Andy Greenwood. Tickets are £12.00 each, and further
information may be gleaned from Rod Stevens (775344).
Don’t forget to complete your 200 + Club membership
forms and hand them in. Let’s make it a good 200+year.
April next year will see the planned switchover to
digital television, and doubtless a few puzzled viewers. The BBC. is
running a Switchover Help Scheme which will help eligible people to
convert one of their TV.sets to digital, explaining clearly and simply how
it all works. They can install what you need in your home, and will ensure
that you are happy that all is operating correctly. (Help Scheme 0800 40
85 90)
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are active in the Village.
Beavers (5.5 to 8 years old) meet on Tuesdays in the School hall during
term time 18.00 to 19.15. At the last count there were 15 Beavers in
total, and there is room for a few more. Wolf Cubs (8 to 10.5 years old)
number 20 and the section is full. Scouts (10.5 to 14 years old) meet in
the Village hall on Wednesdays from 19.00 to 21.00. The Scout section has
been newly re-established after a gap of some twenty years and its
strength is presently 6. Any items regarding recruitment or other aspects
of scouting should be directed to Tim Wye (01494 792 387 or 07973
Village shop is pleased to announce a new season’s stock of Lime Tree
Another reminder for the Great Missenden Rotary
Club’s Mad Hatters Race Night on Saturday 22nd. October at 7.30
for 8.00pm. in the Village Hall. Licensed bar, bring your own picnic,
prizes for best ladies’and gents’hats.
Tickets £10 each available from Brian Barnett
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Ron
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
September 22nd
We’ll start with a couple of reminders…
Firstly, the
Village Hall AGM. is on Thursday (22nd.) at 8.15 pm. (Note the
unusual start time) Come along and see what your village hall can offer
you and, more importantly, what you can offer to your village hall.
Secondly, this Saturday (24th.) sees the
Harvest Supper at 7.30 pm. in the Village Hall. Admission is by ticket
only; these are available from the parish office (862008) @£10.00 each.
cricket season finished last Sunday with a three-wicket win over Ivinghoe
and Pitstone. Richard Austin took five wickets for 29 runs and Andrew
Viney four for 19 as the visitors were put out for a total of 141. Hyde
Heath struggled in the quest for runs, but Andrew showed his all-round
potential, holding the innings together with a fine 69 not out as we got
home with six overs to spare. Next Sunday will see the annual performance
of treating the playing square to its winter coat and putting the pavilion
to bed for its long hibernation.
The season’s playing record is:- Played 18, Won 10,
Lost 3, Drawn 4, Abandoned 1, Cancelled 4.’
Next Wednesday (28th.) will be the
occasion at the Plough of this month’s overseas menu and it has a
distinctly French flavour. The price is £20 per person, including wine,
and you can book your place by ringing 783163. it all starts at 7.30 pm.
The full menu is available at the Village Shop and the Plough.
Casting has taken place for the Drama Group’s next
production which will be coming to the Village hall next February. It is
to be “Treasure Island”, and I keep picturing in my mind’s eye Tony
Hancock impersonating Robert Newton as the rascally Long John Silver. I
understand that Howard Elson has reworked Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous
script, and now the central character is female.”A-ha, Jane lad”…should be
good fun.
Forthcoming attractions include the Village Hall Quiz
Night on Saturday, 1st.October at 7.30pm. Good food, good fun
and a licensed bar teams of 8, £8.00 per person. Book with David or Ruth
Coulton (775967).
On Sunday, 9th.October at the Elgiva Hall
in Chesham the Amersham Band will be holding a Musicfest.
More details in next week’s newsletter; further
information now can be gained from Rod Stevens (775344) 
Then there’s the Rotary Club of Great Missenden Mad
Hatters’ Race Night on Saturday, 22nd.October 7.30 for 8.00pm.,
again in the Village Hall. Licensed bar, bring your own picnic, prizes for
the best ladies’ and gent.’s hats. Tickets £10.00 each, available from
Brian Barnett (774850). The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Steve
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
September 15th
The cricket season is ending with
a whimper…last week’s match with Abbots Langley had to be cancelled, so
hopes rest with actual play being possible this Sunday…last game of the
season, at home to Ivinghoe and Pitstone (1.00 start). 
I omitted to include in last
week’s newsletter a reminder about the Harvest Supper, on Saturday, 24th.September
at 7.30 pm. in the Village Hall. Admission is by ticket only; these are
available @£ 10.00 each from the parish office (862008).
Next Thursday (22nd) is
the occasion of the Village Hall management committee AGM…The Hall is the
virtual hub of village life, and it needs good management with strong
support from the village itself, so come along to the AGM. and find out
what your Village Hall is doing for you, and what you can do for your
Village Hall. There is currently a vacancy for bookings secretary to be
The 200+Club starts its new year
from 1st.November. Without the income from this fundraiser the
Village Hall could not be fully operated and maintained. Sadly, last year
was the first since 1989 that we have failed to pass the two hundred
membership mark. Let us try to return to full membership for 2011/12.
Forms will be distributed in the very near future.
This month’s foreign menu at the
Plough has a distinctly French flavour; it will be on Wednesday,
7.30 pm., will include wine and cost £20 per person. Among the dishes on
offer will be boeuf bourguignon, coq au vin and a tiramisu to die for. The
Village Shop has the full menu, as does the Plough. Book early (783163)
to avoid disappointment.
HS2 figures in the national press
almost on a daily basis with headlines such as “High-speed rail line is
next millennium dome” and “Trains going at 250 mph. would create Berlin
Wall for wildlife” These are both from The Times and yesterday’s article
was headed “Rail travellers paying the price for rich man’s toy” All three
points may be considered valid but the real need is to gather 100,000
signatures as soon as possible on:
before the government
changes the rules again.
An early warning note for your
diaries is that on Saturday, 1st October at 7.30 pm. we look forward to
the good fun and good food of the annual Village Hall Quiz Night. Teams of
8, licensed bar, £8.00 per person.
The driver of this Friday’s
shopping bus is Mary Collins.
Robin Richards
01494 774582 
Top of page
September 8th
Wedding anniversary today…how has the home secretary
put up with my quirks and foibles, and, latterly, my disabilities
for forty-nine years ? Sheer dogged determination… |
Happy Anniversary, Pauline … |
Cricket was a non-starter again last Sunday…Old
Salopians cancelled on Friday evening, saying that they were unable to
raise a team. This was not well received, for it was then too late to go
to the Club Cricket Conference emergency fixture bureau to remedy the
situation for a side (us) that were keen for a game. Come Sunday lunchtime
the sky darkened and the rain was vertical for about four hours, so there
would probably have been no play, anyway. This Sunday the scheduled match
is at home to Abbots Langley (1.00 start).
Also cancelled last Sunday was the WI. Treasure Hunt,
due to that same inclement weather. However the ladies hope to run the
event at a later date…watch this space.
This evening is the occasion of this month’s meeting
of the WI.,when the guest speaker will be Bob Harding Jones…his topic:
“laughter in the village”. It will be an open meeting, so, those of you
who might consider another interest, bearing in mind the approach of
longer evenings, would be welcome to attend and meet the ladies of the WI.
They are a very friendly group, who seem to engage interesting guest
speakers and enjoy varying activities; they do not appear to promote “jam
and Jerusalem” but have certainly made an attempt at “Calendar girls” (so
I’m told). I can vouch for the quality of their catering…come along and
Don’t forget that on Saturday (10th.) is
the Bucks. Historic Churches Trust Sponsored Ride. You are invited to gain
optimum sponsorship, then cycle walk or ride (a horse), but not drive,
around as many churches in the locality as you are able. Half of the
sponsorship money raised will be passed to the Trust (for use in the
maintenance of churches) and the other half to the rider’s own parish.
Both St. Andrew’s and St.John the Baptist will be open to welcome riders.
By the way, the target for Little Missenden and Hyde Heath is £1,000. 
The School began the autumn term yesterday with a
full reception class of twenty-two, to the delight of head teacher, Mrs.
Moulsdale. That makes a total roll for the school of sixty pupils.
The next meeting of the Chapel Lunch Club will be
next Monday, 12th.September at 12.30 pm.
I have a message from the Area Commander, Thames
Valley Police about the theft of vehicle number plates, which will be used
in the committing of other crimes. There will be events on this matter on
Monday, 12th. September at Sainsbury’s, Chesham and Thursday,
15th.September at Tesco, Amersham. They will be organised by
the Chiltern Community Safety Partnership and will present an opportunity
for the public to talk to Chiltern District Council and Thames Valley
Police staff about crime reduction, personal safety and home and vehicle
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Ron
September 1st
A new month… let us hope that the dullness and
dampness of August gives way to a brighter September.
the 100,000 signatures diligently collected for the anti-HS2 petition have
been ruled invalid…ink of a non-approved colour ? insufficient number of
left-handed signatories ? no, a change in the government’s rules. Will it
change them again if it feels that opposition to this unaffordable
project, which threatens to scar our Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty,
has become too strong for comfort ?
The Cricket Club lost last Sunday at home to the Bank
of England, who put together a workmanlike total, and then rolled Hyde
Heath over for a paltry 43 ! Least said about the onfield activities the
better ! However, it seems that there was a very long queue for tea,
which ,unusually, was a hot dish, a chilli something or other, which
suited another dull cool day. Next Sunday’s match is at home to Old
Salopians. (1.00 pm. start)
This would be a good point to remind you of the WI.’s
Family Treasure Hunt on Sunday which starts from the flagpole on the
Common at 2.00 pm. For further information contact Avril Sherratt on 01494
953366, Judith Butt on 01494 782591 or Barbara Aris on 01296 682661.
The September WI. monthly meeting will be an open
meeting on Thursday 8th., the guest speaker Bob Harding Jones
and his topic is “Laughter in the Village”
Hyde Heath Chapel is holding its Harvest Service
this Sunday (4th.) at 10.45 am
On Saturday week (10th.) is the Bucks.
Historic Churches Trust Sponsored Ride. You are invited to gain optimum
sponsorship, then cycle, walk or ride (a horse), but not drive, around as
many churches in the locality as you are able. Half of the sponsorship
money realised will be passed to the Trust and the other half to the
rider’s own parish. Both St.Andrew’s and St.John the Baptist will be open
to welcome riders.
The next meeting of the Chapel Lunch Club will be on
Monday, 12th.September at 12.30 pm.
Harvest Supper will be at 7.30 Hyde Heath Village Hall on Saturday,
24th.September. Tickets are £10 each and may be booked with
Barbara Cann in the Parish Office (tel.862008). I am told that the supper
will be a full hot meal, so make your reservation now.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Derek
August 25th
Having enjoyed a short refreshing break I return only
to be reminded by some bright spark that it is four months until
Christmas…ho humm…
Recent cricket games show a mixed bag of
results…match abandoned due to rain at Longwick on August 7th.,match
drawn at home to Gamecocks the following Sunday when we were so short of
players that the former chairman, John Capper, was press-ganged into
service, likewise (very) young Stanley Burgham. John performed creditably
with the bat, as did Stanley’s dad, Nick, who blasted 89. Jeremy Stevens
struck an entertaining half-century, enabling a tea declaration of 236 for
5 wickets from 37 overs. Despite using several bowlers we were not able to
dismiss the entire visiting side, and they finished on 209 for 7 wickets.
A draw…
Last Sunday we won at Ivinghoe and Pitstone, scoring
226 for 2 wickets declared. Henry Capper scored 86 and James Shrimpton 75
not out. The bowlers shared the wickets as we put the home side out for
This Sunday’s fixture is at home to Bank of England.
2.00 pm. start.
The Village shop continues to supply fruit and
vegetables and is grateful to all those of you who are donating surplus
home-grown produce…keep it coming, please.
Plough’s “overseas menu” dinner this month will be next Wednesday evening
at 7.30 pm. It will be an oriental buffet and the cost will be £20 per
head, not including wine. For any further details and booking speak to
Phil. at the Plough (783163).
The WI. invites you to join them for a Treasure Hunt
to be held on Sunday, September 4th. Meet on the village green
at 2.00 pm. by the flagpole. There will be two sets of “clues”, one for
families with tiny tots and one for families with older children, or no
children, with prizes for the winning families. Clue sheets will be £3
each, and, if the weather is nice why not bring a picnic to eat on the
Common afterwards ? For further information contact Avril Sherratt on
01494 953366, Judith Butt on 01494 782591 or Barbara Aris on 01296 682661
There is a cricket match on that day on the Common,
versus Old Salopians (1.00 start).
The September WI. monthly meeting will be on the 8th.
in the Village Hall. It will be an “open” meeting and the guest speaker is
Bob Harding Jones, and his topic - “Laughter in the Village”
Melissa Laing (our resident fitness guru) has started
classes again in the Village Hall. Ring her for dates and times on 01494
I have discovered at the back of a seldom-used
cupboard some cub and scout badges from Canada, which were given to me by
an old school friend from a time when he was the Chief Scout in that
country. I am hoping that they will be of interest to our Village scout
group…ring me on 774582.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Mary
(No issues for Aug 11th or 18th due to holidays)
August 4th
Just as a postscript to last Wednesday evening’s W.I.
ramble…the supper afterwards was, as promised, sumptuous. Thank you,
had two cricket matches to consider last weekend…the first, unusually,
was on Friday. In previous years we had been on tour in Kent, with the
Friday fixture at Petts Wood. This year the situation was reversed, and
they came to us, setting brother against brother…Touring Toby versus
Masterly Matt. Sims, who skippered for the home side and promptly lost
the toss. Hyde Heath scored a very respectable 230 for seven wickets, with
Henry Capper notching a classy 100 not out. The other main score came
from Alistair Richards, enjoying a rest from his bowling duties, with an
entertaining 54. Matt tried all his bowlers, but could not completely
break the visitors, who closed their innings on 150 for five wickets,
with two of their batsmen injured. A draw...
It was back to winning ways on Sunday at Bourne End
(the Hertfordshire one). They were all out for 92 with Jeremy Stevens
taking four wickets and Luke Brennan three. Dom. Haddock lead the victory
charge to 93 for one wicket with a pugnacious 46 not out…a win by nine
wickets. This Sunday’s match is at Longwick (2.00) 
The Village Shop is delighted with the response to
its request for surplus home-grown produce, and staff say that they will
welcome more. The floral arrangements at the Shop are maintained
by Felicity Beynon, and jolly good they look, too. Thanks to her and you
Pernille Fraser BSc(hons), MA, PTLLS, CTLLS.
specialises in taking something old and making it new, and will be
running two whole day workshops on August 18th. and 25th.
from 10.00 to 17.00 at the Great Missenden Memorial Centre. Ring 07779
656918 to enrol and glean further details. “Basic sewing materials will be
provided, but please do bring at least one item of old clothing you don’t
mind chopping up” 
The charity, “Workaid”, re-furbishes tools and
equipment for donation to third world countries. They also have a shop in
Townsend Road, Chesham which sells surplus items at very reasonable
prices. These include arts and crafts materials, small hand tools and
gardening implements. The shop is open on Thursday and Friday from 10.00
to 16.00 and on Saturday from 10.00 until 13.00
We have had a detailed reply to last week’s query
from Australia re. Heath Cottage. Thank you, Rod and Sandra.
There will be no “special nationality” dinner at the
Plough this month, but David Coulton (775967) is trying to organise a
buffet in its place.
common with many other offices this newsletter will be on holiday for the
next two weeks.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Ron
Flint; next week it’s Steve Epps, and the week after Derek Faversham
July 28th
who was the Birthday Girl yesterday ? I’m sure that Ruth Coulton
wouldn’t mind you knowing that she passed the Big Six…little chance of her
keeping such a thing secret, what with all the bunting and the messing
about on the river last Saturday. It was a lovely afternoon, and what
better way to spend it, than in the company of her many friends ! Happy
Birthday, Ruth !
The Cricket Club got back to winning ways last Sunday
with a seven-wicket victory at Cublington, who are the possessors of the
finest all-singing and dancing scorebox on our circuit. They made 129 with
Jeremy Stevens taking four wickets. Richard Austin and Luke Brennan gave
him good support, and in reply Henry Capper notched a commanding 80 not
out in a total of 130 for 3 wickets. This week’s games are at home to
Petts Wood (on tour) on Friday and away to Bourne End (the Hertfordshire
one) on Sunday. Both matches are due to start at 2.00pm. 
Here’s a gentle reminder that delicious cream teas
are available every summer Sunday afternoon between 2.00 and the
church of St.John the Baptist in Little Missenden…an ideal interlude
during a gentle walk…
am told that the Village Shop is now offering an increased range of fresh
fruit and vegetables, including gratefully- received donations of locally
grown produce. If you have any such goodies which are surplus to your
requirement they will be most welcome at the Shop.
Just a thought…last weekend in China a “bullet” train
suffered a total electrical failure and was hit by another at 140 mph.,
causing untold death and destruction. High Speed Rail here demonstrated
another unattractive feature. The Institute of Economic Affairs has
concluded that HS2 proposals are based on an “economic fairy story” It has
also been described as an expensive vanity project. How can we consider
financing this venture with £34 billions when banks, and countries, are
presently being bailed out ? Madness…
Chris.Herring at the Plough reminds us of the charity
clothing bin in the park.
There has been minimal response to last week’s
request for memories of squadron leader Jack Pinder. Another query
has just come from Australia via our website :
"My question concerns a cottage named Heath
Cottage in 1921 a William Grime gave this address prior to his
emigration to Australia on 22nd Dec 1922 his wife my Aunt was staying
with parents at Chesham she didn't leave until 1922 as was usual. My
relatives aunt & uncle lived in a cottage opposite the Plough PH they
didn't marry until 1925 their names were Harry & Sue Birch so I would be
interested to find out where the cottage was and who occupied it.
Both William & Nellie Grime were from Blackburn
and moved down prior to their leaving from the Port of London."
If you have any information please let us know or e-mail
Driver of the Shopping Bus this week is Mary Collins
July 21st
The other day I received a most pleasant e-mail. It
was from Mrs.Rolfe, the teacher co-ordinating the project at the School
about our Village. She kindly thanked me, and all the other contributing
villagers, for their input and help when being interviewed by the
children. It seems that all those in years one and two took part and
enjoyed the experience immensely. One of the highlights for those
interviewing Chris.Herring at the Plough was a trip to the cellar. Thank
you all for your help…I’m looking forward to seeing the display and the
Sunday’s weather reminded me of many of the summers of my boyhood…dull and
wet, with never a threat of a hosepipe ban. The cricket match against the
Full Tossers was of course cancelled…let us hope that the same fate does
not befall this Sunday’s match, which is at Cublington (2.00 pm.start).
Next Wednesday (27th.) is the occasion of
the WI. Evening Ramble. Meet at the Village Hall at 6.15 pm., for a
6.30 pm.start. The walk will be open to all, round
the village, then back to the Hall for a sumptuous (I’m told) supper. The
cost per person will be £ 7 and raised funds will go to the WI. charity,
which this year is the South Bucks Hospice and Lymphoedema Clinic.
There are still some tickets available for this
year’s Pepper stage show at the Centenary Theatre, Berkhamsted
School. Ticket prices range from £10 to £20, are for
July 21st.,22nd. and 23rd. and may be
obtained from the Hotline 01442 877292.
lady goes into a pub…no, it’s not a joke. Julie Bradley (maiden name
Pinder) went into the Plough recentlyand asked if there is anybody in Hyde
Heath who could remember her father, Squadron Leader Jack Pinder, who had
a house near Pipers Wood, taught navigation at RAF, Halton and played
cricket. Julie now lives at Ivy House Farm, Worthan, Suffolk, IP22 1RB and
has the e-mail address (I think). Let me ,or Chris.Herring, know if this name
rings any bells…
Time is running out to protect the Chilterns from
HS2. If you feel that you would like to do something positive, no matter
how late, to prevent High Speed Rail from ruining our environment, then
contact Roy North on 773511.
Just a reminder that the Village Shop has fresh fruit
and veg. every Wednesday. To accompany the strawberries don’t forget the
new(ish) line in Beechdene ice creams.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Derek
July 14th

Two weeks ago the Parents’Association of the School
held a Race Night in Chalfont St.Peter. Not only was the evening a
fun-filled affair, but also about one thousand pounds was raised, which
should go a long way towards providing the new picnic benches for the
playground. Congratulations to the Association for such a splendid
Cricket result last Sunday was not so good…Hyde Heath
totalled a very respectable 239 for 5 wickets declared(Henry Capper 74,
Nick Burgham 49 (jug-dodger), Andy Williamson 47 (similar comment) and
Bradley Holt 37 not out), but Chesham Bois replied with 240 for just the
one wicket.
Of this total one opening batsman made a score of
almost 150, but, when in the twenties he was clearly caught at the wicket,
received the benefit from both umpires and refused to “walk” This left a
bad taste for the rest of the game, and possibly for the future of the
fixture. Pity; we’ve played against them happily for a goodly number of
years…NextSunday’s match is at home to the Full Tossers (2.00 pm.start).
This evening (July 14th – Bastille Day, if
you happen to be on holiday in France) sees the WI. monthly meeting.The
guest speaker will be Mr.J.Carter, and his subject will be the Life and
Times of Queen Mary (presumably the consort of King George V, and not the
magnificent ship to which she lent her name.) Then on Saturday, July 16th.
is the Summer outing to Sissinghurst Castle and Gardens. National Trust
members are reminded to have their membership cards with them. Lastly the
fund-raising Summer ramble is on Wednesday, July 27th-meet at
the Village Hall at 6.15 pm. for a 6.30 start. The walk will be open to
all, round the village, then back to the Hall for a sumptuous (that’s the
word I was given) supper. The cost will be £7 per person and raised funds
will go to the WI. charity, which this year is the South Bucks Hospice and
Lymphoedema Clinic.
Next Wednesday, July 20th. is Thai Night
at the Plough. Ring 783163 to ensure your reservation for a meal where the
cost will be £20, to include two glasses of wine. The detailed menu may be
found at the Plough, the Village shop or on the Village website.
There are still some tickets available for the Pepper
stage show at the Centenary Theatre, Berkhamsted School.
Ticket prices range from £10 to £20 and may be
obtained from the Hotline 01442 877292.
Last evening (Wed.13th.) saw the unveiling
at the School of the project which Mrs.Rolfe has been co-ordinating.
Whilst it is of primary interest to the children themselves, and their
parents, the display in the entrance hall, and the book produced with it,
will, I am sure, delight all villagers. Congratulations to you all…
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Steve
July 7th

The memorial bench for Margaret Sargeant has been delivered and fixed into
position on the Common with the hope that it will give many hours of
pleasure to users, as well as providing a lasting tribute to her memory.
A much better result at cricket last Sunday…the visitors, Ballinger
Waggoners, made 205 for 8 wickets declared, with Nick Burgham, Jeremy
Stevens and Alistair Richards each taking two wickets amid some awful
ground fielding. Hyde Heath’s reply looked confident while Henry Capper
(81) was still at the crease, but once again the middle order proved to be
of no substance, leaving the last pair, Jeremy and Alistair, with plenty
of time to bat until close of play, a feat which they achieved, finishing
just ten runs short of the target at 196 for 9 wickets, so the match was
drawn. This Sunday the fixture is at Chesham Bois (2.00 pm.start)
Next Wednesday, 13th.July should see the
presentation at the School of the project about our village. It seems to
be fairly comprehensively covered, and I am looking forward to seeing the
finished product.
Next Thursday, 14th.July will be the
occasion of the next W.I. meeting when the speaker will be Mr.J.Carter and
his subject will be the Life and Times of Queen Mary. 8.00pm. at the
Village Hall.

I am reminded that the Village Shop is now fully equipped for summer with
a brand new ice cream freezer in Beechdene livery and an extended stock of
Beechdene flavours, as well as our popular lollies, magnums, ice pops
etc.etc. Roll up, roll up…
Wednesday, 20th.July is the next themed
dinner at the Plough, and this time it is Thai. Ring 783163 to ensure your
reservation. £20 per head inc. two glasses of wine. The detailed menu is
available at the Plough, the Village shop and on the Village website.
reminder…this one is for the Pepper Events Ltd. stage show at the
Centenary Theatre, Berkhamsted School, Kings Road, Berkhamsted on 15th.16th.and
17th.July, as well as 20th.21st.22nd.23rd.July.
Ticket prices range from £10 to £20 and may be obtained from the Hotline
01442 877292.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Ron
June 30th
Just sipping my morning coffee and considering the
order of events for this week’s newsletter when the home secretary rushes
in with the news that our good neighbours, Gary and Felicity Beynon, have
an invitation to this afternoon’s (Wed.,June 29th) Royal Garden
Party at Buckingham Palace. Congratulations to them…hope it doesn’t rain
on the cucumber sandwiches.
A reminder about the Race Night to be held this
Friday evening (July 1st.) by the Parents’ Association of the
School. It starts at 8.00 pm. in the Village Hall Chalfont St.Peter.
Tickets are £5 each and are available from Jo Collins on 07919 091282.
There will be eight races and will be available during the
Neale’s recent trip to Spain was more than worthwhile. Her efforts for
Great Britain in the European Agegroup Triathlon championships earned her
a silver medal in the excellent time of two hours and twenty-one minutes.
(second in the swim, second in the run and eighth in the bike ride). Our
congratulations to her.
I suppose it had to happen sooner or later, but last
Sunday the Cricket Club lost its first match of the season. Phoenix C.C.
scored 196 for eight wickets on a hot afternoon. I thought that some
special efforts in the bowling (Jeremy Stevens 3-35, Alistair Richards
2-41) and fielding departments helped to keep that total below 200. After
tea the situation always looked hopeful while Henry Capper (38) and James
Shrimpton (54) were at the wicket, but after they had been dismissed the
middle order surrendered and the innings closed on 140. This Sunday’s
(July 3rd.) game is at home to Ballinger Waggoners (2.00
Thursday, July 14th. is the date for the
next W.I. meeting when the speaker will be Mr.J.Carter and his subject
will be the Life and Times of Queen Mary. The Summer Outing is on
Saturday, July 16th. to Sissinghurst Castle Gardens and the
Fund-raising Summer Ramble is on Wednesday, July 27th.
Wednesday, July 20th. is the next themed
dinner at the Plough and it will be Thai. Ring 783163 to ensure your
reservation. The menu is available at the Plough and on the Village
The Pepper Foundation provides specialist nursing
care for children with life limiting conditions,
to support this work Pepper Events Ltd.stages live shows. This year’s
extravaganza is scheduled to take place on 15th. 16th.17th.
and 20th.21st.22nd.23rd.July
at the Centenary Theatre, Berkhamsted School, Kings Road, Berkhamsted.
Ticket prices range from £10 to £20 and may be obtained from the Hotline
01442 877292. Your support of this very worthwhile charity and
entertaining musical show would be greatly appreciated.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Mary
June 23rd
Next Friday, July 1st., the Parents’
Association of the Village School will be holding a fund-raising event.
They wish to raise sufficient funds for the purchase of new picnic benches
for the playground. The Fundraiser will be a Race Night, and I am told
that it will be held “at a pub in Chalfont”…I will try and give the exact
time and location for this event in next week’s newsletter, but in the
meantime please contact either Jo Collins (
or Jo Fullard (
for information on the matter. (See website for details)
The School is holding an open evening on Wednesday,
July 13th., and it is intended to present a project about our
village. For this the children will have carried out interviews with
villagers on the following specific subjects:- St.Andrews Church, the
Chapel, the Shop, the Village Hall, the Plough, the cricket club and the
School itself. These are considered to be key places in the Village, and
it is hoped to create a book, web pages and a display in the entrance to
the School. The co-ordinator for this admirable project is teacher Rachel
Nice to know that the cricket club is thought to be a
key place…
The Cricket Club’s big weekend was threatened with
wet weather, but we managed to complete a 30 overs per side match against
the President’s team on Saturday and a Twenty 20 versus the Plough on
Sunday, with both resulting in marginal victories for the Club. The
President’s captain, Alistair Richards, stood down his players who had the
greatest distance to travel, and then, when play seemed a distinct
possibility, entered some lease-lend negotiations to make up his team.
Nevertheless he fielded and batted with just ten men.
HYDE HEATH 163-7 (30 overs)
Henry Capper 85, Dominic Haddock 30; Tim Nutman 2-28.
PRESIDENT’S X 132 (27.1 overs)
Matt. Holyland 31,Will 4-26; Richard Austin 2-18.
What a weekend…thanks to Emma Burgham et al for a
successful Beer Festival and to Charlie and Janette for a well-organised
Ball on Saturday evening.
Sunday 20/20 game - HYDE HEATH 150-7 PLOUGH
This Sunday’s game will be against a side from the
C.C.C. emergency fixtures bureau, PHOENIX C.C.
2.00 p.m. start at the Common.
The Neale Family has blossomed again, with the
arrival on 14th. June of Reuben Edward, who weighed in at an
eye-watering 9lb.5oz. He is a brother for Jacob and Evie and a cousin
for Hannah, Phoebe and Theo.
Tamsin Neale is competing in Spain this weekend for
Great Britain in the European Agegroup Triathlon championships. I will
keep you informed of her progress…
June 16th
Cricket Club’s “big weekend” is almost upon us, so be prepared for the
action, which starts on Friday evening (17th June) in the
marquee on the Common with the annual Beer Festival at 7.00 pm. Tickets
(£20) are available from the Plough (783163) or Emma Burgham on 773660 or
07971 838142. Music will be provided by the Amersham Band and the Dennis
Ruff “Wall of Sound”
On Saturday (18thJune) at 11.30 am is the
match against the President’s XI…an opportunity to renew auld
acquaintance, and sample any leftovers in the barrels from the previous
evening’s Festival.
Then, on that same evening, in the marquee, will be
the Ball, with dancing to The Dirty Dogs (start at 7.00 pm. for 8.00,
dress- black tie. To celebrate fifty years of cricket matches on the
Common. Tickets £50, from Charles Samuels on 837308 or 778851.
Then, if we survive all that activity, there will be
a Twenty20 match on the Sunday against the denizens of the Plough, who, I
am told, may well include a surprise selection, a talented young man from
Kent…must check this possibility with my Kentish agent.
Sunday’s match, against Little Missenden Misfits, was, unfortunately, a
total washout, so let’s hope that the weather will be kinder to us this
Just a reminder that this month’s themed dinner at
the Plough will be Scandinavian on Wednesday, 22nd.June.The
cost is expected to be £20 per head, to include two glasses of wine.
Reserve your place on 783163. A Thai Menu is available at the Plough from
Wednesday to Sunday. The Scandinavian menu is available at the Plough,
the village website and in the village shop 
Last week the Plough helped a very special chap to
celebrate his ninetieth birthday. His name is George Bayliss and he spent
his working life cleaning windows in the Chesham area. He was a sight to
behold in his full uniform of a Chelsea pensioner.
June 9th
you get your HS2 questionnaire replies in on time ? Roy North hoped that
they would all be in by the deadline (June 6th.), but, if you
haven’t yet delivered yours, remember that a late vote is better than no
vote, particularly in a matter which threatens to ravage our environment.
So, get that completed form to Roy immediately (if not sooner).
The Cricket Club resumed its winning ways last Sunday
with the ten-wicket defeat of Red Square Lions, a game which was played in
constant rain. The visitors were dismissed for 113, with Alistair Richards
taking three wickets for 31 runs and Jeremy Stevens, James Shrimpton and
Richard Austin grabbing two apiece. Henry Capper (61not out) and Dominic
Haddock (42not out) knocked off the required runs in a snappy opening
partnership. This Sunday (June 12th.) the match will be at home
to our near-neighbours, Little Missenden Misfits. (2.00) 
The W.I.’s meeting this month is on Thursday, June 9th,
the talk is entitled “Thomas Coram and the Foundling Hospital” and it will
be given by P.Verrall.
Next month, on Wednesday, 27th. July the
W.I. will hold its Annual Ramble and Supper (meet at the Village Hall at
6.15 pm. for a 6.30 pm. start). The walk will be open to all, round the
village, then back to the Hall for a sumptuous supper. The cost is £7.00
and raised funds will go to the W.I. charity, which is the South Bucks
Hospice and Lymphoedema Clinic.
to the Cricket Club…firstly there is the Beer Festival on Friday evening,
June 17th. Not got your tickets yet ? Then ring Emma Burgham
on 773660 or 07971 838142, or get them at the Plough Then on the
following day we have the annual match against the President’s XI (11.30
start) After their fine victory in 2010 the President’s XI will be keen to
repeat the dose this year. On that same evening there will be a ball
(dress-black tie) in the marquee to celebrate fifty years of cricket
matches on the Common (7.30 start, tickets £50)
The themed
dinner at the Plough this month will be on Wednesday, June 22nd.,
the cost is expected to be £20 per head, to include two glasses of wine,
and the nationality will be Scandinavian. Reserve your seat at the table
without delay. (783163). Also at the Plough on Wednesday to Sunday is
available a Thai menu.
June 2nd
Monday 6th June is the Open Evening for
all residents to meet your Local Councillor . Enjoy a glass of wine whilst
airing your views in an open discussion on Parish Affairs. The meeting
commences at 8pm in The Village Hall.
reminder now to fill in your responses and return your HS2 Consultation
forms by 6th June . Your local representatives along with
other groups throughout the designated route are determined to fight this
to the bitter end. Please give them your support.
Cricket: Ley Hill 188-6 dec. Hyde Heath 160-6
After 4 consecutive wins the Cricket Club had to make
do with a draw last Sunday. Ley Hill took 45 overs to obtain their score
and Hyde Heath took 38 overs to achieve theirs. Thanks mainly to a century
partnership between James Shrimpton (82) and Matt Sims (35). Hyde Heath
bowlers shared the wickets.
This Sunday the match is at home against Red Square
Lions at 2pm
Heath Union Chapel lunches started nearly 5 years ago after a leaflet was
delivered around the village. 6 people from Heath Road took up the offer
and now around 20 people attend for a delicious meal and good company.
These get-togethers take place on the 2nd Monday of the month
at 12.30pm. The suggested donation is a mere £2.50p. Where can you buy a
cup of coffee for this amount these day ?
If you would like to join the lunch club please
phone:- Philip Woodley 01296-334920 Or Pam Bowller : 01296-420344
“Reflections” takes place at 2.30pm – 4pm on the last
Thursday of the month, again in the Union Chapel. This takes the format
of a light hearted quiz and a short DVD presentation, This is an
opportunity for friendship and discussions , after which tea and cake is
provided to conclude the meeting. This months meeting is June 30th.
Our predecessor of the Newsletter, Sylvia Brown , has
recently become a great-grandmother. Harry Oliver Irwin Brown entered
this world on 22nd May weighing in at 5lbs.12oz. Many
congratulations Sylvia.
moved to the village of Hargrave , Northants 18 months ago to be nearer
her family. She has settled well in her new home and being a “Woman of
Letters” soon got involved writing articles for the village monthly
magazine and is now the assistant editor. Such an indomitable spirit.
The driver of this weeks shopping bus is Mary Collins
A reminder also that there is a bus to Amersham and
Chesham on a Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10.19am returning at 11.35am
May 26th
Apres Fete: David Coulton would like to thank
everyone who supported us on the day, particularly those who helped to set
up, run stalls and clear away.Our Classic Car Display, sponsored by Heath
Motors attracted over 140 cars. Lee England once again organised our Dog
Show, which continues to attract large numbers of entries from a wide
The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight was an awe
inspiring sight over our village.
the final figure raised has not yet been fully calculated the net profit
could be over £4.500.
One real disappointment for the day was that someone
in the village ‘phoned the police to complain about the traffic
congestion. This is just one day a year for a maximum of 3hrs and there
are alternative routes to avoid Hyde Heath Road. It would be very sad if
one person creates problems such that the fete cannot be run due to petty
restrictions imposed upon us.
Following on from this :- Some of you may be aware
that David Coulton , after 22yrs of running the fete is taking a well
earned rest. We extend our grateful thanks to David and his family who
work alongside him to make the day run smoothly.
Ralph Bartlett and Sarah Hortop are taking the lead
with respect to the 2012 fete.
The Fete attracts many visitors and we would like to
know what you as residents would like to see at your Fete. Please contact with your comments.
CRICKET: Chesham all out for 118. Hyde Heath 119 –
Alistair Richards 3-26: Jeremy Stevens 2-28:
Richard Austin 2-21: Tim Barnsley took 2 excellent slip catches.
Henry Capper 37: Bradley Holt 25 not out: Spencer
North 20 not out: HHCC were 72-5 but Bradley and Spencer put on an
unbeated 47 for the 6th wicket to see HHCC to victory by 5
This Sundays match is at home to Ley Hill at 2pm.
Parish :News: There is a vacant allotment if anyone
is interested . Phone the Parish Office on 01494 – 715429.
Last weeks Drama Groups excellent production could
have wished for larger audiences. None-the-less those of us who did attend
enjoyed an entertaining evening which tested the versatility of our
local thespians.
Terry and Jenny Shaw became proud grandparents on 15th
May when their daughter Saffon and husband Jared presented them with
Allana Rose . Our congratulations go the family
The drive of this weeks shopping bus is Derek
May 19th
a wonderful sight the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight was at the Fete
last Saturday. There were visitors from far afield as Banbury in
Oxfordshire and several other neighbouring counties.. Our Fete Fame has
spread !
go to joint winners Monty Weatherall (10) and Will MacDonald . First lady
home was Julia Ruszkowski who took
part in Melissa Laing’s "Fun Run".
Thank you to all the runners and the marshalls
who made this new event possible.
It is "Luvvie" week in the Village Hall. Hyde
Heath Drama Group are staging ""Five Blue Haired Ladies Sitting on a Green
Park Bench" from 19th – 21st May.
Curtain Up at 8pm Tickets £9. and £8 concession.
Available from the Shop , on the Door. Or 01494 – 773511. See a show and
pop into "The Plough" before or after.
Wednesday 25th May is "Thai Night" at
"The Plough".
For £19.50p enjoy a 3 course meal with 2 glasses
of wine all for the price of £19.50p
Menu available on the Village Web-site, in the
Shop or in the Bar. Ring 01494 – 783163 for your reservation.
The Plough also provide "Take Away" Fish and
Chips 7 days a week for only £5.50p.
Flyers have been distributed throughout the
Village this week . Take this with you and you will receive 10% discount
off your next meal.
Cricket: Gt. Missenden Pelicans were 185 all
out. Hyde Heath 186 for 3. Congratulations to James Shrimpton for his
maiden century for the club ( 116 not out)
This weeks match is away to Chesham at the
Chartridge Ground. 2pm start.
Parish News:
Friday 20th May 1pm – 2.30pm Bring
and Share Lunch at Prestwood Methodist Church Hall. Sale of Plants and
Cakes. "Call My Bluff".
Sat.21st May 7.30pm Illustrated talk
by Peter Biles, BBC Southern African Correspondent 2005 – 2009 on Nelson
Mandela. Damien Hall. Catholic Church, Gt. Missenden. Tickets £12.50p to
include African Supper. from Joan Craig.
Sat: 28th May 10.30am – 12noon Coffee
Morning. Bring and Buy cakes, raffle . Prestwood Methodist Church.
Monday June 6th. Open Meeting at Hyde
Heath at 8pm of The Parish Council.
Melissa Laing ( our resident fitness guru) has
started Nordic Walking Classes.
Wednesdays at 8pm and 09.15am from June 8th.
Cost is £20 for a 4 week course.
Poles provided . Contact Melissa on 01494-
The Driver for this weeks shopping Bus is:-
Steve Epps.
May 12th
If you haven’t already offered help with setting up
in the morning or clearing away late afernoon, your assistance will be
greatly appreciated by Fete Organiser , David Coulton. Please turn up at
9 am on Saturday morning or phone David on 01494 – 775967.
The main attraction is THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN

Flypast scheduled for 14.55hrs. This is entirely
dependent on the weather conditions.
Enjoy the fun of the fete and its numerous Stalls,
Static Stands, Classic Cars, Dog Show, Hot Dogs and the ever popular W.I.
Cakes and Tea in the Cricket Pavilion.
The Plough is open all day so roll up and whoop it up
All proceeds from this day are put back into
supporting & maintaining the village hall, the hub of our village for the
benefit of all users - a truly community affair.
Cricket: Another win for the Cricket Club last
Sunday at home. Jeremy Stevens took 5 wickets as The Lee were dismissed
for 157. The joy of a 6 wicket win was tempered by an injury to the hand
of star batsman Henry Capper, who will be out for a few weeks.
This Sundays match is away to The Pelicans at Gt.
Missenden start time 2pm.
On Wednesday evening 4th May the inaugural
meeting of the new Hyde Heath Scout Troop took place at the Village Hall
after an absence of some 20yrs. A number of keen local youngsters and
parents attended and showed considerable interest in learning of the
challenging adventurous activities in which they could participate.
We look forward to other 10-14yr old boys and girls
in the village joining. They meet Wednesday from 7-9pm . For further
information contact Neil Spencer on
W.I. this Thursday at 8pm . Topic this month is
12th May is the HS2 Mobile Exhibition at
The Link Car Park. Bury Fields , Gt Missenden.
Churches Together: Friday 13th May 10am
Coffee morning at The Whittlows, Concorde, Kings Ash. 01296-624568 for
Sat:14th 10.30-12noon Coffee morning
Plants,Cakes Card for sale. The Lee Methodist Church Oxford St.
Sunday 15th Commissioning Service. St.
Johns. Lt. Missenden.
Monday 16th – 20th 12.30pm –
13.30pm Soup and rolls. St.Peter & Paul Gt. Missenden
Thurs - Sat 19th - 21st - Drama Gp "Five
blue haired ladies sitting on a green park bench" 8.00pm Village
Hall - Tkts Village shop
The Driver for this weeks shopping bus is Mary
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
May 5th
We start with some good news this week. Robin was
discharged from hospital this morning after 3 months between Stoke
Mandeville and Amersham. Our grateful thanks go to all our neighbours and
friends in the Village for their constant help and support.
The Scout Group is thrilled to be back in the Village
Hall on Wednesday evenings 7pm – 9pm. All children welcome from age 11yrs
upwards. The first meeting will be on the 4th May.
Don’t forget to vote this Thursday 5th May
for the AV Referendum in the Village Hall.
The Cricket Club won their opening match of the
season against Chartridge – but only just! Chasing a gettable target of
150 they collapsed from 105-0 to 144 – 8. The 8th wicket pair
of Bradley Holt and Alistair Richards saw them home with a well run single
of the last ball of the day.
This Sundays match is against The Lee starting 2pm at
Sunday 8th May is the HS2 Rally to be held
at The Bury Fields starting 2pm.
Thursday 12th May is the HS2 Mobile
Exhibition at The Link Car Park,Bury Fields , Gt. Missenden
Thursday 12th May is W.I at 8pm in the
Village Hall. This month is “Resolutions”
at 14.55hrs.
This is the most important day in our Village
Calender. Please phone David Coulton on 775967 to offer your help and set
up in the morning. He works so hard to make this a memorable day. Cakes
are desperately needed for the cake stall and volunteers to man the
stalls. All proceeds help to sustain the various village groups.
Thursday 19th – 21st May is the
Drama Groups production of “Five Blue Haired Ladies Sitting on a Green
Park Bench”. Tickets £9. Conc. £8. Call 01494-773511.
Jazz Night in Chartridge on Saturday 21st
May. Tickets available from Bob Thompson 01494-772143 or
We welcome the new managers Phil and New to The
The theme night this month is “Thai” on Wedneday 25th
May . Call 783163. Menus displayed in the pub, the Village Shop and on the
The Driver of the Shopping Bus this week is Ron
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
April 28th
say farewell to Mark and Teresa from The Plough this weekend. We send our
good wishes to them and wish them well in their future venture.
Cricket Nets this Saturday at The Beacon School 10am
– 12noon. Adults £6. Students £4. Contact Simone on 07881-825469. The
Cricket Club starts the season this weekend 1st May with its
first match against Chartridge at home start time 2pm.
Hamilton-Pike Productions “Victoria Plums” is this
Sunday 1st May in Little Missenden Village Hall at 7pm. Tickets
£15 to include a glass of “champers” to toast the Royal newlyweds. Bring
your own supper. Licensed Bar.
Wednesday 4th May sees the return to the
Village of The Beavers and Cub Scouts. Meeting in the Village Hall at 7pm
and 9pm each Wednesday evening. Open to boys and girls 11 – 15yrs. Please
come along and see how things are starting up and support the leaders.
Thursday 5th is the day for the AV
Referendum .Polling Booth is the Village Hall.
Sunday May 8th is the HS2 Rally at Gt
Missenden C of E School Playing Fields at 2pm. This involves all of us
around the area, so please attend if you can.
Thursday 12th May is the HS2 Consultation
Roadshow at The Black Horse Pub Car Park. If the venue doesn’t “grab”
you -- the contentious issue should.
14th May is the big event in the Village …and the BIG THREE ARE
COMING TO ..FETE DAY. The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Please
come along in the morning and help set up this very popular day in our
calender. We need all the help we can get. Call David Coulton on 01494 –
775967. It is a community effort. All proceeds are ploughed back into the
various village groups.
Thursday 19th – Saturday 21st
is The Drama Groups production of “ Five Blue-Haired Ladies Sitting on a
Green Park Bench”. Sex and the City on Sanatogen!
Tickets 9 Conc: £8. available 01494-773511. You can’t
beat live theatre !
Saturday 21st May at Chartridge School is
“Springtime Jazz” featuring Melody Room Jazz Band with Guest Artists.
Bring your own food and wine Tickets £9 available from Bob Thompson
The Driver of the Shopping Bus this week is:- Derek
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
April 21st
Chris , Katherine and Julia Sargeant have been
overwhelmed with the number of messages and tributes to Margaret and send
heartfelt thanks to everyone.
A big “thankyou” from Charles Manson for the very
successful litter pick last Saturday. There was a good turn out in true
Village Spirit.
is upon us and the shop is well stocked with Easter Cards and Goodies. Pop
along and “indulge” yourselves this weekend.
Parish News: Lt Missenden: Maundy Thurs. 21st.
7.30pm. Solemn Eucharist. Good Friday 22nd 2 pm Vigil
of Cross and Communion
St. Andrews Hyde Heath Easter Day 24th 09.15am
Easter Service.
Cricket Nets this Saturday at The Beacon School 10am
–12noon. Adults £6. Students £4. Contact Simon on 07881-825469.
Hamilton-Pike Productions are staging “Victoria
Plums” on 1st May in Little Missenden Village Hall at 7pm.
Tickets £15. to include a glass of “champers” Contact 01494-786220 To celebrate “The Royal Wedding”
Bob Burns-Green our Conservative District Councillor
is a member of the Planning Committee, Performance and Resources Overview
Committee, Chiltern Citizens Advice Bureau, Chairman of the Appeals
Committee. Plus several more. He is very much involved with the “Stop the
HS2” issue. This is the main reason why he has agreed to stand for another
4 year term.
Fete Day is May 14th. Fun run with
Melissa Laing starting at 1pm from the common.
Please contact David Coulton on 01494-775967 as all
help is very necessary to set up and make it a really successful event.
The Drama Group’s next production is May 19th
– 21st. “Five Blue Haired Ladies Sitting on a Green Park
Bench”. Pick up a flyer from the shop for more details. 
“Springtime Jazz” at Chartridge School is also on May
21st. A bring-your-own Supper evening featuring Melody Room
Jazz Band and Guest Artists. Tickets £9. Phone Bob Thompson 01494 –
On a more sober note:- The “Swing Tyre” on the
childrens play area on the common has been vandalised. Why ? The “little
ones” are now deprived of a fun piece of equipment . What a pity that some
people have nothing else better to do.
The driver of the Shopping Bus this week is Steve
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
April 14th
As many people are already aware, very sadly
Margaret Sargeant passed away quietly last Sunday 10th
April in the Florence Nightingale Hospice at Stoke Mandeville.
Margaret was actively involved in the very
“core” of our Village as secretary and past President of the W.I.,
St Andrews Church, The Fete, Line Dancing and too many events in
the Village Hall to count.
Our prayers and thoughts go to Chris,
Katherine, Julia and their families.
The funeral will take place at 11.30am on
Friday 15th April at the Milton Chapel , Amersham
Crematorium, followed by a gathering and buffet at Hyde Heath
Village Hall - the family request all friends of Margaret to
attend and enjoy her memory. |
The W.I meet this Thursday at 8pm. The speaker for
this months meeting is Barbara Askey on “The History of British Gardens.
On Saturday April 16th a reminder of the
Village Litter Pick . Please come along and bring your wheelbarrows,
wellies, gloves etc. Meet Charles Manson at the Flagpole at 10am.
Refreshments will be available as will “Litter Pickers”.
Cricket Nets are on Saturday 16th April at
The Beacon School starting at 10am – 12noon. £6 per adult , £4. for
students. Contact Simon on 07881-825469.
The Plough Dinner is next Wedneday 20th
April which will be a St.George’s Day menu. Phone : 783163 for your
The Village School said “goodbye” to their long
serving School Secretary, Mary Rose on Friday 8th April. A
special assembly in appreciation of all her hard work was given by the
children who serenaded her with alternative words to the song “Zippedy Doo
Dah” and presented her with flowers and gift vouchers. We all wish her a
very restful and enjoyable retirement.
Hyde Heath Brownies have had a busy half term. They
had their annual disco and met up with all other Brownies in the area to
dance the night away. Cards and Presents were made for Mothering Sunday. A
fantastic Chocolate Fondue using fruit that Brownies prepared themselves
(who needs “Willy Wonker’s Chocolate Factory when we have our own)
Finally a train trip from Gt. Missenden to Amersham for Fish and Chips and
back again.
The driver of the Shopping Bus this week is Ron Flint
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
April 7th
This weeks Newsletter centres around the
“Heartbeat” of the Village.
It was very rewarding to see so many villagers
gathered together for 10th anniversary of the opening of
our Village Shop. We had speeches of thanks given by the current
Chairman of the Village Shop, Chris Sargeant, Ray Challinor ,
who’s drive and input enabled us to start the Village Shop and
finally, Cheryl Gillan, our MP.
All of the speakers emphasised the importance
of our Shop , the dedication of the staff who not only serve but
actually go and buy the goods we need and fill the shelves.
Cheryl Gillan ( not one to miss an
opportunity) raised the issue of the black cloud hanging over us by
the name of HS2. She urged and encouraged everyone to get on board
( sorry , no pun intended) and fight this wholeheartedly. |
Easter is looming and with it new product lines to be
viewed and savoured. Easter Eggs are now available from £1.65p ranging up
to £9.99p . If you compare these prices with the “big players in the
field” these are extremely competitive.
The Village Hall Committee has had a change of
Chairman as Marilyn and Jon Roseway have now moved away. Marilyn’s
contribution as the longest serving Chair brought many improvements , the
biggest of which were the alterations to the Village Hall to incorporate
the Shop. Both she and Jon were active in their roles with their
assistance for the Village Fete. Both will be missed in this capacity,
but wish them a happy new life in Devon.
The new Village Hall Chairman is Derek Faversham.
David Bevan will be standing down in September and handing over his role
as Treasurer to Steve Waterhouse. We welcome them both to the committee in
their respective roles.
Cricket Nets this week are on Saturday 9th
April at The Beacon School, starting at 10am – 12noon. £6. per adult , £4.
for students. Contact Simon on 07881-825469 e-mail:-
A Litter Pick is being organised by Charles Manson on
Saturday 16th April . Meeting at the Flagpole at 10am, please
come prepared with wheelbarrows, wellies, gloves etc.
Refreshments will be provided as will “Litter
The Plough Dinner this month will be on Wednesday 20th
April and will be a St. Georges Menu. This can be viewed on the website,
on The Plough Noticeboard and in the Bar.
Letters for the Fete have been circulated . Please
help if you can and contact David Coulton on :- 01494 – 775967.
The Driver of the Shopping Bus this week is:- Mary
Collins with Ron Flint on April 15th.
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
March 31st
We have a busy weekend ahead of us .
Saturday 2nd April the Village Shop is holding a Coffee Morning
and Birthday Party commencing at 10.30am till 12noon to celebrate 10 years
from opening and to thank all who helped make it possible and who now
support it. A photo diary will be on show to illustrate how we
started with a portacabin on April 2nd 2001, moved to a site next to the
church and then finally to the present location in part of the village
hall. Our guest for this event is Cheryl Gillan who is due to arrive at
11am - do come along and enjoy a piece of birthday cake and tea/coffee -
no charge but there will be a gala raffle.
Sunday 3rd April , is Mothering Sunday.
The shop has lots of beautiful cards, calorific cakes, even more calorific
chocolates and pots of beautifully bright seasonal flowers. All this and
very fresh fruit and vegetables.
The Plough is preparing a special Mothers Day menu.
Give Mum a day off and Phone 01494-783163 for your reservation.
The Cricket season is almost upon us . Cricket nets
will take place on Saturday 9th April at The Beacon School from
10am - Noon Call Simon on 07881-825469 : e-mail for further details. First fixture
Sunday May 1st vs Chartridge at 2.00pm on the Common.
The dreaded HS2 featured on the news on Monday 28th March
from Great Missenden. It was interesting to hear the opening sentence
relating to the destruction of ancient woodlands. It commenced “WHEN
THE HS2 IS BUILT” not “IF” - is this a strong indication
that despite the strong opposition to this proposal the government are
totally ignoring the peoples wishes and going ahead with it anyway?
Democracy ?? Date for your diary 12th May Gt Missenden
This weekend we say farewell to Jon and Marilyn
Roseway who are moving to Devon Marilyn has been chairperson of the
Village Hall Committee for 10yrs and we wish them a happy relocation to
their new home in the West Country.
The daffodils are looking absolutely splendid around
the village.
Our thanks go to Felicity Benyon who maintains the
hanging basket outside the Village Shop. It is just another little touch
which gives us villagers pleasure when we use the shop regularly.
The Driver of the Shopping Bus this week is Derek
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
March 24th
Wednesday 30* March is the Oriental Supper Evening at the Plough.
If you
haven't already booked your table, hurry before it is too late
April 3rd is Mothers Day. The Plough is now taking bookings for
day. Don't leave it to the last minute and be disappointed if the
Gallery is full. 01494-783163
The Shop is also busy stocking items to celebrate this important day in
Beautiful cards, chocolates, plants and flowers just for Mum.
A new line
of Bakehouse Biscuits are due to be on the shelves any day, so
looking, try them out and let the staff know how good they are.
Saturday April 2nd 10.30 am - 12.00 noon our Village Shop will be
celebrating its 10th anniversary with a Birthday Party in the
Village Hall - local MP Cheryl Gillan will be there plus many of
those who helped set up the shop - do come along and enjoy a coffee
and slice of Birthday Cake. |
Band have a concert this Saturday at St Johns Church Amersham. Following
last week's 4th place in the National Area Contest
held at
Stevenage they will be all fired up to give us a jolly good entertaining
evening. Tickets available on the door or phone Rod Stevens ( Band
01494-775344..£10 or £8. concessions.
It may
seem a little early to mention the Village Fete on Saturday May 14th, but
it is only a few
weeks away.
Laing is starting a "Fun Run" at that day. It will be a 5k cross
country loop and end at the common just as the Fete officially opens.
Participants limited to 75, must be over 7yrs old and anyone under 16
accompanied by an adult.
will be required to act as Marshalls . Please contact Melissa on
01494-778518 or to get into shape for this event Melissa's outdoor
workshops commence at
6am Monday,
9.15am and 8pm Tuesday, 8pm Wednesday and Thursday.
7.30am and
9am Saturday. Wednesday morning includes Yoga in the
Again contact Melissa for details.
The driver
of the Shopping Bus this week is Steve Epps
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
March 17th
Following a pretty tough winter it is a joy to see
all the spring bulbs making a welcomed appearance. Soon all the daffodils
will be out on the common and their brightness will make everyone feel
better. I can remember when all the daffodils were planted some years ago
and made possible by contributions from the villagers.
Another mention this week for the Church AGM which
will take place on Saturday March 27th. Please contact the
Parish Office by 21st March on 01494-863887 if you wish to
enjoy the lunch before the meeting.
2 weeks on Sunday is Mothering Sunday, April 3rd..
The Village Shop is getting well stocked for this event with a variety of
cards and nearer the date, more chocolates, flowers and plants will be
available. We cater for individual and slightly different merchandise.
Take time to peruse the card section.
The Plough is preparing an Oriental Meal on 30th
March . These monthly International Menus have proved to be very popular
so ring 01494-783163 for your reservation.
Continuing with The Plough, bookings are now being
taken for Mothering Sunday. As this is bound to be “A Must for Mum” , give
her a day off and get your table booked early. 01494-783163
The Gentle Exercise class on a Thursday is from
12noon - 1pm. at present in the Village Hall. As from next month it
will transfer to St. Andrews Church on the Common . For as little as £3
you can enjoy the company when you bend, stretch and tone your muscles.
I had hoped to say “good to see you home Margaret”.
Margaret Sargeant , who 3 weeks ago fell and broke her hip was discharged
from hospital on Friday 11th March , only to be readmitted on
Monday evening. Our love and good wishes to see her home again are sent
to both Chris and Margaret.
Robin is still in hospital and making steady
progress. There is a suggestion that he will be discharged on Wednesday
23rd March.
The driver of our Shopping Bus to Chesham this week
is Derek Faversham.
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
March 10th
months W.I meeting takes place tonight at 8pm. The
Speaker this month is Mike Payne on the topic of “A History Of Pinewood”.
The should be very interesting hearing about all the films which have been
produced at this famous British Studio over the years.
This is the last reminder for the Old Time Musical
Hall which takes place on Saturday March 12th in association
with the Great Missenden Branch of The Rotary Club. If you want to see
Brian Barnett in action along with the regular members of the cast, get
your tickets from 01494 – 863887. £15 includes a supper and licensed bar.
All proceeds go to charity.
27th March is the Annual Church Meeting at St. Andrews
Church, Hyde Heath at 12 noon. Lunch is available but limited to 50
people (space being at a premium) RSVP by 21st March if you
wish to partake of this. The meeting commences at 12.45pm. Reply to the
Parish Office on 01494 – 862008.
The Plough’s International Cuisine this month is on
the 30th March. The theme is Oriental. So , girls, out with
your kimonos, knitting needles in your hair and for the gents, I do a
nice line in Fu Man Choo moustaches. Menus will be available for viewing
in the bar and on the noticeboard.
Looking toward next month, it is Mothering Sunday on
3rd April. The Shop is already stocking a very attractive range
of cards and nearer the date there will be plants , flowers and
chocolates. No excuse then not to show your Mum how much you love and
appreciate her.
should all have received a Schedule of Consultation about HS2 proposals
from the Ministry of Transport. I urge you to look at this schedule and
attend one of local venues. If we don’t act and combine together all the
various groups who are working so hard to fight this, it will be
considered as an acceptance of these proposed plans.
It still grates when I recall the comments made by
Philip Hammond and I quote “After all this is not Constable
Country” and we are a load of “NIMBY’S. I suspect his attitude would be
a whole lot different if he lived in this area.
The driver of our Shopping Bus to Chesham this week is Mary Collins with
Derek Faversham taking the wheel on March 18th.
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
March 3rd
Every household in the Village will have received a
letter from our Village Shop.
We accept our Shop as one of the main-stays of our
village, which is very good - it also needs your custom to continue
operating on its present level. Our prices are comparable to those in the
supermarkets so please call in .
It is Shrove Tuesday on 8th March and the
shop has stocked up with the ingredients ready to Toss the Pancakes.
The shop requires an assistant one morning a week
from 9am – 1pm. The job can be shared and training will be given. Please
contact Ruth in the shop or on 01494 – 775967 for further information. 
anti-HS2 Beacon at Hyde End lit on Monday 28th Feb was captured
on camera by our very own
David Bailey, Chris Sargeant and can be viewed
on the Village Web-site. Do sign the petition at and get friends to
do so.
Mastermind and University Challenge come together this Saturday
evening when the School PTA host their Quiz Evening in the Village Hall.
Your “starter for 10 ”opens its doors a 7.30pm. Tickets £12.50p incls
Chilli Supper, 2 bottles of wine per table plus a paying bar. Call Lara
Finch on :- 07840-926345: 01494-864779:
On 4th March is Women’s World Day of
The 8th March is Shrove Tuesday --Pancake
Day. All friends, parishioners and congregations are invited to Parish
Pancakes at the Vicarage at 7pm. All welcome.
On Ash Wednesday there will be a Solemn Eucharist
with the imposition of Palm Ashes at 10.30am (said) and 7.30pm (sung)
Me Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen, our Old Time Music
Society present an evening of entertainment on behalf of the Great
Missenden branch of The Rotary Club in the Village Hall on March 12th.
Tickets £15. include Supper, Licensed Bar Call 01494
– 863887. E-mail: All proceeds are for charity. .
Amersham Band and Regent Brass join together this
Saturday for a Concert at The Amersham Free Church commencing at 7.30pm.
This is in preparation for the National Brass Band Area Contest to be held
on March 20th in Stevenage.
March 27th Annual Church Meeting at St.
Andrews Hyde Heath at 12noon. Lunch will be available for 50 people.
Please RSVP by 21st March as space is limited. The meeting
commences at 12.45pm for anyone wishing just to attend the meeting.
Please contact the Parish Office on : 01494-862008 or
by e-mail.
The driver of our Shopping Bus to Chesham this week
is Ron Flint with Mary Collins on March 11th.
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
February 24th
I start this weeks Newsletter with a reference to the
dreadful weather for the half-term week. I took note of the children on
the Common taking part in the games organised by Nexus and couldn’t help
thinking how dedicated and brave these people are to go ahead with sadly
not many children’s participation.
This , too, goes for the School’s plea for the
“Lollipop Person” still required for the safeguard of our children across
the busy road. I do hope someone will come forward , if only for a short
time to fill this position.
The Village School’s PTA’s Quiz Night is fast
approaching Please support them and pit your wits on March 5th
in the Village Hall. Doors open at 7.30pm Tickets £12.50p includes a
Chilli Supper , 2 bottles of wine per table and a paying bar. Call Laura
Finch :- 07840-926345: 01494-864779: e-mail :-
Our Village Brownies have had a really International
theme this term. Tasting chocolates from Belgium and France. Olives from
Italy. Chilli from Mexico. Celebrating the Chinese New Year by making
Dragons and Lucky Red Envelopes. From Japan the art of Origami, tasting
Sushi and traditional games. All very different from the time I was a
If you have a daughter aged 7 – 10yrs who would like
to join the Hyde Heath Brownies, please contact Shanta Gillot 01494 –
HS2 is staging a Protest Walk event on Sunday Feb 27th
starting at Weights and Measures Gym South Heath at 1pm to Annie Baileys
Restaurant. Refreshments will be served.
Monday 28th Feb. Beacons will be lit at 5.45pm . Details of
this event can be found posted on the Village Shop Door. I encourage you
to support these events as Caroline Owen-Thomas stands to lose her Weights
and Measures Gym if this HS2 goes ahead. She is the only Gym around this
area that provides extra sessions for mobility at a reasonable cost which
are so important to disabled people.
Margaret Ritter has put out a plea to address the
terrible state of Brays Green Lane after the recent hedge cutting by the
Council. She is prepared to co-ordinate a working party for one week-end
if any of the residents would join her to clear it up. Gary Beynon has
already contacted the Council in the attempt for them to clear it up, but
to no avail . The damage to our Car tyres and to the paintwork cannot
be ruled out here. Let us maintain a pride in our village and its
surroundings. Margaret’s contact no.:- 01494 – 785570.
A Reminder for the Cricket Club’s AGM this Friday in
The Minstrels Gallery in The Plough. To continue afterwards in the bar !
The Driver of our Shopping Bus to Chesham this week
is:- Steve Epps.
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
February 17th
week I wrote of the Replacement “Lollipop Person” required for our
Village School.
We were many years without this very necessary
“Safety Net” for our children and need to keep this position maintained
. Sadly to date there has been no response . Please give it some serious
consideration and contact the School on 01494 – 783835 if you can be of
any help , even in the short term.
This is the last call for
the Quiz hosted by Hamilton-Pike Productions in Lt. Missenden Village Hall
on Saturday 19th February. Part proceeds to St. Francis
Hospice. Tickets £13. to include supper . Bar.
Call 01494 – 890487.
The Plough is taking
bookings now for the Moroccan Evening to be held in The Minstrels
Restaurant on Wednesday 23rd February. These evenings are
immensely popular so don’t delay in making your reservations on 01494 –
783163. The menu can be found on the Village Web-site.
Gt. Missenden Branch of
The Rotary Club are holding a Table Top Sale at The Damien Hall , Church
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 23 High St. Gt. Missenden on Saturday 26th
February from 10.30am - 1pm. This is to aid the Worldwide Eradication of
Polio. Donations are welcome. Enquiries to Alan Jones 01494 – 863887.
own Village School PTA is hosting a Quiz in the Village Hall on March 5th.
Doors open at 7.30pm. Tickets £12.50 incls. Chilli Supper , 2 bottles of
Wine per table plus a paying bar. Please call Lara Finch on 07840-926345:
01494 – 864779 :- e-mail:
Gt. Missenden Branch of
The Rotary Club in conjuction with Hyde Heath Old Time Music Hall Society
present an evening of entertainment in The Village Hall on Saturday March
12th. If you were unable to attend their production in
November now is the time to see what you missed. Tickets £15 to include
Supper , licensed Bar. Phone: 01494 – 863887. E.mail:-
Hyde Heath Cricket Club is
stirring itself from the winters hibernation with the commencement of
Cricket Nets on a Friday evening at The Beacon School.
The A.G.M. will take place
on Friday 25th February at “Chartley” and continue in The
Plough once the meeting has concluded.
I have had a request from
Maria Mindak who will be moving into the village in the near future. Her
son attends Dr. Challoner’s Boys School and will initially be in need of
transport until a place on the school bus becomes available. If there is
anyone able to help with “lift share” would you please contact Maria on
07963 – 093440.
The driver of our Shopping
Bus to Chesham this week is Ron Flint.
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
February 10th
Day is fast approaching and the Village Shop is all ready and geared up
with Valentine Cards, Chocolates and Flowers to tempt everyones
expression of love and romance.
The new line in sandwiches, rolls and baguettes have
been given a big “thumbs up”. If you haven’t yet tried them, give
yourself a treat . I can personally vouch for their freshness and
The next Quiz in the area is being hosted by our own
home grown Hamilton Pike Productions in Lt. Missenden Village Hall on
February 19th. Tickets £13. to include supper. Part proceeds to
St. Francis Hospice. Tickets:- 01494 – 890487 
The Village School is looking for a replacement
“Lollipop Person” . We fought hard to get our “Lollipop” reinstated, so
please if anyone is interested in maintaining the safety of our children
across the busy road, please contact the Village School on :- 01494 –
The Village School PTA will be holding a Quiz Night
in the Village Hall on March 5th. Your “starter for 10” kicks
off at 7.30pm . Tickets £12.50p incls chilli supper and 2 bottles of wine
per table plus a paying bar. 10 tables of 8 people . Please call Lara
Finch on 07840-926345 : 01494-864779
We know that computer scams are all too frequent and
last Saturday was no exception for Rosemary and Archie McNair. Rosemary
took a call from a “gentlemen” calling himself “Arun” informing her that
there was a computer virus affecting all computers in the Amersham area.
Too busy to stay talking Rosemary took his number, then dialled 1471
recall to find that the 2 numbers didn’t tally. They contacted the Police
who expressed interest and also advised them to contact Trading Standards,
which they did. Please be on your guard for any suspicious claims of this
nature. The easiest way of “getting rid” of any call of this type is
simply to tell them you do not own a computer.
The Great Missenden branch of The Rotary Club are
involved in the Worldwide Eradication of Polio. On February 26th
from 10am to 12noon they are holding a Table Top Sale in the Damian Hall
of the Catholic Church , Gt. Missenden. A very worthy cause .
The driver of our Shopping Bus to Chesham this week
is Mary Collins with Ron Flint next week on Feb 18th.
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
February 3rd
These are the last few days for getting tickets for our Drama
Group's first production of 2011 - the hilarious comedy “The
Flint Street Nativity” written by Colin Firth of Calendar Girls
The production takes place this weekend and tickets are available
from the Village Shop or Carole North (773511). Adults £9.00 and
£8.00 for children.
Come along and support your local Drama Group
and enjoy some live entertainment. |
is in the air this month with Valentines Day on Feb. 14th. The
Village Shop is preparing itself with Valentines Day Cards, Chocolates,
Fresh Flowers and a new range of “Little Wishes Cards”. Take a few
minutes to browse Their varied selection.
Hamilton Pike Productions are hosting a Quiz Night in
Little Missenden Village Hall on Saturday Feb. 19th . Tickets
£13.00 to include a Fish and Chip Supper. Part of the proceeds will be
given to St. Francis Hospice. Tickets available on 01494 – 890487.
This Sunday at 6pm in St.Johns the Baptist Church a
Communion Service will take place to celebrate The Feast of Candlemas
(which falls on 2nd February). With all the candles lit the
church will look and sound magical.
Our local Garage is to change hands. All the staff
will remain under the new ownership. This is all the information I have at
the moment.
anyone was enjoying a stroll last Sunday morning around 11am passed the
Village School, they would have heard the melodic tones of Amersham Brass
Band rehearsing for the National Areas Contest to be held at Stevenage in
March. Last year they won their Area and we send them every good wish to
make it a double.
If this is to be repeated maybe they would like
an audience from the Village ?
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
January 27th
would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their good
wishes, cards phone calls and visits to enquire after and wish Robins
recovery after surgery last Sunday. It is as times like this - and there
have been many over the past 8 years, that I thank my good fortune to live
in a village with such a close and caring community.
During Robins absence I will continue with the Weekly
Newsletter, which I know a vast majority of the villagers do like to read.
Our Drama Group's Spring production is almost upon us
- "The Flint Street Nativity". If you haven’t got your tickets yet, hurry
to get them from the Village Shop or Carole North (773511) . It
promises to be a rollicking good laugh and will be hugely popular so book
Local entrepreneurs Hamilton Pike Productions are
hosting a Quiz Evening on Saturday 19th February in Lt.
Missenden Village Hall. Fish and Chip Supper , bar, all the price of £13.
Part proceeds to go to Hospice of St. Francis. Tickets available on 01494
– 890487
Our Village does like its exercise classes and there
are two more to tempt you into getting the spring back into your step
during the winter months......
“Melissa Laing” continue to run outdoor workouts on
Tuesday and Thursday at 09.15am, Saturday at 9am and Tuesday
evening (floodlit) at 8pm. Meet at the cricket pavilion . Classes £4.
Enquiries:- 778518
Also on Tuesday morning there is the “Zumba” fitness
class at 9.15am. This combines movement to music. A little more energetic
and great fun. You are never too old to boogie !
Last week I mentioned that the Village Shop has a new
supplier of freshly made local sandwiches and baguettes - they really are
proving most popular - do try them if you have not already - be early mind
as they sell out quickly !
The Driver for this Friday’s shopping bus is Steve
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
January 20th
A New Year and a New supplier for our Village Shop.
As of Thursday 20th January, La Baguette of Amersham will
be supplying our shop with Baguettes, sandwiches and rolls. Always
keen to try something new, save yourself time and effort and try
these for your mid-day snack.
The staff will be interested to hear your feed (sorry no pun
intended) back. |
HS2 A reminder and update. 3 meetings have
taken place since our last report regarding this proposed “Blot On Our
Landscape”. Our Local Action Group. Federation AG’s and Cheryl Gillan.
Following these the HHVS Committee will make a recommendation on the HH
strategy for HS2 Public Consultation.
Funds are now coming in to fight the beast in
response to the request. THANK YOU.
We are all in this together. If each home gave £3. we
could generate close to £1.000. Please continue to support us and give
what you can. 
Our local Pied Piper, Rod Stevens , secretary of
Amersham Band , proudly informs us that Charmain Vivian who is a member
of the Training Band has recently passed Grade 2 music exam on the cornet.
Let this be an inspiration to all village residents, both young and not
so young, to take up a brass instrument under Rods tutilege. Enjoy the fun
of making music with our local maestro.
I mentioned Pilates last week. Times are :- 9.10am –
and 10.10am Thursday mornings - Lessons are £7.75 per week for a term.
Pay as you go £.8.75p
Following on from Pilates on Thursday morning is the
Gentle Exercise Class given by Nexus. For those of us who prefer a kinder
way of working out, this is for you. Give it a whirl and who knows you
might just enjoy the experience and want to do it again.
Our Village School Secretary, Mary Rose, will be
retiring at Easter. The position is currently being advertised locally. If
anyone is interested in applying for this valued school position, please
contact the Head Teacher Mrs. Moulsdale on 01494 – 783835 or Mary for
further information. This can also be read on our Village Web-site.
The driver for this Friday’s shopping bus to Chesham
is Ron Flint.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
January 13th
Life has returned to normal after the lengthy
Christmas Break. Children back at school and the regular activities
resumed in the Village Hall.
The Plough will be resuming their popular Fish &
Chips nights on Thursdays starting this week - £5.00 – also takeaways
available at the same price.
Also, The Plough will be holding a French Evening on
January 26th – meal incl. Wine or soft drink £18.50 – please
call 783163 to book or for more details. Menu on the web site.
Pilates hold their classes on a Thursday morning in
the Village Hall. Now is just the time to gently bend and stretch those
muscles and tone the body beautiful ready for the Spring.
Another reminder for “Burns Night Hyde Heath Style”
to be held on Jan.21st at 8pm in the Village Hall. Tickets
£13.50p available from Barbara Cann (783254) This is a very popular
event so do get your tickets now.

Tickets for the Pantomime “Flint Street Nativity” are now available
in the Shop as well as from Carole North
( 773511) Tickets £9.00 ( £8.00 for children) Production dates Feb: 3rd.
4th. And 5th.
Tonights Speaker for the W.I will be on Policing now
and then. No doubt we are in for a stark reality check on how times have
changed, when a “clip round the ear” and a threat to “tell your Mum and
Dad” was all that was needed for PC49 to have a serious impact on any
I welcome any news from all our societies and
forthcoming events within the Village , so please keep them coming .
The driver for this Friday’s shopping but to Chesham
is Mary Collins .
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of page
January 5th
A Happy Healthy and
Prosperous New Year to you all !
For me the latter
half of 2010 was spent mostly at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, and the
prospect is for more of the same for early 2011…chin up…things could be
worse…(so, I kept my chin up, and, sure enough, things did get worse.)
Still, it’s the first time in many a year that I came home at breakfast
time on Christmas Eve… 
Christmas Eve saw, not for the first time, standing
room only at the annual “Carols in the Village Hall” Being made of
sterner stuff our villagers were not deterred by freezing temperatures,
ungritted roads or slippery pavements! This long-standing event,
organised by Chris. Sargeant and Bob Thompson, featured for the first time
children from the Village School choir, as well as an electric mandolin, a
brass ensemble and various soloists…all accompanied by mulled wine and
mince pies in the interval. Huge thanks to all those who help to make this
our traditional start to Christmas. (more pictures on the website).
the Thursday before Christmas Chris. Sargeant and Tim Neale were on the
locally-based Christmas Radio, being interviewed by Dave Bevan about the
Village Shop. The ten-minute broadcast may be heard again by going to the
village website and following the link. The essential message was
that this is a valued village enterprise but needs continuous support from
us all, rain, snow or shine, to stay viable.
“Burns Night Hyde Heath
Style” will be held in the Village Hall on Friday, January
8.00 pm. Tickets @£13.50 each are now on sale from Barbara Cann (783254).
Don’t leave it too late to make your booking. 
Rehearsals are well under way for the Drama Group’s
pantomime, which is more of a comedy than a Children’s Entertainment.
Tickets are £9.00 (£8.00 children) for the show on February 3rd.,4th.
and 5th., which is called
“The Flint Street Nativity” Book through
Carole North (773511).
As anticipated, the
Secretary of State for Transport, Philip Hammond, announced on 20th.
December the HS2 Chilterns route, cutting through the southern end of our
village. Chairman Roy North had already stated that if this occurred he
and his committee would ask you for your continued and strong support, to
the extent that an ID-carrying funds collector would call. PLEASE GIVE
GENEROUSLY. How can you have faith in a minister of the Crown who publicly
states that “it’s not exactly Constable country”?
Elaine King, pre-school trustee, is currently
advertising for maternity cover from 10th.Jan. Too late? Hope
The driver of this Friday’s
shopping bus to Chesham is Derek Faversham.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of page