December 17th
THIS is the last time that Wednesday afternoon finds me at my computer
to tell you all that is happening now and for the next weeks in Hyde
Heath and sometimes, beyond. I hope you have found my efforts useful,
interesting and I hope, entertaining.
OF course I couldn't have done it for almost three years without help
from so many people. ~The hon.secs. of the various organisations, ~Chris
Sargeant who edits it before putting it on the website (Yes, on the odd
occasion my spelling lets me down or I give wrong in formation.) Bob
Butt who sorted out computer problems, simple when you know how! ~Then
my thanks to everyone who has bought it and put money in the charity
PLEASE continue to give your support to Robin Richards who takes over
next month, e-mail: or phone 01494 774582.
I HAVE had enquiries for tickets for the Drama Group's production "The
Railway Children" - the musical next February, 4th, 5th, 6th. Please
take note that I am not the box office this time. The number to call is
01494 773511. Tickets will be available from the shop from 7th January.
Ticket price is £9 with concessions (children and pensioners) @ £8.
There is a special family ticket - 2 adults and 2 children @ £30.
FOR the next week everyone will be busy, last minute shopping, wrapping
presents, making the gravy a la Jamie Oliver and even finishing the
ironing. Well, don't forget the annual Carols in the Village Hall with
mulled wine and mine pies at 4.30pm on Christmas Eve. Aim to get to the
hall early as it is always more than a full house but a great start to
THE Village Shop will close at 1pm on Christmas Eve, closed on Christmas
Day and Boxing Day - arrangements will be made for paper deliveries and
collection on Boxing Day. Do look at the notice on the shop door for
special opening times during the Christmas and New Year period.
SO, from being your "Village Voice" and then your correspondent since
November 1990, it's time to say Goodbye. Thank you for all the kind
things you have said and written to me - only one nasty brickbat in all
that time but at least it made the front page of the Bucks Examiner!
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December 10th
HYDE Heath Village Shop and its management hasn't quite finished with
Christmas treats yet. Last week's Fair was a great success, financially
and socially and now with all the varied merchandise in the shop there
is a raffle for a superb Christmas hamper. Every time you spend £5 or
more on one visit you
will be given a free ticket for the raffle - the draw will take place at
12.00 noon on Tuesday Dec 22nd. Congratulations to Margaret Dunn
on her special display, with such limited space she always captures the
spirit of the occasion.
THESE recent weeks, I have looked back over my 32 years here and
marvelled at the many success stories of the village. Look at the
school. Soon after we came here, with a roll of 23, the school was in
danger of closing. With inspiration and determination, successive
headmistresses and staff and concerned villagers, the situation was
turned round. The wonderful generosity of Bill Williams through his
legacy made the extension and new building possible and now 60 small
pupils are accommodated with a glowing Offsted report.
I have already mentioned the shop, in fact many times. But what about
The Plough? What a roller coaster that has been, at one time it was
closed for three months. Then Chris Herring came back to us. He admits
it hasn't been an easy ride but now with the team of Linda and Wayne the
future looks bright. They have restored the friendly atmosphere that had
been lost. Now, no-one feels a stranger walking in and a meal in the
delightful Minstrels Gallery is a special treat.
THE Village Hall itself has changed almost out of recognition. I
remember my first visit was to vote. What a dingy place it was. Then
with a new hall management committee and Derek Faversham leading the
way, a transformation took place. More money than ever before was raised
by the summer Fete, thanks to the innovation and drive of David Coulton.
The interesting point is that the committee was formed mainly from
people who "weren't wanted here." We came, we saw what needed to be done
and we conquered the fears of the villagers, so that we became accepted
as villagers.
OUR spiritual needs have not been neglected. St. Andrew's church on the
common benefited from legacies from the Williamsons and Mrs. Frances
Clark and enjoys larger congregations than before, young and old joining
in the services with a spirit of togetherness. The Chapel has opened its
doors to everyone, not only to the Sunday services but to occasional
social gatherings and to Pam's Monday Lunch Club.
To me, the village of Hyde Heath is the jewel in the crown of the
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December 3rd
HYDE Heath is the place to be on Saturday. First there is the Shop
Christmas Fair in the village hall from 9.30am to 12.30pm - by the way
have you bought your raffle tickets? There are some great prizes,waiting
to be won. The village hall will resemble Aladdin's cave and there will
be Pudsey Bear himself, happy for you to cuddle up to him for a once in
a lifetime photograph. I have checked and the shop has a stock of Lime
Tree pies, so pick one up and you have something for lunch, delicious as
well as quick and easy.
CHRISTMAS Lights. This year at 7.30pm, Chris Herring will switch on the
lights at The Plough - a band will play carols and Christmas music and
there will be mulled wine and mince pies. By the way, have you been into
The Plough this week? The decorations are lovely. My friend who "doesn't
do Christmas" was impressed and said what a delightful aurora it gave.
Well done Chris and the Plough team.
If you missed all this or if you just want to carry on having a happy
time, then book this date. Saturday, 12th December, 7.30pm at the
Amersham Free Church, a concert by the Amersham Band together with
Amersham Cappella of traditional and seasonal music. Tickets are £8,
concessions £5. Pay at the door or to pre-book, ring 01494 862908 or
As most of you know or have guessed by now, the writer of this News
Letter may be leaving the village in the New Year. I am delighted to
tell you that the Hyde Heath News Letter will live on and in very safe
hands. I will write the last one for this year on 16th December and none
other than Robin Richards will take over in January. Will all
secretaries, chairmen and other officials of local groups help Robin as
you have helped me these past years, supplying him with advance details
of your activities. His e-mail is and telephone 01494 774582.
Brown e-mail:
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November 26th
AMID all the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, planning menus,
writing cards, take a little time out for yourselves and relax to the
beautiful music performed by the ~Great Missenden Choral Society at its
concert on 12th December. Entitled "Come, Let us Sing" the main piece
will be St.Cecilia Mass by Gounod, supporting works will be Bach's
Cantata 140 "Sleepers,Wake" and Mendelssohn's opus 46 setting of Psalm
95, "Come,let us sing."Soloists will be Stephanie Edwards, Thomas Hobbs
and Oliver Dunn. John Cotterill will conduct the choir and the St.John's
Chamber Orchestra will provide the accompaniment. Tickets are £12.50
(children and students £6) available from Christopher Pallet, Station
Approach, Great Missenden. Further information from 01494 863581. ~The
concert starts promptly at 7.30pm - please allow yourselves time for
THIS Sunday, 29th November, there will be no 10.30am service at the
parish church of St. John the Baptist. All parishioners are invited to
St. Andrew's Church, Hyde Heath to celebrate the Festival of Title at
10.30am. There will be the Advent ~Carol Service at Little Missenden at
6pm and afterwards we are invited to stay and take a glass of wine.
LAST week I wrote at some length about the various entertainment
available locally. But what, I heard you ask, about Hyde Heath Drama
Group? Never fear, the group is busy and deep into rehearsals for its
latest blockbuster, "The Railway Children~" - the musical. Production,
in the village hall will be on 4, 5, 6th February, 2010. Note the
changes in the times. ~Thursday and Friday, curtain up at 7.45pm. On
Saturday, the matinee will start at 2pm and the evening performance at
6pm. This is to allow the families of the children to attend. Tickets
are £9 for adults with concessions at £8, but a special family ticket (2
adults and 2 children) for £30. There will be the usual complimentary
interval refreshments. The box office no. is 01494 773511. Tickets will
be available from the village shop during January.
CONGRATULATIONS TO SARAH, safely delivered of a daughter on 23rd
November. Emily a third daughter and another sister to the son of the
family. Our very best wishes to all the family and to Emily, our wish
for a long, happy life
FRIDAY shopping bus. This is available to all Hyde Heath pensioners but
as it takes only 12 passengers, if you are not a regular, it is
advisable to check beforehand with the driver. This week it is Steve
CHRIS at The Plough invites Hyde Heath pensioners to a New Year Lunch on
30th December. As numbers have to be limited, please let Chris or me
know if you would like to attend. Chris at -01494 783163, me at 776193
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November 19th

thought struck me the other day - is there anyone in the village who is
honest or brave enough to admit having doubts about the viability of a
village shop without the post office? I own that the post office is
sadly missed but what a treasure our little shop is. Don't queue for
hours at a post office (when you find one) for your Christmas stamps,
the village shop has insured that it has adequate supplies. Then on 5th
December, PUDSEY BEAR himself will be making a personal appearance and
has agreed to allow shoppers to pose with him for a photograph. This is
just one of the attractions of the Shop's Christmas Fair. There will be
a raft of stalls with Christmas goodies, plus refreshments, a raffle,
all with a background of Christmas music.
Please come and support your village shop and Children in Need to which
we will make donation.
LIFEBOATS. The organisers of the recent fair held at the village hall
have asked me to express their thanks to everyone who came and supported
this event. The total raised was an amazing £1093.
FOR such a relatively small area, there is an incredible variety of
entertainment. The Olde Tyme Music Hall Society is giving four shows
over two weekends this month. Then on 9th December, something very
different and wonderful. "John Milton in Voice and Verse" performed in
the Parish Church of St.John the Baptist on Wednesday 9th December at
7.30pm Actor Lance Pierson brings Milton's poems to life while soprano
Belinda Yates, accompanied by Heather Chamberlain, sings a selection of
songs inspired by Milton's poems. Tickets are £5 (with a glass of wine)
- ring the parish office 01494 862008 or e-mail
AT the other end of the scale, but equally marvellous, is "A Christmas
Carol" not according to Charles Dickens but to the ladies of the
Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society,
headed by the imperious Mrs. Rees, produced and directed by Annie
Hamilton-Pike. Tickets are already heavily booked for 31st December - a
Gala Night, with dinner and piping in the haggis. There are further
performances on 2nd, 7th, 8th, 9th January without dinner. Gala Night
tickets are £32 per person and the later shows are £12. Tickets from
Rosemary Higgs - 01494 890487 or from Annie Hamilton-Pike 786220.
DON'T forget the Christmas Fayre at the school on 28th November. This is
organised by the parents association of the school and all profits are
for the school - do go along and give your support.
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November 12th
I AM grateful to Bob Burns-Green, our Chiltern District councillor, for
replying to my recent comments on the state of our roads. Chiltern
District Council have no power to do anything about roads, this is the
responsibility of the County Council whose hands are tied due to the
lack of government funding received. Buckinghamshire is the worst funded
area in the country. Our money goes to other areas to pay for amenities
there. Mr. Burns-Green added that he was in Durham recently and the
roads are all immaculate. He could offer no cheer in the immediate
future and said that it's going to get worse. Still, it was kind of him
to take the trouble to write to me.
LAST week I said that Hyde Heath Infants School would be holding an
autumn fair on 28th November. Correction, it is to be a Christmas Fayre
at the school from 1pm. The Parents Association ask for our help in
providing items for the tombola stalls, adult and child and prizes for
the raffle.You should have had a note giving the date when collection
will be made from your house. Do please help. Information is a bit
sparse but usually there is a small admission charge at this event.
I HAVE had an e-mail from Monica Weller, a free-lance writer. She is
currently working on the Life of Dr. Helen Davidson, a local GP. who
died in 1966 and asks if anyone remembers Ruby Baker and Kathleen Cook
who was housekeeper to the Davidsons. She would be pleased to receive
any information, however insignificant it may seem. You can contact her
on 07811 799582 or by e-mail
"MURDER in the Cathedral" by T.S.Eliot. What better setting for this
atmospheric play than St. Mary's Church in Old Amersham, performed by
local actors with unaccompanied singing by a choir in the background?
Unfortunately I have been unable to find out many details of this
production. The dates are 18th to 21st November at 7.45pm. Booking is by
the website of Ticketsource and all I could get was that there are seats
available for each night. Perhaps you should just turn up on the night.
I'm sure you would get in as this church does hold a large number of
people. It would be well worth a try.
HYDE Heath Village Shop is holding a Christmas ~Event on Saturday, 5th
~December. No details as yet but note the date to be there, supporting
our village shop and the wonderful staff who have provided a life-line
to many of us during the past year.
SHOPPING Bus on Friday. Bill Newman takes the wheel this week and next
week, 20th, it is the turn of Ron Flint. - Happy shopping and don't
overdo the mince pies!
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November 5th
NOW, Come on! It's no use pretending it isn't going to happen, there are
but 41 shopping days to Christmas, 48 if you include Sundays. Let's
start with the cards and where better than "Cards for Goods Causes" in
St. Michael's Church, Sycamore Road, Amersham, every weekday from 10am
to 4pm until 10th December. There you will find an amazing range of
cards supporting 36 different charities, five of them local to this
area. Advent calendars? - a delightful selection and the decorated
candles. There is a great choice of stocking fillers, wrapping paper and
tags and other titbits that you would not have thought of buying. Do
come along, it is the fiftieth anniversary of the origin of this
organisation, so please help to make it a special year.
THIS Sunday is of course, Remembrance Sunday when we remember those who
gave their lives in two world wars. The service at the Parish Church in
Little Missenden will be held at 10.45am, to accommodate the 11am
silence. All are welcome and please note the earlier time of the service
and allow time for parking.
HYDE Music Hall Society is presenting two additional shows on 27th and
28th November supporting the Amersham and Great Missenden Rotary Clubs
for their charities. Tickets are £15 per person which includes a fish
and chip supper - I have no information about drinks. All details and
tickets from Alan Jones, 01494 863887, e-mail
YOU thought you knew the story of Dickens "Christmas Carol" but not the
version presented by The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's
Guild Dramatic Society. Produced and directed by Annie Hamilton-Pike,
these ladies take the stage at the Little Missenden Village Hall for a
Gala performance on 31st December at 7.30pm, with a 3-course dinner,
piping in of the Haggis at midnight to welcome in the New Year. There
will be a "pay bar" Tickets for the show and dinner - £32 per person.
There will be further performances on 2nd, 7th, 8th, 9th January at 8pm
without dinner at £12. Tickets from Rosemary Higgs on 01494 890487 or
Annie Hamilton-Pike 786220. There's no doubt this will be a riotous
evening as anyone who has ever been to a Farndale production knows, so
book early. It will make a fantastic start to the New Year.
HYDE Heath Infants and pre-school will be holding an Autumn fair at the
school on 28th November - no details yet but watch this space.
FRIDAY Shopping bus, This week Mary Collins will take us to Chesham and
next week, it will be the turn of Bill Newman. As always, our grateful
thanks to all the drivers.
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October 29th
BRING and Buy/Table Top Sale in the village hall on Saturday, 31st
October from 10am to 12noon. I am very sorry that this is such short
notice, due to a break-down in electronic communication. The details
are: £5 for a table and it is suggested that 50% of takings are donated
to Hyde Heath Pre-School and the Daisy Chain funds. This is a great time
for "turning out" those outgrown toys but still in full working order,
children's clothes - hardly worn but now too small and even those items
you bought in a mad moment on holiday and really can't see yourself
wearing in sedate Hyde Heath! Then what about that drawer full of
toiletries? Come on, you can make up a really good table of things you
don't want but others will be delighted to buy from you. To book your
table and for further details, ring Melissa Laing on 01494 778518.
HYDE Heath Neighbourhood Policing Policy. I'll bet you didn't know there
was one. The team, headed by PC Simon West with PC Rhianne Connor, PCSO
Nicky Kirkpatrick and PCSO Chris Ging is based at the Police office in
Great Missenden. ~They are responsible for dealing with local issues,
theft, vandalism and damage to property. Meetings of the Neighbourhood
Action Group found that the three major issues concerning residents were
anti-social behaviour, speeding and litter. Steps are being taken to
control speeding and the police particularly ask local drivers to watch
their speeds. PC Simon West urges us to let them know if something is
going on in the village that we feel they should know about.
I am pleased to see that we have our road names back but what about the
roads themselves? Hyde Heath is often referred to as "this sought after
Chiltern Village." I agree with that but anyone visiting is immediately
struck by the appalling state of the roads if driving and by the
third-world state of the footpaths if walking. On her recent visit,
Margaret Carmichael (ex Walnut Way) remarked that Buckinghamshire roads
are the worst she encountered between Herefordshire and London. I
sometimes think it is a bit like a slalom, trying to avoid the potholes.
If our elected representatives on the Chiltern and County Councils read
this, please will they take note and tell us when something will be
done. At present it is a piecemeal job and seems a lottery as to which
roads will have a bit of patching and filling in the worst of the holes.
That's this week's rant. Now with a smile back on my face, I loved the
little Hallowe'en display in the village shop. Once again the work of
Margaret Dunn. With a very limited space, for each occasion she produces
a topical eye-catching arrangement of confectionery and appropriate
goods all available in the shop.
FINALLY, I am still working at the Scannappeal bookshop and will welcome
any books you can give. You can bring them to me at 46 Walnut Way or
give me a call on 776193 and I will collect from you. Thank you.
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October 22nd
THERE'S lots of good things coming our way during the next few weeks, We
start, Ooh la la! It's a continental menu at The Plough on 28th October,
with a choice of dishes at each course from France, Spain and Italy, it
will be difficult to make up your mind. The cost per person, with wine,
is £18.50. Please book your table beforehand - 01494 783163.
MORE fun and frolic on 7th November, it's Flapper Night at Hyde Heath
Village Hall, an evening with a 20s theme. Do dress in the fashion of
the time and let yourselves go to the music of Bob Thompson and the
"Keep Clear" Jazz Band. As well as the Charleston and the Black Bottom,
there will be music of a more modern era. Whichever mood you prefer,
it's going to be a great night with a 20s supper, a licenced bar and a
raffle . Tickets are £12 per person from Ruth or David Coulton 01494
THE CHILTERN Branch of the RNLI has been fund-raising for nearly 60
years and in fact is one of the most successful of all inland branches.
Possibly no-one here has ever needed the service but how grateful we
would be if that occasion arose. On 4th November in the Village Hall,
there is an Autumn Fair in aid of the RNLI. From 10am to 1.0pm, you will
have all sorts of lovely things to buy, Christmas presents or a little
something for yourself, from jewellery, children's clothes, hand-made
toys, scarves, Christmas cards and home produce. There is a small
entrance charge with includes coffee. Do please go along and support
thids magnificent organisation.
SUNDAY, 1st November is All Souls Day. A solemn Eucharist, commemoration
of the faithful departed, will be celebrated at the Parish Church at
6pm, with thanks for the lives of family and friends. Please advise the
Parish office if you intend to be present so that a sufficient number of
candles and orders of service will be available. 01494 862008 or e-mail
THEY'RE Back Again! - Yes it is the indomitable Hyde Heath Old Time
Music Hall Society. It is your chance to make the rafters ring on 20th
and 21st November, 7.30 for 8pm in the Village Hall. Tickets are £12.50
which includes supper from Barbara Cann 783254. There is a licenced bar
with waitress service. Need I tell you to book NOW, hot cakes have
nothing on the speed at which these tickets sell.
A REMINDER that applications for the 200 Club must be in the hand of the
promoter, David Coulton by 28th October. You should have received an
application form by now, so fish it out, fill it in and take it with
your payment, either to David, the Village Shop or a village hall
committee member.
SHOPPING BUS - this week our driver is Steve Epps and next week, Ron
Flint will be at the wheel, if you are not "a regular" please check that
there will be a seat for you.
October 15th
SORRY that there was no News Letter
last week. No, I haven't given up yet, I was enjoying a little break in
Weymouth and since you ask, the weather was extremely wet - only one
sunny day but I did have a good time visiting old haunts.
SPEAKING of having a good time, you won't do better than a visit to the
~Wycombe Swan on Saturday, 31st October at 7.30pm. The Mark Armstrong
Big Band plays "The American Song Book" An Evening of sumptuous swinging
Big Band music - classic arrangements of all our favourites from
Sinatra, Ella, The Count, Glenn Miller and lots more. Some tickets are
still available but don't delay and ring the box office, 01494 512000
now or on line at Prices are £10, £15 or £20.
ISN'T it time you tidied your work box, ladies? You are never going to
use those lengths of braid and trimmings and that zip fastener is never
the right size. Do you really need all those reels of cotton,why ever
did you buy that strange colour? Turn everything out and Anne Lloyd
Jones will collect these treasures from you. She is making a collection
for Work Aid who will send them to countries where the ladies there will
make good use of them. Give Anne a ring on 01494 783613.
OUR W. I. is combining with Great Missenden Rotary Club to fill
shoe-boxes with goods for needy families in Eastern Europe. All kinds of
toiletries are most welcome as well as foodstuffs,such as packets of
pasta, rice, tea bags and coffee, please no chocolate, it doesn't travel
well but boiled sweets in packets are good. The management of the
Village Shop has kindly agreed to be a collecting point. Take you
donations there for collection and filling of the boxes.
STILL looking for voluntary work using your special skills? This month
an advisory centre opened at Chesham Library. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th
Tuesdays in the month, Nicole Manley, the Volunteer Centre Advisor will
be there to discuss the various opportunities open to you. Or you can
contact direct on 01895 837545 or by e-mail
October 1st
THANK you to everyone who donated and helped in so many ways to last
week's Macmillan Coffee Morning. The total amount raised was £543.86.
Special thanks to the anonymous donor who left her donation at the
village shop on Friday morning. Apart from the money raised,everyone who
came seemed to be enjoying themselves and that alone made it all
HAVE you noticed how the evenings are drawing in? It's time to think,
not of barbeques and salads but of comfort foods. Here, once again, our
village shop is ready to help. Lime Tree Pies are back with a full range
of savoury and sweet pies, with sizes to suit your appetites. You can
order in advance and as I've said before, hide the wrapping and no-one
will know that you haven't baked it yourself. It is difficult if you are
asked for the recipe but then you go all coy and say it is a family
secret handed down from great grandmother.
RESTING is over for local thespians. This month, on 22, 23, 24 in the
Ballinger War Memorial Hall, the Ballinger Players present "All Things
Bright and Beautiful" by Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall. Doors open
7pm, curtain up 8pm. Tickets at £9 per person from Jennifer 01494
489833. Patrons are invited to bring their own supper with them, not
forgetting crockery, cutlery, glasses and bottle opener. Only the table
cloth is provided.
HYDE Heath ~Drama Group are now in rehearsal for another block buster,
"The Railway Children." This will be staged in the Village Hall on 4, 5,
6 February 2010. Tickets are £9 with concessions at £8 and a special
family ticket (2 adults and 2 children) at £30. The box office is not
open yet but I will give you further details nearer the time.
THE VILLAGE Hall. Have you considered it as a venue for your next party?
The rates are reasonable and facilities excellent. It is ideal for a
children's party - weigh the hire charge against the cleaning of a
Contact the booking secretary, Gill Munrow on 01494 773988 for full
STUMPS have been drawn for the final time this season but our Cricket
Club can look back on one of it's most successful seasons. Only two
matches lost. Well Done! If you are interested in playing next year, do
contact the hon.sec. Robin Richards on 01494 774582.
SPORTS come and go but the Age Concern Shopping bus goes on forever.
This week our driver is Mary Collins and next week (9th) Bill Newman
will be at the wheel. Our grateful thanks to all the drivers, even if
you don't have a lot of shopping, it is a jolly little outing.
Brown e-mail:
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A SPRINKLING of villagers attended the A.G.M. of the village hall
committee last week. By this low turn-out the committee members can only
assume that villagers are content with the way the hall is run. The good
news is that hiring rates are to remain the same until September 2010.
Do you realise that the hall is used at some time, every day of the
week? This really is a commendation to the committee members for the
upkeep and general running of the hall.
QUIZ NIGHT on 3rd October. It is heavily booked but there may be some
places still available. The ticket price is a modest £7 which includes a
super supper. There is a licenced bar, so please do not bring your own
drinks as this invalidates the licence. The time is 7.30 for a prompt
8pm start. If you haven't already booked your table, quickly ring Ruth
or David on 01494 775967.
BARN DANCE on 10th October in the Memorial Hall, Great Missenden. ~This
is promoted by the parents association of Hyde Heath Pre-School. A
"Chilli" dinner is included in the price of £12.50 per person. There
will be a licenced bar (see above) a live band and caller. Take your
partners at 7.45pm and prepare to do-se-do the evening away. For tickets
and further information, please ring Sara Wingrove on 01494 772123.
LOOKING ahead, note the date of the Flapper Night, 7th November. Start
thinking about your costume and tralling the charity shops, the
dressing-up is half of the fun. With a great supper, dancing to Bob
Thompson and the "Keep Clear" Jazz Band, it is a gift at £12 per head.
AS I write my thoughts are fixed on the Macmillan Coffee Morning on
Friday. I look forward to seeing all of you there to make it a wonderful
On the odd occasions when I am unable to write this letter, is there
some-one who would like to take over?
Do give me a ring to discuss this, 01494 776193 or e-mail
Brown e-mail:
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IT''s all systems go! for the Biggest Coffee Morning in the World -
certainly in Hyde Heath. This year it is sponsored by the Village Shop
and I am immensely grateful to the committee for their generous help. I
know I can count on you all for cakes, preserves, biscuits, etc. Di
Coombes is seeking quality items for the bring and buy stall. Angela
Baker is running a combined tombola and would welcome general items,
toiletries, drinks as well as soft toys. Then there is the raffle,
whatever you think would make a welcome prize please either bring it to
me beforehand or bring it to the hall in the morning of 25th September.
Bring your babies, the latest photos, swap stories (even a little
gossip!) enjoy the coffee and cakes and treat yourselves to the goodies
on the various stalls. Doors open 9.30am and the morning ends at
12.30pm. Please come and see if we can raise the biggest amount yet.
AFTER all that excitement, you may wish for something more relaxing at
the weekend, 26th/27th. An exhibition of the work of local artists, the
Rossetti Art Group, is being held at the Rossetti Hall, New Pond Road,
Holmer Green. Among the talented exhibitors is Anthony Merrett of
Harvest Bank whose painting of a Hyde Heath cricket match will be on
display. ~Admission is free for the friendly event. Refreshments will be
available and there is FREE parking at the hall.
HAVE you sometimes thought that you would like to join a Line Dance
Group but are not sure that you are good enough? Now is your chance.
Derek Faversham is starting an Easy Level Line Dancing Group for
beginners from Monday 5th October in Hyde Heath Village Hall, 2.30 to
4pm - £3.50 per lesson. For all details ring Derek on 01494 864677.
AGAIN, Beginners are most welcome at the Lucy Clark Scottish Country
Dance Club at the Oldham Hall, Great Missenden, every Thursday at
7.30pm. ~The cost per evening is £2 for members, for visitors, £3. For
further information, please contact Archie McNair on 01494 786654 or
Dick Field 562231.
TICKETS are still available for the Church Harvest Supper, this year in
Little Kingshill village hall. The price is £10 per person but please
bring your own drinks. Please book your tickets from the parish office
01494 862008 or e-mail
FAMILY Parish Communion will be celebrated at St. John the Baptist
Church at 10.30pm on Sunday, 20th September. All are welcome.
THE Cricket season is drawing to its close and this Sunday 20th, we are
hosts to Ivinghoe and Pitstone C.C. play starting at 1pm.
AGE CONCERN Shopping Bus - this week our driver is Ron Flint and next
week we will be in the safe hands of Steve Epps.
Brown e-mail:
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THE Village Hall Management Committee take pride of place this week.
First a reminder that the A.G.M. takes place in the village hall next
Wednesday at 8.15pm. The agenda contains new and important items
affecting the whole village, so if you are concerned at how the funds of
the village hall are spent, make sure you are there next Wednesday.
Also, new members for the committee are needed. Do think about it, it is
not an onerous task, there are eleven monthly meetings during the year,
usually lasting only an hour or so. Even is you do not take on a
particular portfolio, foot soldiers are very welcome, particularly at
leaflet droppings times. In fact, this is a great way to get to know the
village and fellow villagers.
NEXT, the annual Quiz Night. This a great night out, light-hearted and
with an excellent supper all for £7per head. There is a licenced bar, so
please do not bring your own drinks as that invalidates the licence. The
time is 7.30 for prompt 8pm start. On to November. The Flapper Night on
7th. This is an evening with a 20s theme, so patrons are requested to
dress with at least a touch of the 20s. What an opportunity, ladies! -
come on, let yourselves go! Tickets are £12 per person including a great
20s supper and dancing to Bob Thompson and ~The "Keep Clear" Jazz Band.
Again, a licenced bar and a raffle. For both these events, book with
Ruth or David on 01494 775967
YOU are cordially invited to an Art Exhibition at the Emmanuel Church,
Broad Street, Chesham on 24th September, from 11am to 3pm. This is
sponsored by The Chiltern Friends of the Endeavour. ~Entrance is free
and light refreshments will be available. For more details, please ring
Jo Snowden or Sally Gibbs on 01494 783675.
HARVEST Festival. This will be celebrated at St. Andrew's Church, Hyde
Heath at 9.15am on 27th September. After Christmas, this must be the
most joyous service in the church calendar. I know it is a bit early on
Sunday morning but do try and come along and join in the celebration
with a friendly and relaxed congregation.
CALLING all people with time on their hands - be a Volunteer! I have
received details of three different charities who need your help.
Woodrow High House needs someone to take notes at the monthly meetings
of the fund raising committee. As you probably know, this is a local
charity which provides residential and training opportunities for
disabled and "special needs" youngsters. Monthly meetings are usually
on Mondays 10.30am to 12.30pm.
SAMARITANS At Amersham need a Head of Fundraising. They are looking for
an experienced person to direct their activities, develop a strategy
towards reaching the annual target of £10,000.
IAIN RENNIE Hospice at Home needs Complementary therapists,
reflexologists, massage therapists, craniosacral therapists and Reiki
practitioners with one or two years post qualifications who would be
able to offer half a day a week. For all these opportunities, please
contact Joy Johns on 01895 837545, e-mail Click on to the website
CRICKET; On Sunday we are at home to Abbotts Langley C.C. play starting
at 1pm
SHOPPING Bus. This week our driver is Bill Newman and next week (18th)
will be Ron Flint.
Brown e-mail:
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September 3rd
momentous date. I'm sure many older villagers will have poignant
memories of that fateful Sunday morning 70 years ago. As an evacuee, I
found myself in Ipswich - I still have my label. Ipswich? - not a good
idea, nine miles from the East coast! We stayed there until after
Christmas when arrangements were made to move the school or those that
were left, to a mining village in South Wales. Some of us, me included,
returned to Ilford to take our chance with the Luftwaffe.
SUNDAY, 13th September is Heritage Open Day in Old Amersham. All sorts
of entertainment and stalls will be there, including a bottle tombola
run by Scannappeal. There is good news on the various appeals in
progress. For Prostate and Bladder Cancer, the first £150,000 has been
raised which means that the first items of the "shopping list" should be
purchased this autumn. HeartScan Appeal, this will be completed by the
end of this month as we are on target to rase the £125,000 needed for
extra cardiac monitors and other diagnostic equipment. Skin Cancer -
some equipment has already been ordered and it is hoped to reach the
target by the autumn. So thank you everyone who have given me books for
the bookshop, please keep them coming.
WEDNESDAY, 16th September - A.G.M. of the Hyde Heath Village Hall
Management Committee at 8pm in the village hall. The members of the
committee work tremendously hard on fund-raising and maintenance of the
hall. Please come along to show your appreciation, perhaps you have
ideas to suggest for the further enhancement of the hall. The committee
look forward to hearing your comments.
FRIDAY, 18TH AT 8PM in the village, the A.G.M. of Hyde Heath Drama Group
followed by AUDITIONS, You won't want to miss this. The next production
to be staged in February, 4, 5, 6th is to be "The Railway Children."
Wow! I hear you say. Do come along, even if you cannot see yourself
actually on the stage, there are equally important parts in being a
member of the back stage crew. Do come at 8.30pm, a friendly welcome
awaits you.
SPEAKING of theatrical productions, the Ballinger Players will be in
action in October, 22, 23, 24, when they present "All Things Bright and
Beautiful" by Willis Hall and Keith Waterhouse. It will be in the
Ballinger War Memorial Hall at 8pm and I will let you have further
details later.
A REMINDER that Pam's September Monday Lunch will be on 14th, 12.30pm in
the Chapel.
CRICKET: Next Sunday we are at home to Cublington, play starting at 1pm
- note the earlier start.
FRIDAY Shopping Bus. This week our driver is Mary Collins and next week
it will be Bill Newman.
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August 27th 2009
CANCELLATION. | am sorry to tell you that the general meeting and cheese
and wine party of the Village Society scheduled for 12th September is
cancelled. This is due to various unfortunate and unforeseen
circumstances having arisen during the past week. I know that a
considerable number of tickets have been sold and of course all monies
will be refunded. If you have any queries, please contact me on 01494
776193 or e-mail
WE haven't really finished our summer holidays yet, so I hate to mention
Christmas but it is in a good cause. The particular one is Cards for
Good Causes held at the Charity Christmas Card Shop at St. Michael's
Church, Amersham from 4th November to 10th December. An organiser is
needed. This is a varied and interesting role ensuring that the shop
runs smoothly with its team of volunteers selling cards on behalf of
over 25 different charities. No previous retail experience is necessary
- the main requirements are common sense, enthusiasm and commitment.
There is a modest remuneration and the role could be shared by two
people. Interested? then please call Marilyn Clarke on 01628 530154 for
more details.
HAVE you ever thought about doing the Martyrs Walk in Old Amersham? The
walk starts from the Market Hall at 2pm, you do not have to book
beforehand. It last about two hours, costs £2. and you are advised to
wear comfortable walking shoes. There is a walk this Saturday and the
weather forecast is fine which is more choice than the poor old martyrs
HARVEST Supper at Little Kingshill village hall on 26th September. I
have more details. Tickets are £10 which can be reserved of booked from
the parish office 01494 862008, e-mail The main course is provided but contributions
of home-made desserts will be welcomed. Please bring your own wine and
soft drinks. If you are intending to be there, please let the office
know by 21st September.
The Harvest Festival Service will be celebrated on 27th September at
10.30am at the parish church of St. John the Baptist, Little Missenden.
Children are invited to bring gifts of produce or tins from the cupboard
which will be distributed around the parish.
FRIDAY shopping bus. There is change of driver for tomorrow. Bill Newman
is taking the place of Mary Collins. Mary will be back with us next
week, 4th September.
CRICKET. From the fixture list that I have, this Sunday's game seems
uncertain so please check with the secretary, Robin Richards 01494
NEXT week we are into September and that means the Macmillan Coffee
Morning on Friday 25th in the village hall from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Sadly
no sponsor has come forward this year but be assured that no expenses
will be taken from the money that you so generously put into the
collecting boxes. We are hoping for a bumper result this year, please
bring along quality items for the bring and buy table, the
mouth-watering cakes that you always produce or perhaps a raffle prize?
Phoenix cards will be there and our favourite Muge Ochedowski with her
fabulous ceramics, scarves, shawls, etc. For the first time, we welcome
Carol Foley who will tempt the cash from our purses with her hand-made
jewellery. It will be another great village morning, do make a date to
come along, meet friends old and new and support this most worthy cause.
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August 20th 2009
HYDE Heath Village Society General Meeting and Cheese and Wine Party on
12th September at 7.30pm in the village hall. Tickets at £8 are now
available from the village shop in addition to calling Brian on 783780,
Anne on 784450 and Sylvia 776193.
Since last week, I have received details of two more events in
September. How will we fit them all in ? On Saturday, 19th, Hyde Heath
Evening W.I. present a Murder Mystery Evening in collaboration with
Amersham Playgoers at Drake Hall, Amersham Community Centre at 7.30 for
8pm. This is their main fund-raising event for this year's charity, "The
South Bucks Alzheimers Support Group." Tickets are £10, including supper
but please bring your own drinks and glasses. Please ring Pam Ruff 01494
786053 or e-mail
THEN on Saturday 26th September at Little Kingshill Village hall at
7.30pm. the Annual Church Harvest Supper. For tickets and details, ring
the parish office 01494 862008 or e-mail
HYDE Heath is fast becoming a mystery village. Have you noticed road
names have disappeared ? This week I made a second telephone call to
Chiltern District Council, apparently we are on the list for
"assessment." I said how confusing it must be for prospective house
buyers and the sympathetic voice at the other end, said that she would
try and push us up the list. Has anyone any idea who is taking these
name plates and for what
reason ?.
CHILTERN and South Bucks Volunteer Centre is seeking reliable, caring
volunteers to provide companionship for people with dementia. So many
sufferers live alone and feel isolated. If you could spare an hour or
two each week to give friendship and conversation, it would really make
a difference to someone's life. All volunteers will be offered training
and out of pocket expenses. Please think about it, for more details
contact Joy Johns 01895 837545, e-mail
FRIDAY Shopping Bus. A new schedule of drivers, taking us right up to
December 2010 has been produced. This week our driver is Ron Flint and
the following two weeks, 28th August and 4th September it will be our
lovely Mary Collins. Don't forget to check first if you are not a
regular passenger.
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August 13th 2009
SORRY that there was no News Letter last week - simply there was no
HERE is a run-down of the exciting things that are happening next
month, do note the dates.
12th September, the Cheese and Wine party hosted by the Hyde Heath
Village Society in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Most of you will have
already received a leaflet with details. Tickets are £8 from Brian
Hartley - 01494 783780, Anne Honour - 784450, Sylvia Brown - 776193.
With our guest speaker, Patricia Birchley and opportunities to discuss
latest developments in the village and generally get-together with
neighbours, it promises to be a most enjoyable evening.
LINE Dancing starts again on Tuesday 8th. What has Derek got up his
sleeve for you this session?
Something more restful on Thursday 10th. The W.I. meets after the summer
break. The speaker takes as her subject "Old Country Fairs." Will we get
some ideas for our Fete next May?
PAM'S Monday Lunch Club welcomes anyone who appreciates a lovely
home-cooked 2-course meal at the Chapel at 12.30pm on 14th. There is no
fixed charge but a donation of £2.50 is suggested.
WEDNESDAY 16th is an important date. The A.G.M. of the Village Hall
Management Committee at 8pm in the village hall. This is the chance to
have your say, maybe complementary, on the running of the hall and the
various events that the committee organises to raise funds for the
maintenance of the hall. The committee welcomes new ideas and help in
running the events. So often it is the case of "rounding up the usual
AND now, the BIG ONE. Friday, 25th from 9.30am to 12.30pm in the Village
Hall, the Biggest Coffee Morning in the World in aid of Macmillan Cancer
Relief. Please will you make cakes, biscuits or preserves, donate prizes
for the raffle, bring quality items for the bring and buy table and
mostly, bring yourselves to have coffee and cake, chat with friends, buy
from the various stalls, knowing that every coin you put into the
collecting boxes goes to the charity By the way, I am still looking for
a sponsor - just £35 will cover the cost of hiring the hall and one or
two incidental expenses.
BACK to the present - Steve Epps is our driver for the Age Concern
shopping bus this week.
On Sunday, Hyde Heath Cricket Club are at home to Gamecocks, play
starting at 20pm
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July 30th 2009
BEWARE of a scam. Last week someone called at the office of a Chesham
councillor requesting cash donations for the British Legion. No cash was
handed over and on checking with Legion, she was assured that it had not
sent anyone round to collect money. So, be warned, next week he could be
around again for a different charity. Any bona fide collector always has
an authorised identification.
CHESS Valley Archaeological and Historical Society investigated a large
mound at the top of Lowndes Park. It might be only an 18th or 19th
Folly. However the circular earth mound or bowl barrow could be a Bronze
Age burial site. Furthermore there is a rumour that it is the foundation
of a windmill but this is stoutly challenged. I wonder what it can be.
For these two items I am indebted to Merin Moulesworth's Chesham Blog.
VILLAGE Society Cheese and wine A.G.M. on 12th September. Our guest
speaker is Bucks County Councillor, Patricia Birchley. There will be
another opportunity to see the film of how Hyde Heath celebrated the
coronation in 1953. Some of you are asking "What is the Village
Society?" If you live in Hyde Heath, you are a member. There is no
subscription. The Society has existed for many years, its aim to protect
the rural aspect of the village and to prevent inappropriate development
such as an abattoir on the common. Yes, this really was proposed in the
1950s. Admittedly, they weren't too keen on the Walnut Way estate but we
blended in and soon became fully accepted and look who's now the hon.sec!
Anyway, do make a date for 12th September, tickets will be on sale
shortly, £7 which includes your first glass of wine, in the Village
Hall, 7.30 for 8pm.
FRIDAY shopping bus. Please note a change of driver on 7th August, Ron
Flint instead of John Bickerton. This week Bill Newman is our driver.
OUR allotments are looking flourishing, the runner beans are coming
along nicely. I do hope you'll have some to spare for the local produce
sale at the village shop on 15th August. Last year it was a great
success - another cheerful village morning.
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July 23rd 2009
FOLLOWING the comment about parking near the school, Mrs. Moulsdale, the
headmistress has taken the trouble to write to me, even though her
holiday has started. She was saddened about it and apologises on behalf
of the school community for any inconvenience caused during last week's
final assembly. Road safety is taken very seriously and action is being
addressed. For example, families are encouraged to walk to school
whenever possible, Walk to School Week was celebrated and "Walking
Wednesday" has been introduced. I'm sure we have all noticed the
children on scooters - the school hopes to purchase scooter and bike
racks to further encourage this. Furthermore, in consultation with the
local authorities, it is aimed to set up a school crossing patrol. have
a pavement built on the roadside edge of the common at the end of the
school driveway and have a grass-saver path installed across the common
to the school gates. Thus it is felt that with safer access into the
school grounds, parents will be more inclined to walk to school with
their children. Finally, Mrs. Moulsdale requests that if such a problem
occurs again, it might be helpful if anyone, so inconvenienced, could
come to the school or telephone the office. they will always do their
best to resolve the problem.
YESTERDAY, the Hyde Heath Cricket Club entertained a party they call the
"Golden Oldies" to a day out at Chichester and Bosham. The weather was
kind to us again and a splendid time was had by all. Many thanks to
Caroline and John Capper and to helpers, Jill, Mike and Jeremy. If
anyone hasn't been to Chichester Cathedral, it is well worth the
journey. It is beautiful and an interesting mix of old and modern
paintings and statuary.
HAVE you heard of South Bucks and Chiltern Access Group? It helps to
improve physical access for disabled people to buildings and services.
And now it is in desperate need of a chairman. The work involves
organising and leading bi-monthly meetings and representing the group at
other meetings. Also responding to government consultation documents,
etc. If you are interested and would like further details, please
contact Joy Johns at the Volunteers Centre 01895 837545 or e-mail
THE PLOUGH. The special international menus will start again in October.
The management thought it best to have a little break during the summer
holiday period. Of course, the splendid bar meals will be available as
usual, as will the wide screen television for the remaining three Ashes
test matches.
A DATE for your diary. 25th September. The Macmillan Biggest Coffee
Morning in the World and Hyde Heath's contribution will be held in the
Village Hall from9.30am to 12.30pm. Last year we raised £668. - can we
do even better this year?
THE Village Society is holding its A.G.M. on 12th September in the
village hall, 7.30 for 8pm. Full details next week but please mark the
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July 16th 2009
LAST week, members of the village hall committee with their spouses,
gave a dinner for Jayne and Rodney Howlett in The Plough. It is 20 years
since the Howlett family came to Hyde Heath. We have seen both boys
graduate and pursue successful professions. And now Jayne and Rodney are
moving on. How we will miss them! From the word go, they entered into
village life and their contribution has been considerable. Rodney soon
became a parish councillor and then chairman of the planning committee.
Jayne took over from Anne Francis as secretary of the village hall
committee and then organiser of the 200 club. Who do you think raises
the flag on the common on notable dates? Yes, it's Jayne.For several
years she organised the stall holders for the Fete. This year, Sarah
Orthorpe took on this job. Various gifts were presented at the dinner
but a small gesture for all they have done for the village. We wish them
well with good fortune and contentment as they settle in pastures new.
THE village hall committee has a new secretary as Jayne wanted to hand
over before she left. We welcome Ralph Bartlett to this post. If other
members of the committee wish to resign, nominations will be called for
at the A.G.M. on 16th September. By the way, no-one has yet come forward
to take over from David Coulton as chairman and organiser of the Fete,
which I believe will be on 8th May, 2010. Please think seriously about
this and contact David on 01494 775967.
You know, we are fortunate in this village to have so many people
willing to give their time for our benefit. This occurred to me while on
the Age Concern shopping bus. If only Sainsburys could be so well
organised. Currently we have five drivers, Bill Newman, Ron Flint, John
Bickerton, Steve Epps and the lovely Mary Collins. They not only drive
the bus but help us with our bags, carrying them right to our front
doors. We always say "thank you" but here is a public expression of our
gratitude. Ron Flint is our driver this week.
WHOEVER thought there would be a traffic problem in Hyde Heath? Apart
from Fete Day, I have never seen so many cars in the vicinity of the
school and beyond. The occasion was the last assembly of the school
year. Problems arose with cars parked on both sides of the road in Brays
Lane. An irate lorry driver shouted at me ( I was walking!) that an
ambulance or fire engine couldn't have got through. This happens only
once or twice a year but perhaps parents and friends could think about
sharing transport. We are proud of our school and would not want it to
become a source of annoyance with some villagers.
IT is now holiday time, so from us all, good wishes for a happy, restful
holiday to the headmistress, the staff and all the helpers at the
school, not forgetting the indefatigable secretary - you've earned it,
because you're worth it!
Brown e-mail:
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July 9th 2009
WE were saddened to learn of the death of Ron Blackmore at the age of 94
years. He had lived in the village for 58 years. During the war, he
served in the Royal Air Force and while awaiting embarkation leave,
learned that with one exception, his family had been killed in an air
raid. He was given 48 hours leave to go home to arrange the funeral - no
counselling in those days! Ron was a regular on the Friday shopping bus,
having been a widower for some years, he did all his own cooking and
tended his garden until recently. His great fear was having to go into a
home. His last wish was granted as he died peacefully at home last
weekend. From us all, sincere sympathy and condolence to his family.
ARE there no lengths to which the villagers of Hyde Heath will go to
raise funds for their favourite charities? They have parachuted out of
aeroplanes, run marathons, enjoyed midnight walks but how about this? In
aid of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, Sue Flint jumped into Watermead
Lake, Aylesbury to be rescued by a gentle, hairy Newfoundland dog! She
has asked me to thank all those generous people who sponsored her for in
this courageous event.
AN apology. Last week I congratulated Claire and Paul Mitterhuber on
their 25th wedding anniversary. I got carried away with the romance of
it all but in fact, it was their 20th, so not silver but china. Whatever
the number, the good wishes remain sincere and I trust that I haven't
caused offence.
BACK to good causes. Last Sunday members and friends of our W.I. enjoyed
an afternoon ramble before welcoming non-walkers to a scrumptious cream
tea in the village hall. This was in aid of the group's charity for this
year, the local Alzheimers support group, for which £166 was raised.
HYDE HEATH Drama Group is planning the production for next January but
is having a problem with the casting. The reason? Not enough MEN. Now,
come on chaps, even if you don't see yourselves as the latest
heart-throb to hit the silver screen, you can talk, walk, learn a few
lines and you'd be surprised what fun it all is. Auditions will be held
in the village hall on 18th September at 8.30pm. Do please come along
but if you really cannot make that date and are interested, please
contact Erica Elson on 01494 784760.
THE village shop management is planning a "home produce" event on
Saturday, 15th August. If you are "growing your own" please put a bit
extra aside for the village shop. You don't need to wait until August,
for the past two weeks, there has been lovely home-grown strawberries,
mange-tout and gooseberries in the shop with prices as sweet as the
CRICKET - On Sunday we are at home to Chesham Bois C.C. play starting at
2pm. There have been some cracking games so far this season, so come
along and support our lads.
FRIDAY shopping bus. This week our driver is Steve Epps - 01494
771612. If you are not a regular passenger, please check that there will
be a seat for you.
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July 2nd 2009

Anniversary congratulations are the order of the day. First, Ruby for
Diane and Bob Thompson - the many talented couple who have given so much
to village life. Diane, a noted author of children's books, turned her
attention to writing the scripts for at least two Drama Group
pantomimes. Both she and Bob have been acting members of the group, Bob
sometimes off stage at the piano. Bob an accomplished pianist and
teacher helps at the infants school with music. But did you know that in
the 60s he was the pianist for the group, "The Bow Street Runners?" The
finale of the Christmas carol concert in the village hall is always the
duet with Bob and Chris Sargeant and the "Christmas Boogie."
Congratulations to you both and may you enjoy many more years of
happiness together.
SILVER goes to Claire and Paul Mitterhuber. Claire too has made her name
with us with her splendid performances with the Drama Group and latterly
with rather saucy items in the Old ~Time Music Hall. Paul, meanwhile has
looked after our various pulled muscles, creaky joints and horribly
aching backs. Whatever did we do until he came into our midst? They
celebrated with a romantic trip to Paris. Happy Anniversary and best
wishes from us all for a continuation of happiness and good fortune in
your lives together.
THANKS from Anne Lloyd-Jones and me to everyone who supported the coffee
morning last Friday, especially to the staff of the village shop, who
although under pressure, swapped shifts so that those two key members,
Wendy and Margaret were able to come and help. The amount raised was
£266.70. It was a happy event, an opportunity to come and meet new and
old friends - a good village morning.
ANOTHER such opportunity is next Sunday afternoon, 5th July. If you
cannot manage the walk, do come along at 4pm for a cream tea in the
village hall. Tickets, £5 from Margaret Sargeant 01494 775845. The walk
and tea is to support the W.I's charity for this year, the local branch
of Alzheimers support.
LOCAL Produce market at the village shop on 15th August from 9am to
12noon. I have been asked to mention this in good time,.If you are
"growing your own" perhaps you would allow some extra beans, lettuces,
soft fruit, etc. for the village shop. Last year the market went very
well but we could have sold a lot more. Please think about it to help
support our village shop.
Have you booked your tickets for "Pepper Magic?" The 21st Anniversary
Rock Festival in aid of the Pepper Foundation, supporting children with
long-term illnesses and their families. The venue is the Centenary
Theatre, Berkhamsted School. All details and reservations 01442 877292.
Brown e-mail:
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June 25th 2009
SO, you think you are fit? Let me tell you about Tamsin Neale. On 14th
June, she competed in the Nokia Windsor Triathlon . Take a deep breath.
This event was held over the Olympic distance of 1500 metre swim (in the
river Thames,) a 42 kilometre bike ride and 10 kilometre run. Her
winning time in the female age group -35-39 years, was 2 hours 28
minutes 37 secs. The Olympic rower, James Cracknell won the men's event
in the same age group which gives you an idea of the standard of this
event. Tamsin's father, Tim has kindly sent me a photograph of his
daughter looking gorgeous at the presentation ceremony with James
Cracknell. Hearty congratulations, Tamsin from all your friends at Hyde
LAST Saturday at the cricket festival, the President's eleven were no
match for the Hyde Heath team who remain undefeated so far this season.
What will this Sunday bring? Southwell Ramblers are advised to bring
their most fiendish bowlers and strongest batsmen on their visit here.
Win or lose, visiting players always comment on the splendid state of
our pitch. This is thanks to Mike Thompson, it is his pride and joy and
the envy of other clubs.
YEARS ago, red kites were considered a pest and almost wiped out. Thanks
to better understanding and a dedicated conservation programme, they are
now flourishing and are a source of delight to watch their aerial
displays. Sadly we are getting too fond of them and sometimes people
entice them into the garden with food,such as the carcase of a chicken.
I admit it is wonderful to see them swoop down, take the food and fly
away. This is not a good idea. By doing this, the young birds do not
learn how to forage for food and when the ready meals are not there,
they are at a loss and some starve to death. So please just enjoy the
sight of these beautiful creatures as they whirl and float above us. We
are so fortunate to have them back.
AGE Concern shopping bus. ~This Friday, our driver will be Mary
Collins, a change from the advertised schedule. Please check with her on
01494 794581 if you are not a regular passenger.
PAM'S Monday Lunch club. ~The next lunch will be on July 13th. Remember
that there will not be an August lunch. All are welcome for these
splendid lunches. Although they are held at the Baptist Chapel, you do
not have to attend the meetings. Pam and her team hope people will come
to enjoy each others company in a friendly atmosphere with a simple
home-cooked meal. (She is too modest about the "simple" meal - it is
always a delicious feast.)
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June 18th 2009
FINGERS crossed for fine weather this weekend. Why this weekend? It is
the Cricket club's Bonanza. Starting tomorrow night with the Beer
Festival, then regardless of sore heads on Saturday, the President will
muster his eleven and take on the might of the Hyde Heath match-winning
eleven. This is a challenge as so far this season, our team are
unbeaten. Both these games start at 2pm. Then on Sunday, we have the
fun of a six-a-side tournament play starting at 10am. ~What a great
weekend for everyone to enjoy.
A CORRECTION to last week's mention of the next international menu at
The Plough. This is to be held on Wednesday 1st July, 7.30 for 8pm.
Maracas and sombreros at the ready as it is a Mexican evening. An
exciting 3-course meal with wine for £17. Please book beforehand 014094
783163. The normal bar meals will be available with the usual good food
at comfortable prices.
I AM delighted to report that The Ballinger Players are back in action.
They are in rehearsal for an October production of "All things bright
and beautiful" by Keith Waterhouse. A great comedy - just what we need
at this present time when cheerfulness is sometimes hard to come by.
ANNE Lloyd-Jones and myself will do our best to make 26th June a really
cheerful morning for you and at the same time help the work of Hearing
Dogs for Deaf People. Deafness is very much an under-rated affliction
but to have one of these delightful dogs makes a world of difference to
some-one who has to live in a silent world. So come along to the village
hall between 9.30am and 12.30 pm, meet friends, swap family news. show
photos of the latest babies, have coffee/tea and cake and buy from the
attractive stalls that we have enticed to come with their wares. If you
cannot come, perhaps you could send a cake, something for the raffle or
a little piece of quality for the bring and buy table. If more
convenient for you, rather than bringing it to the hall, just pop it
along to Anne or me. We know we can count on you.
OUR indefatigable W.I. is having a charity walk followed by a cream tea
on Sunday 5th July. If you feel that you cannot manage the walk, you can
just go along to the village hall at 4pm and indulge in the cream tea.
Tickets at £5 are available from Margaret Sargeant 01494 775845. Putting
W.I. and tea together, you'll know that you will have a lovely time.
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June 11th 2009
A CALL to Arms! Even as I write, the villagers of Little Missenden are
sharpening their ploughshares into swords and preparing to man the
barricades. It is all about bridle paths, in particular those at Mop End
Lane, Featherbed Lane and King Street. As you probably know there were
plans throughout the Country to open bridle paths to all traffic. Bucks
County Council decided that these paths should retain their ancient
right as bridle paths. However, the secretary of state in far-off
Westminster, decreed that they should be re-designated as bridle paths
open to ALL traffic, over-turning the decision of our democratically
elected members of County Council. No wonder the normally peaceful
villagers of Little Missenden are up in arms.
On 3rd July at 8pm there is to be an Open Public Meeting in Little
Missenden Village Hall. County and Parish councillors will be there to
record the views and anger of the public for a petition to the secretary
of state to rescind his lamentable decision.
BUCKS County Council really does care about our enjoyment of the
countryside. On Saturday,13th June, in Bucks County Museum there is a
Wild Life Day. It is open to everyone from 11am to 4pm, there is no need
to book, just go along. You will the opportunity to meet a range of Wild
Life groups active in the county and it is all FREE.
21st JUNE is the Festival Day of our Patronal Saint John the Baptist. By
kind permission of the owners, a garden party will be held in the
beautiful grounds of the Manor House, Little Missenden. Tickets are £5
which includes a glass of champagne and a bowl of strawberries and
cream. ~There will be garden games and a jazz band to round off the
afternoon which is from 2 to 4pm. Tickets may be obtained from
churchwardens or from the parish office, 01494 862008 or by e-mail
ON the subject of food, don't forget this month's special international
dinner on 24th in The Plough. I haven't details yet but it is always a
good evening out. Ring 01494 783163 for details and to book.
LOOKING ahead to July, The Pepper Foundation presents its 21st Rock
Festival. Performance dates are July, 17,18,19,22,23,24,25 at the
Centenary Theatre, Berkhamsted School. Prices range from £8 to £20.It is
staged entirely by volunteers, all proceeds go to the Pepper Foundation
to fund the Pepper Nursing Team who provide 24 hour on call home care
and family support for children with life-limiting conditions throughout
Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.
CRICKET - Weather permitting, we are home to Little Missenden Misfits on
Sunday, play starting at 2pm
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June 4th 2009
WELCOME to our world, Raya Mae Clode, the infant daughter of Christina
(Nee Terry) and Stuart and first grandchild for Valerie and George
Terry. I am reliably informed that at 8lbs 6ozs she is a most beautiful
baby. Congratulations to the parents and grandparents and to Raya Mae,
our good wishes for a long, happy and healthy life.
PRIESTFIELD Arboretum. Stony Lane, Little Kingshill. This Sunday, 7th
June is Open Day from 10.30am to 4.30pm.Throughout the day there will be
conducted tours of this collection of rare ands specimen trees. many
endangered in their native countries. The arboretum is privately owned
and managed entirely by a small band of dedicated volunteers. You are
strongly advised to wear sturdy footwear as the ground is not manicured
and regretably, it is not suitable for disabled persons. For further
information, ring Barbara Rippington on 01494 564019.
"PAWS for Coffee" on 26th June is sponsored by Amersham Computers. Anne
and I are most grateful for the generous donation from this Hyde Heath
company which offers all P C services and repairs with NO call-out
charge. For further information call 01494 792660. Now the hire of the
hall is paid for, we have out our begging bowls for cakes, raffle prizes
and quality items for the bring and buy table. We know we can rely on
IF you are feeling especially energetic this Saturday, 6th, do go along
to St. Michael's Church, Sycamore Road, Amersham and join in Heatherton
House's ~Dance for Life, from 2 to 4pm. This is fund raising for the Red
Cross and this year features a dance called "Gentle Strength" - about
women before, in and after war.
TEA in the Garden - what an idyllic picture that conjures up! Well, it's
for real on 17th June at 3pm at "Doon" Weedon Hill, Hyde Heath. Hosted
by the ~Friends of Rectory Meadow Surgery, you can be assured of a
delightful afternoon, chatting with friends and daintily scoffing
sandwiches, gorgeous cakes and lashings of strawberries and cream.
Tickets are £4 per person from Anna Hesketh 01494 725081. Further
information can be obtained from Margaret Hedger 786879.. All proceeds
are used to purchase equipment for the benefit of patients at the
SOUL AGENTS are back! Yes, once again this 10 piece band will get you up
on the floor and dancing the night away on 20th June in Hyde Heath
Village Hall from 7.45 to 11.45pm. Tickets at £12.50 include a buffet
supper. There will be a licenced bar for wine, lager, real ale and soft
drinks. Book with Jo on 01494 866458 or 0788 0700433. This event is
organised by the Parents Association of Hyde Heath Infants School
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May 28th 2009
I can
hardly believe that next week will be June, so much has happened during
Ray and Rowena Challinor celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.
They are a special Hyde Heath couple for all they have given to the
village. For many years they supported the British Heart Foundation,
organising sponsored swimming galas. Rowena still ferries patients to
hospitals and surgeries. She must know every parking place within the
South Bucks NHS area. But, whatever his other achievements, Ray will
always be the saviour of the Hyde Heath Village Shop. Looking back, it
was a remarkable feat to have established the new shop, albeit housed in
a portacabin, within ten weeks of the notice of closure of the old shop.
He served as chairman of the shop management committee until handing
over to Chris Sargeant last year.
From us all, congratulations and may you have many more happy years
ANOTHER couple, special to Hyde Heath Drama Group, Howard and Erica
Elson, celebrated their Ruby Wedding Anniversary. Howard has written the
scripts of recent pantomimes as well as acting many different roles. In
Erica we have an inspired director as well as accomplished actress. As
the oldest member of the group, I appreciate the fun they bring to any
production. May they continue for many more years "bringing us sunshine"
and enjoying good health and happiness themselves.
JUNE 26th- Anne Lloyd-Jones and I invite you to a Summer Village Morning
in the village hall from 9.30am to 12.30pm. This is really a posh way of
saying it's a coffee morning. There will be coffee and cake for £1,
cakes to buy, Phoenix Cards, a bring and buy table, a raffle, Joan
Carter with her childrens' knitted garments, a raffle and Muge
Ochedowski will be there with her beautiful anotolian scarves,
jewellery,etc. All the profits are for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People,
this means that every coin you hand over, will go to the charity. The
word "expenses" is not in our vocabulary. However, we would be grateful
for a sponsor to cover the cost of hiring the hall. £35 would do nicely.
Please, will someone help? Of course, we also want cakes, quality items
for the bring and buy and raffle prizes. Anne on 01494 783613 and I on
776193 await your call.
THE management of the village shop has asked me to pass its thanks for
the splendid response to the appeal for Early Morning Paper Sorters. It
looks that we have got every shift covered now.
FRIENDS of Rectory Meadow Surgery are holding a Summer Supper Party on
5th June, 7.30 for 8pm at The Amersham and Chiltern Rugby Club. This
promises to be a fantastic evening with guest speaker, Edwin Rye, B.B.C.
Gardener of the year 2002, A raffle with amazing prizes and a great
supper. all for £12.50. Tickets from Anna Hesketh 01494 725081, for
further information, contact Margaret Hedger 786879.
VOLUNTEERING. If you are interested and would like advice, go along to
Chesham Library on 2nd June, between 10am and 4pm and meet the Volunteer
Centre Advisors. If you cannot make this date, phone 01895 837545 or
IT was with deep sorrow that I learned of the death of Russell O'Flynn
last weekend. On the various occasions I met him, usually as a committee
member, I recognised a man of great integrity and good humour. He will
be missed by friends and professional associates alike. I know I speak
for you all in expressing heartfelt sympathy and condolence to Gillian,
his wife, their daughters, Jacqueline and Susanne and their son,
Jonathan. We are grateful to have known him.
May 21st 2009
IT'S holiday time again! The weather forecast seems favourable. Dare we
hope that it will be picnic time? The village shop will be able to
supply all you need, including the yummiest cakes for "afters." I am
always suggesting that you take time to browse in the shop and recently,
a visitor to Hyde Heath remarked on the variety of merchandise - "not
what one expects to find in a village shop." But then, ours is not just
any old village shop, is it? Unfortunately, there has been little
response to the appeal for paper sorters, do please consider this -
there is a note giving all the details on the shop door.
JUNE is almost here and that means open gardens and tea parties. June
6/7th is Open Gardens weekend in Little Missenden, with teas served in
the churchyard. Rosemary Ladd would like to hear from you with offers of
cakes. This is always a delightful occasion with backdrop of our
beautiful old church, one is transported back to the days of gracious
living when there was time to take tea leisurely and exchange the latest
news and dare I say, gossip of the village.
BEFORE all this can happen, there is work to be done, not only baking
but clearing the ground. John Lamb is organising a tidy-up party on 4th
June at 9.30am. This is mainly raking, cleaning paths and edges which is
not hard physical labour. There is a corner of the Lychgate graveyard
which needs attention. This will require loppers, secateurs. rakes and a
wheel barrow for the buckets of fallen leaves. If you can spare an hour
or two, please give your name to Barbara at For cakes e-mail Rosemary at
NUMBERS travelling on the Friday Age-Concern shopping bus have fallen
off lately. Remember that this service is available to anyone over 60
years for the modest donation of £2. This Friday our driver is Ron
Flint, tel. ... If you are not a regular passenger, please
ring him to check that there will be a seat available, Next Friday, 29th
May, John Bickerton, 775164, will be our driver.
CRICKET. On Sunday we are at home to Nomadic Medics, with play starting
at 2pm. The following Sunday we are hosts to Ley Hill C.C. starting at
2pm. Don't forget that you can read Robin's entertaining match report on
the Hyde Heath website -
You have heard of roof gardens but a garden in the guttering? That is
what happened to me. Thanks to a card in the village shop, all is now
removed and fascia boards pristine white. One call to Highflow Services
- 01494 723955 is all it took. Mr. Gurr offers a complete service of
maintenance to outside property. Keep a note of this telephone number
and he can also be reached on his mobile 07765665476.
HAPPY Spring Cleaning, inside and out!
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May 14th 2009
WHAT a triumph for David Coulton, celebrating his twentieth Hyde Heath
Fete with the biggest bagful of money ever - £4,500 plus. We will not
know the final total until all the expenses have been paid out, but what
a result! As many of you know, I had a previous engagement that weekend
but everyone I have spoken to says it was the best ever fete. Now, David
has built up this event, almost from scratch but although not wishing to
retire completely, would appreciate someone taking the helm while he is
in the back seat. There must be some-one, man or woman, who would like
to take on the job of organising the fete next year. David would be
there to help and guide you at first. Come on! do give it a try. Ring
David now on 01494 775967 or e-mail
I THINK there must be a lot of shy people in the village. So far no-one
has come forward in response to the request for help in sorting the
newspapers on Sunday mornings. This is not an onerous task it takes
about 45 minutes, though the starting time is 6.30am. You can do it on a
voluntary basis or as a paid employee of the shop. Just in case you are
saying, "~Why doesn't she do it?" I am advised that one needs to be
reasonably fit as the bundles of newspapers are rather heavy. In fact, I
have been rejected. Please have a word in the shop with Ruth or Wendy or
phone 01494 774252.
TALKING of fitness, Kate Wallace has started Fitness Classes in the
village hall on Friday morning. This is not basic Keep Fit but exercises
tailored to the individual member. The sessions are in term-time but
could extend into the school holiday period if sufficient numbers were
interested. Each session lasts one and a half hours. The first hour is
for the fitness exercises, followed by advice on diet and exercise with
coffee and Kate's home made holistic cake and biscuits. The cost is £11
per session. As this is a personal Kate suggests that you speak to her
before coming along. Please phone her on 07741 000600.
WE seem to have lost the good weather but with suitable clothing, you
can enjoy Saturday's Beating the Bounds. The whole walk is 13.2 miles
but you can join and leave at any point. There are breaks for coffee and
lunch. For full details, ring Peter Charles on 01494 711657.
CHURCH Bells have always been part of village life,calling the faithful
to prayer, joyous pealing for weddings and the sombre tolling for sadder
occasions. On Monday, 18th May, the Bishop of Buckingham, the Rt.Revd
Dr. Alan Wilson will conduct a service for the rededication of the Bells
of Little Missenden Parish Church. ~This is the culmination of two years
fund-raising by the ringers themselves. The ancient bells had to be
removed (no light task) and the old oak headstocks have been replaced
with new steel ones, ensuring the ringing of the bells for generations
to come. We are all invited to join in this service at the church of St.
John the Baptist at 7.30pm.
FINALLY, my daughter and family thank everyone who sent kind messages on
the occasion of her elder son's wedding. We all had a wonderful time.
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May 7th 2009
IT'S one of life's little luxuries, leisurely reading the newspaper at
breakfast on Sunday morning. However the newspaper part could be in
jeopardy unless someone comes forward to mark up the papers at the shop
on Sunday morning. The description is for a person, male or female to be
at the shop at 6.30am, to help sort the papers, ready for the boys to do
their rounds. It takes about 45 minutes. I have been asked to point out
that you have to be reasonably fit as the bundles of papers are heavy.
Ideally we would like two people to give cover for holidays and other
special occasions. Are you an early riser and willing to accept this
challenge? Please contact Ruth or Wendy at the shop, call in or phone
01494 774252.
LAST week saw one of the most ambitious productions of Hyde Heath Drama
Group. The director, Sally Carrington deserves the highest praise for
her inspired direction, dedication and determination at those moments in
all directors lives when it looks hopeless. How well the cast responded
at the final count and what about the set! With such a small space to
work on, the set builders, I won't name them all, managed to convince us
that there was a staircase leading to the upstairs bedroom and querulous
mother. While we enjoyed the antics on the stage, pay tribute to those
unsung heroines, the back stage crew. "Props" who produced an assortment
of weird objects and the "dressers" coping with instant changes of
costume. No production can be a success without a cheerful and efficient
group back stage and last week, everything came together perfectly.
Finally, a word of praise for the immaculate sound and lighting
engineer,Charles Carrington, husband of Sally- what a complete team
effort it was. As front of house manager, I saw it all three nights and
enjoyed every minute. Thank you all for such great entertainment.
NOW to the great outdoors. The age-old custom of "Beating the Bounds"
was revived in this parish of Little Missenden on 2006 and nicknamed
"Walking the Dog." The shape of the boundary resembles the shape of a
dog. You do not have to do the complete walk, it is 13.2 miles. On 16th
May at 9am, join the procession to "nod the head" around Hyde Heath,
"wag the tail" around Little Kingshill and "shake the paw" around Little
Missenden. There is a map on page 11 of the new Little Missenden
THE "Messenger" has an interesting article about the bells at the parish
church. The ancient ring of bells have been removed, renovated and
re-hung and now there is to be a re-dedication of the bells. The service
will be conducted by the Rt.Revd. Dr. Alan Wilson, Bishop of Buckingham
on Monday, 18th May at 7.30pm,to which all parishioners are invited.
FINALLY, have a great time at the Fete on Saturday, take an umbrella,
just in case.
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April 30th 2009
SATURDAY, 9th May is Fete Day, fingers all over the village will be
crossed for fine weather. We have been lucky most years and even when
the heavens opened two years ago and it rained all afternoon, people
still came, stayed and enjoyed themselves, particularly the lady with
the stall selling umbrellas. I mentioned recently that this year is
David's 20th year as Fete Supremo and now he would like to hand over the
baton. Of course, he will be there to guide his successor but from the
back seat. I have always believed that "when the hour cometh, so does
the man." Where is that man, or indeed, woman now? Don't hold back,
please contact David by phone 01494 775967 or email It could be the happiest call you ever
HAVE you booked your tickets for "Improbable Fiction" by Alan Ayckbourn
? There are tickets available for Thursday, Friday and Saturday at
£9, with concessions at £8. Ring me, 776193, call at the shop or just
come along and pay on the door. This hilarious comedy starts at 8pm in
Hyde Heath Village Hall.
THE Village Shop has a splendid new sign, visible as you come along
Weedon Hill. I often suggest that you browse in the shop as there are so
many unexpected goodies on the shelves. Well, call me a late developer
but it has taken me all these months to sample the delectable Lime Tree
Pantry pies. Savoury or sweet, they are delicious and excellent value.
Admittedly, more expensive than super-market pies but incomparable
quality both in the fillings and the melt-in-the-mouth pastry. Why not
get in a couple for a quick supper after the fete ? (the
shop will be open 7.30 - 1.00 and 2.00 - 4.30 on Fete Day)
You could be very naughty and hide the packaging and take all the credit
- they really are as good as home-made.
AS you know, this News Letter is free but if you take a copy from the
shop, a coin in the charity box is appreciated. The charity is The
Pepper Foundation, a branch of Iain Rennie Hospice at Home, specifically
for children with long term illnesses and to support the families. Your
generosity has been overwhelming. For the period, 2007-8, the amount
collected was £574.13p. For me, this makes it all worthwhile. Thank you.
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April 23rd 2009
GREETINGS on St. George's Day !
THE GENEROSITY of Hyde Heath villagers knows no bounds. I spoke last
week of the collection for Lifeboats and have recently been told of the
donations to Cancer Research in memory of Marina Shirley. To date the
total is £760. Bill Bovington and the family have asked me to express
their deep gratitude for your wonderful tribute to Marina. The fund will
remain open until the end of this month at Beacon Funeral Services,
HYDE Heath Brownies, a quietly industrious group of 7-10 year old girls.
Among their many activities, they raised over £400 for Children with
Leukaemia. I only discovered this by the entry in the Fete programme.
2010 is an important year for Brownies and Guides - they celebrate their
100th birthday. At present, our group has a few vacancies, if you have a
daughter who would like to join this lively pack, contact Brown Owl,
Shanta Gillot on 01494 723683, email:
BEER Festival - a correction to the date in last week's letter. It is on
Friday 19th June, from 7.30 to 11.30pm.
Thus President's Day is on 20th and the six-a-side tournament will be
held on 21st. All details from Caroline Capper on 01494 784043..
"IMPROBABLE fiction" No, I'm not talking about this news letter but the
spring production of the Hyde Heath Drama Group. This comedy by Alan
Ayckbourn will be staged in the village hall on 30th April, 1st and 2nd
May at 8pm. Tickets at £9, with concessions (children under 16 yrs,
students and "seniors") at £8 are available from me, 01494 776193 or
from the village shop. There will be a few available on the door.
HAVE you bought the Fete programme? It is a wealth of information about
the many and varied village groups, the Royal Air Force and the Dakota
which will fly over us again on 9th May as well as useful advertisements
for local tradesmen and professional services. It's a snip at £1., soon
available in the village shop.
LADIES night Hyde Heath Village Hall on 7th May from 7.30 to 10pm. The
organisers are the parents association of the village school. You will
be tempted to buy jewellery, gifts, handmade cards and beauty products
and now comes the indulgence - a manicure? a little reflexology, massage
or what about the ultimate treat, Indian head massage? Tickets are £5 in
advance or £6 on the door from Lara Finch 01494 810049 or from the
village shop. Girls - you can't afford to miss this evening!
THE Parish Annual Church Meeting is on Sunday, 26th at the parish church
following morning service. After receiving the annual report, there will
be the formal election of church wardens and members of the parochial
church council for the coming year. Lunch will be served and to assist
with catering, the parish office would be grateful if you indicate your
attendance by tel. 01494 862008 or email
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April 16th 2009
THE door to door collection in the village for Lifeboats realised
£337.10. A splendid result and congratulations to the collectors. It is
not an easy job, I know, I've done it. It is no good going around during
the day as everyone is out, working, shopping, playing golf. In the
evening, you try to do it while it is still light and people are in the
throes of cooking the evening meal or rushing out to collect children
from their various activities. So, our collectors did a magnificent job,
Well done to you all.
MOTHERS love their toddlers but just sometimes it is good to have a
break and have a real grown-up conversation and cup of coffee, before it
gets cold, with someone nearer your own age. Next Wednesday, 22nd April,
see the start of a Mothers and Toddlers group in the village hall. The
session starts at 9.30 and continues through to 11.30am. ~This means
that if you have children at the school, you can stay until pick-up
time. ~For the babies, there is a special cordoned off and padded area,
so they can play in safety while the older ones enjoy various
activities. The cost per child per session is £2, £1 for a second child.
For further details, please ring Anita on 01494 771013.
HYDE Heath Beer Festival, this year on Friday, 19th June. If you've been
before, you know that this is one of the highlights of our social
calendar and it is advisable to book early. Tickets are £20. which
includes two free drinks, a BBQ, live band followed by a disco.
Application for tickets with your cheque,to Caroline Capper, Chartley,
The Common, Hyde Heath, HP6 5RW. Please bear in mind that numbers are
limited and tickets cannot be reserved.
THIS event is the start of the Cricket Club's Weekend Extravaganza.
Saturday (June 20th) is President's Day and on Sunday (June 21st) a
six-a-side tournament. For details of all these events, please contact
Caroline Capper, 01494 784043.
CALLING all "Golden Oldies." Once again, the cricket club is generously
providing an outing for those of us in the autumn of our years. Some of
the profit from the Beer Festival will fund this. Where would we all
like to go? Caroline is asking for our suggestions. We've been to
Bournemouth, had a river trip and last year enjoyed a tour of the
Cotswolds. Remember that we don't want too long in the coach, say, two
hours. The venue should have a restaurant able to provide lunch for 25 -
30 people and the destination should be a pleasant place for people sit
if they don't want to walk too far. Any suggestions, please contact me
or Caroline.If you haven't been with us in previous years and would like
more details, do give me a call - 01494 776193. Am I tempting fate when
I say that on each previous occasion, the weather has been lovely!
April 9th 2009
LAST Saturday was a lovely sunny day as it was 50 years ago, the wedding
day of Anne and Trefor Lloyd-Jones. A large party of family and friends
gathered in the village

hall to help them celebrate this wonderful occasion. Anne and Trefor are
very special villagers, having lived here for all their married life and
contributed in many ways to the life of the village and for the benefit
of villagers. Do you remember when they ran the "Flitch of Bacon~" at
the Fete ? For a long time ~Anne was a regular driver for the Age
Concern It hopping bus on Friday afternoon, only retiring when she
reached the statutory age limit although we would be happy for her to
drive us anytime, anywhere. Trefor is now a whizz on the computer,
producing the programmes for the drama group's productions and
delightful personal birthday cards for friends. They have had their
highs and lows, who hasn't in 50 years? but have borne their troubles
with great fortitude and good humour. From us all, Congratulations Anne
and Trefor and may you enjoy many more happy years together.
LAST week I mentioned the possibility of a fund-raiser for Hearing Dogs
for Deaf People. This is a joint venture between the afore-mentioned
Anne and myself. It will be a Summer Village Morning in the Village Hall
on 26th June, from 9.30am to 12.30pm. There will be coffee and cakes and
various stalls. Who would like to have a stall? If you have an idea or
suggestion, please contact Anne (783613) or me (776193). Please be
assured that every coin contributed will go to the charity. We both look
forward to hearing from you.
A PARISH Golf Day. John Lamb is organising this event for Thursday 21st
May at Chartridge Park Golf Club. The idea is to bring together as many
as possible across the Parish, not restricted to the immediate members
of the churches of St. John's and St. Andrew's. Please bring your
friends, non-players will be welcome to join for the dinner. The cost is
£35 for the full day or £16 for dinner only. There is a lot of
information in John's e-mail to me, such as the format being Stableford
with full handicap, so I suggest that you contact him for full details.
Tel. 01494 784889 or e-mail
CRICKET at Hyde Heath will be starting soon. Mike Thompson has been
keeping a watchful eye on the pitch, the players have been working hard
at the Nets to be at peak form for the opening game on 3rd May. Our
first visitors will be ChartridgeC.C., play starting at 2pm. Charles
Samuels will again captain the side with Henry Capper as vice-captain.
If you would like know more about the club, please contact our
indefatigable hon.secretary, Robin Richards 01494 774582.
DON'T forget in the excitement of Easter, eggs, bonnets and delectable
meals for two from every supermarket, to book your seats for "Improbable
Fiction" by Alan Ayckbourn. This is the spring production of Hyde Heath
Drama Group on 30th April, 1st and 2nd May in the village hall at 8pm.
Tickets are available from the village shop or from me. I have been
asked to explain that the "me" referred to in these News Letters, is
Sylvia Brown (01494 776193) e-mail I take full responsibility for any errors or
omissions but am always pleased to hear from you with items of news and
details of forthcoming events that you would like included in these
weekly bulletins.
Brown e-mail:
Top of Page
April 3rd 2009
VOLUNTEERING - This need not mean working in a charity shop, worthwhile
and fun though it is. No, there are many ways in which you can give your
time and for some of us, time is all we can give. I have just received
information about a relatively new charity, Brain Tumour UK. It is
looking for one or two volunteers to set up a local support group to
bring together patients, families and carers to meet, say, once a month
in an informal setting. The key note of these meetings is support.
Anyone who has had a member of the family with this devastating illness,
knows the value of support, perhaps from people with similar
experiences. Could you help? Then please contact Jenni Dyason on 01494
LAST week, Sue Flint arranged for a group of us to visit the Centre in
Saunderton for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. It was a delightfully
instructive afternoon. How we wished we could have taken those puppies
home with us.So, we will do the next best thing and raise some money for
the Centre. The date is yet to be confirmed for the Hyde Heath Village
Hall to be the venue for another splendid coffee morning. Watch this
MAY 9th. I'm sure you all have this marked in red on your calendars. Of
course, it is the day of the Hyde Heath Fete. This will be a special day
for David Coulton as he will hand over the baton after 20 years as chief
organiser and innovator of this event. And what changes he has brought
about, each year it is bigger and better. The classic car display brings
people from miles around and what a joy it is to see those gleaming
specimens of bygone motoring days. Again this year Bill Newman has
arranged for a Dakota aircraft to fly over us - a fitting send off for
David, although I'm sure there will be many more tributes to him for his
remarkable 20 years at the helm. So, all please do what you can, cakes
for the cake stall, quality items for the "white elephant" stall,
perhaps runs a stall yourself. The Drama Group will welcome books,
videos and CDs for its stall. Let's make this a bumper year for David.
HOLY WEEK at the Parish church and at St. Andrews. Palm Sunday, a
procession led by the donkey and children, starting at 10.30am from the
Red Lion Green. At 6pm, choral evensong for Passiontide led by the Lee
choir. Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, said communion at 7pm at
Maundy Thursday at St. Johns, Solemn Eucharist for the Institution of
The Lord's Supper with stripping of the altars and garden vigil at 7pm.
GOOD FRIDAY at 2.00pm at St. Johns, Vigil of The Cross
and Communion of the pre-sanctified.
EASTER DAY. 8.00am said
communion at St. Johns, 9.15am Holy Communion at St. Andrews.
10.30am Sung Parish
Communion at St. Johns, with lighting of the Easter Fire.
March 26th 2009
EACH week we hear of the sad closure of another village pub. Hyde Heath
has no such disaster. The Plough goes from strength to strength. Last
Sunday both sittings for the special Mothering Sunday lunch were fully
booked and what a right royal feast we had. It is becoming a favourite
watering hole for parties of walkers who enjoy the excellent bar meals
at extremely reasonable prices. And now, our darts team - all villagers,
won their match this week which means they win the League and promotion
to the top division next season. Congratulations to the players and to
our own team of Chris, Wayne and Linda.
I HAVE received the new time table from Woottens Tiger Line service. I
got quite excited but no, Hyde Heath is not included in the itinerary.
~The changes take place from 30th March from which date there will be no
Saturday service and the frequency of the service Monday to Friday will
be reduced from hourly to every 90 minutes. There is however, a "nextBus"
service which you can access by using your mobile phone to check how
your bus is running and what time it will be at a stop near you. To find
out details, I suggest you contact Woottens 01494 774411.
CHURCH news. On 3rd April a thanksgiving service for the life of David
Mitchell will be held at the parish church at 2.30pm. Winifred has
requested that "black" should not be worn. If you intend to come, please
let the parish office know so that your attendance can be passed on to
PALM Sunday. The procession with the children of Little Missenden School
will start at the Green with processing behind the donkey to the church
for the morning service.
HOLY Week. On Monday to ~Thursday, at the Roman Catholic Church, Great
Missenden, there will be prayer and meditation at 7am. The annual Good
Friday Walk of Witness will start from St.Peter and St.Paul church at
9.15am to the Roman Catholic Church at 9.30am and up to Prestwood for a
short service at the village hall at 10.30am. If you have any queries,
please contact Joan Craig on 01494 864651.
A REMINDER from John Lamb. The "garden party~" on Saturday to complete
the clearing of the churchyard. If you haven't already given in your
name to the parish office, please let Barbara know you will be there
complete with gloves, spade, trowel and any other useful garden tool.
"IMPROBABLE Fiction" - the Spring production from Hyde Heath Drama
Group. The box office is now open for this comedy by Alan Ayckbourn to
be staged in the village hall on 30th April, 1st and 2nd May at 8pm.
Tickets are £9 with concessions (pensioners and students) at £8.
Interval refreshments are courtesy of the group. Tickets are available
from 01494 776193 or from the village shop.
Brown e-mail:
Top of Page
March 19th 2009
is with deep sadness that I report the death of Marina Shirley on 13th
March. She had been in poor health for some time and she died peacefully
at home in her sleep. She was born in Gravesend, Kent but the family
moved to Buckinghamshire in the mid-fifties, at first to Amersham and
then on to Hyde Heath, so she really was a villager for as long as she
could remember. She married Peter Alan Shirley - a villager born and
bred and they had five sons. Peter sadly died in 1982 but with the
support of her sons and friends in the village, Marina overcame her loss
and became a prominent member of our community. Then 19 years ago, she
met Bill Bovington with whom she shared a loving partnership. Throughout
her illness, he has devotedly cared for her, right to the end. I know I
speak for us all in sending heartfelt sympathy and condolences to Bill
and to her sons, she will be so sadly missed. The funeral arrangements
have yet to be announced but the request is for family flowers only. If
you wish to record a memory of Marina, Bill and the family would
appreciate a donation to Cancer Research. You can do this, either by
sending it directly to the charity, saying that it is in memory of
Marina Shirley or giving it to Bill. He intends to collect all the
donations given to him and send the total to Cancer Research with the
names of all the donors.
MOTHERING Sunday lunch at The Plough. The first sitting is sold out but
there are still places available for the second, at 2.0 for 2.30pm.
ALSO at The Plough, on 29th March, there is a "Knock-Out" Darts
competition. I am told that the competition will be fierce - should be
EASTER Holiday "Play Rangers". This is fun and play sessions for 5 to 12
year olds, lottery funded by Chiltern District Council. There are
various venues, at Hyde Heath on April 7 and 14, from 10am to 12noon.
there is no charge or registration as it is not a childcare service.
Full details can be obtained from the leaflet available at the village
AGE-CONCERN Shopping bus to Chesham on Friday your driver is John
Bickerton (01494 775164) and next week will be Steve Epps (771612) If
you are not a regular passenger, please check with driver that there
will be a seat for you.
Brown e-mail:
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March 12h 2009
MOTHERING Sunday. Last year a special service was celebrated at St.
Andrew's church and it was such a success that it will be repeated this
year on 22nd March. All are welcome, even grandmothers! Posies of spring
flowers will be provided for the children to present to their mothers.
Light refreshments will be served following the service. The service
will commence at the usual time of 9.15am. To facilitate the
arrangements, please let either Margaret Dunn (01494 782017) or Judith
Butt (782591) know if you wish to join in this happy age-old tradition,
a celebration and thanksgiving of motherhood.
THE Parish church of St. John the Baptist, Little Missenden, will be
holding its service for Mothering Sunday at 10.30am when the
congregation will be joined by the children of Little Missenden School.
I remember when I was at Sunday school (a long,long time ago,) we were
asked to wear a white flower on that day. I have no idea of the origin
of that tradition.
IT's the time of year when Christian Aid gets some well-deserved news
coverage. For anyone interested in the work of this wonderful
organisation, there is a Christian Aid Evening on 27th March at the
Baptist church hall, Great Missenden at 7.30pm. Supper will be served,
price £5. This promises to be a most interesting and enlightening
evening, please let Joan Craig (01494 864651) or Rodney (
know if you are able to go. She will pass on details to the organisers.
A GARDEN Party with a difference. This concerns the graveyards at St.
John the Baptist church. I pass on this message from John Lamb. "There
is a strong feeling that we should have a second "go" in the three
graveyards to complete the job of a full scale spring clean. With this
in mind we have booked Saturday morning 28th March and I do hope you can
make it. As before please bring whatever tools you have which you think
might be useful. Please confirm to Barbara at the parish office as to
whether you are free."
IT is said that time passes more quickly as one gets older. It seems no
time since we had the summer fete but the next one is but two months
away! I know that David Coulton is well ahead with preparations but he
would love to hear from you offering help. Would you like to run a
stall, even just for a short time to give the stall-holder a break? I
know the W.I. always welcome help at the teas in the cricket pavilion.
This is all ladies talk but the men come into their own in helping to
set up in the morning and to clear away at the end Please ring David
(01494 775967) and pledge your support on 9th May.
Brown e-mail:
Top of Page
March 5th 2009
HYDE HEATH Infants School is a good school and lives up to its motto
"Nurturing Excellence" and its focus on the inclusion of all pupils.
Well, we all knew that didn't we? However it as gratifying for
headmistress, Mrs. Julie Moulsdale and the staff to receive official
recognition by way of a glowing OFSTED report. ~This report is not just
the result of a cosy chat and quick look round the school. It is based
on a two day inspection carried out in January and the responses to a
questionnaire sent out to the parents beforehand. The report is an
amazing eight page document with six headings and 37 items to be
ticked.Each item is grade 1 - 4. 1 is excellent and 2 is good. We need
not bother with 3 and 4 as Hyde Heath achieved 1 or 2 for each item.
What a wonderful testimony to the dedication and inspiration of Mrs.
Moulsdale, the staff and helpers and what a gift for the start of school
life for 57 little pupils.
THE Fair Trade coffee morning last Saturday was a great success, not
just commercially but for the great village atmosphere. The village shop
will be stocking the more popular items, the chocolate, tea, coffee,
Geobars and dried fruit. Weren't the childrens' Fair Trade
tee-shirt designs great ? Such imagination ! another plus for the
school. You can see some of them again on the website -
Bob Thompson added fun with his music but I couldn't spare the time from
the washing up to do justice to his saucy "Knees up Mother Brown!"
CORRECTION. Last week I told you that Workaid in Cheshan take old
computer equipment. I'm sorry but I was mis-informed. They cannot take
electrical items as the places they send goods to, are unlikely to have
power. Electric sewing machines have to be converted to manual.
HYDE Heath drama group are now in rehearsal for its spring production of
"Improbable Fiction" by Alan Ayckbourn and we welcome guest appearances
from Estie Edwards and Mary Coakley-Burns. Please note the dates for
presentation, 30th April, 1st and 2nd May, at 8pm in the village hall.
Tickets can be reserved from me (01494 776193) from now on. Prices are
£9 with concessions at £8.
CANCELLATION. The organisers of the "Flapper Night" due to take place
this Saturday, apologise for the cancellation but hope to arrange it for
a date later this year.
MOTHERING SUNDAY on 22nd March. Look out for the selection of gifts and
cards in the village shop.
Brown e-mail:
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February 26th
CONGRATULATIONS to Hyde Heath Pre-School. Following the unscheduled
inspection in January, Ofsted has reported that Hyde Heath Pre-~School
and Daisy Chain Club is outstanding for its partnership with parents,
promoting the welfare of children, keeping them safe and helping them to
enjoy and achieve. In every other category of the inspection, the school
was deemed "good." The school is a registered charity and the chairman,
Dr. Elaine Lawson commented, "This brilliant report demonstrates the
great professionalism of Rachel Mistri, our pre-school supervisor,
Kirsty Harris, Daisy chain supervisor and our dedicated staff - Anne
Chapman, Kim Bunday and Gayle Muriss. Dr. Lawson went on to express
thanks to the parents for their dedicated fund raising and the
generosity of many local businesses whose contributions have helped
bring about this success. Parents interested in sending their children
to the Pre-~School and ~Daisy Chain Club should call 01494 782845.
SNOWDROP Walk at Warren Cottage, Pednor Bottom. This was postponed from
7th ~February to Sunday, 1st March. Besides admiring and photographing
the wonderful display of these delightful harbingers of Spring, you will
have the opportunity to walk around Bury Lake which is not normally open
to the public. The time is 1.30 to 4pm and parking is very,limited. You
are advised to park in Water Meadow car park.
WHAT do you do with your old computer equipment? Take it to the dump? It
can be put to good use if you take it to The Old Boot Factory, 71
Townsend Road, Chesham, HP5 2AA. The telephone no. is 01494 775220. To
find out more, click on to
A REMINDER that the Women's World Day of Prayer is on Friday 6th March
and our local service will be celebrated at Holy Trinity Church,
Prestwood at 10.30am.
FURTHER Church news. Churches Together are holding Lenten talks in the
Roman Catholic Church, Great Missenden at 7.45pm on Thursday 5th March
when the speaker will be Timothy Ling and on Monday, 9th March with
Keith White. Please contact Rodney Craig for further information, 864651
EASTER Lillies. If you wish to purchase a lily in memory of a loved
one, please contact Margaret Washington, 863768 before the end of March
with the name(s) and £1 per lily.
THE News Letter is celebrating its second birthday. Yes, with a few
gaps, rain or shine, it has been in the Village Shop and on the notice
board every week since 22nd ~February, 2007. My thanks to everybody who
has contributed news, to Chris Sargeant for putting it on the website
and to Rodney Howlett who has helped me overcome computer problems and
of course to Savills for sponsorship and printing. Please keep on
sending me your news, no item is too small because this is your very
own news letter, I am just your faithful servant - see you Saturday at
the Fair Trade Coffee Morning, 9.30am to noon.
Brown e-mail:
Top of Page
February 19th
WELL, the cold weather has left us, at least for the time being. so let
us give a huge thank you to all those people who helped us
through it. Those sturdy paper boys and girls, our cheerful postlady,
the kind neighbour who called on Gloria Wilkins offering help, Joyce and
Michael Guthrie, without whose help, there would not have been any
interval refreshments at "The Wind in the Willows." There were many acts
of neighbourly kindness, typical of Hyde Heath and then, of course,
there is our wonderful Village Shop with its unfailingly cheerful staff
- nothing seems to dampen their spirits. A life-line to many of us.
THE weather was partly to blame for the late delivery of last week's
News Letter. I am sorry about it and I have made arrangements with
Savills so that it should be in the shop on Friday morning latest from
now on.
I NOW have details of the Quiz Night on 28th February promoted by the
parents association of Hyde Heath Infants School in the village hall at
7.45 for 8pm. Tickets are £10 per person, supper included as well as a
complimentary bottle of wine for each table. There will be a licenced
bar (again, please do not take your own drinks as this invalidates the
licence.) Tickets are obtainable from the school, contact Jo Day or
Sarah Caslon.
FAIRTRADE Coffee Morning at Hyde Heath Village Shop on Saturday, 28th
February from 9.30am to 12noon. Fairtrade products on sale will include
tea,coffee,sugar,dried fruits and nuts and chocolate. In addition, there
will be a host of stalls including, Hazeldene Farm, South Heath Garden
Centre, Phoenix ~Cards, Jewellery, Mary Berry ~Sauces and chutneys and,
you've guessed it, a RAFFLE. All this and music by Bob Thompson. What a
start to the weekend.
TALKING of coffee mornings, September 25th is the Big One. The Biggest
Coffee Morning in the World in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. The
Village Hall is booked, please mark the date in your diaries and let's
make this our best result ever.
THE Age Concern bus for Friday shopping in Chesham. This week our driver
is Steve Epps (771612) and next week it will be Ron Flint (..) If
you are not a regular passenger, please contact the driver to check that
space is available.
CORRECTION. Last week telling you about the "Flapper Night~" on 7th
March, I mentioned those slightly risque dances, the Charleston and Big
Bottom. It was in fact, the Black Bottom and I think banned in some
dance halls. It will be interesting to see what Hyde Heath and the "Keep
Clear Jazz Band" make of it. I look forward to Chris's pictures on the
Brown e-mail:
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February 12th
THE main topic of conversation this week has been the weather and the
state of the roads and footpaths in the village. And so it was at the
special parish council meeting. It was the first time that the parish
council held its meeting here instead of at Holmer Green. As an ex
councillor I had looked forward to it. Francis Robinson, our county
councillor was there and we hoped for answers to at least some of our
concerns. What a disappointment! It was the same old story. We'd like to
help but there isn't the money. Not even £400 to replace a grit bin at
the corner of Bromley Lane. £400 is probably one month's community
charge for one of those houses. The money that was allocated last year
for road repairs was a drop in the ocean and we continue to avoid
potholes in the road and often walk in the road rather than trip up on
the broken and uneven footpaths. Poor Francis did his best as did the
young policeman and the evening was a tribute to the villagers for their
politeness and forbearance.
CHURCH news. On Sunday there is a special evensong at St. John the
Baptist at 6pm. It will be the last service for our organist Olwen
Morris before she takes up her new appointment at St Mary's church in
Amersham. There will be refreshments after the service and the
opportunity to express our thanks to Olwen and good wishes for the
I SPOKE briefly last week of the Women's World Day of Prayer. Our local
service will be celebrated on Friday 6th March at Holy Trinity church,
Prestwood at 10.30am. The service has been prepared by the women of
Papua New Guinea. There will be a creche and all are welcome. For
further details please contact Joan Craig 01494 864651.
QUIZ Night on 28th February in the village hall. This is promoted by the
parents association of Hyde Heath Infants School. I have few details
beyond that it starts at 8pm and that the Quiz master is again Ralph
Bartlett so you know that you will have a great evening, even if your
table wins the wooden spoon. For details, ring Jo Day, 01494 866458.
DO you long for the days of the Charleston and the Big Bottom? The
village hall management committee has arranged just the evening for you
on 7th March. Period dress is a must - that's half the fun. Tickets from
Ruth or David on 01494 775967 are £12 a head and include a 3-course
meal. There will be a licensed bar and please do not bring your own
drinks and that invalidates the licence. When booking please advise of
any dietary requirements.
FINALLY, a quick mention of the FETE - this year on 9th May. David is
already looking for helpers, selling programmes, manning stalls, setting
up and clearing away on the day. Do give him a call.
Brown e-mail:
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February 5th 2009
I've said before, what Hyde Heath does, others follow. Congratulations
to Little Missenden for the "Grapevine" - a monthly news letter. I'm
not sure about the circulation, I received a copy by e-mail. It was full
of useful information, so between us we have the area well covered.
Don't forget that this news letter goes out on the Hyde Heath website,
Did you know that the "Crown" at Little Missenden now offers Bed and
Breakfast. They have two double and one single room, all en suite.
Continental breakfast is served in the room.
This Saturday, at Warren Cottage, Pednor Bottom we are have the
opportunity for a Snowdrop Walk, with the opportunity to walk round Bury
Lake which is not normally open to the public
"Under Milk ~Wood" - Dylan ~Thomas's classic play for voices is being
performed at Little Missenden Village Hall on 22nd February. The 3.30pm
performance is sold out but there is now an extra one at 7pm. Tickets
from 01494 890487 are £16 including Welsh cakes and tea. This is a
Hamilton Pike production.
So, what's happening at Hyde Heath ? "The Wind in the Willows" is sold
out for Saturday but there are a few left for Friday night - call at the
shop or ring me - 776193.
Our Village Shop keeps coming up with fresh ideas. On February 28, we
are having a Fair Trade coffee morning and mini market from 9.,30am to
12.00pm. When we had the autumn "farmers market" the local produce was a
great draw - remember how the runner beans ran off the table ? Would
gardners & allotment holders consider sewing a few extra seeds
this spring for the shop ?
SCANNAPPEAL at Amersham hospital is looking for sponsors for marathon
swimmers. Their aim is to swim
1,416 lengths of Amersham baths, the equivalent of the English channel.
Each swimmer has a target of £3,500 towards new equipment to treat skin
cancer. Remember that this equipment is for our local hospitals that the
South Bucks NHS cannot afford to buy. Sponsorship forms are available
from the Scannappeal office at Amersham hospital or contact me .
I have received details of the Women's World Day of Prayer on 1st March,
which I will set out in next week's letter. It is always celebrated on
the first Friday in March. If you need prior information, please contact
Joan Craig on 01494 864651.
Brown e-mail:
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January 29th 2009
SUNDAY is the first day of February and the celebration of Candlemass,
marking the end of Christmas. At the parish church of St. John the
Baptist, there will be a candle-lit service at 6pm. This service has a
special aura of community and friendship. We are invited to stay
afterwards to join in the refreshments.
THURSDAY, 5th sees the culmination of hours of rehearsals and learning
of lines at the first night of "The Wind in the Willows" presented by
the Hyde Heath Drama Group. As I write, there are a few seats available
for this night and for the Friday and Saturday performances at 8pm in
the Village Hall. The matinee on Saturday afternoon is completely sold
out. Tickets from me (776193) or from the Village Shop.
MONDAY, 9th The Drama Group is holding auditions for the spring
production of "Improbable Fiction"by Alan Ayckbourn at 8.30pm in the
village hall. The play will be directed by Sally Carrington.
WEDNESDAY, 11th is a very special event. At 8pm in the village hall,
there will be a meeting of the Little Missenden Parish Council. ~This
open meeting will be preceded by a Planning Committee meeting at 7pmAS
01494 783163.
SUNDAY, 22nd. Is there no end to this month's entertainment? A special
Hamilton Pike Productions of "Under Milk Wood", the classic Dylan Thomas
play for voices. At Little Missenden Village Hall at 3.30pm. Tickets
from 01494 890487 are £16 including tea.
FINALLY on ~Wednesday, 25th it is a Czechoslovakian/Hungarian evening at
The Plough. Again, a fantastic choice in the 3-course menu which
includes a half bottle of wine at £17 per head. Please book early.
for both Valentines Night Feb 14th and Czech evening Feb 25th on the
village website at
January 22nd 2009

WE know
that public transport here is limited and it seems that there is little
hope that the splendid Woottens Tiger Line will include Hyde Heath.
However, the Arriva service on Tuesday and Thursday mornings is a help
and if you have a bus pass, it is free. You can do quite a lot in
Amersham in one hour in the morning and still have time for coffee and
biscuits (50p) in St. Michael's Church. For new travellers, the bus
leaves the bus shelter at 10.15 and returns from outside the Nat West
Bank at ll.30am, dropping us off at the corner of Heath Road at 11.45am.
Even if you have a car it is worth thinking about using it on Market Day
to save all the hassle of parking.
THEN on Friday afternoons there is the Age Concern bus. One snag is that
this is limited to passengers over 60 years. It is really a fun little
shopping trip to Chesham. The pick-up point is first in Meadow Way,at
1pm and then outside the village shop. We stop outside Sainsbury's and
wait until everyone has finished shopping. The bus then moves to near
the main bus stop in the Broadway or into the nearby car park for return
at 2.30pm. Again this allows time to visit other shops and sometimes
even to have a cup of tea. There is no statuary fare, a voluntary
contribution of £2 from each passenger is donated to Age Concern. There
is a roster of drivers, this week (Jan 23rd) our driver is Bill
Newman,(774234) and next week it is Mary Collins (794581) If you are not
a regular passenger, please contact the duty driver to check that space
is available. Each week I will give you the names and telephone numbers
of the next two drivers on the schedule.

days it seems that all is doom and gloom but our village shop will have
none of this talk.. Next month it is the feast of St. Valentine on 14th
- the time for romantic thoughts. The shop has a good selection of
greetings cards and gifts, so come on chaps, let the lady in your life
know that Romance is alive and well in Hyde Heath.
THERE are some tickets still available for "The Wind in the Willows"
including a few for the matinee, but hurry, they won't last long. Call
at the shop or ring me (776103) - do it now, don't spend the rest of the
year regretting that you didn't make that call! You can get a foretaste
of the treat in store by seeing the photos on the website, .
Brown e-mail:
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January 16th
From Mrs. Julie Moulsdale, Headmistress of Hyde Heath Infants School:
"We apologise to our neighbours if they have been disturbed recently by
the school intruder alarm going off at various times of the day and
night. Although the alarm is serviced regularly there has been a
technical problem lately, which the engineer has assured us he has now
resolved. We hope this will restore peace to the village and thank
people for their patience,"
Still with the school, a correction to the information I gave you in
last week's News letter.The disco on 12th February is for the children
at the school and not a public function.
To all readers of "The Times" newspaper and "Sunday Times" please cut
out and save the tokens for Books for Schools.. There will be a
collecting box in the Village Shop.
I always think that a neglected churchyard is such a sad place.We are
fortunate that the grounds of our parish church of St. John the Baptist
are carefully maintained but from time to time extra work is needed. On
14th February, a working party is called for to tidy up the ravages of
this winter. If you can spare a couple of hours that morning, please
muster at the church at 9.30am with gardening tools. With sufficient
willing hands, we should finish the job in good time to repair to a
local hostelry to toast St. Valentine. If you can help, ring Barbara
Cann 783254 who will give you full information.
"The Wind in the Willows" - Tickets are going steadily but rapidly for
the Saturday matinee. You can buy tickets from the shop or from me
(776193). The prices are: Adult £9 with concessions at £8 for children
up to the age of 16 and seniors (I don't like the term OAP) and there is
a special family ticket of £30 for 2 adults and 2 children. This is an
attractive and happy show for everyone. Please don't delay booking your
seats , as you know seating is limited in the village hall, so next week
could be too late and leave you disappointed.
Brown e-mail:
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January 9th 2009
GREETINGS to you all for 2009.
FIRST a huge thank you to the management and staff of the village shop. In
spite of the cold and then the snow, papers were marked up and delivered,
essential supplies were available and all with such cheerfulness. It has
been a positive lifeline. But don't only use the shop in emergencies, it
does need our support throughout the year whatever the weather.
THE Pensioners Lunch at The Plough was a great success. 45 of us were
treated to a delicious meal, cooked by Chris himself and served by the new
manager, Wayne. It was a happy occasion, a chance to catch up on village
and family affairs and hearing the chatter and laughter, made one realise
what a great place Hyde Heath is. I certainly wouldn't want to live
anywhere else.
TICKETS are already going fast for the Hyde Heath Drama Group's production
of "The Wind in the Willows." If you have been stranded on a remote island
in the Pacific for the past month, this is a pantomime based loosely on
the book by Kenneth Grahame, first published 100 years ago and which has
never been out of print. Our presentation is on 5, 6, 7th February in the
Village Hall at 8pm each evening with a matinee on 7th at 2pm. Tickets are
£9. with concessions (pensioners and children under 16yrs) at £8. There
will be free interval refreshments, courtesy of the group. You can buy
tickets in the shop or ring me (776193) to order and then pay at the door
or pay me if that is more convenient for you.
FURTHER dates for February. The parents association of Hyde Heath Infants
School are holding a Valentine Disco on 12th and on 28th, a Quiz Night in
the Village hall. I have no further information about these events but
mark the dates and I will let you have details as soon as I can.