Dec 18th 2008
Have you noticed that Paula and Jed Miller have grown to 10ft tall ? The
reason is that they have become grandparents to twins. Kai, 6lbs.1oz and
Zara 5lbs 12ozs.The parents are Lucy and Matt Presdee. Lucy is the
daughter of Paula and Jed and Matt is the son of Jenny and Andrew. Some of
you will remember Jenny, the popular manageress of the Amersham Hospital
shop. They now live in Westward Ho! and yes, they do play bowls. The
twins, born on 28th November are brother and sister to Sean and all are
doing well. Congratulations to proud parents and grandparents and to the
twins, we send our good wishes for a long, happy and healthy life.
New Years Eve. There will be a party at The Plough. Admission will be by
ticket only. The tickets are free of charge but must be picked up at The
Plough beforehand. Chris is offering a free buffet during the evening.
This Sunday the raffle will be drawn at The Plough. There are 50 superb
prizes, tickets are on sale in the village shop and in The Plough. The
profits go towards providing the annual Pensioners New Year Lunch to be
held on Friday, 2nd January. If you would like to attend, please ring
Chris on 783163. The lunch is completely free, we just pay for drinks.
Some of you have asked in the shop for tickets for "The Wind in the
Willows." Until January, the box office is 01494 776193. The shop will
have tickets when staff have recovered from dealing with your Christmas
requirements. Note the opening times of the shop from Christmas Eve,
7.30am to 1pm. Christmas and Boxing Days closed. 27th December 7.30am to
1pm. 28th December 9am to 12noon. ~December 29 to 31 8am to 12noon New
Years Day closed, January 2 8am to 12noon.
I can't get away from The Plough this week. If you are coming to an
evening performance of the pantomime which starts at 8pm, Chris points out
that food is available from 6pm, so instead of rushing your meal at home,
why not treat yourself to a pre-show supper in the comfort of The Plough.
Please book beforehand. The performance dates are February 5, 6, 7 at 8pm
with a matinee on 7th at 2pm.
This will be the last News Letter for 2008. The next will appear on 7th
January. I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supplied me
with information, I could not do it without you. Thank you for your
generous contributions to the Pepper Pot and thank you to everyone who
reads it on the Hyde Heath website and finally, may I wish you all a very
happy Christmas and good health and fortune in 2009
Brown e-mail
Top of Page
Dec 11th 2008
I WAS privileged to be in the audience for the first performance of
Christmas Play 2008 of Hyde Heath Infant School. What polished performers
they were! No sign of first night nerves. It was sheer delight to watch
but it was the result of dedicated hard work by members of the staff with
the support of the parents. It is a testimony to the success of the school
that so many family members want to come and see the children, that there
is a second performance. Next Tuesday, 16th December, all are welcome to
the school Carol Concert in St. Andrews Church at 10am, with refreshments,
courtesy of the parents association at the school afterwards.
In the temporary absence of the parish magazine I have been asked to give
you details of church services for the Christmas period. At St. Andrews,
on Sunday 21st December at 4pm there will be a family service of Lessons
and Carols. At 6pm at St John the Baptist church, there will be a similar
service by candlelight, followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Christmas
Eve at St. John's, at 5pm, the children's crib and gift service. There
will be carols at 11pm and Midnight Mass will be celebrated at 11.30pm.
Christmas Day - at St. Andrews, Holy Communion at 9.15am. At St. John's,
at 8am Holy Communion with carols and at 10.30am, Christmas Parish
Communion (sung.)
IF you had a 45ft sailing boat, what would you do? Roger Aylward gathered
three like-minded friends and decided to go for a real trip. Tenerife to
the Caribbean. They set sail on 13th November and made land fall on 5th
December. What a journey! You can read of their adventures and see a photo
on the website.
WE can't all go sailing and perhaps you would prefer something calmer.
Well, there is another chance to enjoy "Latin for Everyday LIfe." Mark
Walker will take you through these adventures in a ten weeks course,
starting on Tuesday 6th January at 10am to 12noon in the Library Meeting
Room, Great Missenden. Further details can be obtained on the WEA
www.gmwea.org.uk or contact David Wightman on 863549.
Dec 4th 2008
Another baby boy! A big Hyde Heath welcome for Jack, the son of Edward and
Colette Rix and a brother for Sam and Joe. Congratulations to the happy
parents and to Jack, our good wishes for good health, love and happiness
in a long life.
Last weekend saw the beginning of Christmas in Hyde Heath. On Saturday the
school held its Autumn fayre. Among the various items to tempt us, was the
cake stall. This year it was run in co-operation with the W.I., making it
a special village affair. Need I say that the range of cakes was truly
mouth-watering. I haven't been given the financial result but I gather it
was most satisfactory.
THEN on Sunday, we celebrated St.Andrew's day and the beginning of Advent
in our church on the Common. The church was very nearly full as some
members from the congregation of St. John the Baptist joined us in the
celebration of Holy Communion. Then Afterwards, we enjoyed refreshments
with that special Hyde Heath shortbread from the other Mrs. Brown.
Did you see those lovely photographs of the children of Hyde Heath Infants
School in the Bucks Examiner last week? The school has a full programme
from now until it breaks up on 19th December. In particular families and
friends are invited to the Carol Concert in @St. Andrews church at 10am on
Tuesday, 16th December. The parents association will be serving
refreshments in the school afterwards.
IT wouldn't be Christmas in Hyde Heath without Carols in the Village Hall
on Christmas Eve. Chris Sargeant is putting together a programme. If you
would like to offer a solo piece, musical or speech, please contact Chris
chris@hydeheath.com or by phone 775845. As always, there will be
mulled wine and mince pies to warm us and send us on our cheerful way to
finish preparations for the next day.
Nov 27th 2008
HYDE HEATH NEWS LETTER ‑ 27th November, 2008
WELCOME Harry Lavery, the newly born
son of Kath and Peter Lavery, a brother for Holly. Congratulations to the
proud parents and to Harry, we send our good wishes for a long, healthy and
happy life.
SUNDAY, 30th November is St. Andrews
Day. Holy Communion will be celebrated in our church at 10.30am. It will be
a joint service with members of the congregation from the parish church of
St. John the Baptist, Little Missenden. It is hoped that all parishioners
will stay after the service for refreshments.
WALKING round the Village Shop the
other day, I was amazed at the variety of goods available. I was buying a
Mary Berry salad dressing and then noticed all the other dressings, pickles,
chutneys and sauces on the shelf It's not just a choice of HP or tomato
ketchup any more. Do take time to walk round the shop and I would stake my
new computer on you not coming out empty handed. If you don't see what you
want, do ask and maybe Ruth will be able to obtain it for you.
ARE you still looking for Christmas
cards ? Why not go Along to St.Michael's Church in Sycamore Road ? There you
will find a wonderful selection of cards from thirty dilferent charities as
well as calendars, wrapping paper, gift tags and small gifts. Open every
day, except Sunday from 10am to 4pm.
WHAT are you doing this Saturday
afternoon, 29th November ? You really don't want to watch England being
defeated again. No, you must be at the Hyde Heath Infants School for the
Christmas Fayre from 1.30 to 3.30pm. You may find inspiration for some
Christmas shopping, win one of the great prizes on the tombola or buy a
winning ticket on the raffle. Don't forget to take a bag with you ‑ those
Hyde Heath Shop Bags are great. Whatever you bring home you will have had a
jolly time and will have made a contribution to the school.
Brown e-mail
Top of Page
Nov 20th 2008
THAT indomitable group of parents, The Hyde Heath Infant
School Parents Association, is holding a Christmas Fayre at the school on
Saturday, 29th November from 1.30pm - 3.3Opm. Some of you will have had a
note requesting contributions, particularly for the tombola stalls, adults
and children and for the secret shopping stall. This is for children to
secretly choose and wrap presents for their parents and siblings. Please do
help, I’m sure most of us can find something suitable. We know that all the
money that is raised will be wisely spent for the benefit of the children.
Items will be collected according to the note but if you are going to be
out, please leave donations on the doorstep. Otherwise call Sarah on 01494
772155 who will collect from you. Then please come to the Fayre.
CAUTIONARY tale. You’ve parked your car, bought your ticket from the
machine, returned to the car and popped the ticket in the windscreen — at
least you thought you had. But, as you shut the door, the ticket fell down
on to the floor and when you returned, you had a different kind of ticket
fixed to the windscreen. You complained to the governing body of the car
park and produced your ticket but to no avail. The offence is not having
displayed the ticket and the penalty fine stands. The tickets are very
flimsy and there is no way of sticking them to the windscreen. Perhaps we
should keep a piece of blu-tack in the car or have an expensive car that has
a clip on the windscreen for this purpose. It doesn’t seem fair, so be
warned and take care when next you park your car.
for the drama group’s production of ‘ Wind in the Willows” will shortly be
available. Presentation is 5, 6, 7th February with a matinee on 7th. It is
bound to be a sell-out, so you are advised to reserve your tickets early.
The group regrets that due to ever-increasing costs, ticket prices are
slightly higher. Adults £9, children and concessions £8, with a family
ticket for 2 adults and 2 children of £30. Interval refreshments will still
be courtesy of the group. We are sorry that seats can only be reserved for
patrons who are disabled. Box office no. (as if you didn’t know,) is 01494
TO any
one who has been trying to contact me by e-mail, I am still off-line” but
hope to be fully operational by the end of this month.
Brown e-mail
Top of Page
Nov 13th 2008
THERE are few occasions when one leaves an event saying
that it was all perfectly done. Last Friday at Hyde Heath Infants School was
one of those occasions. I was privileged to be at the Opening Ceremony of
the new building. Gold stars all round to the headmistress, the staff,
governors and all the helpers at the school who contribute so much to ensure
the smooth running of the day to day routine and to events such as this. It
was a delightful gesture to the village to invite former pupil and favourite
villager, Irma Dolphin to perform the ceremony revealing the plaque
dedicated to the benefactors, Vi and Bill Williamson, whose generosity made
the whole thing possible.
following day, villagers turned out in force for the Village Shop Autumn
Fayre. Another splendid occasion! Guest of honour, Mary Berry congratulated
us on having a shop and we are only too aware of our good fortune. I for
one, cannot imagine not having the shop, it is fun just to go and buy a
newspaper and one invariably comes out with something more.
SOMEWHERE in the ether is an e-mail giving me details of the Cricket Club’s
dinner and presentation evening. I am still “off-line.” Caroline Capper
kindly telephoned me with the details. It was a splendid evening held in the
Ballinger War Memorial Hall, decorated with the pictures taken by Chris
Sargeant throughout the season. Music was provided by Dennis Ruff. This year
produced some outstanding achievements, from Jeremy Stephens a maiden
century, he also won the bowling cup. The batting trophy went to Henry
Capper who scored 635 runs including a century. Will Reynolds was the winner
of the outstanding performance cup and the President’s cup went to the
captain, Charles Samuels. If you are interested in signing up for next year,
contact the secretary, Robin Richards, 01494 774582.
Plough is taking bookings for Christmas Day, lunch and dinner, ring 01494
783163. From 16th November, we welcome new managers, Linda and Wayne. The
international menu on 3rd December will have a Nordic flavour — more precise
details later. From January, 2009, these special evenings will revert to the
last Wednesday of the month but there will always be the Thursday night
treat of fish and chips with real beer batter.
Brown e-mail
Top of Page
Nov 6th 2008
URGENT warning. Last week there was an attempted
distraction burglary in Park Place, Amersham. A man driving a small red car
and wearing a black T-shirt and trousers, called at an address claiming to
be from Connaught about a plumbing enquiry. When challenged, the man failed
to produce any ID and drove off. All workers from Connaught will wear a red
T-shirt and carry ID at all times. If you have any suspicion about callers,
please contact the police immediately on 999 quoting URN of 30th October or
contact the police enquiry centre on 0845 8 505 505.
Group. This is a group for mothers and toddlers held in the village hall on
Wednesdays from 10:00 to 11:3Oam. But at the moment, it isn’t! Some - one is
needed to open up the hall, get out the play equipment and be responsible
for tidying and closing the hall at the end of the session. Not a very
onerous task. At present I haven’t a contact number but if you are
interested, telephone me and I will put you in touch.
week, I was privileged to be shown round the new rooms and alterations to
our Infants school. How well that money has been spent! So much thought has
been put into every detail, space has been utilised with effect and
imagination. The staff now have a proper staff room, a place for discussions
and to relax at lunch time. Perhaps the icing on the cake for visitors is
the paved entrance with the names of all the contributors to the building
apologies to everyone who has sent or tried to send me an e-mail since 17th
October. I have been “off-line” since that date. I won’t be operational for
at least a month. So, I’m afraid contact will have to be by telephone (01494
776193) or the old-fashioned pen and paper. Do please keep in touch. The
Newsletter must go out but it can’t without your support.
miss Hyde Heath’s great autumn fare at the village shop on Saturday, 8th
from 9.3Oam till 12noon. An abundance of good things for the table plus
Phoenix cards and Mary Berry signing copies of her new book. See you there!
Brown e-mail
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Oct 29th 2008
GREETINGS from my family in Italy and special thanks from
my daughter for the kind messages you have sent her. We found them all,
family, food and wine in excellent condition.
week is a busy week in Hyde Heath, Friday will see the official opening of
the Infants School Building Project. It is a great achievement that the work
has been completed so quickly and somehow disruption to the work of the
school has been kept to a minimum. The bricks will be displayed as pavers
making an attractive feature to the school entrance.
November 8th is Autumn Fayre Day at the village shop. I said before that you would be
able to get all you needed for Christmas but in fact, there’s even more.
Mary Berry will be there in person to help you choose your particular salad
dressing, whilst signing a copy of her latest book for you. The Beavers and
the Brownies will be there as well as pupils from the school selling the
special Hyde Heath Christmas puddings. There will be a raffle and even I
will be there dispensing cups of tea and coffee with slices of those
delicious cakes available from the shop. Don’t forget to bring your bags
with you or, better still, purchase a unique Hyde Heath Village Shop bag.
Don’t miss this amazing opportunity from 9.30am to 12noon in the Village
Hall and shop for a
pre-Christmas bonanza.
REMEMBER, remember, the fifth of November. The Plough is marking the
occasion with a special Fifth of November dinner on Wednesday, 7.30 for 8pm.
There is a three-course dinner with a choice of starters, a choice of four
main courses and two choices for dessert. The price of £17 per head includes
a half bottle of wine. Please book your table — ring 01494 783163.
WE all
like to have a personal recommendation particularly for fresh fish. Jons
Fresh Grimsby Fish comes to the village every Monday evening. Jon collects
the fish fresh from Grimsby market the morning of delivery . No order is too
small. If you would like him to call on you, telephone him on 0795 8997394.
One customer says it is the best fish she has had outside Ireland.
great week and if you are having fireworks, please handle them with great
Brown e-mail
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Oct 16th 2008
THE 200 Club. Applications must be in the hands of
Jayne Howlett by Tuesday, 28th October at the very latest. Applications
received after that date cannot be accepted and cheques will be returned.
This is not only a splendid fund-raising scheme for the benefit of the
village hall but you have a chance to win, possibly £50 at Christmas. So,
fill in that application form now and take it either to the village shop or
directly to Jayne at Clevedon, Brays Lane.
VILLAGERS of Hyde Heath have always warmly supported the Pepper Foundation,
the branch of the Iain Rennie Hospice at Home charity which aids and
supports children with long-term illnesses and their families. Sadly the
only shop for this charity closes in Amersham at the end of this month. It
was a very profitable and happy shop and the dedicated band of volunteers is
quite bereft. And now another blow has fallen. The 2009 Pepper Show at
Berkhamsted will not go ahead unless a new chairman is found to lead the
show and volunteers to fill such roles as show director, producer and
marketing manager. This year the show raised over £45,000 for Pepper Nurses
- a tremendous boost to help provide more nurses and services to help sick
children. It would be a tragic loss of income if the event could not take
place next year. Are you the person the Chairman of Trustees is seeking? If
you can help, please contact Jonathan Tweed on 0845 675 5566 or e-mail
I was interested to hear on the radio the distress and at times, outrage of
villagers in Wales where street lighting is to be reduced to help save costs
and the planet. Well, we've managed quite well in Hyde Heath with torches
and I've never heard of anyone afraid to go out at night because of the dark
- the problem, day and night is the "third world" state of the footpaths.
Some years ago, there was a request for a couple of street lights placed at
stragetic points but apparently you can't have odd ones. It has to be the
whole village or nothing. So, we settled back and bought new batteries for
more powerful torches . It is an interesting point though, what do you
Brown e-mail
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Oct 9th 2008
THE weather has been a bit mixed this week but the
forecast looks promising for Sunday. Get out your sturdy shoes and make your
way to Priestfield Arboretum, Stony Lane, Little Kingshill. Sunday is the
annual open day from 10.30am to 4.30pm. Throughout the day there will be
conducted tours of the collection of rare and specimen trees growing in a
delightful woodland setting. The arboretum is privately owned and managed
entirely by a small band of dedicated volunteers. Guide books are available
and families are welcome but do take sturdy footwear. For further
information, ring Barbara Rippington on 01494 565269.
you realise that there are now but 76 days to Christmas? The management of
the village shop is aware of the demands of the forthcoming weeks. Shopping
early is the answer and so on 8th November from 10am to 12.30pm there will
be Hyde Heath's own Christmas Market. There will be a wide range of all the
things you will need, from cards and wrapping paper to ordering the turkey.
Coffee, tea and cakes will be available while you check your lists for the
items you have forgotten. Remember the shop is licensed so you can purchase
the wherewithal to serve your pudding flambe.
NEIGHBOURHOOD Action Group. Roy North attended the recent meeting on our
behalf. Among the items discussed, the police urged villagers to report any
crimes they see committed. This way they can identify trouble spots and
apprehend the trouble-makers.. Speeding is always on the agenda. The Speed
Indicating Device was in operation at Hyde Heath on 17th September from 6.45
to 8.45am. The average speed monitored was 37mph and six tickets were
issued. The police will be actively monitoring speeds between Prestwood and
Hyde Heath on Halloween Night. The police do listen to us but with limited
man power they cannot always provide the cover we wish. The Drama Group was
grateful for their presence at the Spring production which probably
prevented the distressing disturbance at the last night of the January show.
THE resurgent Little Misenden Players had an outstanding success with its
presentation of "Lloyd George knew my Father." It played to three nights of
full houses and realised a profit of £2,000 to be donated to Leukaemia
Research, Congratulations and may this be just the first of many more happy
"The Wind in the Willows" will be presented by Hyde Heath Drama Group on
5,6,7th February 2009 in the village hall. There will be a matinee on
Saturday 7th. Tickets are £9 for adults with concessions and children at £8
and a family ticket of 2 adults and 2 children at £30, with complimentary
light refreshments. Early days, I know but you can reserve your seats at any
time from now on by calling 01494 776193.
Brown e-mail
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Oct 3rd 2008
WELL DONE everyone for raising the amazing total
of £662,88 at last Friday's Macmillan coffee morning. My thanks to all those
who helped by supplying milk, teabags and even banqueting roll in addition
to the wide range of raffle prizes. I am especially grateful to Brian
Hartley for his generous sponsorship which paid for the hire of the village
hall. I have heard that one or two people asked if these expenses were
deducted from the money raised. Once again, I assure you that not one penny
is taken out from the money you gave last week. What happened to all those
precious items left on the bring and buy table? The indomitable Ruth loaded
them into her car and delivered them to the Red Cross charity shop where
they were received with open arms.
OCTOBER dates for the Friends of Rectory Meadow Surgery. The autumn supper
will be held at the Amersham and Chesham Rugby Club, Ash Grove, with
entertainment from the Beaconsfield Town Crier. The annual general meeting
on 20th October is in the upstairs room at the surgery at 2pm. For details
of both these events, contact Margaret Hedger on 01494 786879 or other
committee members.
HYDE Heath Drama Group held its AGM last Friday. Unfortunately, a rather low
turn-out but there sufficient members present for casting "The Wind in the
Willows." This is a delightful stage version of the book by Kenneth Grahame
which in fact, celebrates its centenary this year. Production dates are
February 5, 6, 7th,2009. Unfortunately, due to ever-increasing costs, the
group regrets that there will be an increase in the ticket prices.
MUSIC HALL. This year, again we will be amazed at the wit, vitality,
virtuosity and sheer audacity of the cast of Hyde Heath's favourite autumn
event. It all happens in the village hall on 21st and 22nd November. No
other details available at present but I will keep you informed.
IT was with shock and deep sadness that we learned of the sudden death of
John Narcissi. To Eunice his wife, son David and daughter Leanne, we send
our deepest sympathy and most sincere condolences.
Brown e-mail
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Sept 25th 2008
THE AGM of the village hall
management committee was poorly attended which was a pity as after all, it
is our village hall and the committee appreciate support from us, the
villagers. At present matters are going smoothly and the finances are in a
sound position. Particular thanks were given to David Coulton for another
successful summer fete. The hiring rates for use of the hall have been
slightly increased. In her address, the chairman asked for new members to
serve on the committee. We are looking for fresh ideas. We are doing all
right for the present but we must not be complacent and move forward.
TONIGHT Hyde Heath Drama Group holds its AGM and auditions for "The Wind in
the Willows" at 8pm in the village hall.
CUB SCOUTS. Numbers are a bit depleted at present in the Hyde Heath pack.
This group is for boys and girls from 8 to 10.1/2 years. It meets in the
village hall on Tuesdays from 6 to 7.30pm under the leadership of Stephanie
Deimbacher assisted by Mrs. Shah. To find out more, call Stephanie on 01494
HAVE you booked your tickets for the Barn Dance next Saturday, 4th October?
I understand that there are a few left, so ring Elaine now on 01494 775002.
This is promoted by the parents association of Hyde Heath Pre-School and all
profits are to provide additional equipment for the group. The venue is
Great Missenden Memorial Centre, Link Road. The bar will open at 7pm and
squares will be formed at 8pm sharp. The ticket price of £10 a head includes
I HOPE you have booked your table for the Great Hyde Heath Quiz Night on
11th October because there are not many places left. Ring now 01494 775967.
Tickets are £7 each which includes that Great Hyde Heath Nosh-up, or as
David put it, the excellent two-course supper! Anyway, be at the hall at
7.30pm for a prompt 8pm start.
my thanks to everyone who has offered items of every description for the
stalls at the Coffee Morning. I'm sure it will be a huge success and help
Macmillan Cancer Relief carry on the wonderful work it does.
Brown e-mail
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Sept 18th 2008
APOLOGIES for the delay in last
week's news letter reaching you. Due to unforeseen circumstances, there was
a delay in printing and then the copies languished in the village shop post
box until discovered on Monday afternoon. Don't forget that you can read it
on the website, www.HydeHeath.com
WHO spotted the deliberate mistake? Yes, the date of the Harvest Supper was
omitted. It is in fact, this Saturday. If you haven't already booked, ring
Felicity 01494 774111. However if you turn up at Little Missenden village
hall at 7.30pm bearing a toothsome dish, be it savoury or sweet and a crisp
£5 note per person, I'm sure you will be admitted.
ON Sunday in the parish church of St. John the Baptist, Little Missenden,
the children of Little Missenden school will join in the celebration of a
Harvest Festival Parish Communion service at 10.30am. Morning service will
be conducted as usual at 9.15am in St. Andrew's Church, Hyde Heath.
THE parish church is the setting for the autumn chamber concert on Saturday
27th September at 7.30pm. The programme will include the music of Mozart,
Dvorak and Mendelsohn, quartets and trios with Olwen Morris at the piano.
Tickets are £10 from the parish office 01494 862008.
SHED ALERT! this is a police notice. There have been reports of a number of
thefts from garden sheds and garages of lawn mowers, patio cleaners,
gardening tools and other equipment. Do make sure that your outside
buildings are securely locked and items are not plainly visible. If you see
anyone acting suspiciously, ring 01494 465888 - the police control room and
quote Ringmaster.
FINALLY, next Friday 26th at 9.30 to 12.30 in the village hall, the
Macmillan Coffee Morning. I am delighted to tell you that Muge Ochedowski,
who came last year with those lovely scarves and shawls, jewellery and
cards, will be here again. No event is complete without Phoenix Cards and
Carol Westland has agreed to set out her stall with greetings and
Christmas cards,
wrapping paper and stationery. Do please come,
join in a lovely village morning supporting a most worthwhile cause at the
same time.
Brown e-mail
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Sept 11th 2008
STILL the events come in for
September. I heard about this one only yesterday, so forgive the short
notice. Saturday is Music Night this week at The Plough Inn, Hyde Heath.
Yes, this Saturday at 9pm there is live music and a karaoke. Mick and Trish
invite you all, especially those with croaky voices! So come along and join
in what is going to be a great fun evening.
supper this year is a Pot Luck meal. Participants are invited to bring a
dish, for say four people, either savoury or sweet. Whereas traditionally
there would be flagons of ale and cider, this time please bring your own
preferred liquid refreshment. The date is Saturday September 20th at Little
Missenden Village Hall at 7.30 for 8pm. There is a charge of £5 per person.
To reserve your table please contact Felicity on 01494 774111.
MAY I please remind you that this is YOUR news letter - I simply put it on
paper. No news item is too small for inclusion but please give me, if
possible a week's notice. I am as always indebted to the generosity of
Savills for their sponsorship and for printing the copies that are available
at no charge in the village shop. A coin in the charity box is appreciated.
A REMINDER that next Wednesday, 17th is the AGM of the village hall
management committee at 8pm. Do come along, it does not last long and it is
important to meet the members of the committee wkho make the decisions on
the running of the hall. Maybe you do not agree with some aspects and have
other ideas. Well, come along and share them otherwise no-one will ever
know. It is no good complaining if you are not there. On the other hand, you
may want to say what jolly good chaps and chappesses we have on the
are moving slowly for the Macmillan Coffee Morning on 26th - two raffle
prizes so far! Angela Baker has offered to run a tombola for which items are
needed. You know the sort of thing, bottles, cans, toiletries, books (in
good condition) even packs of Christmas cards. Please bring to me or take
directly to Angela. In case you are a new reader, me is Sylvia Brown, 46
Walnut Way and Angela is at no.17.
QUIZ NIGHT on 11th October. Some tables are already booked, so gather your
brainy friends together and book now. For a modest £7 per person you are
assured of a great evening's entertainment with a super supper. Ring Ruth or
David on 01494 775967, e-mail
Brown e-mail
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Sept 4th 2008
SCHOOLS have gone back and this
month is action packed. Read carefully as some of the dates coincide which
will call for careful diary management.
AGM of the village hall management committee will be held on 17th September
at 8.15pm in the hall. Please come along to express your views and comments
on the activities in the hall this year. Maybe you just want to congratulate
the committee on the good job it has done, so be there to show your support.
FRIDAY,26th is when things really hot up. We start at 9.30am in the village
hall with the Biggest Coffee Morning in the World. Following last week's
item I received sponsorship, my grateful thanks to that kind gentleman. I
urgently need offers of help to run things, lots of cakes to eat and to
sell. We can't have a raffle without prizes nor a bring and buy table with
nothing to sell. Please ring or e-mail me to say what you can do. 01494
776193, SylvieSmiles@aol.com
THE evening is an important one for all thespians. In our village hall, the
Hyde Heath drama group is holding auditions for its production of "The Wind
in the Willows" to be staged next February. It has a large cast, including
some children, so come along to the hall at 8pm.
Meanwhile in Little Missenden village hall, the Little Missenden Players
present the first night of "Lloyd George knew my Father". Doors open 7pm,
curtain up 7.45pm there is a bar for pre-performance and interval drinks.
Tickets from 01494 862520 at £10 each with all profits going to Leukaemia
Research. The show is repeated on 27th September and 4th October. Early
booking is advisable for all performances.
CARRYING on into October as again, you must book early, there is a Barn
Dance on Saturday 4th. This is promoted by the parents association of Hyde
Heath pre-school group. The venue is Great Missenden Memorial Centre, Link
Road. You will be called to "Take your partners" at 8pm but get there in
time to visit the bar beforehand. Dancing is to a live band and one of the
best callers in the county. Tickets from Elaine Lawson, 01494 775002 are £10
which includes a meal. All profits are for the group to provide additional
equipment for the enjoyment of our youngest villagers.
A QUICK mention that on 11th October there is the Hyde Heath Quiz Night -
this you cannot miss so book now with David or Ruth 01494 775967. Tickets £7
which includes the usual scrumptious supper.
Brown e-mail
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August 28th 2008
A HEARTY Hyde Heath welcome to Rachel and Andy
Appleyard and baby Jack, born last Sunday. May good fortune and happiness
attend them as they make their lives with us in Hyde Heath.
LAST Friday was the final trip as driver on the Age Concern shopping bus for
Anne Lloyd-Jones. She generously invited her passengers back to her house
for a cup of tea. As we sat looking out at the glorious view, conversation
turned to discussion of the Motte and Bailey site in Chalk Lane. This must
have been a fortification, so surely there was some form of settlement. Does
anyone know if there has ever been any archaeological investigation in the
area? We will miss Anne as driver but assured her that she will be always
welcome as a passenger.
VILLAGERS who braved the elements to attend the Pepper Rock Legends show,
will be delighted to know that the total amount raised was £45,000. This
will give a great boost to the funds of the Pepper Foundation, a branch of
the Iain Rennie Hospice at Home charity, especially for children with long
term illnesses.
WE are almost into September which means it is time to prepare for the
Biggest Coffee Morning in the World on Friday 26th in the village hall from
9.30am to 12.30pm. This will be our fifth year so let's make it a bumper
result. Can you make a cake, preserves, give something for the raffle? Do
look out those objets d'art that you never really liked - some-one else will
love them - we call it the bring and buy table. So make a date to come, meet
old friends and make new ones, drink coffee/tea, eat cake and put coins in
the collecting boxes. Bring the babies and todlers, all are welcome. I would
welcome a sponsor to help cover the basic cost of hire of the hall.
ON Sunday, 250,000 yellow plastic ducks will be released into the Thames to
run a one km. course at Molesey Lock, near Hampton Court Palace. It is £2 to
adopt a duck - the money being shared by three charities, one of which is
the Thomas Ball Childrens Cancer Fund. Any donation over £2 will benefit
this charity. For details see the website www.thegreatbritishduckrace.co.uk.
CHRIS Herring tells me that Curry Nights will resume at The Plough on the
second Wednesday of the month and the International Menu on the fourth
Wednesday - details later.
Don't forget Pam's Lunch Club starts again on 8th September in the Chapel,
Brays Lane at 12.30pm. All are welcome and please let Joy or Dennis Swains
know if you are going to be of the party.
Brown e-mail
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August 21st 2008
I don't
think that anyone has ever seen runner beans actually run before, but they
did last Saturday at the Home Produce Sale at the village shop. They simply
ran off the tables. The event was a great success though we could have done
with more produce. I enjoyed the pork chops from Hazeldene Organic Farm.
The Farm Shop at Asheridge Road, Chesham is open Thursday to Sunday from
10am to 4pm. However it is hoped to start a service with the village shop if
sufficient customers are interested. We can place an order at our shop to be
passed on to Hazeldene who will deliver to our shop. Ask to see the price
list with all details. Meanwhile, make a date for Sunday 31st August when
Hazeldene Farm is holding an Open Day from 11am to 5pm. There will be over
23 stalls selling all manner of things, rides, animals in pens, a barbeque
and tea and cakes marquee. Admission is £2.50 for adults, children under 16,
free. 50per cent of the gate money will be donated to Berks/Oxon/Bucks Air
WHEN the Chiltern branch of U3A was formed eight years ago, were you like
me, too late to enrol for your chosen subject? The branch now has a
membership of 1000 and a waiting list of 300. To accommodate these and
others who may wish to join, the branch is holding an open meeting on
Thursday 11th September in the Drake Hall, Amersham at 10.30am. Anyone who
is retired or semi-retired is eligible to join. Activities are wide ranging.
There are also general meetings with invited speakers as well as excursions
and theatre trips. If you would like more information, please contact Nigel
Lanning 01494 833938.
DID you know about Buckinghamshire's Home Library Service? The service is
provided in partnership with the WRVS. Briefly this is for people who are
unable to visit their local library. Contact the Home Library Service on
0845 2303232. Books, tapes, CDs, videos and DCDs are delivered to Library
Visitors who are trained volunters and they will deliver items that the
customers would like. Perhaps you would be interested in becoming a Library
Visitor? then please ring 01296 387863. If anyone is interested, I have a
leaflet I can show you.
FRIENDS of Rectory Meadow Surgery are holding a barbeque on 30th August at
"Doon," Weedon Hill, Amersham from 12.30 to 3.30pm. Tickets from any
committee member or Margaret Hedger 01494 786879 at £12.50 with children
under 12 years free.
Brown e-mail
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August 8th 2008
APOLOGIES that there was no news
letter last week. I was enjoying a spot of R & R with Margaret and David
Carmichael in Herefordshire. Thanks to their pampering I am glad to say that
I am right back on form. They send their regards to all old friends and
neighbours in Hyde Heath.
Village Shop came into being in 2001 and in its present position since 2003.
In all that time the management as continually devised new and interesting
ways of enticing us over the threshold. To enjoy the latest venture we won't
have to go inside. Outside the shop and the village hall, there will be the
Hyde Heath version of a Farmers' Market. On Saturday next, 16th August from
10am to 12noon, Home Produce will be on sale. All growers, be it from
gardens or allotments are invited to bring their produce for sale with a
contribution or a donation to the shop. As the shop is a community
co-operative all proceeds go to the village. This will be a real social
event as coffee and those delicious cakes from the shop will be on sale and
patrons are invited to sit and chat, swap photographs of the latest babies
and indulge in village gossip. (Those interesting titbits that I cannot
print here!) You really must be there.
BEFORE I went away, there was some confusion over a telephone number. It was
even suggested that I printed the wrong one. It concerns All Clear Drainage
Ltd. Somehow his number was given to a lady who moved into Rayners
Retirement Home in January and has caused some confusion and loss of
business to Clive Cockley. His no. is 01494 775505, his mobile is 07855
752622 and his address is 5 Saunders End, Hyde Heath. I hope that by now the
lady has been given a new number. After my experiences with B.T. last year,
my heart goes out to anyone with difficulties over a number.
WOOTTONS Tiger Bus Service. I mentioned the conversation I had on whether
Hyde Heath could be included in this new service. Rodney Howlett has taken
it a stage further. If it can be proved that a sufficient number of
passengers boarding at Hyde Heath would use the service to Hemel Hempstead
or Aylesbury, Woottons may give the matter further consideration. If this
does interest you, please write your name on the list hanging on the notice
board in the village shop. Bus passes will be accepted on this service and
with the cost of petrol/diesel and parking, it is worth thinking about..
IT'S great to be back and I'll see you at the "Farmer's Market" on Saturday
Brown e-mail
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July 24th 2008
WELCOME to our world. Alfie
Barnett, the son of Steve and Nicola Barnett. Isn't it a lovely name? You
can't help smiling when you say it. Proud parents, Brian and Cathy are over
the moon. Mother and son are doing well and father will come down to earth
soon. Congratulations to them all and to Alfie, our love and all good wishes
for a long, happy and healthy life.
ALFIE isn't quite ready to get his teeth into the latest range of pies now
stocked in our village shop. There is an amazing range of fillings for the
savoury pies which come in three sizes, 4", 6" and 8". There are fruit pies
with a choice of five mouth-watering fillings in one size, 7.3/4" plus
Bakewell tart and carrot cake. All can be ordered in advance. Pick up a
leaflet next time you go to the shop.
THE Hyde Heath Cricket Club is not having the best of seasons so far, they
need some encouragement. Do go along to the common this Sunday when we are
at home to Turville Park C.C. Some enthusiastic appllause from the pavilion
end will work wonders. Don't forget that you can catch up on reports of all
the matches on the website: www.hydeheath.com, click on cricket club.
DO you sometimes wish you had learnt Latin or paid more attention at school?
Well, Mark Walker is givig you a second chance. He is teaching two weekly
courses, one for experienced learners and another for absolute
beginners. He is also running several introductory-level Saturday workshops
in Beaconsfield and High Wycombe. For full information, ring him on 01494
782 283 or e-mail mark@snazzystuff.co.uk. His book "Annus Horribilis: Latin
for Everyday Life" is out now, available from local bookshops.
SPEAKING of bookshops, on Saturday at 10am in the late-lamented Chapter 1
Bookshop in Chesham, the Chesham Museum is holding a Grand Jumble Sale. I
don't know what you may find there but it sounds interesting.
Brown e-mail
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July 17th 2008
LAST Saturday we were all watching
the clouds drifting across the village. Would it stay fine at least until
4pm for The Wedding? Well, there was a little shower but the sun shone as
Janet and Chris came out of the church. Chris Sargeant was there to take the
official photographs along with several villagers with cameras at the ready.
The bridal pair posed for photographs and spent time greeting villagers who
had gathered outside to wish them well. Then they were whisked away in a
vintage Rolls Royce to the marquee on the common. It was such an occasion
for the village - the very first wedding ceremony to be held at our church,
St.Andrews. To Janet and Chris we send our congratulations and all good
wishes for their future happiness.
A FEW words about the church. Flowers play an important part in the
decorations for a wedding. The bride herself provided the blooms and it was
up to Gillian O'Flynn and her team to arrange them. And what a wonderful
display they made, including the little cheeky "vases" on the window sills
that were in fact, glass tankards from The Plough. Walking up the new path
to the church, I wonder how many noticed the little gardens on either side
of the porch? This is the work of Judith Butt whose aim was to make pretty
gardens at the entrance to a country village church. I think you will agree
she achieved her aim admirably.
SOME of you will remember when we had a Junior drama group in the village
and one of the star performers was Natasha Courtney. Sadly the group
disbanded for lack of some-one to run it. Natasha carried on with the senior
group with her mother, June, a hard-working backstage member. They both left
the village some years ago but June still keeps in touch with her old
friends. So it was with delight that she told me that Natasha, now Mrs.Andi
Ewington, is the mother of five week old Zack. Mother and son are doing well
and so is father ! June sent me by e-mail a photo of proud father holding
his baby son. Congratulations to Natasha and Andi and to Zack, all our best
wishes for a long, happy and healthy life.
Brown e-mail
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July 10th 2008
"THE sun shines
on the righteous" and so it did last Friday for the Golden Oldies outing. It
was the last fine day we have had.
Now, where did I go wrong? I
was struck down with bronchitis and spent that day in bed taking anti-biotics.
However the whole party had a
lovely day touring the Cotswolds, Stow-on-the-Wold, Bourton-on-the-Water,
where they had lunch and did some shopping, then on to Moreton-in-the-Marsh.
The journey home was through more delightful villages ending with sincere
thanks to the members of Hyde Heath Cricket Club who financed the outing and
particularly to Caroline Capper who organised the whole show. On board
entertainment was provided by Anne Hamilton-Pike in her own inimitable way.
A joyful finale to a grand day out.
A WARNING. If you receive an e-mail that appears to come from HM Revenue &
Customs saying that you are eligible for an Online Tax Refund requiring you
to enter your credit card and other personal details, Delete it Immediately.
It is a scam. The real HM Revenue and Customs would be grateful to hear from
you. Please e-mail phishing@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk with the details.
THE Shop. The "graveyard shift" were happy to receive recognition but I
omitted one name, Margaret Dunn. She does Wednesday mornings as well as her
normal Thursday morning in the shop. In fact she deserves a special mention.
Who do you think weighs out all those sticky sweets for the little bags ?
Give her not only a big hand but a tube of hand cream as well. The special
Hyde Heath Shop bags are now in stock. There are three different styles and
sizes, ranging in price from £2.99 to £4.99. It occurs to me that a bag
containing a selection of the Hyde Heath goodies would make a very
acceptable gift.
FOLLOWING last week's piece about the Cubs and Beavers, Stephanie Diembacher
e-mailed me to point out that the Cub Scouts take girls and well as boys,
same age range, 8 to 10½ years. The group is having a recruitment drive as
there will be vacancies in September. Meanwhile for more details ring
Stephanie 01494 783405.
I HOPE to be up and about again in time for next week's News Letter.
My thanks to all the good fairies who have helped keeping me supplied with
life's necessities.
Brown e-mail
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July 3rd 2008
PASSENGERS on the Tuesday and
Thursday busses bade farewell to our regular driver Sherie this week. She is
joining Woottons team of drivers so we may meet her again on an outing or
even on a short break holiday. We are sorry to lose her. She was always so
cheerful and has made the rather bumpy journey to and from Amersham more of
a jolly little outing rather than a mundane shopping trip. Good Luck Sherie,
our best wishes go with you.
BELATEDLY Happy Birthday to Wendy Axe. Seeing her in the shop on Tuesday,
her birthday, reminded me what a dedicated crew we have behind the scenes at
our village shop. For a start, Wendy is there every morning except Saturday
at 6.40am. Jo Hance does this stint on Saturday. This "graveyard shift" is
for sorting the newspapers. Pam Ruff does it Monday to Friday, Ruth and
David take over on Saturday and Jayne Howlett is the Sunday Girl. We don't
see them, they have spirited away by the time we get to the shop to select
our paper from the neat piles. I think it is time we recognised what a
marvellous team they are. Let's give them a big hand!
TALKING of unsung heroes, have you noticed the pretty border beneath the
notice board outside the school - near where the re-cycling bins used to be?
This is the work of Ken Rose (husband of Mary.) No-one asked him to do it,
he thought it looked a bit of a mess so brought along his spade and some
plants and got on with it. Public spirit in action!
WHEN the school term ends this month so will the weekly meetings of Cub
Scouts and Beavers until September. Then there will be vacancies in both
groups. Cub Scouts, boys from 8 to 10.1/2 years meet in the village hall on
Tuesdays from 6 to 7.30pm. The Leader is Stephanie Diembacher (01494 783405)
Please ring her to find out more or enrol your son. Beavers are girls and
boys from 6 to 8 years. Under the leadership of Tim Wye (792387) they meet
in the school hall on Tuesdays from 6.15 to 7.15pm. Both groups have a lot
of fun and learn all sorts of useful things - you'd be surprised how handy
it is to know how to tie the right kind of knot.
LAST week I mentioned the Macmillan Coffee Morning on 26th September. Has
anyone an original idea for a money-making stall? We will have a bring and
buy table and I will be grateful for donations of quality items to sell. We
need raffle prizes and of course cakes and more cakes. I emphasize that this
is the complete charity event. Everything is given. No-one asks for expenses
and the one or two commercial stalls always give a most generous donation
from their takings. So you can be confident that every coin you put into the
collecting box will go to Macmillan Cancer Support.
Brown e-mail
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June 26th 2008
FOLLOWING my news letter last week
about the new Woottons bus service and the general dismay that Hyde Heath is
not included, I telephoned Woottons office. The gentleman I spoke to was
sympathetic. However he said that although Hyde Heath had been considered
for the route, it would have made the journey too long. So we will have to
make our own way to Chesham or Great Missenden and join the bus there. An
expensive parking fee but bus passes will be accepted on this service. He is
sending me a time table.
CONGRATULATIONS to Chris and Margaret Sargeant on the occasion of their 40th
wedding anniversary (Ruby.) They are always in the forefront of village
activities. Margaret is an active member of the Evening W.I., having served
at least one term as president. Last week she organised a Sunday afternoon
ramble followed by a cream tea in the village hall. This was well attended
including some non-walkers and raised £175 for the Stoke Mandeville Eye
Hospital. Chris, as you know, is the "Voice" at the Hyde Heath Fete, a past
president of the Society of Dyers and Colourists,and now chairman of the
Hyde Heath Village Shop committee. With all this he found time to set up and
now runs the Hyde Heath website which is read around the globe. It is
heart-warming that people who left the village years ago now get in touch
with us and love to hear our news. Happy Anniversary Chris and Margaret.
SPEAKING of anniversaries, 12th July marks the day when the Pepper Rock
Legends began to play 20 years ago. It is Berkhamsted's biggest and best
live music show, featuring our own David Bevan. Forget Glastonbury, come to
the Centenary Hall, Berkhamsted Collegiate School, Kings Road, HP4 3BG.
Seven incredible performances on 12,13,15,16,l7,18,19 July from 6.30pm, on
Sunday from 3.30pm. Buffet food is available after the show until 11.30pm,
Sunday until 8.30pm. Tickets are £12.50 to £20 with concessions at £7.50.
The box office is open at Acorn Pharmacy, 256 High Street, Berkhamsted or
ring ticket hotline 01442 877292. There is a 50p per ticket booking fee for
credit card purchases. The Pepper Foundation uses all proceeds to fund the
Pepper Nursing Team which provides care and support to children with
life-limiting and terminal illnesses and their families. To find out more
click on to www.peppershow.com.
TWO dates for your diaries. 30th August, The Friends of Rectory Meadow
Surgery are holding a barbecue at "Doon," Weedon Hill, Hyde Heath from 12.30
to 3.30pm. Tickets are £12.50, children under 12 years free. Please book
with a member of the committee or with Margaret Hedger 01494 786879. Then
26th September is The Big One - The Biggest Coffee in the World in aid of
Macmillan Cancer Support in the Village Hall from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Please
note the date and help to make our best ever result.
Brown e-mail
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June 19th 2008
THE Plough came first in the
Highly Commended category in this year's Chiltern Pubs competition. Of
course this isn't news to us but it is good for Chris to have official
recognition. Chris has asked me to thank everyone who took time to fill in
the form nominating The Plough as the best pub for miles around. Continuing
the monthly international menus, this month on Wednesday 25th, it is the
turn of France. The three course meal with wine in £16, It is advisable to
book your table, please ring 01494 783163.
STILL on the subject of food, have you studied the leaflet sent round by the
village shop? There really is an amazing selection of good things. Have you
espied those little mini cake/loaves, fruit and spicy fruit? Just right with
an afternoon cup of tea. The management is to be congratulated on the
interesting displays and new ideas for every occasion and season. Please
don't just go in and pay the paper bill, take time to walk round, you will
be amazed at the range of the stock to suit all tastes, diets and pockets.
BUILDING work at the school continues apace. A new classroom was completed
at the end of May. It is a lovely, light,airy room for Year 1 at long last
to have its own permanent classroom. The cloakroom has been completely
re-furbished. The next phase is the re-furbishment of the school hall and
the new staff room extension. Unfortunately this means that the hall will be
out of action for a while but the Brownies and Beavers have been very
understanding in making alternative arrangements for their meetings this
half-term. To reduce the amount of disruption, work on the two remaining
classrooms will be carried out during the summer holidays.
WHEN I received an e-mail announcing a new local bus service, I cheered. But
my joy was short-lived. The new Woottens Tiger Line service will link Hemel
Hempstead to Aylesbury via Chesham, Great Missenden, Wendover and Stoke
Mandeville hospital. Not a mention of Hyde Heath. Details of the service can
be found on www.woottens.co.uk.
I WAS deeply saddened to learn of the death of Sue Harrison of Walnut Way.
Throughout her illness, her courage and fortitude was unfailing. When
treatment resulted in nasty side-effects, she battled on without complaint,
tending her allotment until the last few months. I know I speak for you all
when I say how much I will miss her and send to her husband Roger, her
daughter Rachel and son David our deepest sympathy and most sincere
condolence. It was a privilege to have known her.
Brown e-mail
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June 12th 2008
WHEN I wrote last week, I was
unaware of two important events. The first happened last Saturday, 7th June.
It was the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Ann and Ken Honour of Heath Road.
Ann is a dedicated member of the Hyde Heath Village Society and jealously
guards the common land around the village. Any encroachment has Ann to
reckon with. Together Ann and Ken have given much to Hyde Heath in terms of
support and valuable time. We send them our congratulations and good wishes
for many more happy years together.
THE second event is the Patronal Festival of St. John the Baptist at our
parish church in Little Missenden, 20th-22nd June. It begins on Friday, 20th
at 7.30pm in the church with Midsummer Night Music amidst the flowers. A
concert of romantic and pastoral music, wine and canapes are included in the
ticket price of £10. For tickets and all information about the festival,
please contact Barbara Cann on 01494 783254 as at the moment there is some
difficulty with the parish office computer. Saturday, 21st The Flower
Festival, a veritable feast of delight in the church from 11am to 6pm. free
admission. From 3 to 5pm, there is open-air music in the churchyard. Bring a
picnic and enjoy the music of "Chez D'Ash" or join in history tours, try
your hand at bell-ringing or browse among the stalls for things you never
knew you needed. There is also the opportunity to visit some open gardens,
details available in the church. So much to see and do but to keep you
going, teas are available. On Sunday, after the Patronal Festival Service at
10.30 in the church, the flower festival, stalls and teas continue all
afternoon until 5pm. The Festival ends with Evensong at 6pm in the parish
VAMOOSE has a new meaning - burglaries, the theft of vehicles where keys
have been stolen from inside the owner's property. Recently there have been
an alarming number of such thefts in the district. Cars are parked in the
drive-way and the keys are easily accessible from inside the house. The
thieves always seem to know where to look even if you think you have hidden
them securely. If you notice anything suspicious or have information about
a recent theft, contact the Police Enquiry Centre 0845 8 505 505 and please
quote Ringmaster.
FINALLY a reminder that 19th June is the very last day on which you can
register your objection to the proposed new flight paths bringing planes
from Luton Airport disturbing our peace as they fly ever lower over Chiltern
villages. To register and for all details, click
here . If you are
concerned, please do it now. It's no good to start moaning when your Sunday
afternoon in the garden is spoiled if you didn't take those few minutes to
click on when you had the chance to say "NO!"
Brown e-mail
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June 5th 2008
SURELY things can only get better
after almost two weeks of constant rain. June should be Party Month so let
us be positive. The biggest party of the month will be the Moonlight Walk
this weekend in aid of Iain Rennie Hospice at Home. Good Luck to any Hyde
Heath ladies who are taking part.
JUNE 14TH is the day to put on your dancing shoes and dance all your cares
away to the strains of the Soul Agents. I understand that there are still
some tickets available at £12.50, supper included. Ring Julie Gannon on
07756 93 4371 or ask at the school. The event is organised by the Parents
Association of Hyde Heath Infants School and all profits are for the benefit
of the pupils. So, from 8 to 11.30pm in the village hall, have a great
evening and at the same time know you are are helping to support our
wonderful little school.
JUNE 15th is Fathers Day and the village shop, always in tune to current
events, has an excellent selection of gifts and greetings cards for that
very special man of the family.
JUNE 18th, join the Friends of Rectory Meadow Surgery at a tea party at
"Doon" Weedon Hill at 3pm. The cost is £4 and booking forms have been sent
out but if somehow you have been missed, ring Margaret Hedger 01494 786879.
MORE tea and cakes on JUNE 22nd. The W.I. has planned a walk (weather
permitting) to be followed by a cream tea in the village hall. You don't
have to do the walk, pay your £5 and just go along for the tea, first
telling Margaret Sargeant that you will be there - 01494 775845. This whole
event is another in the programme for this year's chosen charity, Stoke
Mandeville Eye Hospital.
JUNE 20th is the start of Hyde Heath's Cricket Bonanza - the Beer Festival.
From 7.30-11.30pm you can sample different beers, enjoy a super barbeque
with music by a live band followed by a disco. The following day is
President's Day with some cricket, depending on hang-overs and the weekend
ends on Sunday with a six-a-side tournament. Tickets for the Beer Festival
are £15 available from Caroline Capper 01494 784043. You will be drinkig in
a good cause as some of the profits will go towards the outing that the
cricket club arrange for Hyde Heath's "Golden Oldies." This year it is to be
a tour of the Cotswolds, no doubt bringing nostalgic memories of courting
days and dalliance in village hostelries when the world was young.
Brown e-mail
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May 29th 2008
OH Dear - what a week! The rain it
raineth every day upon the just and unjust fella but more upon the just
because the unjust has the just's umbrella.
AMIDST the gloom, a ray of sunshine in the form of Hyde Heath Motors. Last
Friday, we (my daughter from Italy) and I were about to go out. I got in the
car, turned the key - nothing. A flat battery. Now I am useless when faced
with such a situation. What can I do I wailed to Sue in the shop. Go and see
Bruce she said.So I did. He came up, no bother, simply connected the jump
leads, ordered a new battery and when mine was sufficiently charged up, I
drove to the garage. Nina and I went into Chesham on the Age Concern bus. On
our return, the car was waiting, all done, no fuss at all. To me a tiny
miracle and yet another reason to live in Hyde Heath.
SOME time ago I wrote about all the services we have here on our doorstep.
Everyone knows the invaluable Stee Barnett as he must know the details of
our most intimate plumbing. But when the trouble goes a bit deeper - the
drains, Clive Cockley is your man. If you suspect you have a leaking pipe,
he will locate it for you in a trice. He has an uncanny touch about such
things. Keep this number near your phone -01494 775598. Our friendly
electrician is not far away. Bill Cann, can and will cater for all your
electrical needs for your peace of mind note this simple number, 01494 79
2334 or mobile 07946 538342.
SO, everything is all right with the car, the plumbing, the drains and the
electrics and you can sit back and enjoy yourselves. Once again, the answer
is here on the doorstep. Dance all your cares away on June 14th to the beat
of The Soul Agents. It is the annual dance organised by the Parents
Association of Hyde Heath Infants School in the village hall from 8 to
11.30pm. Tickets are £12.50 a head which includes supper. There will be a
licenced bar. It is always a sell-out so book now from Julie Gannon 07756 93
4371 or from the school.
THE cricket season has had a poor start. Poor Mike Thompson has had his work
cut out to maintain a playable pitch. If play is possible on sunday, we are
hosts to Ley Hill C.C. with play starting at 2pm. Dont' forget you can get
all information about the club by clicking on to the website
www.HydeHeath.com or contact
the President and Secretary, Robin Richards 01494 774582.
IT'S back to school next week so the weather will probably improve. For all
of you taking exams, Good Luck, whatever the outcome, we know you will have
done your best.
Brown e-mail
Top of Page
May 22nd 2008
LAST week I urged you to register
your objection to the proposed alteration in the flight paths of planes from
Luton as the closing date was today. Since then I have been told that the
date has been extended to 19th June. Are you wondering what I am talking
about? The re-routing of flights would mean planes flying low over Chiltern
villages, including Hyde Heath and the surrpounding area of outstanding
natural beauty. That's it in a nutshell. It seems that the issue has not had
enough publicity to make people aware of the threatened change to the
relative peace and tranquillity that we take for granted. To find out more,
click on to the website www.thelee.org.uk
ONE thing we never take for granted is our wonderful Village Shop. There is
now an additional range of freshly baked cakes. Have you tried Debbies
frozen home-made meals? Here you will find a wide selection, including at
least one for vegetarians. And if you want to do it yourself, the freezer
cabinet has chicken pieces, steak, mince and naughty chips. To purchase any
of these goodies, please bring your own bag. If you do use one of ours, help
us by using it again. Shortly we will be offering our own Hyde Heath "bag
for life" - don't leave home without it.
THE management of the shop is optimistic. It talks of the summer and
children playing on the common. A happy thought and in the shop you will
find bouncy balls, balsa wood planes, spinning discs, etc. all at reasonable
prices. Just in case we have some rainy days, I'm sure there will be
colouring books and similar past-times.
LET us hope that 8th June is a fine, warm day. This is the day to visit
Priestfield Arboteum in Stony Lane, Little Kingshill. There you will find a
private collection of rare and specimen trees, tended and managed entirely
by volunteers. It is open to visitors on this one day only and the
volunteers conduct guided tours throughout the day from 10.30am to 4.30pm.
Stout footwear is recommended. I'm not sure if teas are available this year
but check with Barbara Rippington 01494 565269. The admission charge is £3
and children are free.
WHAT are you doing next Saturday, 31st ? Why not do the "Martyrs Walk" in
Old Amersham. It is a guided walk with detailed explanations of significant
points along the route. Meet at Amersham Museum in comfortable shoes, at
2.30pm. The walk takes about two hours and the cost per person is a modest
THE next day, 1st June, relax on the common while Hyde Heath Cricket Club do
all the work. We are hosts to Ley Hill C.C. and play starts at 2pm. Have you
got your tickets for the Beer Festival on 20th June? If not, ring Caroline
Capper now - 01494 784043. - Cheers and have a great weekend whatever you
are doing.
Brown e-mail
Top of Page
May 15th 2008
AN important reminder. Next
Thursday, 22nd May is the closing date to register your objection to the
proposed new flight paths from Luton which means planes will fly lower and
further south. We will suffer increased noise as they fly over our Chiltern
villages - an area of outstanding natural beauty. For details click on to
www.thelee.org.uk .
WHAT a day we had last Saturday! Sally Carrington won the programme
competition and that green Bentley (what a beauty!) was judged best in show
of the classic cars. As I write, final figures are not available but that's
not important. It was a few years ago, but thanks to Bill Williamson's
bequest, local authority grants and careful husbandry of our resources, we
have a bit in hand. It is a wonderful village occasion, bringing all
villagers together - that's the important thing. Once again thanks to David
Coulton and his team for all their hard work which culminated in a Grand Day
Out. Do click on to the website, Chris has taken some superb photos of the
Spitfire, the birds and people
www.HydeHeath.com .
THE number of coffee shops in Sycamore Road, Amersham is becoming a joke but
there is always room for one more. This is one with a difference. "Lunch
Break" at Amersham Free Church, corner of Woodside and Sycamore Roads. Open
only on Tuesdays from 12noon to 2pm, it offers freshly brewed coffee,
speciality teas and soups, all at 50p ! There are snacks or you can
bring your own. Newspapers are available to read there. From 1.10 to 1.30pm
there is a talk or music. And that's not all, from 3 to 4.30pm, pop in for
tea, cakes and a chat. For further details ring Gillian on 01494 773458.
DO you like Chinese food? On 28th May, instead of having to go down to
Amersham or Chesham, come along to The Plough. Continuing his monthly
international menus on the last Wednesday, Chris is going Chinese this
month. It is advisable to book your table, so please ring 01494 783163.
FRIENDS of Rectory Meadow Surgery are having a tea party on 18th June at
"Doon" Weedon Hill, Hyde Heath at 3pm. The cost is £4. I am assured that
booking forms will be sent out in good time but please note the date now.
STOKE Mandeville Eye Hospital is the beneficiary the year of our W.I's
special fund raising events. On June 22 (Sunday) a walk is planned (weather
permitting) followed by a cream tea in the village hall. You do not have to
do the walk but just go along for the tea, cost £5. When you put W.I. and
Tea together, you know you will enjoy yourselves. Please let Margaret
Sargeant know if you are joining in the walk or just going for tea - 01494
Have a good weekend and Spring half-term holiday.
Brown e-mail
Top of Page
May 8th 2008
ALL our thoughts are for Saturday,
will it be a fine day ? Surely it can't be like last year. According to the
forecasts in the newspapers, it looks to be O.K.
THIS year is to be David Coulton's penultimate year as chairman and what a
job he has done these past nineteen years. Perhaps his greatest achievement
has been to get the whole village involved, like Henry V at Agincourt,
"Villagers now abed, will think themselves accursed they were not here at
Hyde Heath Fete Day!" I well remember when we were new to Hyde Heath I tried
to offer my services to three different people and was rebuffed at every
turn. It was not until David took the helm that I offered again and found
myself running the white elephant stall for six years. David's inspirational
idea of the classic car display is now a terrific draw - everyone loves
these gleaming machines.
WITH all that is on offer on the common, you will find time to visit the
Flower Festival in the church, won't you?
LAST week, Hyde Heath Infants School enjoyed a Music, Sound and Hearing
Week. It started with an interactive music show with a weird and wonderful
collection of musical instruments to help the children learn how sound is
produced from the various families of instruments. The week concluded with a
hands-on music workshop, the children performing their own talent show and a
live performance by members of the Amersham Town Band. Mrs Moulsdale,
the headmistress was delighted with the benefit gained from this special
week. Summing up she said,"This themed week has given each child the
opportunity to develop its individual creativity, learning about science,
literacy, numeracy, history and geography through music."
DUE to the building work being carried out at the school, it will not be
possible to open the school to visitors on Fete Day. However, the work is
expected to be completed by the start pf the autumn term and a Grand Opening
Ceremony is planned for later this year.
ALTHOUGH the sacred square of the cricket pitch is roped off for the fete,
the outfield will be somewhat churned up, so for Sunday's match we are away
at The Lee with play starting at 2pm. For all details and enquiries about
the club, contact the secretary, Robin Richards, 01494 774582
I TAKE this opportunity to thank everyone who has given me books and videos
for the Drama Group's bookstall at the Fete. the response has been
overwhelming. Even when Saturday is all over, I will gladly take any books
you care to donate for the Scannappeal bookshop at Amersham hospital and for
the Pepper Shop (a branch of Iain Rennie Hospice at Home) in Sycamore Road,
HAVE a great time on Saturday, I'll see you there.
Brown e-mail
Top of Page
May 1st 2008
HERE we are into May, the month
for casting clouts, for the F.A.Cup final, the official stsrt of the Hyde
Heath cricket season, the new council tax bill and the Village FETE.
WE start on Saturday with BINGO in the village hall at 8pm. There are some
seats still available but ring Caroline Capper now to ensure you have your
fish and chip supper, 01494 784043. Admission is £10 a head. There will be a
licenced bar.
SUNDAY 4th, the cricket team is host to Chartridge C.C.play starting at 2pm,
weather permitting. Last week's inter club match was called off after
the heavy rain in the morning. Please come and support our lads.
SATURDAY 10th is of course, FETE Day, weather notwithstanding. Please don't
forget to visit the Flower Festival in St. Andrew's Church - a haven of
loveliness and calm engendered by the floral arrangements from each group or
society in the village.
JUNE brings further joys. On 14th we welcome once again the Soul Agents. The
Parents Association of Hyde Heath Infants School invite you to dance the
night away to the music of our favourite band. Where? In the village hall,
of course from 8 to 11.30pm. The cost per head is £12.50 which includes
supper. There will be a licenced bar. Tickets are available from the school
or ring Julie Gannon 07756 93 4371.
the village shop held on Wednesday evening was well attended. In his opening
remarks, the chairman, Ray Challinor was pleased to announce that membership
had increased significantly and that we have become a model for other
villages who have lost their shops. Tim Neale, the treasurer reported an
increase in profits in spite of competition from supermarkets and to the
delight of the members announced that we have given a total of £3,000 to the
school for its building project. He warned that next year will be tougher in
view of the general financial position but hoped that we will at least break
even. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to Ray Challinor who announced
his resignation as chairman. It was Ray who got the whole business going in
2001 and who has steered us through these seven years to the good position
we are now in. So it was with heartfelt thanks we applauded him as Chris
Sargeant, the incoming chairman, Ruth Coulton, manageress, and the
committee, presented him with a framed map of 1840
Buckinghamshire, with Hyde Heath shown on the Chiltern ridge.
Brown e-mail
Top of Page
April 24th 2008
time flies when one is enjoying oneself ! This is the last news letter for
April. however, you still have time for April pleasure this weekend. On
Friday and Saturday there will be tickets available at the door for "Blithe
Spirit" in the village hall at 7.45pm. Price £7.50 with concessions £6.50. A
delightful light-hearted evening's entertainment, a lovely set and beautiful
dresses with an all-star cast of your favourite Hyde Heath thespians.
INTO May it is Bingo Night on Saturday 3rd. This is a Hyde Heath Cricket
Club evening, so you know you are in for a good time. The price is £10 a
head which includes a fish and chip supper. There will be a bar open for
drinks. It is likely to be a sell-out so book now with Caroline Capper 01494
784043 or Richard Cousins 786502
STILL with the Cricket Club, the Weekend Extravaganza starts on 20th June
with the Beer Festival. Tickets are £15 which include two free drinks, BBQ,
live band followed by a disco. This is the main fund-raising event of the
club to enable it to maintain the common, pavilion and playing equipment for
the coming season. (Starting this Sunday with an inter-club match.) Some of
the profits are used for the "Golden Oldies" day out - where shall we go
this year? Tickets for the Beer Festival and all details and enquiries from
Caroline Capper. Visit the website
www.hydeheath.com for all news and updates.
HYDE Heath Village Shop Ltd. is holding its annual general meeting in the
village hall next Wednesday, 30th April at 8pm. The chairman and members of
the committee look forward to meeting all the loyal supporters of our unique
village shop.
THIS week I was a guest of Amersham Town Council at its Annual Meeting as a
representative of The Chiltern Friends of the Endeavour. Another speaker's
cause was Age Concern. She spoke passionately of the needs of elderly
housebound men and women, particularly their loneliness. Age Concern try to
provide visitors, even for just one hour a week to bring a glimpse of the
outside world and let these lonely souls know they are not forgotten. Can
you help with this?
IS there a young would-be thespian in your house? Shed@ThePark Theatre
Company, a truly vibrant organisation, will take anyone from 5 to 18 years
old, whatever their ability. No-one is turned away. It is based at Chesham
Park Community College with trained professional teachers. Their enthusiasm
is boundless. For information contact info@shedatthepark.co.uk.
PROGRAMMES for the Fete on 10th May are on sale in the village shop at £1.
As well as tea and cakes in the cricket pavilion prepared and served by the
indefatigable ladies of our W.I., may I personally commend to you the tea
bar located near the dog show area. This is run by the Hyde Heath Chapel
members and last year in all the rain I had a cup of really hot tea and the
wickedest jam doughnut I've ever had. See you there!
Brown e-mail
Top of Page
April 18th 2008
VILLAGERS have run the whole gamut
of emotions recently. First there was the horror at the news from Spindles
Farm. Sympathy when we heard that the surviving horses and ponies were safe
and being lovingly cared for at equine rescue centres. Outrage when the
court and the judge gave permission for the
ponies to be returned. However, with hundreds of letters and 20,000 calls to
the website, that decision was rescinded - for the time being, so there is
some feeling of relief but we are keeping a watching brief.
A HAPPIER horsey theme. Hyde Heath Pre-School parents association is holding
a Race Night on 16th May at 8pm. Returning by popular demand, it is tipped
to be this year's top fundraiser. Tickets are on sale now at £5. The venue
is again the Village Hall Pub at Chalfont St. Peter. Contact Claire on 01494
791945, Mark 782283, Kirsty 775464. If you cannot go, name your horse and be
listed in the programme and win a prize if your horse wins. £3 for one horse
or 2 for £5 - contact Tina Lear 784702. Public bar and great food available.
FEELING peckish but it is a Mother Hubbard morning? Help is at hand at our
wonderful village shop. In the freezer section you will find individual
portions of main courses and desserts, a new venture from "Debbie's" Foods.
There is a wide choice to suit most tastes - go on, give yourself a little
treat with no pans to wash up afterwards.
ARE you 15 years old and would like to play Pool? Chris Herring has
installed a Pool table in the Minstrels Gallery at The Plough. When the room
is not being used as a restaurant, it is available to boys and girls over 15
years old. Entrance is through the bar and is strictly monitored. Payment
will be charged on entrance. This is a generous gesture from Chris to give
young villagers something to do in the evening instead of hanging around the
bus shelter.
DID you see the piles of rubbish on the common and in Pipers Wood last
weekend? - the result of the Litter-Pick. Sue Flint has asked me to thank
everyone who turned out and worked so hard. About 50 of you did, somewhat
fewer than last year but it was in the middle of the school holiday and a
less pleasant day. The heart-breaking thing is that during the following
week, we could have done it all again.
HAVE you booked your tickets for "Blithe Spirit ?" There are still some seats
available for each night, next Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7.45pm. Ring
me, 776193 or call in to the shop. Prices remain the same, £7.50 with
concessions at £6.50 with free interval refreshments. Surely an offer you
can't refuse!
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
April 10th 2008
WELL done those of
you who spotted the deliberate mistake in the date of the Fete. The date
is, of course, 10th May. All other details were correct. Have you
contacted David or Jayne offering help? Have you emptied your cupboards
for unwanted objets d'art for the white elephant stall? Have you set aside
an afternoon for cake-making and can you produce a raffle prize? But most
of all, mark the date on your calendar and be there!
THE Flower Festival in St. Andrew's Church is now a regular feature of Fete
Day. All village societies contribute a floral display and I for one can
only marvel at the imagination and artistry of the flower arrangers here.
Interestingly, they are all ladies. Come on gents, it would be good to have
at least one male exhibitor. The subject this year is "Village Life" which
give a wide range for interpretation. Do please take time to visit the
church and enjoy a brief period of peaceful contemplation after the hectic
fun and frolic on the common.
GERALD Frank Parslow, know to us all with great affection as Frank or
Gloria' s Dad, sadly left us last week. He was a popular villager and loved
Hyde Heath for all the 30 years he lived here. He was a regular passenger on
the Tuesday bus and on the Friday Age Concern bus until well into his
nineties Poor health began to take its toll and he died peacefully in his
daughter's arms at the age of 98 years. To Gloria and the family we send our
most sincere sympathy and condolence. The funeral will take place at the
Chapel on Monday, 14th April at 12.45pm.
THIS Saturday is the day for another Litter-Pick. We muster at 10am on the
common in the shadow of the Best Kept Village sign. It was a superb turn-out
last year and we hope for even better this time, particularly as we have
permission from the Forestry Commission to go down Pipers Wood Lane. Sadly
once a year is not enough. When will people accept that the woods is not
meant to be a dumping ground for old household equipment and that grass
verges and hedges are not the place to leave cans, cigarette packets and
other wrappings. It is a messy job and last year the clear-up was done with
great good humour. We were grateful to Maggie Mulberry for providing
refreshments and hand-wash and she will be there again on Saturday.
FLIGHT paths from Luton. Air traffic control services are proposing to make
changes which will mean planes will fly further south and at a lower height.
How will this affect us? Increased noise as the planes fly over the tops of
Chiltern villages and into the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Local
councillors, Trisha Birchly, Peter Jones, Bob Burns-Green and Nick Rose are
holding a public meeting at St. Leonards Village hall on Monday 14th April
at 7pm to express their concern and invite us to put forward our views.
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
April 3rd 2008
WHEN is a pot-hole not a pot-hole?
When it is not the required depth - 4cms. Well, many of them in and around
Hyde Heath come into that category. I have noticed a few with chalk marking,
so we can be hopeful of some remedial work in our roads.
NEXT Wednesday is CURRY NIGHT in The Plough and on 23rd April, the special
menu will be in honour of St. George's Day. To book, please ring Chris on
01494 783163.
THE eagerly anticipated building work at the school is due to start on 14th
April. The work will be done in phases during the summer term in order to
minimise disruption for the children. Then in September there will be a
lovely new classroom and for the staff a long awaited new staff room. The
headmistress, staff and governors wish to thank everyone in the community
who has supported the various fund-raising efforts and hope to welcome you
all to the opening ceremony in the autumn.
THIS month brings a feast of entertainment in the shape of two dramatic
performances. First on the stage of Ballinger War Memorial Hall, a comedy by
Neil Simon, "The Odd Couple" on 10,11,12th April. Doors open 7pm, curtain up
8pm. Tickets at £8 from 01494 489833. Ballinger Players do not provide
refreshments but patrons are invited to bring their own supper with them.
(sorry, Saturday is already sold out.)
Then on 24,24,26th April, Hyde Heath Drama Group present Noel Coward's
"Blithe Spirit" in Hyde Heath Village Hall at 7.45pm, doors open 7pm.
Tickets are £7.50 with concessions at £6.50, available from me 01494 776193
or from the village shop.
Interval refreshments are courtesy of the drama group.
THE funeral took place on Wednesday of Connie Evans. She was a much-loved
lady from Hyde End who used to come on the bus to the post office each week
to collect her pension and do her shopping. She would sit on her special
chair in the shop, joining in the village chat and adding her two pennyworth
until the bus returned from Amersham and took her home again. Thus she
earned the status of "honorary villager." She was a delightfully lively
little lady, always cheerful. The loss of the post office deprived her of
this little outing and us of her company. We were all happy that she was
able to join us on the first of the cricket club's "Golden Oldies" trip to
Bournemouth. It was through the pictures and account on the website that she
was re-united with long-lost relatives. Failing health meant that she became
more and more house-bound but she never lost her bright spirit. She died
peacefully in hospital with friends and family at her bedside. We will miss
you Connie but will think of you spreading your cheer among the angels.
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
March 27th 2008
is the Marathon season again. I know that there are runners in the village
who have completed one or more major events. To do that 26 miles once is
good, twice is even better but twenty five times! This is the record of
David Brennan - and he's not finished yet. On 5th April he will be competing
in the Paris Marathon. All the money he has raised he has given to Great
Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children - a tidy sum over all these years.
He was at pains to point out to me that he meets all his own expenses, so
you know that whatever you give will go straight to the hospital. (I add a
little personal note here. In December 1945, at three weeks old my daughter
was the youngest child to be given penicillin. The drug was in its infancy
then and it was the last chance, would we accept the risk? It worked.) Back
to David. Chris Herring has placed a pot in the bar at The Plough for your
donations. There is a table of David's possible finishing times, from 3 to
5.1/2 hours. However fast or slow he is, he is a Winner. Please let that pot
be overflowing.
CAST your minds back to 1968. This was the year when Chesham United reached
the Final of the F.A. Amateur Cup. This year, being the 40th anniversary,
Chesham United Supporters Trust are seeking anyone from that momentous
occasion to join in a celebration. Those were the days!
IT'S being a funny old year. We've just had the Easter holiday and the
school spring holiday is yet to come. However, we have to look ahead to May.
Particularly to Saturday,12th - FETE DAY. The programmes are printed,
arrangements made with the Met. office for a fine day and entertainments
booked. What are you doing to help? The first job is to help set up early in
the morning and the second job is to be prepared to help clear away and pack
up when the fun is all over. Let David Coulton know you are willing to do
this (01494 775967) If you haven't quite the muscle for this, roving stall
helpers are always welcome. Being in charge of a stall often means that you
don't get a chance to see anything that is going on in the rest of the fete.
Some-one to come and take over for half an hour gives a pleasant break.
Could you do this? Please give Jayne Howlett a ring on 01494 774209 and
offer your services.
AFTER the cake stall, one of the most popular is the Drama Group's books and
videos stall. The deluge of last year spoiled a lot of the books so we are
having, more or less, to start from scratch this year. If you have any good
condition, hard or paper backed books, or videos, or even DVDs, we'd like
them please. You can bring them to me any time from now on or take them to
the stall on the common on Fete Day. Finally, don't forget cakes, biscuits,
preserves for the cake stall and prizes for the raffle. Whatever the
weather, it will be a great day out for all the family.
Sylvia Brown
Top of Page
March 21st 2008
DRIVING around the district, the
deplorable state of the roads and footpaths gives one some idea of what it
must be like in a "third world country." This week we had some good news
from Bucks County Council. The cabinet member for transport has negotiated a
£3.25 million increase in the transport revenue budget for 2008-9. A
detailed schedule has been issued as to where and when the work will take
place. The parish of Little Missenden is listed several times and our
council member, Bob Burns-Green, is actively campaigning for improvements
in Hyde Heath.
RINGMASTER is part of the Thames Valley Police Community Messaging Scheme
and from time to time we receive warnings of crimes being perpetrated
locally. The latest concerned theft at a "hole in the wall" in Sycamore
Road. A customer was drawing cash when he was distracted by a man
suggesting that he had dropped some money. Whilst so distracted, a second
man stole his credit card. Fortunately this incident had a happy ending.
Thanks to the quick actions of the police and some excellent witnesses,
three men were arrested. So beware of who is around you, try covering the
key pad with one hand while entering your PIN number. Do not allow yourself
to be distracted. If in any doubt, do not use that machine. Rodney Howlett,
our parish councillor, will display these Ringmaster messages on the notice
board in the village shop.
AS we read and see pictures of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, we often
wish we could do something for them. Well, we can. The Royal British Legion
regularly sends parcels to them and would like your help. Mainly they
suggest toiletries for both men and women, shaving cream, body lotion, soap,
toothpaste and brushes - you know the sort of thing. Maybe include a
paperback but nothing too heavy. Having collected a little bagful. please
take it to Ann Francis, 6 Brays Meadow, who is the local collector for The
SADLY we are having another spell of petty vandalism in the village. The
main targets have been the village hall and houses in Walnut Way which have
had eggs thrown at them. If this happens to you or you see it happening
anywhere else, do please ring the police. It is only by being made aware
that the police can do anything to stop it. And it should be nipped in the
bud because if these youngsters think it is fun to get away with it, they
may go on to more serious crimes and end up with a custodial sentence.
LITTER PICK. The Village Society is organising another on 12th April. The
range has been extended to Pipers Wood Lane as the Forestry Commission has
given permission to litter-pick on their land. Everyone is welcome to take
part - we had a wonderful turn-out last year. Meet at the Bus Shelter at
10am, once again Maggie Mulberry will provide refreshments and hand-wash.
Sylvia Brown
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March 14th 2008
FIRST - an apology. An apology to
you my readers and to Dawn, the instructor of the Hyde Heath Jazzercise
class. What I wrote last week was largely incorrect in that it related
mainly to the Amersham class, not Hyde Heath. I was not aware that each
class is individual according to its instructor. I was right in certain
points about the Hyde Heath class. It takes place in the village hall on
Friday mornings from 9.30 to 10.30am. Participants enjoy it. There are
vacancies. I will let you have fuller details within the next week or so.
Meanwhile, you could go along to the hall on Friday morning before the class
starts and have a chat with Dawn.
THIS Sunday is Palm Sunday. It will be celebrated in the traditional way at
our parish church of St. John the Baptist in Little Missenden. Please
congregate by The Green, Little Missenden at 10.15am to join in the
procession of palms. The service, Sung Eucharist, will commence at 10.30am
in the church.
A REMINDER that on Saturday the Friends of Rectory Meadow Surgery will be
holding their Easter Fayre at the surgery. The organisers would be grateful
for donations of cakes and preserves for the ever popular cake stall and
items for the raffle and bric-a-brac stall. Looking ahead, on 21st April
there is a general meeting in the upstairs room at the surgery at 2pm. The
speaker is Gill Aikens of Carers Health and Support who takes as her
subject, "Are you a Carer?"
THE Easter weekend is but two weeks away and as usual the staff at our
village shop has risen to the occasion. There is a wide selection of Easter
greetings cards and a range of Easter confectionery. Customers are reminded
to order bread and cakes NOW. Do take note of the shop's opening hours for
that weekend and make sure that you have the basics like, milk, cheese, tea
and coffee in your fridges and cupboards.
THE Amersham and Chesham Bois Choral Society with the Saint Cecilia
Orchestra present Elgar's "The Dream of Gerontius" conductor Ian Hooker, on
10th May at 7.30pm in St. Mary's Church, Old Amersham. Tickets are £12,
students £6. available from choir members or telephone Jan Lemos on 01494
ON a quite different level, the Ballinger Players present "The Odd Couple" a
comedy by Neil Simon in the Ballinger War Memorial Hall on 10, 11, 12th
April. Doors open 7pm, curtain up 8pm. Tickets are £8. To book, please ring
Jennifer 01494 489833. Refreshments are not provided but patrons are welcome
to bring their own supper with them. This is a show to chase away those
Budget Blues.
Sylvia Brown
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March 7th 2008
was a delight to see St. Andrew's Church so full last Sunday for the
Mothering Sunday service. It was typical Hyde Heath occasion. The pupils of
the Infants School brought their mothers, fathers and grandparents. At the
end of the service, all ladies, whatever their status, received a posy of
spring flowers. All praise to the members of the committee who produced the
flowers and must have spent hours making up the little gifts. Thank you.
you wanted to join in when you've seen Line Dancing? It can look a bit
tricky if you haven't done it before and you do not want to spoil the Line.
Now, this is just for you. On Thursday 27th March, a new class is starting
in the village hall, Line Dancing for Beginners. Derek Faversham will soon
have you keeping that Line with the best of them. Classes start at 8.15 and
end at 9.45pm. The cost is £30 for ten sessions. For further details contact
Derek on 01494 864677 or Sue Flint ... This is in addition to the
regular Tuesday evening classes.
JAZZERCISE. This looks a pretty strenuous form of exercise but people always
look happy as they leave the hall. Don't be put off by the rather fierce
lady in the advertisement in "Amersham Local." Classes are held every Friday
morning 9.30-10.30am in Hyde Heath Village Hall. At present there are
vacancies there.This month there is a Special Offer! Your first class is
free when you register for an eight week pass giving you unlimited classes
for the special price of £29. With your pass you are not limited to any one
venue, you have unlimited access to ten other classes in the South Bucks
area. For more details contact jazzercise4marthese@yahoo.co.uk
On a more restful note, the booking office for "Blithe Spirit" is now open.
This Noel Coward comedy is the spring presentation of Hyde Heath Drama Group
to be staged on 24, 25, 26 April in the village hall at 8pm. Tickets are
£7.50 with concessions at £6.50. Interval refreshments are courtesy of the
group. To book, please ring me on 01494 776193 or e-mail SylvieSmiles@aol.com
WE all mourn the demise of "Community Voice" in the local newspaper. Several
of us have started our own versions, from this modest weekly news letter to
a 16 page monthly newspaper for the Great Missenden area. I was happy to
hear from ex-Voice for Amersham and Little Chalfont, Henry Wizgier that he
is shortly producing a newspaper "Chiltern View - Amersham." It may include
a small piece from Hyde Heath. You may recall that his column was always
hard-hitting but entertaining and I don't think he has lost his touch. I
will let you know how we can obtain copies.
Sylvia Brown
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February 28th 2008
DON'T tell me you've forgotten!
Sunday is Mothering Sunday. Celebrating the occasion takes different forms
in the village. First there is the special service in St. Andrew's Church at
9.15am. Then Chris in The Plough is offering a Mothering Sunday Lunch in the
Minstrels Gallery. At the time of writing, I believe there are still one or
two tables vacant. Please book beforehand on 01494 783163. Our village shop
has again risen to the occasion with charming little flower arrangements as
well as the specially designed cards and confectionery. To Mothers
everywhere, enjoy your day.
THE Village has another cause for celebration. This is the first anniversary
of The News Letter. When I started this following the demise of "Community
Voice" in the local newspaper, I wasn't sure how long it would last. Now,
thanks to you for feeding me the news, for your encouragement, to Savills
for sponsorship and Chris Sargeant, the Webmaster" it looks as though we
shall carry on. In addition, The Pepper Foundation of Iain Rennie Hospice at
Home is extremely grateful for your contributions to the "Pepper Pot."
BINGO! Hyde Heath Cricket Club is hosting a Bingo evening in the village
hall at 8pm on 3rd May. The ticket price includes a fish and chip supper.
There will be licenced bar. The caller will be none other that our own Annie
Hamilton-Pike, so you can be sure of an hilarious time. Please book with
Caroline Capper 01494 784043. Caroline asks me to point out that she owns
the Bingo machine and is willing to hire it out to other groups.
CHESHAM Comedy Festival 2008 at the Elgiva Theatre, 7th to 10th May. This is
a Hamilton-Pike Production and starts on Wednesday 7th May with an Evening
with Jo Brand (Yes, THE Jo Brand.) Tickets for this show are £24.50. Prices
for the other shows are £12.50 and £15.50 with Comedy for Kids on Saturday
afternoon at 2pm at £8.50. Every show is different but it is comedy all the
way. I have a programme and pre-booking form which means no booking fee if
you apply for seats by 31st March. After that, book through the Elgiva box
office, 01494 583900 or on line www.cheshamcomedy festival.com. For further
details, ring 01494 728021.
I KNOW you will all wish to join me in expressing deepest sympathy to Ruth
Coulton and her family on the death of her father. He had been in failing
health for some time and died peacefully sitting comfortably in his own
Sylvia Brown
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February 21st 2008
concerned with the Hyde Heath 40s Night last Saturday. The general consensus
of opinion was that it was the best ever Village Evening. There is already
talk of another next year, 1890 or 1950?
MOTHERING Sunday falls this year on March 2. Last year, the parents of
children at the Infants School would have welcomed a service in our own
church of St. Andrew. Now that the restoration and refurbishment is
complete, their wish is to be realised. The service will be held at 9.15am.
The children will have posies to give to their mothers and there will be
light refreshments afterwards. To ease the catering, it would be helpful if
you would let Margaret Dunn 01494 782017 or Judith Butt 782591 know if you
will be at the service.
WITH the school still in our thoughts, the parents association is hosting a
Quiz Night in the village hall at 7.30pm on March 8. The proceedings will be
in the hands of that most genial Quiz Master, Ralph Bartlett. Tickets are
£7.50 which includes supper. There will be a licenced bar and no doubt a
raffle. Tickets are available from the school or by calling Julie Gannon on
01494 890518. All proceeds are for the school building project.
THE FRIENDS of Rectory Meadow surgery are a lively bunch. I have just
received the agenda of planned events for 2008. Here are the details for
March. Short notice I'm afraid for the Spring Supper on 1st. This is to be
held at Amersham and Chesham Rugby Club (Ash Grove, Weedon Lane off
Copperkins Lane) with 120 parking places! Entertainment will be provided by
John Taylor with his Antique Magic Lanterns, which ensures a fun-filled
evening. Tickets are £12 and please bring your own wine but you do not need
to bring glasses. For catering purposes, Margaret Hedger needs to know
numbers by February 28 so ring her now on 01494 786879. The Easter Fayre on
15th will be held at the surgery as usual - details later but note the date.
I MUST look to my laurels having read the 1940s News Letter. Seriously, I
would like to pay my own tribute to Irma Dolphin. She was our first "Village
Voice" in the Amersham Advertiser some time in the 1980s. I took over from
her in November 1990 - a complete novice. She was generous in her advice and
encouragement and still is. Thank you, Irma.
FINALLY, may I remind all secretaries of local groups and anyone else who
would like an event or celebration mentioned in the News Letter that my
deadline is noon on Wednedsay. Please keep the stories coming, after all
you make the news, I just put a gloss on it.
Sylvia Brown
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February 14th 2008
SNOWDROP Sunday Walk in the grounds of West
Wycombe Park on 24th February from 12-4pm. What a lovely idea for a family
outing. You will be surprised at the great variety of snowdrops. Entrance to
the Park is £3 for adults, £1 for children, under three years, free. Sorry,
no dogs allowed. Teas are available in the church rooms and all profits are
for the South Bucks Hospice. For further details ring 01494 537775.
Espana ! Get out your castanets and that lovely mantilla that you brought
home from your last visit because Wednesday 27th February is Spanish Night
in the Minstrels Gallery at The Plough. You will dine from an authentic
Spanish menu with wine and all for £16. Pre-dinner drinks from the bar are
not included in this price. Please book beforehand with Chris on 01494
DURING the past year, many of you have kindly given me books for Scannappeal,
the Fete and for the Pepper Shop in Amersham. I quite often get duplicates
to that is why I can spread them around. I thought you would be interested
to know that the Scannappeal bookshop, based in Amersham hospital, entrance
D, last month raised £660. That's a lot of money from second-hand books and
it is thanks to you. Please keep them coming. If you have gone over to DVD,
I will happily relieve you of your old videos.
CHILTERN Friends of The Endeavour are hosting a Quiz Night on 8th March. As
you know, the sole purpose of The Friends is to raise money to provide extra
equipment and outings for the clients of the Endeavour Centre in Chesham to
help give them a fuller life. The Quiz will be held at the Centre in Cameron
Road, 7.30 for 8pm prompt start. The cost per person is £10 which includes a
fish and chip supper. There will be a licenced bar and a raffle. Can you
make up a table of 8 players? Never mind if you cannot, just come along and
we will introduce you to new friends. Please let either Angela or Danny
Baker know if you are coming - 01494 776188 or ring me 776193.
THE Fete this year will be held on 10th May. If you are planning to run a
stall, it is not too early to start. If you want to help in any capacity,
please let David Coulton know (01494 775967.) There are so many ways to get
involved, even selling programmes, every hour that you can give helps. It
really is the high spot in the Hyde Heath calendar. All the profits provide
funds to maintain the fabric of the village hall and the on-going internal
decoration and essential equipment needed to keep our hall one of the
preferred venues for social activities throughout the district. If you are
planning a celebration, ring the booking secretary on 01494 773988 who will
be happy to show you the hall and discuss your particular arrangements with
Sylvia Brown
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February 7th 2008
is alive and well in Hyde Heath. On Thursday in the Minstrels Gallery at The
Plough, Chris is preparing a Valentine's Day Dinner for lovers of all ages.
Come on, chaps. Don't let your loved one spend time slaving over a hot stove
preparing your favourite meal, whisk her off to The Plough and woo her all
over again with Pink Champagne. If all this seems a bit over the top, at
least buy her a box of chocolates from the village shop. There is an
excellent selection of confectionery, gifts and cards for this special day.
WHILE speaking of affairs of the heart, the next production for the Hyde
Heath Drama Group is "Blithe Spirit." We were unable to obtain a licence for
"Dancing at Lughnasa" as it is being performed this year by a professional
company. We will try again next year. Older patrons of the drama group will
recall that the group performed "Blithe Spirit" 38 years ago. The cast is
different this time but some of the originals will be in the back stage
crew. Production dates are April 24, 25, 26. You can be sure of a seat by
pre-booking with me on 01494 776193 or e-mail SylvieSmiles@aol.com
I LOVE the sound of church bells, don't you? Sadly the bells
of Little Missenden Church may be silenced unless funds are raised to carry
out the major repair work needed to keep them in good order for future
generations. As a start towards the £20,000 needed, on 7th March there is An
Evening at Little Missenden Village Hall. The Hyde Heath Olde Tyme Music
Hall Society will entertain you and the Church catering committee will
provide a meal and all for £15 (a portion of which can be gift-aided.)
Please contact Ruth Groves on 01844 358123 for tickets and leave a message
if no-one is available to take your call.
LOOKING ahead. The Ballinger Players are in action again with a comedy "The
Odd Couple." It will be staged at Ballinger War Memorial Hall on April 10,
11, 12 at 8pm. Doors open 7pm. Tickets are £8, contact 01494 489833.
Refreshments are not provided but you may bring your supper with you to have
before the performance and then finish off the dessert during the interval.
FURTHER ahead - The Macmillan Coffee Morning, this year on 26th September.
The hall is booked and I am hoping that once again a kind soul will offer to
sponsor this event to cover the cost of hall hire and incidental expenses.
Please note the date and let's make this year a bumper result.
Sylvia Brown
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January 31st 2008
THE headmistress and a governor of
Hyde Heath Infant School have asked me to include the following statement in
the News Letter:
"We were extremely disappointed with the photograph of our Christmas
production which was published in the January Parish Newsletter. It was
taken during the photo-call at the end of the performance when parents are
invited to come and take photos of their own children in costume. The
photograph was not part of the performance or approved by the school and, as
such, did not provide a true reflection of the polished performance given by
the children. We know the audience will confirm that the children were
focussed and impeccably behaved throughout both performances."
A SAD moment on Wednesday. Some-one's pet bird, green with a longish tail
was spotted sitting in my hedge. It look cold, tired and frigtened. Mark
Walker did his best to entice it into a cage but it just flew to a higher
branch. We felt so helpless and can only express our sympathy to the owner.
WHY do members of Chiltern District Council hate cars and their drivers
especially pensioners. They may not like it but cars have come to stay,
particularly in areas with little or no public transport. The latest ploy is
to increase charges in the public car parks. Not content with that, it is
proposed to charge for on-street parking - what a gift to super-markets with
their large, free car parks. The excuse? To pay for the bus passes that the
government insists all pensioners have. Busses? The hollow laugh from Hyde
Heath and other villages must have reached the council offices if not
Parliament itself. What is needed is a bit of joined-up planning of car
parks. Have any of the councillors actually tried to park at Amersham health
centre or hospital after 9am? For pensioners, who are not spongers but
people who have worked and paid their taxes in full, are now to have that
little concession of taxi tokens reduced to a worthless amount in return for
a bus pass! I know that some of you have written to members of the council
and to our M.P. Cheryl Gillan. I try not to let politics invade this
newsletter, but feelings are very strong in the village and I thought the
matter needed airing.
TO end on a brighter note. The booking office is open for The Panda Players
production of "Pippin" in the Elgiva theatre on 12-15 March at 7.45pm, with
a matinee on Saturday at 2.30pm. Tickets from £8-£14 from 01494 866481. This
is a delightful light-hearted musical to help us forget for one evening all
the troubles of the previous paragraph.
Sylvia Brown
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January 24th 2008
I HOPE you've finished all the
mince pies and Christmas cake as this week is mainly about eating!
Friday is Haggis day - go on,don't be cowards, you cannot go to Burns Night
and not consume this noble dish. Take it steadily, have the Gaviscon at hand
and then you will be ready for next week because
WEDNESDAY January 30 is Italian Night in the Minstrels Gallery at The
Plough. For £16 you will have a fully authentic Italian meal, finishing with
everyone's favourite dessert Tiramasu. Please book beforehand on 01494
783163. Dinner starts at 7.30pm.
WE haven't finished. Saturday February 2, The Parish Church of St. John the
Baptist, Little Missenden invite you to an evening of Pancakes and Puddings.
This pre-Lent indulgence takes place from 7.30pm in Little Kingshill Village
Hall. Tickets available from the parish office 01494 862008 at £10. Please
bring your own drinks.
INSTEAD of these Bacchanalian orgies, why not an honest Barn Dance? Panda
you to form squares and circles and doh-see-doh the night away in Hyde Heath
Village Hall on Saturday February 2 at 8pm. You won't go without food
though. There will be jacket potatoes with a choice of fillings and a
dessert. For drinks there is an inexpensive bar. Tickets are £12.50 from
Sally Carrington 01494 786939 or Jo Day 866458.
SPEAKING of orgies takes me back to last week's production by Hyde Heath
drama group. As you left, many of you asked when the next play would be. It
is a very different theme. Set in Ireland in the 1930s, "Dancing at Lughnasa"
is a mixture of comedy and pathos. Note the dates April 24-26. To be sure of
a seat you can pre-book with me 776193 or e-mail SylvieSmiles@aol.com.
THE response for tickets for the 40s Frolics in the village hall on February
16 has been overwhelming and Ruth now has a "reserve" list. It may be worth
giving her a call 775967, to find out the present position. The ticket price
is £12 including supper. There is a licenced bar and a raffle. Time: 7pm for
prompt 7.30pm start.
Sylvia Brown
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January 17th 2008
THIS week is dominated by the
drama group's production of "A Funny Thing Happened
on the way to the Forum." We are looking forward to full houses on Friday
and Saturday with nearly full on Thursday. It is the culmination of hard
work by the director Erica Elson, the musical director Chris Sargeant and
the large cast who have had great fun portraying the hilarious range of
characters. Whilst applauding the actors let us not forget to acclaim the
set builders, the back stage crew, the property mistress and the front of
house team, all combining to give you an evening of riotous entertainment.
to Hyde Heath Evening W.I. on this year's fund-raising events which
culminated in a magnificent £825 for the
Hospice of St. Francis. Among the activities was an evening with Pampered
Chef, a summer barbeque and ramble. Some of the members have been invited to
the hospice to talk to the staff and view the new building project. Each
year a different charity is chosen and this is the largest amount that has
been raised so far.
CUB SCOUTS. Meetings are held in the village hall on Tuesdays from 6 to
7.30pm. At present the pack has vacancies for boys from 8 to 10.1/2 years
and another leader is urgently required. Please ring Stephanie Diembacher to
offer your support.
pick-up points and delivery back home right to your own front door and all
for a donation of £2. The drivers are all volunteers and now are in
desperate need of one or two more. They work a rota and at present this
means each driver does a trip once a month which takes about two hours.
Extra drivers are needed to give holiday relief, please will you help? Ring
Bill Newman 01494 774234 for all details.
VOLUNTEERS are in short supply all round. Some time ago, I wrote about the
"shop trolley" at Amersham hospital. Again, this will take only about two
hours of your time once a fortnight. If you have been a patient, you know
what a welcome sight the trolley is. It brings the outside world into the
ward. The Amersham trolley carries a remarkable selection of newspapers,
magazines, confectionery, toiletries and even greetings cards. It is not an
onerous task and the reward of knowing that you have helped to brighten the
day for even one or two patients, is well worth the small effort involved.
Annual Dinner and Dance of Hyde Heath Cricket Club will be held this year at
Harewood Downs Golf Club on February 2 at 7.30pm. Dennis Ruff is providing
the disco music - a chance to shed those naughty extra pounds gained from
Christmas indulgence, All cricket club supporters will be warmly welcomed.
Tickets from Caroline Capper 01494 784043 are £35 a head. Winter nets are
due to start soon and there is to be a Bingo Night on May 3 in the village
hall. Details of both these fixtures in due course.
Sylvia Brown
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January 10th 2008
are back and life is getting back to normal apart from flat batteries and
other inconveniences of modern living. If one isn't mechanically minded (and
for me that means anything more complicated than a penknife,) one feels
completely helpless. I wonder how many women in Hyde Heath can change a car
THE year started happily on Monday when some 30 pensioners accepted Chris
Herring's invitation to lunch. It was a lovely meal and everyone enjoyed
themselves, showing their appreciation by giving generously to Chris's
favourite charity, Scannappeal. On Wednesday, 30th January, The Plough's
international menus start again. This month it is the turn of Italy. The
curry nights start in February but if a diner requests a curry on another
evening, Chris will provide one. Thursday is fish and chips at the same
remarkable price of £5.
FOR some time I have been promising myself a visit to
Tea Shop and old fashioned sweetshop in Chesham. Last Friday, escaping the
hurly burly of post festive shopping, I made my way there. What delight! A
port of tea, enough for two good sized cups and a toasted teacake, served
with ample butter and a choice of three preserves. I tried them all - yummy!
To make my joy complete I bought a quarter of a pound of that "old ladies
sweet" Fox's glacier mints, shaken into the scale from the large jar and
handed to me in a paper bag - old times indeed. There is a wide choice of
menu including a mouth-watering "all day breakfast." Next time you are in
Chesham, get the shopping done quickly and give yourselves a reat.
SPEAKING of treats, have you booked your seats for "A Funny Thing Happened
on the Way to the Forum?" Tickets are available for all three nights,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday next week. You can get them from the shop or
from me - 01494 776193. Prices are £7.50 with concessions at £6.50. This
comedy musical is not really suitable for children under 12 years.
there's more to come! Burns Nights will be celebrated this year in true Hyde
Heath fashion on January 25 at 7.30 in the village hall. Tickets are £12
from Barbara Cann 01494 783254. Please advise her in advance of any special
dietary requirements, otherwise it is haggis, etc.
STOP PRESS. Stephanie Diembacher has taken over as leader of the Cub Scout
group. This is a very lively group but is short of members and urgently
needs another helper. Please contact Stephanie for all details - 01494
Sylvia Brown
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January 4th 2008
A HAPPY and Healthy New Year to
you all.
FIRST of all a huge Thank You to all the staff at our Village Shop and this
includes those hardy souls who turn out at 6am (the graveyard shift) to mark
up the papers ready for the boys and Alice and Georgia. Whatever the weather
your chosen newsprint is delivered to you - give them a big hand! With such
limited space, the staff performed miracles each day with all the extra
stock they knew we needed. Did you realise that although we might have been
frazzled, the staff never were or certainly never showed it. I think I speak
for all villagers when I say, Thank You, we are proud of you.
It does seem odd to start a new year without Jill Wheeler taking a keep fit
class on Monday evenings. Does anyone know of a qualified Keep Fit
instructor who would like to take on a ready-made class of ladies in Hyde
Heath Village Hall on Mondays from 7.30 - 8.30pm ? If you know some-one who
fits the bill, please contact the hall booking secretary on 01494 773988.
THERE are still some vacant seats for Chris Herring's Pensioners Lunch on
Monday, 7th January. If you would like to accept his invitation, please ring
me, 776193 or e-mail
sylviesmiles@aol.com The lunch will be held in the Minstrels
Gallery at The Plough, 12noon for 12.30pm.
LINE Dancing starts again on Tuesday 8th. If you are not already a member
but want to join the fun and exhilarating evening, ring Su Flint, ...
THE first meeting of the W.I. this year is on Thursday 10th at 8pm in the
village hall. Non-members are welcome for a small admission charge. The
guest speaker, Valerie Schuch aims to put us on the right road with her
subject Aloe-Vera and health living. I hope you've finished up the Christmas
cake and mince pies!
REMEMBER this is your news letter. Please let me have any items, however
small, that you would like published here. It is free, thanks to the
sponsorship of Savills but as you take a copy, a coin or two into the Pepper
Pot would be appreciated.
Sylvia Brown
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