Hyde Heath Evening
Womens Institute


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Hyde Heath Evening W.I.

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Please come along and join us, 7.30pm on the second Thursday of each month - normally in the Village Hall.

Visitors and new members always welcome.

bulletJoin us for a Summer Ramble around the village
bulletOutings to stately homes, the coast and places of interest.
bulletEnjoy pleasant company in a friendly environment
bulletHave fun with us at our Christmas party.
bulletGroup Meetings.

Please see the   Programme 2019  for current details.       50th Anniversary Meeting Pictures  - here

July 21st 2012 - visit to WW2 Bunker at RAF Uxbridge


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January 8th 2004 - 40th Anniversary Party - pictures here

The Ladies wore red for Hyde Heath W.I.’s Ruby (40th) birthday celebrations on the evening of 8th January held in the Village Hall.  
45 people were in attendance and we were delighted to welcome 19 past Members, two from as far as Hereford and one from Dorset.
Our President, Margaret Dunn, welcomed everyone, and we were then offered a glass of wine and canapés. To mark the occasion Chris Sargeant took a group photograph.  He then photographed the two newest Members, Christine Richfield Andrews and Gillian O’Flynn with the two founder Members who still attend, Eve Brown and Audrey Morgan, standing behind a beautifully decorated celebration cake made for the occasion by Jan Newman.
We were all able to relax and enjoy the occasion as caterers were hired to do the hard work of providing a delicious two course cooked meal at the beautifully decorated tables, ruby being the theme!  The floral table decorations were made by Pam Ruff.
Entertainment was provided by the W.I. ‘A’ Team, who performed three amusing sketches giving a brief history of the W.I. from its origins in Canada, where groups were started to help educate and inform people living in remote areas.  It was revolutionary for the time as a way of informing and keeping people up to date with the latest health matters and general information on every day concerns.

It was then brought Britain by a Mrs Watt who started the first group in Wales from where groups were established across the country. Charity fund raising forms a major part of all the Groups and the W.I. gained massive publicity, of course, through the Rylstone Group’s  Calendar which inspired the making of the wonderful film “Calendar Girls”, through which many thousands of pounds has been raised for the charity Leukemia Research Fund.
This month's ramble will be on Thursday, 29th January meeting at 11 am at the Canal Car Park, Marsworth for a ramble of 2 1/2 - 3 miles, finishing with lunch in one of the local pubs.
Our next meeting will be on 12th February  when Mr Franey will give a talk on Mental Health.  We meet at 8 pm in Hyde Heath Village Hall, Brays Lane.  All are welcome


September 22nd 2003 - Calendar Girls

Hyde Heath WI enjoyed a night out at the pictures.  They went to see Calendar Girls at the UCI cinema in High Wycombe.  They thought that the film was very entertaining; a good story made into a good movie.  The acting was superb and the script very funny.  This film makes excellent publicity for the WI.  Quite unjustly, the WI has a reputation for being fuddy-duddy and narrow-minded.  This film dispels that myth by showing that members of the WI are forward thinking, prepared to accept a challenge and will do almost anything for a good cause.


Left to right:
Ruth Coulton, Ann Crook, Felicity Beynon, Di Coombes, Eve Brown, Margaret Dunn, Gillian O'Flynn, Jan Newman, Margaret Sargeant, Kathryn Spooner, Jane Faversham, Maggie Mulberry.
Picture - Bill Newman
bulletMargaret Dunn who has been a member of the WI for 25 years. and lives in Hyde Heath, thought the film gave members the opportunity to laugh at their own stereotypical image.
bulletEve Brown, a long standing member also from Hyde Heath, thought the film was good with lots of humour.  However she felt that the boring speakers portrayed in the film might put prospective new members off.  "The History of the Tea Towel",  "Rugs and Carpets"  and "One Hundred Ways with Broccoli" is not exactly riveting stuff.  Most speakers at the Hyde Heath WI meetings are very interesting and professional.
bulletRuth Coulton from Hyde Heath has been a member for about twenty years.  Ruth thought that the film was witty and humorous with a tinge of sadness.
bulletMargaret Sargeant from Hyde Heath has been a member of the WI for twenty six years.  Margaret thought the film well depicted the camaraderie and friendship found in the WI.  Margaret's husband, Chris, thought that it gave a whole new meaning to iced buns!
bulletDi Coombes, from Hyde Heath thought the film was superb and depicted the WI in a good light.
bulletKathryn Spooner from Great Missenden, who has been a member for three years, thought that the film was well cast.  She also said that the Yorkshire humour came through and that the film was suitable for a very wide audience.
Jan Newman
01494 774234

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News item - March 2001

Members of Hyde Heath (Evening) WI joined in a social event on Saturday 24th March where groups who use the Village Hall had their annual get-together.  Each of the groups played their part by giving a humorous or tuneful sample of their own particular activity.  The photograph shows members of the WI performing a song sending up the production of the infamous WI calendar.  The audience was very appreciative and was left shouting for more.  The profit from the social event is being split between the Ian Rennie Hospice at Home Charity and the Diabetes Support Group at Stoke Mandeville Hospital.

Full set of Pictures - Click here

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