April | |
Elaine Barker, Vice-President, welcomed members and speaker, Jeremy Holmes, to the April meeting. She also said it was great to see Jayne, President, back in our midst.
The Beechwood Group Spring meeting will be hosted by Hyde Heath at 7.15 for 7.30pm on 27 April when Alison Bailey from the Amersham Museum will be the speaker. Volunteers from those attending from Hyde Heath were asked if they could help on the evening and also bring tray bake cakes, for which costs would be refunded.
Gillian reported on a fascinating and informative time in Aylesbury on 15 March at the BFWI Investigation & Discovery day to which four members attended. There were four eminent speakers whose subjects were as always, very varied and informative. Well done our team of Avril, Anne Underwood and Mary Collins who came 6th in the BFWI Inter-County Quiz!
On 29 April Ann Crooke will lead a walk/stroll from Dobbies carpark, Wendover, meeting at 10.15 for a 10.30 start, followed by refreshments at Dobbies on return.
Margaret Dunn reminded members about the Village Fete on 14 May when we provide drink and cakes from the Cricket Pavilion. A few more volunteers to help and provide cakes would be much appreciated.
The visit to our Charity, Lindengate, will be on 15 June at 4.30pm, after the "Gardeners" have left. There will be a tour around and a chance to buy a variety of handmade articles.
Elaine asked if anyone would like to be a delegate for the BFWI Annual Council meeting in Aylesbury on 17 May.
Elaine wished everyone a very Happy Easter and invited members to choose a Viola pot plant and take their Easter card. She thanked Gillian for getting the plants and Mary for writing the cards.
Jeremy, who was a Trustee of the UK Carnegie Fund, gave a most interesting and entertaining talk about the life of Andrew Carnegie who was born in Dunfermline in poverty, emigrated to America with his family at the age of twelve and by using his wit, enterprise and memory, became the richest man in the world! He was the first philanthropist (long before Bill Gates) and because of his lack of education, sponsored the construction of about 2,000 libraries around the globe.
After the opening in 1891 of his Carnegie Hall, New York, the inaugural concert in 1881 was conducted by Tchaikovski. His legacy is still funding a large number of Trusts in a variety of countries.
One of his ventures was to fund WI markets in the 1930's!
The next meeting on Resolutions will be on 12 May at 8pm in the Village Hall.
Gillian O'Flynn | |
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May Jayne Faversham presided over the Resolutions meeting and sent good wishes to seven members who had birthday’s this month.
The Beechwood meeting that Hyde Heath held last month was very successful and speaker, Alison Bailey from the Amersham Museum, was excellent. The help of members who volunteered was much appreciated.
Thanks were received from some of the other Institutes. Ballinger will host the Autumn group meeting in place of Wendover, who have a busy evening near that time with entertainment and a Hog roast.
Elaine Barker will be our delegate at the BFWI Annual Council Meeting on 17 May in Aylesbury and gave a brief resume of the Proposed Resolution “We need a Change of Heart” in connection with heart attacks in women. Elaine will also be our delegate for the NFWI Annual Meeting on 11 June in Liverpool, and she gave details of the Proposed Resolution “Women and Girls with ASD and ADHD”. Both the Resolutions were discussed and voted for unanimously.
Margaret Dunn is again very kindly organising the teas and cakes which the institute sell in the cricket pavilion at the Village Fete on 14 May and asked if there were any more volunteers willing to help or make cakes. She asked if helpers could wear PVC gloves and masks whilst serving the public and use cake tongues/servers for hygienic reasons.
Thanks were given to Ann Crook for leading a lovely walk around Aston Clinton Reservoir last month. The five members that went very much enjoyed it and the lunch at Dobbies café afterwards.
Elaine gave details of the visit planned to Lindengate, our charity, on 15 June and suggested that as the tour will be from4.30 – 6.30, it would be nice to visit Dobbies café for tea and cake about 3.30pm first . Gillian told members about the Little Missenden Platinum Patronal Festival on 25/26 June when there will be a Festival of Flowers in St John’s Church. On 18 June there will be a concert with the Orpheus Male Voice Choir performing at the Church and The Last Night of the Little Missenden Little Proms on 25th at 8pm in the churchyard featuring the Chalfont Wind Band followed by a firework finale.
The meeting concluded with a fun quiz which Elaine had prepared and plenty of time for a very sociable chat with our tea and biscuits. The next meeting will be in the Village Hall at 8pm on 9 June when there will be a talk on “The Work of Wycombe Homeless Connection.
Gillian O'Flynn | |
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June | |
Elaine, Vice President, welcomed all members on a warm evening and Jeff Roselaar, who entertained us with an amusing and interesting talk about “An Actors Life”.
As a boy he wanted to be a jockey, but that was not possible as by the age of 14 he was 6’ tall so later went on to university to study History. Whilst there a girlfriend persuaded him to take part in a Gilbert & Sullivan performance, which he surprisingly enjoyed, even the singing, although more probably because of being with the girlfriend!
However, whilst later teaching he organised and wrote plays for the students and took part in amateur dramatics. He is registered with a London agency doing a variety of “bit parts” which earns him some extra money.
In Jeff’s “retirement”, he entertains groups on land and on cruise ships, including the QEII. He gave us several recognisable renditions of well-known actors just by changing his headgear and accent.
After Jeff’s very enjoyable talk Elaine continued with the meeting. No information of amounts raised had yet been received from the Village Fete organisers but £60 had been retained from the approximately £500 the WI teas had raised, to reimburse £3 each to the cake makers. It was suggested that if members did not wish to claim this, they might like to donate it to the Lindengate charity.
Thanks were given to Margaret Dunn for organising the teas and to Sylvia Childs, who produced a beautiful flower arrangement on behalf of the Institute in St Andrew’s Church Flower Festival. Gillian provided a photograph of this, which included the Line Dancing Group display, which she did. Elaine also congratulated the various members who had produced such wonderful and original displays in the St John the Baptist Patronal Flower Festival in June in recognition of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee . 16 members enjoyed a talk and tour at Lindengate, which has been our charity since just before the Covid lockdown, and unanimously agreed it was a very successful visit, thanks to Elaine for organising it.
Elaine gave a resume of her 2-day visit in June to the NFWI Annual meeting in Liverpool, chaired by Ann Jones, Chairman, which she attended as our Link Delegate together with 3,000 ladies from WI’s all over the country. She had produced a detailed Report which was available to read but gave some important and specific details of some of the discussions and talks. The Resolution to Support Women and Girls who have symptoms of ASD and ADHD was passed by 96.5% after passionate presentations by several speakers. Ann announced that more than 26,000 new members joined the WI during Lockdown and that producing the News Letters digitally was saving £50,000 per year.
Mary Rose had sent a Questionnaire to all members by email and asked if each person would complete and return it no later than 27 July to Linda Nicholls by email or post, details on the form.
It was agreed that a poster for the campaign “See the Signs - Ovarian Cancer” would be displayed in the cubicles of the toilets in the hall. Wendover WI are holding a Race Night on 1 October and a poster with details was displayed. They will be hosting the Beechwood Spring Group Meeting on 25 April 2023 in St Anne’s Hall. The Autumn Group Meeting will be on 4 October at Ballinger. The next meeting will be at 8pm on 11 August. In the past a BBQ has been organised but this year we will have a get together in the hall for a longer time for “tea and chat”. |
Gillian O'Flynn | |
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July | |
Elaine, Vice President, welcomed all members on a warm evening and Jeff Roselaar, who entertained us with an amusing and interesting talk about “An Actors Life”.
As a boy he wanted to be a jockey, but that was not possible as by the age of 14 he was 6’ tall so later went on to university to study History. Whilst there a girlfriend persuaded him to take part in a Gilbert & Sullivan performance, which he surprisingly enjoyed, even the singing, although more probably because of being with the girlfriend!
However, whilst later teaching he organised and wrote plays for the students and took part in amateur dramatics. He is registered with a London agency doing a variety of “bit parts” which earns him some extra money. In Jeff’s “retirement”, he entertains groups on land and on cruise ships, including the QEII. He gave us several recognisable renditions of well-known actors just by changing his headgear and accent. After Jeff’s very enjoyable talk Elaine continued with the meeting.
No information of amounts raised had yet been received from the Village Fete organisers but £60 had been retained from the approximately £500 the WI teas had raised, to reimburse £3 each to the cake makers. It was suggested that if members did not wish to claim this, they might like to donate it to the Lindengate charity.
Thanks were given to Margaret Dunn for organising the teas and to Sylvia Childs, who produced a beautiful flower arrangement on behalf of the Institute in St Andrew’s Church Flower Festival.
Gillian provided a photograph of this, which included the Line Dancing Group display, which she did. Elaine also congratulated the various members who had produced such wonderful and original displays in the St John the Baptist Patronal Flower Festival in June in recognition of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
16 members enjoyed a talk and tour at Lindengate, which has been our charity since just before the Covid lockdown, and unanimously agreed it was a very successful visit, thanks to Elaine for organising it.
Elaine gave a resume of her 2-day visit in June to the NFWI Annual meeting in Liverpool, chaired by Ann Jones, Chairman, which she attended as our Link Delegate together with 3,000 ladies from WI’s all over the country.
She had produced a detailed Report which was available to read but gave some important and specific details of some of the discussions and talks. The Resolution to Support Women and Girls who have symptoms of ASD and ADHD was passed by 96.5% after passionate presentations by several speakers.
Ann announced that more than 26,000 new members joined the WI during Lockdown and that producing the News Letters digitally was saving £50,000 per year.
Mary Rose had sent a Questionnaire to all members by email and asked if each person would complete and return it no later than 27 July to Linda Nicholls by email or post, details on the form.
It was agreed that a poster for the campaign “See the Signs - Ovarian Cancer” would be displayed in the cubicles of the toilets in the hall. Wendover WI are holding a Race Night on 1 October and a poster with details was displayed. They will be hosting the Beechwood Spring Group Meeting on 25 April 2023 in St Anne’s Hall. The Autumn Group Meeting will be on 4 October at Ballinger.
The next meeting will be at 8pm on 11 August. In the past a BBQ has been organised but this year we will have a get together in the hall for a longer time for “tea and chat”. |
Gillian O'Flynn | |
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August | |
Instead of the BBQ which is normally held in August, Elaine welcomed everyone to a relaxed chat and quiz evening.
Members were reminded that this was the last opportunity to reclaim £3 for making a cake for the village fete in May or contribute it to the Lindengate charity.
There was a poster advertising Wendover WI’s charity “Race Night and Hog Roast” on 1st October with a list to sign for anyone wishing to attend.
The Autumn 2022 Group meeting at 7.45pm on 4 October costs £5. The speaker is from Map Action with special emphasis on their work in Ukraine. Wendover will hold the Spring 2023 Group Meeting on 25 April.
As the names on the WI Recipe Book were now out of date, it was decided to offer copies to any member interested.
In the Buckinghamshire News, Walking with Alpacas at Aston Abbotts was advertised on 20 September, cost £37 to include tea/coffee and cake and also a 2 hour tour on the Grand Union Canal in a narrowboat on 25 August costing £22 including a cream tea.
We then had our brains tested by a fun Quiz that Elaine had prepared before enjoying a chance to have a longer chat and refreshments.
The next meeting will be on 8 September at 8pm when Ruriko Kojima will talk and demonstrate Ikebana – The Art of Japanese Flower Arrangement. |
Gillian O'Flynn | |
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Elaine Barker, Vice President, made a short statement saying how much affection the Queen was held in, she had been a faithful servant to us all for her 70 years reign and had enjoyed her Platinum Jubilee in June. All our thoughts and prayers were sent to her family.
The business of the meeting continued with a reminder that raffle tickets were available for the Wendover Charity Race Night on 1 October but all tickets for the event had been sold.
The Autumn Beechwood Group meeting will take place at 7.45pm on 4 October at a cost of £5. A raffle will be available, and the speaker will be from “Map Action”.
Our AGM is on 10 November and the Committee would like members to think about volunteering to join the Committee to help share the work.
Our Christmas meeting will be on 8 December and after last year’s most enjoyable evening at The Plough, it was suggested that we celebrate there again. Margaret Ritter confirmed that the date was available.
Elaine is proposing a visit on 2 November to the Museum of Brands in London. There is a café on site. The cost for 60+ is £7 and for groups of more than 10 the price reduces to £6.30. A £1 contribution to a new charity is proposed.
Mary Rose, Secretary, said that the BFWI required a form to be filled in at the end of the meetings regarding the quality of speakers. Next year on 14 March will be the annual Investigation and Discovery Day in Aylesbury.
Avril, Treasurer, announced that so far £550 had been raised for the charity, Lindengate, which would be presented to the organisation.
Elaine then introduced Ruriko Risai Kojima, a Japanese Flower Arranger, who demonstrated her wonderful art of Ikebana. She was wearing her national costume, the Kimono, and explained that it was the same size for all but was adjusted by folding it or letting it out!
Ikebana has been practised for 700 years, originally by Monks who presented flowers to the Buddha. Ruriko learnt from her mother, who taught her the strict rules which focus on three main points symbolising the sky, earth and man through three pillars – asymmetry, space and depth, using 2 flowers with minimal twigs and leaves.
She produced exquisite arrangements, and the process was very calming which was particularly beneficial to everyone after the sad news at the beginning of the evening.
The next meeting will be at 8pm on 13 October when C. Oakes will be talking about “Digging for Victory”
Gillian O'Flynn | |
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October | |
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The Buckinghamshire Federation of WI's was deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty the Queen and offered their deepest condolences to King Charles III and all the members of the Royal Family. Her Majesty was a loyal and much-loved member of the WI for 80 years, attending the WI Centenary Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall on 4 June 2015 accompanied by HRH The Princess Royal and HRH Sophie, Countess of Wessex. |
Elaine Barker, Vice President, welcomed all members and the speaker, Colin Oakes, to the meeting and was pleased to announce that Jayne had her long-awaited keyhole heart surgery the previous week and was hoping to be returning home that afternoon having made steady progress in the hospital.
£560.79p was raised for our charity during the extended time of three years due to Covid restrictions. The Committee proposed that this be rounded up to £600, as in previous occasions, and when Elaine took the cheque to Lindengate a few days prior, they were very pleased to receive it. Members present at this meeting confirmed their agreement.
The Autumn Group meeting in Ballinger, which took place on 4 October was very much enjoyed by the six members who attended. Elaine is organising a trip to the Brands Museum near Ladbrooke Grove in London on 2 November. She suggested catching the 9.30 train from Amersham Station. The café in the museum has light refreshments and there is a Café Nero nearby.
It is proposed that the Christmas celebrations will be held at The Plough again as it was so successful last year, so Margaret Ritter has booked 8 December. There will be a quiz and raffle.
A board was circulated for members to volunteer for the Rota for providing Refreshments, Vote of Thanks and Flowers for the meetings next year.
Mr Oakes gave a fascinating and animated talk about “Digging for Victory” when during both the World Wars I and II everyone in the country was encouraged to dig up their gardens and replant them with edible plants. Even Buckingham Palace grew their own as well as people with balconies.
Being an island not nearly enough food can be produced to feed everyone, so a lot of our food was, and still is, transported on ships. But those boats were being attacked by the German Navy creating a huge shortage of food despite rationing, which lasted until 1954, several years after the war ended.
Farmers were called up to fight, until they were made a Reserved Occupation, so females volunteered for the Women’s Land Army and the Timber Cutting Corp to work on the land. The WI also played a large part in helping, even in Hyde Heath there was a fruit canning factory, which was visited by Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother during the Second World War!
The next meeting will be the AGM at 8pm on 10 November. All the present Committee are willing to be nominated for re-election, but they would welcome new people to join them to share the jobs. Items were requested for a Bring and Buy sale in aid of our own funds, which will be held after the formalities of the meeting |
Gillian O'Flynn | |
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November | |
Elaine Barker, Vice President, welcomed everyone on a cold night to the AGM and displayed on the table was an attractive autumnal arrangement of wooden fruit. Thanks were given to members who had brought items for the Bring & Buy table, the proceeds of which will go towards our own funds.
Jayne sent her thanks for the beautiful flowers and good wishes she had received. A very nice letter and photograph had been received from the Lindengate Charity for the cheque for £600 which Elaine had presented to them.
Janet Manson gave a resume of a trip, organised by Elaine, to the Brands Museum in Notting Hill, originally started by Robert Opie, which six members found fascinating. It was a nostalgic trip down memory lane with display cases showing the products enjoyed by the people of Britain from food to fashion, toys and technology for the past 200 years. Drinks and lunch were enjoyed in the pretty patio garden and small café.
The Christmas meeting will be dinner at The Plough on 8 December, 7.00 for 7.30pm. The cost will be £25 for 2 courses (main and dessert or cheese plate). There will also be a raffle and quiz (answers will be given at the January 2023 meeting.
Thanks were given to everyone for their help with teas, flowers and votes of thanks during the past year. Gillian O’Flynn, with the help of Chris Sargeant, has kept the WI Village Website up to date with Reports of all the meetings, and included a lovely picture of Her Majesty the Queen, whose death at Balmoral Castle was announced just an hour before the September meeting commenced. The photo was taken at the WI centenary celebration in The Royal Albert Hall on 4 June 2015 .
The Queen was a loyal member of the WI for 80 years.
The NFWI are increasing the subscription fees in April. We have the option again this year to reduce the fees and a decision will be made after a budget review in the New Year.
The Resolutions will be published in the WI Life magazine, and these will be discussed at the February 2023 meeting. The Beechwood Group Spring meeting will be in Wendover on 25 April 2023 when Sarah Slater from Hampton Court will give a talk on Sex, Secrets, Scandal and Salacious Gossip of the Royal Court 1660-1830 – rude but amusing!
Elaine wished everyone a very Happy Christmas as some members may not be attending the dinner.
The Annual Meeting then commenced with the approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2021, which had already been circulated to all members. Approval of an independent financial examiner for the coming year, the Financial Statement and the Committee’s Annual Report were presented and adopted by Avril Sherratt, Treasurer and Elaine Barker on behalf of Jayne Faversham, President, who was unable to attend following major heart surgery.
As there were no members who wished to join the Committee, Elaine confirmed that the present 10 members were willing to stand and were re-elected.
In Jayne’s absence following her recent hospital treatment and recuperation, Vice President Elaine presented the President’s Address. She thanked Jayne for all her hard work and invaluable experience she had brought to the meetings during the last four years.
Also thanks were given to Mary Rose, Secretary and Avril, Treasurer, for all their hard work behind the scenes; Christine on the Welcome table and Gillian for publicity and Reports; Janet Manson for looking after the teas; Margaret Ritter for organising the Christmas dinner and Anne Underwood for her vast experience with accountancy;
Non-committee member Irene was thanked for her hard work arranging the speakers and Margaret Dunn for sending birthday cards to members each month and for organising the teas in the Cricket Pavilion at the Village Fete. Sylvia Childs was thanked for her beautiful arrangement at St Andrews’s Church Flower Festival on behalf of the WI. Six members were continuing to enjoy the board games. Finally, thanks were given to all members for their support.
Eve reminded us that it will be Hyde Heath Evening WI’s 60th Anniversary in January 2024.
We look forward to another happy year in 2023 |
Gillian O'Flynn | |
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