Firstly a big thank-you to all those of you who
completed, and returned, the questionnaire. The Village Shop
management is delighted with your response and promises, where
possible, to implement your wishes.
Advance notice of the coffee morning in aid of the Macmillan Nurses…it
will be in the Village Hall on Friday, 24th.September from 9.00 am. to
12.00 noon.
On Thursday evening, 9th.September the speaker at the WI. meeting will
be Betty Hulbert, and her topic will be “The Beautiful Island of
Jersey” I first visited Jersey some forty-eight years ago and later,
more regularly since a company on the island was on my regular
schedule for audit, evoking strong feelings of jealousy within the
Autumn term at the Village School begins today, as does the
resurfacing of the main road…nice timing. Still, at least we should
not have the problem of potholes, and the damage which can be done to
the wheels and tyres of our vehicles. Crossing keeper Jo Hance says
that it was a bit exciting outside the school this morning, but she
survived. The children were much more interested in the heavy
equipment that was doing the job.
Three weeks ago I reported that there would probably be vacancies in
the Brownies, and that is still the case. The new session starts next
Monday evening (6th.) in the School at 6.00 pm. Liz Boulton (785574)
has details.
Hamilton-Pike Productions presents on Saturday week (11th.) its
Country and Western Night at 6.30 Keepers Lodge. Check with
Annie (786220) for reservations…I understand that a Dolly Parton
soundalike is due to appear…could she also be a lookalike ?
Melissa Laing’s “bootcamp” style workouts (for women only) begin on
Tuesday morning (7th.) at 9.30 am. on the Common. The Village Shop
might well expect improved sales, because at the same time Zumba
Fitness is due to resume in the Hall after its summer break (Leonie
Smith - 732177)

Two weeks ago I mentioned the Cricket Club-sponsored “awayday” for our
senior citizens. See photo.right, kindly supplied by Mike Thompson
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Bill Newman.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Printed & published by Chris Sargeant
All newsletters also appear on the village website at
01494 774582
Top of Page
August 26th
School has not yet started the new term, but for the past few days
there has been the feel of Autumn in the air, and a damp one at that !
First of all, a very big thank-you from the management of the
Village Shop to all those of you who provided produce for the Market
last Saturday and also to all those who supported and attended this
very worthwhile event. Starting this week cut flowers will be
available at the Shop on Fridays, at the very reasonable price of
£3.00 per bunch or £5.00 for two…somebody you know would love to
receive some flowers…
The Drama Group announces that auditions for its next production,
“The Flint Street Nativity” (written by Tim Firth of Calendar Girls
fame) will take place on 17th.September at 8.00 pm. The show itself is
scheduled to take place on 5th.February, 2011.
A below-normal strength Cricket Club won again last Sunday, which
makes fourteen victories for the season so far. The same number of
wins was achieved in 2006, but the difference is that this season the
Club has gained definite results in all matches – no drawn games have
taken place…This Sunday, weather permitting, could be difficult; the
visitors to the Common will be Bank of England Touring and they are
often tricky to play against, but worth watching for their post-match
fancy dress parade…
Beginners line dancing class will be run by Derek Faversham
(864677) and be on Monday afternoons in the Village Hall, starting on
September 6th.
The Parish Council has been promised a bin for road salt, to
replace the previous one (missing, presumed stolen). It is planned to
park it, securely, one hopes, by the flagpole.
The Curry’n’Quiz Night planned for the Plough last Wednesday
evening was cancelled due to lack of interest…pity…perhaps we should
consider a different way of attracting an audience.
Another reminder that on Friday, 3rd. September Ian Keable, master
of comedy and magic, makes a return appearance at the Village Hall,
7.30 for 8.00. The show is presented by the Rotary Club of Great
Tickets are £15 each, including supper, and are available from
Brian Barnett (774850).
The driver of this Friday’s Shopping Bus will be Mary Collins.
01494 774582
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August 19th
Buy, sell or donate surplus home grown fresh
produce and plants at the Hyde Heath Village Shop Market on Saturday,
21st.August from 9.00 am.onwards. (please bring produce for
sale from 8.30 am.). There will be refreshments - tea, coffee and
cakes – and the Market will take place outside the Village Shop. As
the Shop is a community co-operative our Village will benefit from all
contributions. See you there…
Nell and Tim Neale have become grandparents
again. Daughter Lara has given birth to a son, Theo James, who weighed
in last Monday at a not insignificant 8lbs.12oz. Mother and baby are
doing well…congratulations to them.
Just a reminder that cream teas are being served
at St.John’s Church, and in the churchyard, every Sunday until the end
of this month.
Melissa Laing will be running “bootcamp style”
workouts for women on the Common from 7th.September. They
will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6.00 am. (better check
that one out !), Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 9.30 am. and
Tuesdays at 8.00 pm. Classes cost £4.00, will take place in all
weather, and are suitable for all ages and abilities, women only.
Melissa will also be taking people running with their dogs, or dogs
only. Dog Jog will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12 noon.
More details are to be found on
Advance notice of Hamilton Pike Productions Tenth
Open Air Show, a live Country and Western Music Night on Saturday, 11th.September
at Keepers Lodge, starting at 6.30 pm.
Also on that day is a Sponsored Protest Walk ( no
HS2 across the Chilterns…) starting at Amersham Station at 10.00 am.,
courtesy of the Chiltern Society.
The Cricket Club continued its winning ways with
a four-wicket victory and two balls to spare on Sunday. It is
testament to the good work put in by our groundsman, Mike, that the
pitch was playable after the heavy downpours on the previous day.
Whilst mentioning the Cricket Club we can report that their awayday
for senior citizens this year took in Hamble Marina for lunch at The
Bugle, followed by a visit and tea at Champshill, Cold Waltham, a
house with beautiful furniture and paintings. It was a long and
thoroughly enjoyable day.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Derek
01494 774582
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August 12th
Well, now, where were we ? After two stays in hospital I confess to
feeling better, and I would like to thank you all for your visits and
kind wishes. In my absence this newsletter was produced, thanks to
Pauline and Chris.Sargeant, and they found that the finished article
reached the Village Shop more speedily than before. Not only that, but
generally they were able to fit more news items to the page. As a
consequence this weekly newsletter will in future be sponsored by the
Village Shop and The Plough.
On Saturday 21st.August the Village Shop will be holding a Local
Produce Sale-augmented by other goodies- teas/coffees, scrummy cakes
and a raffle. Do come and lend your support. Goods for resale received
from 8.30 am.- open for business from 9.00 am.
Next Wednesday (18th.August) will see the first of the Plough’s Curry
an’ Quiz evenings. Mark is hoping to start the quiz at about nine
o’clock and the food will be served up to that time. Ring him on
783163 to secure your booking. Incidentally, I got last week’s message
about Fish and Chips slightly wrong. The charge is £5.00 to take away
on any evening, except for Thursday, when it is the same price either
eaten in, or taken out…a potential headache when compiling the VAT.
The six oldest brownies will be leaving the pack and moving on to the
Girl Guides. Consequently there will be vacancies in the new term.
Brownies is open to any girl aged between 7 and 10, and they meet in
the Village School from 6.00 until 7.30 pm. on a Monday and their
activities include crafts, cooking, games and trips out ( the
swimming pool). Interested? Contact Liz Boulton on 785574 or Shanta
Gillott on 723683.
Tamsin Neale has qualified to compete for Great Britain in her age
group at the September World Triathlon Championships in Budapest. It
seems that triathlon competitors are classed as “elite”, and then by
age groups of a five-year range eg. 35-39, 40-44, etc.,etc. Nell and
Tim will be travelling to Hungary to support their daughter. We
congratulate her on selection and wish her every success in the
This month’s WI. meeting took the form of a barbecue in Margaret
Dunn’s garden and proved to be a most successful evening. Next month
the guest speaker will be Betty Hulbert and her topic will be “the
beautiful island of Jersey”.
The Cricket Club recorded another win last Sunday, after some hasty
reorganisation of the facilities…you see, our fixture list stated that
the game was at Longwick, so,imagine the surprise when their team
appeared at Hyde Heath. Mike Thompson broke the all-comers record for
speed of wicket preparation, and it was all hands to the pumps to get
tea organised. Caroline Capper went to Tesco to buy basic provisions
(bread, cake, milk etc.) The staff at the Plough made up the loaves of
sandwiches – many thanks to them. The success of the match was due in
no small measure to that indefinable quality, team spirit. Any way,
well played lasses and lads.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus will be Steve Epps.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
August 5th
At last … good news …Sue Flint has come home after goodness knows how
long in various hospitals. Welcome home, Sue. May your recovery soon
be complete.
NEXUS have produced a programme for this Summer Holiday which
promises Fun Sessions for 5-12 yrs old EVERY TUESDAY MORNING at the
Village School from 10am – 12noon. Sponsored by Chiltern D.C. there
is no charge or registration as a childcare service is not provided.
Wednesday 18th August will see the first of The Plough’s
“Curry and Quiz” Evenings @ £7 per head. Ring Mark on 783163 to book.
Don’t forget that Fish and Chips @ £5. per head are available at most
Friday Sept. 3rd will see the re-appearance of The
Impressive Ian Keable in the Village Hall, presenting a show of Magic
and Comedy. Proceeds will go to “Rotary Supported” charities. Tickets
£15 includes Fish or Chicken and Chips supper . Contact Brian Barnett
on 774850.
The new Secretary for Transport accompanied by our MP is due to visit
the HS2 route which concerns our area. Protest notices and leaflets
are on order and should be with us this week. A Sponsored Protest Walk
is scheduled for 11th Sept. at 10am from Amersham Station.
Another reminder to all our Villagers to fill in the questionnaire
which was circulated and return it to the shop. Our shop provides an
excellent community service , so please help them to help you.
The Cricket Club suffered a defeat last Sunday against Bourne End.
That makes a total of 4 this season. They also lost one on Tour in
Kent, whilst winning the other two. This Sunday’s match is against
Longwick at their ground
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is:- Derek Faversham.
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
July 29th
Congratulations go to Julia and Malcolm Railson who became proud
parents of twin daughters Elizabeth and Charlotte
(Lizzie and Lottie) on Saturday 24th
July . Both weighing 5lb. 4 ozs. Our delight extends to Chris and
Margaret Sargeant, Julia’s parents, with the addition of two
granddaughters to the family.
Our Village Shop are very encouraged with the response to
questionnaire which has been circulated, so please, if you haven’t
already done so, do find a few minutes to complete this and hand it
to a member of staff. We are so fortunate to have our Shop which is
at the heart of our Village and the staff work so hard on our
behalf. Please support them.
A promotion now for a new line which has been introduced :-
All her ingredients are sourced locally where possible.
No Preservatives or additives
Half portions available for smaller appetites.
All meals supplied in freezer, oven or microwave containers
Special diets catered for :-Gluten and Dairy Free.
Complete meals for anyone finding cooking meals difficult.
Home delivery
Our shop has joined the group which promotes all locally grown
produce whenever possible. To anyone who has an abundance of
produce , do take it along to the shop and let them sell it for you.
What could be better than fresh from garden to plate !
Robin was discharged from his most recent stay in hospital on
Tuesday . We wish him a steady and continued improvement .
No cricket report this week as the match was cancelled . An
impromptu net practice followed by a DIY BBQ took its place.
A mention and thankyou to Felicity Benyon who maintains the lovely
hanging basket outside the shop.
The driver of this Fridays shopping bus is:- Bill Newman
Pauline Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
I was discharged from Wycombe General on Friday
16th July, only to be re-admitted to Stoke Mandeville on
Tuesday 20th July. They were obviously missing me !
Sue Flint continues to make progress and has now
been transferred to the Hebden Ward at Amersham Hospital. This is good
news and we continue to send our best wishes to her.
You will all have received a questionnaire
through your letter boxes this week from our Village Shop. Please
take time to fill this in and return it to the Shop as soon as
possible . The feed- back will help them with items which you, as
customers, would like to see on the shelves. The draw for the Food
Hamper will be on 21st August, when there will be sale of
our own local produce outside the shop in the morning.
The Cricket Club quenched the fire of the London
Dragons last Sunday, winning by 99 runs... HHCC 212-8 declared –
Bradley Holt 77 not out, Jeremy Stevens 35 and Spencer North 28.
London Dragons 103 all out - Alistair Richards
5-28, Richard Austin 2-12.
The Zumba Fitness classes on a Tuesday morning
have stopped for the summer holidays and will re-commence on 7th
The Gentle Exercise class will continue to take
place every Thursday morning in the Village Hall from 12noon – 1pm.
These classes are aimed at the 50+ and chair-based people who wish
to enjoy their “workout” in a relaxed and sociable atmosphere.
At £3 per hour this is a must ! First session
free !
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is :-
Mary Collins
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
I am still here in hospital … the view from the
window is not very inspiring …Chiltern beechwoods visible through the
bars of F Block.
Last Thursday evening’s W.I meeting was extremely
interesting in that the talk was given by the Town Crier of
Beaconsfield and Saturdays outing to the Merriment Gardens and
Chartwell was a delight.
The Cricket Club continued on its successful way,
with a ten wicket win last Sunday at home to Chesham Bois. James
Shrimpton took 5 wickets and Jeremy Stevens 4 as the visitors were
dismissed for 137. Henry Capper and Dominic Haddock knocked off the
runs apparently untroubled.Next Sunday there is a home match against
London Dragons and we hope that we shall continually here “I’m out !”
Parents and families at Hyde Heath Infant School
enjoyed the End of Year Assembly on 14th July, with songs,
poems and riddles , recorder playing and dancing by the whole school.
The children leaving Year 2 who will be moving on to their junior
schools in September, were each presented with an encyclopaedia -
kindly donated by the Parents Association – and 6 children (Susie
Croft & Toby Mandeville from Reception Year, Anna Meichtry & Roman
Finch from Year 1 and Megan Cooper & Archie Binding from Year 2) were
each awarded a prize for outstanding effort over the year.
In their own special way – thanks to the music of
“Waterloo” by Abba and words composed by the teaching staff – the
children also sang farewell to teacher, Mrs Phyl Flack, who is leaving
at the the end of the term. Phyl has a long association with the
School and Pre-School, since the Flack family moved to Hyde Heath in
1995. Always an outstanding teacher, Phyl has been one of the prime
movers in the recent introduction of the School Crossing Patrol . She
has also been an inspiration for the school’s contributions to the
village Flower Festivals, making Scarecrows for the 2 Patronal
Festivals and so much more ! Everyone wishes her success and
happiness in her future ventures and looks forward to her popping into
school from time to time.
Don’t forget the Pepper Rock Concert next week.
Ring Val Bevan on 01494 – 775805 for tickets.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is :-
Mary Collins.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
Now, where were we ? In my last communiqué I
intimated that I was probably about to spend a period of time in
hospital, where time is an elastic commodity …. So, nearly 3 weeks
later, I am still here. May I firstly thank all my friends and
neighbours who have sent “Get Well” cards and messages and have found
time to visit at both Stoke Mandeville and Wycombe General.
I understand that Sue Flint has now been
transferred to Stoke Mandeville, which must signify some
improvement….. well done Sue. Her stay in the John Radcliffe had been
a very long one.
The Cricket Clubs “big weekend” was a big
success, with the Beer Festival being the best yet, the main profits
made looking good for the “Golden Oldies” awayday.
The President was delighted that, at the the
third attempt, his invitation X1 pulled off a good win against the
Club, thanks to mainly to fine knocks from Roger Cook and Ollie
Haddock and a good bowling spell by Tim Nutman. The fielding was good
too, though not as dynamic as on the Sunday against The Plough X1,
where there were some very atheletic efforts.
I you have any excess produce from your garden
take it to the Village Shop, where they will do their best to sell it
for you.
Don’t forget that it is the Pepper Rockshow the
week after next. Contact Val Bevan for tickets on 01494 – 775805.
My predecessor, Sylvia Brown, has joined various
societies in her retirement village and was as entertaining as ever
when visited last Sunday by Ruth Coulton and my wife Pauline.
This driver if this Friday’s shopping bus is
Steve Epps.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
June 17th
This coming weekend is the big one for the
Cricket Club…Friday evening is the beer festival (all tickets sold…
check with Caroline Capper – tel.784043, in case of any late returns)
with at least one TV.screen, for those who can’t get enough of World
Cup football. On Saturday, livers and lights permitting, the President
will be pitting his eleven against the Club. Match commentary will be
provided by Mr.Chris. Sargeant, with an occasional prompt from the
occupant of the scorer’s seat. To round off the weekend the denizens
of the Plough, plus the odd ringer or two, will challenge the Club to
one of these new-fangled twenty 20 matches…should be good fun.
This is the Club’s main opportunity in a busy
season for some serious fund-raising and to provide our senior
citizens with a well-deserved “Awayday”
Next weekend (26th.27th.)
marks the patronal festival and the return of the ever-popular
scarecrows. Not sure how to construct one ? Then contact the parish
office (862008) for advice.
On Saturday, (3rd.July) raising funds
for Hyde Heath Village School will be a “Soul Agents” gig…7.45 for
8.00 start…tickets £15.00 to include supper, available from Jo Day,
chair of the PA. at the school. Soul Agents are apparently a live 10
piece soul band…better warn the neighbours.
On Thursday, 8th.July the Rotary Club of Great
Missenden will stage at Weston Turville Golf Club, commencing at
1.00pm. 18 holes of individual Stableford Golf, followed at 7.30pm. by
dinner and prize-giving. Contact Ed.Whymark on 866276.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Mary
It is possible that I might be obliged to become
hospitalised on one, or more days, next week. If that is the case,
then I shall publish this asap.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
Congratulations to Zoe Allsop on successfully
completing the course of last Sunday’s Chiltern 100 Corto Fondo. Her
time was 3 hours and 40 minutes and she was the fifth fastest female
finisher. Her achievement was for the benefit of the Village
Pre-School, and there is still time to sponsor her at Lloyds TSB.,
Chesham; sort code 30-91-91; account no.00962905 (ref. “sponsor
When you pick up one of these newsletters in the
Village shop you might notice an adjacent small collecting tin bearing
the legend “Pepper”. The idea is that you deposit some loose change in
payment for a newsletter. The Pepper Foundation provides specialist
nursing care for children with life-limiting conditions and one of its
trustees, Val Bevan, has asked me if I would mention their 22nd.Anniversary
Rock Show at the Centenary Theatre, Berkhamsted School in the second
half of July. Further details to follow…watch this space.
The Cricket Club’s Big Weekend will soon be upon
us…on Friday evening (18th.June) is the Beer Festival
(tickets in advance from Caroline Capper – tel.784043). On Saturday
(19th.) is the President’s XI match and on Sunday (20th.)
is a special game against “The Plough and the Stars” We would look
forward to seeing you there
A little reminder about the “Open Farm”
(10.00-18.00) this Sunday at Mile End Farm in Penfold Lane. James
Matthews says that there will be a range of stalls, inc. refreshments,
and lots of small creatures to make your children, and you, go “aaaah”.
All proceeds will go to the charity “Help for Heroes”
“Existing e-petitions, submitted to the previous
administration, will not be carried forward to the new administration.
We will welcome resubmission on issues of concern to the improved
e-petitions system when it is launched later in 2010”…(go back to the
beginning, throw a six, then start…) More detail next week…
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus will be
Bill Newman
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
This Sunday, 6th.June Zoe Allsop,
mother of two from Harvest Bank will cycle the 54-mile “Corto Fondo”
of the Chiltern !00 Cyclosportive in order to raise money for the Hyde
Heath Village Pre-School, which is a registered charity, receives no
local authority funding (no surprises there, then), but relies on the
generosity of parents and villagers to keep it running. If you would
like to sponsor Zoe, but have not yet declared your wish, you can
donate directly via telephone, or internet banking, to Lloyds TSB
Chesham (30-91-91), account no.0962905, ref.”sponsor bike”. Good
luck to Zoe on Sunday…oh, and don’t fall off…
Welcome to the world, Isabelle Georgia Barnett,
a 7lb.1oz.daughter for Nicola and Steve and a sister for Alfie. Our
congratulations to the proud parents and grandparents, who have
doubtless been pencilled in for future babysitting duties.
The next meeting of the Evening WI. will be in
one week’s time (10th.June). The guest speakers will be
June and Ken.Brazier and their subject will be “Mercy Ships”. The
competition on that evening will be “most items in a matchbox”
I bumped into Ron Flint last Friday and he
reported that Sue is making progress, in small steps, at the moment,
but that is exactly how great journeys start. They both thank their
many friends in the village for all their good wishes, and suggest
that, since Ron spends much time to and fro the John Radcliffe
Hospital in Oxford, future messages would be best sent by e-mail to:- Get well soon, Sue.
The Cricket Club came second last Sunday in a
very high-scoring “40-overs match” at Ley Hill. This would seem to be
an appropriate point to publicise the upcoming “Big Weekend”…on Friday
evening (18th.) is the Beer Festival (tickets in advance
from Caroline Capper – 784043). On Saturday (19th.) is the
President’s XI match, and on Sunday (20th.) is a special
game against the “Plough and the Stars”
Just a little jog of the memory for the open day
this Sunday of the Priestfield Arboretum in Stony Lane, Little
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Steve
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
May 27th
To go with my breakfast cornflakes this morning a
note fell out of my newspaper telling of fish and chips to take away
on a daily basis. Just ring the Plough (783163) to place your order.
The next “international” evening will be Portuguese on Wednesday, 2nd.June…book
now to avoid disappointment. There is a reasonably recent arrival in
the Plough car park, a clothing bin for which the North London hospice
will be grateful to receive all donations.
Food, glorious food…our churchwarden, Marian
Dickinson, has asked me to publicise the fact that cream teas will be
served in the church of St.John the Baptist, Little Missenden this
Sunday (30th.May) from 2.30 pm.and in fact on every Sunday
until the end of August.
Hyde Heath Cricket Club has at last got its
season underweigh…last Sunday’s very warm weather didn’t stop them
from gaining an eight-wicket win over Warner’s End and the Sunday
before that they manaed a seven-wicket win between the rain showers
over the Full Tossers. This Sunday they will be at Ley Hill (2.00
The curator, Barbara Rippington, (tel.564019)
would, I know, like me to notify you of the open day (on Sunday, 6th.June,
10.30-4.30) of Priestfield Arboretum, Stony Lane, Little Kingshill.
This is a private collection of rare and specimen trees in a small
woodland setting. There are guided walks throughout the day and sturdy
footwear is advised.
With the present improvement in the weather this
would seem a good time to remind you not to leave sheds, other
outbuildings and garages unlocked, thereby not risking the loss of
your valuable tools and implements.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Derek
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
May 20th
In my first newsletter on 7th.January
this year I reported that Wendy Axe’s daughter, Jac., was proposed to
as the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve. As a consequence of
this romantic action she, Jacqualyn, will marry the proposer, Mark
Rumsey, on 29th.May in Brighton. Watch this space for the
next part of the story.
James Matthews of Mile End Farm in Penfold Lane
would like you to know about his “Open Farm” on Sun. 13th.June
(10.00-18.00), where there will be a range of stalls, inc.refreshments,
and lots of small creatures to make your children, and you, go “aaaah”.
All proceeds will go to the charity, “Help for Heroes”
I have had an e-mail from Ron Flint, who says
that the cause of Sue’s illness is still unknown, but her condition is
now more stable, enabling a lot of new tests and procedures to be
carried out. For now Sue and Ron would like to thank all those people
in and around the village, who have so kindly sent cards, good wishes
and offers of help, which they both very much appreciate…Get well
soon, Sue.
I’ve had a note from our churchwarden, Marian
Dickinson, about the Patronal Festival on the weekend of 26th.
and 27th.June, which I told you about on 18th.February.
The theme is “Celebrity Connections”, and those favourites, the
scarecrows, are due to make a welcome re-appearance. If anyone needs
help with scarecrow- building then please contact the parish office
(tel.862008), where also may be found a list of celebrities.
I am sorry to tell you that a denizen of Brays
Close, staunch supporter of the village school and Methodist lay
preacher, Lillian Jackson, has died at the ripe age of 94. The funeral
will be on 25th May at the Chilterns Crem.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Steve
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
May 13th
Despite the rather damp cold weather the Hyde
Heath Fete attracted a good crowd and created a lively atmosphere.
Unfortunately the Dakota fly past was cancelled due to low cloud, but
there was a feast of entertainment from the Doyle Academy of Irish
Dancing, the “Fracas” Canine Agility Club and the Amersham Band.
Over ninety classic cars were on display and the dog show was well
supported, as
were all of the stalls, side shows and
refreshments etc. Many thanks to all who helped and supported on the
day. There are lots of pictures on the village web site at
This is an advanced notice of the Annual General
Meeting of Hyde Heath Village Shop Limited at 8.00 pm. on Wednesday,
26th.May, 2010 in the Village Hall. All members are invited
to attend.
This Saturday, 15th.May, St.John’s
Church will host the Misbourne Singers, who will perform a Spring
Concert of sacred and secular music from the British Isles. It starts
at 8.00 pm. and will be followed by wine and canapés with piano
accompaniment. Tickets at £10 each, to include that glass of wine, are
available from the Parish Office (862008) or on the door. All proceeds
are for the upkeep of the Church.
Still in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford is a
poorly Sue Flint; she needs all your very kindest thoughts and best
wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
I have been asked by the curator, Barbara
Rippington, (tel.564019) to publicise the open day on Sunday, 6th.June
(10.30 – 4.30) of Priestfield Arboretum, Stony Lane, Little Kingshill.
Sturdy footwear advised.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Mary
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
May 6th
Two days to go until the Village Fete on 8th.May.
There is still much to be done to ensure its success, primarily
the recruitment of willing helpers on the day. There is also a need
for donations of cakes, books, CD’s, DVD’s,
items for the White Elephant stall and raffle prizes…if you can help
with any of the foregoing David Coulton
(tel.775967) will be very pleased to hear from you.
Just across the road from the Common the car park
at the Plough is likely to be busy all day on Fete Day, firstly with
Chris.Herring’s barbecue and then, from about 4.30 onwards, with Bob
Thompson’s jazz band.
Bob has informed me that one of his pupils, Emily
Deimbacher, has passed her Grade One Keyboard exam.with a
Congratulations, Emily…I can see a whole future generation graduating
on boogie woogie…
The Village Shop will open on Fete Day 2.30 pm. –
4.30 pm. and on Polling Day (6th.May, as if you need to be
reminded) until 7.00 pm. approx.
Whilst on the subject of the Village Shop it has
taken into stock various lines with a World Cup theme (I refer
of course to the soccer contest in South Africa, not the Twenty 20
cricket tourney in the West Indies). Our shop
can always be relied upon for the latest in marketing information.
This month’s WI. meeting is on Thursday 13th.,
will have no guest speaker, but will be concerned with “Resolutions”.
Each lady is invited to bring to the meeting something beginning with
“R”. I have told my wife that I am most definitely
staying in that evening.
I have been asked by a lady named Marie White if
I would publicise the Great Missenden Lawn Tennis Club’s
Open Day…it is this Sunday, 9th.May from 12.00 pm. to 4.00
pm. I understand that many Hyde Heath residents
are members.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Mary
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
April 29th
Nine days to go until the Village Fete on 8th.May.
There is still much to be done to ensure its success, especially
the recruitment of willing helpers. If you can sell some programmes,
act as a car park marshal or man a stall, if
but for a short while, then David Coulton (tel.775967) will be pleased
to hear from you. There is also an urgent
need for donations of cakes, books, CD’s, DVD’s, items for the White
Elephant stall and raffle prizes…
Sue Aldridge would like to thank all the
collectors for Lifeboat Week and, of course, all those of you who gave
so generously.
Hyde Heath raised £322.49, and mention must be made of the Drama Group
who held a special collection front of house during
last week’s production.
That production,”Dancing at Lughnasa”, an irish
entertainment, was well received, with the cast maintaining a
good standard of Hibernian accent. It was an event that could not be
classed as “run of the mill am.dram”. My
newsletter predecessor, Sylvia Brown, stayed in Hyde Heath last
weekend. She had come from her retirement
home in Northants to see the play and renew auld acquaintance. It was
nice to see her again.
Still in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford is a
poorly Sue Flint; she needs all your very kindest thoughts and best
wishes for a
full and speedy recovery…Get well soon, Sue.
Next month’s WI. meeting (on 13th.May)
will carry no guest speaker, but will be concerned with “Resolutions”.
The ladies are invited to bring to the meeting something beginning
with “R”. I have told my wife that I am most definitely staying
in that evening.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Bill
Fed up with all this election hype ? Here’s a
little story I spotted…”Carl Geary, 55, won more than three times as
many votes in Tracy City, Tennessee as his rival, Barbara Brock, and
was therefore elected mayor, even though he had a fatal heart attack
at the start of the campaign.”I knew he was deceased, but we wanted
someone other than her”, said one of the townsfolk, “If he were to run
again next week, I’d vote for him again”.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
April 22nd
Sixteen (yes, just sixteen) days to go to the
Village Fete on 8th.May. There is still much to be done to
ensure its success, including
the recruitment of willing helpers. If you can sell some programmes,
act as a car park marshal or man a stall then David Coulton
(tel.775967) will be pleased to hear from you.
On that same day, and also on the following day,
the Flower Festival can be seen, and admired, at St.AndrewsChurch.
Also on that
Saturday, starting at 9.30 from St John’s Church, will be the annual
walk for “Beating the Bounds” of the Parish. As if that’s not enough
diversion for one day, at 8.00 pm. Little Missenden Village Hall will
host the Hyde Heath Old Time Music Hall in their version of “The Good
Old Days” (tickets from the Parish Office tel.862008)
Last week I mentioned the organisation by a lady
villager regarding the Great Litter Pick. This week I have to tell you
that she is poorly in
the John Radcliffe Hospital,Oxford and needs all your kind thoughts
and good wishes for a full and speedy recovery…Get well soon, Sue.
The Drama Group’s current production,”Dancing at
Lughnasa”, an Irish entertainment, I believe, is playing at the
Village Hall this evening,
tomorrow and Saturday. Tickets are available from the Village Shop
The Cricket Club casts off the dreariness of
winter this weekend on the Common with a practice match where the
Captain’s Eleven will
play the Vice-Captain’s Eleven, probably in a Forty-Over contest. Come
and watch.
Wolf Cub Camp will be over the next Bank Holiday
weekend at Longridge Activity Centre (near Marlow)
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Derek
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
April 15th
“During the official campaign
period for the General Election the e-petitions system will be closed
to new submissions
and signatures, and will re-open once a new government has been
This is the message from the 10, Downing
Street website. However, the paper sign-up version in the Village Shop
will be maintained.
With no HS2 to occupy
me for the next three weeks or so I can devote more newsletter space
to a most important event,
namely the Hyde Heath Fete on Saturday, 8th.May. It will
include regular favourite features such as Classic Car display,
Dog Show, Vintage Aircraft fly-past and the Amersham Band, together
with displays of Irish dancing and canine agility.
Fete Chief Organiser, David Coulton, has managed to arrange all these
component acts, but is lacking volunteers to carry
out vital tasks such as programme selling, car park marshalling and
manning a stall, if only for a shift, or two. If you are
able-bodied and would wish to help your village maintain the
title of “Probably the Best Traditional Village Fete in the
Area” then David (tel.775967) will be pleased to hear from you.
Last Saturday’s Litter
Pick was very successful with more than 50 sacks of litter collected,
together with larger pieces,
such as chairs, wheels, tyres, carpet, underlay, concrete pipes and
other unidentifiable lumps of metal – it is amazing
how people can be so anti-social when disposing of their unwanted
property. Anyway, the Village Society wishes to
thank all those who helped, together with Ron. and Sue.Flint who
organised it all.
Next week the Drama
Group will present its second production of the year, “Dancing at
Lughnasa” It will be on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday (22nd. to 24th.April)
in the Village Hall. Tickets are available from the V. Shop
Over the weekend of the
Patronal Festival (26th.and 27th.June) Pauline
and John Lamb of Little Missenden plan to
operate a second-hand bookstall and ask you to check your shelves for
suitable donations. John will collect the books
from Church (St.John’s) or from the donor’s residence. (If in any
doubt ring the Parish office – 862008)
The driver of this
Friday’s shopping bus is Bill Newman.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
April 8th
After the overcrowded “railway link” meetings at
Ballinger and Great Missenden, last Wednesday evening’s event at the
Village Hall was a bit of a disappointment with about one hundred
people attending…the overflow accommodation spaces were therefore not
called upon. Unsurprisingly the meeting was not in favour of the
project, and decided to align with other like-minded groups, to
guarantee “strength in numbers”.
A fortnight ago I wrote that you may sign up to
the petition to Downing Street via the village web site, which, I
understand, has so far recorded in excess of 6,800 hits.
Those who do not have the facility to go “online”
may record their disapproval in the Village Shop.
May I remind you that this Saturday (10th.)
is the day of the Great Litter Pick. Volunteers should rendezvous at
10.00 on the Common, bringing with them rakes and wheelbarrows.
Refreshments will be provided, as well as some plastic gloves,
luminous jackets and litter picker sticks. There will be sufficient
refuse sacks to cope with all pickings.
Incidentally, I’ve had a note from the Parish
Office in Little Missenden to say that the Churchyard Work Party,
planned for this Saturday, has been postponed.
International Night this month at the Plough is
“Pasta & Paella” on Wednesday, 28th.April…cost of the
three-course meal, with wine, per person will be £18.50. Book early
to avoid disappointment.
Tomorrow evening (8th.) sees the
monthly meeting of the WI. Their guest will be Edward Dixon, who will
speak on “Heroines of the first world war”
I repeat Caroline Murray’s message from 18th.March
about paying special attention at this time of year to garden and shed
security…if in doubt, padlock it.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Mary
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
April 1st
Well,now…I have space, prior to being overwhelmed
by further talk of high-speed train sets, to wish you all a very Happy
Easter and hope that our present mundane weather improves to an extent
where you can enjoy at least some of the holiday outdoors. I have to
say that the misery of the past winter has tempted me to consider the
founding of a new movement-“hibernation for humans”.
Still, it’s nice to know that the county and
district councils are, reportedly, united in their opposition to both
the preferred and alternative routes, favouring the upgrade of the
West Coast Mainline instead. Let us hope that the Secretary for
Transport is persuaded to see it the same way. He doesn’t often seem
to be available for comment.
The Great Litter Pick this year will be on
Saturday, 10th.April. Meet on the Common at 10.00.
Refreshments will be provided, to thank participators for their
efforts. Also provided will be some plastic gloves, luminous
jackets and litter picker sticks. Volunteers are asked to bring rakes
and wheelbarrows. There will be sufficient refuse sacks to accommodate
all the pickings, according to the Village Society spokesperson.
The guest at the next meeting of the WI. on
Thursday, 8th.April will be Edward Dixon, who will be
speaking on “Heroines of the first world war”. Their talks seem to be
interesting, and doubtless this one will be no different.
I have been contacted by Rosemary Ladd, my
opposite number on the Little Missenden Grapevine, with a view to
information-sharing. I shall e-mail her as a matter of course my
weekly offering, but the Grapevine is a hefty monthly publication,
which you can read for yourself by e-mailing
May I again mention that the Village Shop is well
stocked with Easter Eggs and similar seasonal gift ideas.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Derek
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
March 25th
I understand that the initial HS2 protest
meeting last Sunday at Ballinger Village Hall was before a packed
house, and yet further multitudes were unable to get there because of
the traffic gridlock situation in the adjacent roads. There are still
many opportunities for your voice to be heard…firstly at either, or
both, of the two meetings next week, on Monday 29th., 19.30
at the Misbourne School and Wednesday 31st. 20.00 at Hyde
Heath Village Hall. You can also sign up to the petition to Downing
Street via the village web site As at lunchtime on Wednesday 24th.
it already had 4,218, correction 4,219 signatures.
Our webmaster, Chris.Sargeant has received a
lengthy e-mail from our M.P., Cheryl Gillan and I quote the most
significant sentence from it: “Please be assured that I am totally
opposed to this route and will be working to ensure that the whole of
the Chesham and Amersham constituency is preserved.”
Brass musician and secretary of the Amersham
Band, Rod.Stevens, is delighted to tell you that the Band in the
southern area finals of the Brass Band Championships last weekend came
third in their section and will therefore compete in the National
Finals at Harrogate in September. Congratulations to them…
From Palm Sunday, through Holy Week to Easter
there will be church services almost every day at Hyde Heath and
Little Missenden. Check with the Parish office (01494 862008)
Ian Keable’s recent magic show was a jolly event,
accompanied by a splendid supper. I hope that Steve Epps and Ian
Hopkinson have fully recovered from their hypnosis, especially as
Steve is the driver of this Friday’s shopping bus.
The Village Shop is in Easter Bunny mode with
cards, Easter Eggs and assorted goodies for gifts.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
March 18th
The current hot topic is the projected high speed
rail link between London and Birmingham, not stopping at the proposed
desecration of our beautiful Chilterns countryside. My reading of the
maps, with a strong magnifying glass, seems to indicate that
disruption, and subsequent disaster, is planned for parts of Hyde
Heath and South Heath. Do you wish to do something about it ? Then go
along to a meeting this Sunday (21st.March) at 6:00 pm
in Ballinger Village Hall. This meeting is being
called by Paul Barton of “Ashlands”, Ballinger Road, South Heath
(tel.863499, e-mail He, and many like-minded citizens,
wish to protect their Chilterns heritage, and therefore need as much
support as possible.
Budgeted cost for this project is currently £30
billion, for our economy which is reputedly in heavy debt; what will
be the figure on completion ? Will Joe Public be able to afford a
ticket, and also want to be in Birmingham thirty minutes earlier
Last Thursday’s WI. guest gave a fascinating talk
on dogs helping people. I find it remarkable that a canine can detect
cancer, diabetes and other ailments in a human…I wonder if it can
detect alcohol on His Master’s Breath.
I’ve received another e-mail from Caroline
Murray, Community Safety Officer for Chiltern District Council. Now
that the warmer weather is here she wants us to pay particular
attention to garden and shed security. There will be displays at
Hildreth’s Garden Centre on Friday, 26th.March and the Van
Hage GC. On Wed.31st. Included will be advice on defensive
planting, whatever that may be…possibly in 4-2-4 formation ?
Last Saturday’s magic show by Ian Keable was a
jolly event, accompanied by a splendid supper. I hope that Steve Epps
and Ian Hopkinson have fully recovered from the partial hypnosis to
which they were subjected.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Ron
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
March 11th
International Night at the Plough this month is planned to be on
Wednesday, 24th March and the menu is to be a selection from Linda's
Hungry Monk recipe books. £18 for three courses. Ring 783163 to
reserve your seat. Chris.tells me that there are still a few places
available for Mothering Sunday lunch on the 14th.
on the subject of Mothers' Day the Village Shop has a good range of
the sort of item that any Mum would be pleased to receive as a gift.
At its
annual dinner last Saturday evening the cricket club presented the
following awards:- Batting... N.Burgham; Bowling. J.Aird;
Fielding.-H.Capper; Outstanding Performance..T.Jeffreys; Young
Player.. J.Shrimpton; Duck Trophy. .Atif Mirza; President's
Cup.J.Stevens; Captain's Cup..R.Richards. Later on there was dancing
to the Dennis Ruff "Wall of Sound". It was generally agreed to have
been a most enjoyable event, for which many thanks are due to Charlie,
Janette and Harriet Samuels.
chance for tickets (£10 ea. inc. supper) to the Ian Keable Adult Magic
Show in the Village Hall this Saturday evening at 7:30 for 8:00. Call
David or Ruth on 775967.
news is that the Wolf Cub pack has in the past year expanded from 6 to
22, and there is now a waiting list to join.. .see Sarah Shah.The Cub
Camp will be held at the end of April at Longridge Activity Centre. I
recall many moons ago my helping at camp when my son was a "sixer" and
being less than adequate at craft tuition.
Saturday, 8th.May while the rest of the village is concerned with the
Fete, the Old Time Music Hall Society will defect to Little Missenden
Village Hall to perform for the benefit of church funds. (862008 for
reminder that the monthly WI. meeting is this evening (11th.) in the
Village Hall at 8:00.
driver of this Friday's shopping bus will be Mary Collins.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
March 4th
The WI’s next meeting in one week’s time (11th.)
will have as the guest speaker Pam Jones on the topic of Dogs Helping
People. On the following Thursday (18th.) the monthly walks
will be resumed, the first being a three-mile stroll from 11:30 am. at
the Pink and Lily, Lacey Green.
The Cricket Club’s AGM. last Friday revealed no
great surprises, except that chairman John Capper and hon.sec. Robin
Richards each declared that 2010 would be their last year in those
positions…we’ll believe that when we see it. This Saturday evening is
the Club’s Dinner. Check with skipper Charlie Samuels (837308) for
last-gasp tickets.
There are still a few places available in the
Village Hall on Saturday week (13th.) for Ian Keable’s
adult magic show “Conjuring Up Comedy”, which comes highly
recommended. Tickets are £10 each for which a traditional supper will
be included, with a start time of 7:30 for 8:00.
I am delighted to report that the
newly-established “lollypop”- patrolled crossing at the school is
working well, which, I’m sure, will please the school management and
all parents.
I know that it is still nine weeks away, but the
Village Fete here gets its first mention of the year. David Coulton
(775967) will of course be running the whole function, but I know that
he will be looking, as ever, for volunteers to help with all aspects
of the day and ensure that the Fete’s high standard is maintained.
A gentle reminder that Sunday week (14th.)
is Mothers’ Day.
The driver of this Friday afternoon’s shopping
bus will be Bill Newman.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
February 25th
I lead with the sad news that Enid Holland, a
former stalwart member of the drama group, has passed away in her
native Cheshire to which she returned when she and Ted retired. Our
heartfelt sympathy goes to Ted.
Last Saturday’s visit by the WI. to Anglesey
Abbey and Gardens, which is happily situated in Cambridgeshire and
not, as one might suspect, at the top end of Wales, was most
interesting and blessed with good weather. I looked it up in the
National Trust handbook and in the paragraph entitled “Getting here”
it stated that Sat.Nav. systems may give incorrect directions (when
don’t they?) owing to a recent postcode change.
Great Missenden Choral
Society is to present its next concert on Saturday, 24th.April
at the Parish Church of St.Peter and St.Paul. The theme is “Beyond the
Blue in Glory”. Call 01494 862425 for tickets.
There are still some
tickets unsold for Ian Keable’s “Conjuring Up Comedy” on Saturday, 13th.March
in the Village Hall. Contact Ruth or David Coulton on 775967.
is Mothering Sunday and to mark the occasion a special tea will be
given at 4.30 pm. at St. John’s, for all those who have worked so hard
to maintain all aspects of the Church in Little Missenden and Hyde
The Cricket Club is
holding its AGM. this Friday evening. For further details contact the
hon.sec. (774582)
The driver of this
Friday’s shopping bus is Ron Flint.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
February 11th
February 18th
Ralph Bartlett, a community governor and Health and Safety chair at
the Village School, tells me that he has been working towards a
patrolled “lollipop” crossing outside the school mornings and
afternoons, and this service will commence on Tuesday, 23rd.February.
This is very good news. Unfortunately it does not meet
Bucks.C.C.criteria for a funded patrol (no surprises, there, then), so
contributions from parents will be sought…
Last Wednesday evening there was a Parish Council
meeting and the chief subjects for discussion were the timings of the
midweek buses and (you’ve guessed it) potholes. It seems that the
local authority intends to mend its prioritised road surfaces in
patches until funds run out. (you’ve probably seen some evidence of
this on the main road, by the Common) There is no salt bin available
for Hyde Heath.
The new freezer for the village shop was
installed on Wednesday. It’s an upright cabinet with a glazed front,
enabling the customers to see exactly what is on offer. This, and the
new shelving, smartens up the shop’s sales potential.
There are now two pilates classes on a
Thursday in the Village Hall. The earlier one is at 09.10 and the
later one at 10.10. They are run by Louise Barrett (tel.07725 847853).
Contact her for costs and joining instructions.
By all accounts Sherry Scott gave a most
interesting talk on Burma at last week’s WI. meeting. It was based on
her personal experiences, many of which fell into the “hair-raising”
category. She appears to be a gutsy lady.
I have received advanced notice from Little
Missenden about this year’s Patronal Festival (June 26-27). The theme
is to be “Celebrity Connections” and is planned to include the
scarecrows, which were previously so successful…was it really five
years ago?…Watch this space.
The driver of this Friday’s shopping bus is Steve
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
February 11th
The Drama Group got their year off to an
excellent start with last week’s show, “The Railway Children – the
musical”. Attendance was better than anticipated and performance of
this ambitious production was, by all accounts, delightful. Special
effects were good, particularly the train in the tunnel…Applause all
Unusually, this week I have sufficient space at
my disposal to print more detail about the Friday shopping bus
Any person aged 60, or over, may travel as a
passenger on the bus. The pick-up is at 1 pm. in Meadow Way. A
voluntary contribution of £2 from each passenger is donated to Age
Concern. The bus travels to Chesham where it is parked at Sainsbury’s
until passengers have completed their shopping. It is then moved to
near the main bus stop in The Broadway or into the nearby car park for
pick-up at about 2 30 pm. and return to Hyde Heath. Passengers and
their shopping can be dropped off at their homes. Each driver is a
volunteer. This week it is Derek Faversham.
And now for something completely different…no,
not Monty Python, but the Village Hall management committee which
plans to present on Saturday, 13th.March an evening of
“conjuring up comedy” with Ian Keable. This is billed as an adult
entertainment, includes VAT (very amusing tricks) and will feature a
traditional Village Hall supper. Tickets will cost £10 each and be
available from Ruth and David Coulton.
(“adult” means that children aged 14 and above
will be welcome, provided that they bring a “grown-up”)
Another future function is the Cricket Club’s
annual dinner. It will take place on Saturday, 6th.March
and will include the presentation of awards, both actual and
alternative, for achievements in season 2009. Tickets are available
from the captain, Charles Samuels (tel.837308)
Sylvia Brown has moved out, and we welcome to
no.42, Walnut Way Mr.and Mrs.Dunstan and hope that they get to know
and enjoy our village and become part of the rich pattern of its
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
February 4th
Last Friday my predecessor, Sylvia Brown, moved
out of the village to her new home in Northamptonshire. We all wish
her well and thank her for excellent work on this column over the
years. I have a feeling that this is by no means the last time we
shall hear of her.
Congratulations to Jemima Preston of Cedar Ridge
for gaining her grade one certificate with merit on piano. When she
eventually decides to specialise in “boogie woogie” the identity of
her coach will become clear.
If you ever stop to admire the contents of the
hanging basket at the village shop, which, admittedly, is not looking
its best in the first week of February, then thank the person who,
lovingly and regularly maintains it, Felicity Beynon.
At the next meeting of the evening W.I.,
Thursday, 11th.February, the speaker will be Sherry Scott
and the subject will be “Burma”. It’s clearly time to mug up the
words, and tune, of “The road to Mandalay”. I feel that on reflection
two weeks ago I dealt rather sketchily with the result of the WI’s
2009 charity drive, which arose from coffee mornings, monthly walks, a
charity ramble, cream tea and also a Murder Mystery evening.
Congratulations, ladies, a magnificent effort…£1,450…who is the 2010
beneficiary ?
For those of you who have romantic inclinations
Chris. and the team are running a St.Valentine’s Dinner on Saturday,
13th. February at the Plough…book now to avoid
Last chance for tickets to the Drama Group’
current production, “The Railway Children, the musical”
The driver of the shopping bus this Friday is
Bill Newman.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
January 28th
The Drama Group’s forthcoming production “The
Railway Children-the musical” is scheduled for February 4th.(8.00),
5th.(8.00) and 6th.(2.00 & 6.00) in the Village
Hall. Secretary Carole North tells me that tickets for the Saturday
are selling quite well, but a boost is needed for the Thursday and
Friday anticipated attendances.
The local Community Safety Officer, Caroline
Murray, has asked me if I would publicise the following Chiltern
Partnership event at which the local police and fire brigade will
offer crime reduction advice and certain items of crime-deterring
equipment e.g. UV marking kits, timer switches, personal alarms,
bicycle marking kits and locks. This event is scheduled to take place
in Sainsbury’s car park, Chesham on Monday, 1st.February
0800-1200 and the following day at the same time at Tesco in Old
Amersham. Their information may prove invaluable, since our village
was recently the scene for two burglaries and a robbery.
Since I’ve taken over this job I have been
receiving unsolicited e-mails, all from ladies, who each have a flag
to wave. So, if you want to know what’s afoot in the Chesham area
contact Merrin Molesworth (
If you would like to be involved with voluntary work get in touch with
Marion Scourfield (
Finally Jill Lacey-Smith (
would like a mention for her RNLI.supper and talk in Little Missenden
Village Hall on Feb.5th. It seems that the RNLI
(Lifeboats) has a flourishing local branch, in
spite of the Chilterns being landlocked.
The Plough team is currently lying second in the
first division of the local quiz league, despite the squad containing
one of the oldest participants in the competition.
Friday shopping bus…this week’s driver is Mary
Collins…check with her beforehand if you are not a regular.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
January 21st
Heartiest congratulations are in order for Joy
and Dennis Swains, who last weekend celebrated their sixty-fifth –
yes, sixty-fifth - wedding anniversary. For those of an enquiring mind
that means Blue Sapphire, with the next target Platinum (70th.)
Again our congratulations to this senior, and clearly very happy,
After my remarks in last week’s newsletter I have
to report that I have actually seen a gritter truck, though it was
not in the act of gritting…it was going so fast along the Straight
Mile that my driver could not catch up.
If you thought that the topic for last Thursday
evening’s WI. address was a tad uninviting (the policing of
environmental issues) the speaker, Mervyn Edwards, made it extremely
interesting. Whilst talking of the WI. they are to be congratulated on
raising during 2009 £1,450 for their nominated charity, Alzheimer’s
The “Old-Fashioned” evening at the Plough on now fully booked, but Chris. plans for a
“Valentines Dinner” on Sat.Feb.13th., with flowers for the
ladies and other attractive trimmings.
It’s amazing how many e-mails I have received
since taking on this job…the latest is from a lady called Ann Pollard
(01494 865964), who tells me that Citizens’ Advice have started a
local service at the Chequers Lane GP surgery, Prestwood every
Wed.0930-1230. As ever, advice is free, confidential and for all.
(01494 863899)
Derek Faversham is now running beginners line
dance classes on Mondays 2.30-4.00 in the Village Hall.
Friday Shopping Bus. This week’s driver is Ron
Flint…check with him beforehand if you are not a regular user
Next time…Drama Group, Marking Your Property and
Volunteer Services.
Robin Richards
01494 774582
Top of Page
January 14th
O.K.then, who has read the lead article in the
Winter 2009 edition of the Buckinghamshire Times ? It is variously
referred to as “True Grit” and “The salt of the earth” and goes on to
describe how eight new purpose-built salt spreader trucks, each
pictured with a plough blade fitted, have been commissioned to help
Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) keep the County’s routes in
top-notch condition this winter. Next question…how many of you have
actually seen one ? Either at work or at rest ?
I had a response to last week’s newsletter from a
chap called Barry Oliver, who seems to regularly visit our website,
and passes on his good wishes to all who may remember him, especially
members of the Drama Group. In a similar vein I have also received a
note from Margaret Carmichael…it’s nice to know that folks who have
moved away from the village are still keen to maintain some form of
The Christingle Service, which was postponed from
last Sunday, 10th.January, will now take place on 24th.Jan.
at 4.00 pm. at St.John’s, Little Missenden.
We regret to announce the death of Dr.Betty
Laverick. The funeral will be at 10.00 am.on Wednesday 20th.Jan.
at the Chilterns Crematorium.
The Village School was able to re-open its doors
this past Monday, thanks to all those volunteers who helped to clear
the snow from around its entrance and environs…a job well done,
Barbara Cann tells me that due to the probability
of adverse weather conditions it has been decided, regrettably, to
cancel the Burns Night celebrations on 22nd.January.
The Village Shop continues to fulfil its prime
purpose, that is to serve the village. It is thanks to the staff and
management that it does it so well, and they wish to thank you in
turn for your unfailing support and custom.
An advance notice is that despite the Chilterns
being landlocked the RNLI (Lifeboats) is hosting a supper followed by
an illustrated talk on Friday, February Little
Missenden Village Hall. My contact, Jill Lacey-Smith, (01494 864874)
assures me that this is a very good-value event at only £16 a head,
including a glass of wine, and she is hoping to sell one hundred
tickets to raise money for training and equipment.
Friday Shopping Bus…This is available to all Hyde
Heath pensioners, but its seating capacity is 12 passengers. If you
are not a regular it is advisable to check beforehand with the
driver. This week it is Steve Epps. ( In
fact the bus will not run on Friday Jan 15th due to continuing
ice & snow )
I have received a flyer from Marion Scourfield,
of Voluntary Action (Chiltern & South Bucks). It was too wordy for
inclusion in this week’s newsletter, but it will get a decent airing
in next week’s.
Robin Richards
Top of Page
January 7th
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our readers. This is the
first of many Hyde Heath Newsletters to be issued by RR, but, before
proceeding further, let me thank my predecessor, Sylvia Brown, as the
previous producer and, before that, her column in “Village Voice”,
which the Bucks.Examiner management, for reasons best known to itself,
saw fit to axe. We all wish Sylvia well when she eventually reaches
her new home in rural Northants.
A nice romantic snippet of news is what we all
like to hear…as the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve Wendy
Axe’s daughter, Jac., was proposed to by Mark Rumsey, and I understand
that she accepted, though how she could hear him with the noise of
bells and fireworks is a mystery…perhaps she’s good at lip-reading.
Before Christmas, when the snow and its aftermath
made it difficult for us pensioners, especially those with dodgy legs,
to get about, the village shop staff performed magnificently, and
always with a smile. The newspapers were delivered without a problem,
and stocks of most items were maintained. The manageress, Ruth, and
her co-pilot, Alan, were nine-and-a-half hours on the weekly journey
to and from the wholesalers in Wycombe…above and very much beyond the
call of duty. It’s a joy to recognise the calibre of Shop operations.
The carols on Christmas Eve, organised by
Chris.Sargeant and Bob Thompson, with the help of stalwarts of
Rod.Stevens’ Amersham Band, and other musical contributions, raised
about £300 for the charity “Help for Heroes”…a splendid effort.
Burns Night celebrations will be held in the
Village Hall on Friday, January 22nd. at 7.30 for 8.00.
Tickets cost £13.00 each, and are available from Barbara Cann
(tel.783254) A supper of haggis and cobblers is included and there
will be much singing and dancing, I’m told.
Derek Faversham is now running line dance classes
for beginners in the Village Hall on Monday afternoons from 2.30 to
4.00. New members are most welcome and the charge is £3.50 per person
per session.
Tickets for the Drama Group’s next production,
“The Railway Children, the Musical” (on Feb.4th., 5th.
and 6th ) are moving slowly at this time. Still, we have
another month for the press gangs to do their work.
The W.I.’s first meeting of the year will take
place on Thursday, January the Village Hall.
Members old and new are welcome. A talk will be given by Mervyn
Edwards on policing environmental issues, specifically the Newbury
By-Pass. Haven’t they finished it yet? Will “Swampy” get a
Theme Night at the Plough will be on Wednesday,
27th. January with the title “Old-Fashioned” Does that
mean steak and kidney pudding and jam roly-poly on the menu ?
Robin Richards
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