Planning Approval
On Thursday April 18th 2002 Chiltern District Council
Planning Committee approved plans submitted by Hyde Heath Village Hall
Management Committee to extend the village hall to provide permanent
accommodation for the village shop plus other improvements including better
storage facilities to the rear of the hall. The Committee congratulated all
involved in ensuring this vital village service continues following the
closure of the previous post office and store in March 2001.
It is intended that work will commence during the summer
with a view to completion in the autumn. Further information will be
published here as it becomes available.
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Village Shop
Hyde Heath Amersham
Bucks HP6 5RW
13 th February 2002
To: All Loan Note Holders
Customers of the Shop
Villagers of Hyde Heath
Dear Supporter
I am pleased to inform you that we are now ready to commence Phase 2 of
our Shop operation.
As you will be aware we have been trading in temporary premises located
in the Village Hall Car Park since last April. Subject to planning consent
we expect to be able to move into a soon to be created extension of the
Village Hall. The new accommodation will be approximately twice the size of
our present shop and will enable us to provide a far better service with a
wider range of goods. We consider that the proposed transfer will be of
benefit to all concerned, but we need your support, please.
You may recall that the Phase 2 of the operation is to be in the form of
a more formal cooperative, i.e. a company registered under the Industrial &
Provident Societies Act 1965. Consequently we need to have the approval of
those likely to be involved and in particular to have the agreement of the
Loan Note holders to transfer their loans to the new entity. We shall of
course be approaching all Loan Note Holders individually.
To facilitate this process we would invite you to attend a meeting in the
Village Hall at 3.00 pm on Sunday 3rd March 2002 for the
purpose of considering:
1. Transfer of shop
business to new premises situate within the Village Hall
(Drawings and sketches will be available at the
2. Agreement to form a new company.
We hope you will agree that this is a very important step for the 'Shop'
and hope that you will be able to attend the meeting to hear more of the
Yours sincerely
Ray Challinor
Registered office: Chess Chambers, 2 Broadway Court, Chesham, Bucks HP5 1
EG VAT no: 727639894 company no: 415 65760 Directors: R.E.Challinor; L.A.
Neale; R. Coulton & CJ Sargeant
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Village Shop
Letter from Ruth Coulton
1st Feb 2002
Just a brief note to update you upon our Village Store and to advise of
new products we are introducing.
The shop has now been trading successfully for 10 months and I would like
to thank all of those who have helped in any way. Obviously, our greatest
appreciation is to our customers - if only the 50% or so of the village who
do not use the shop made the effort to buy something each week, it would
make a considerable difference. We cannot compete with Tesco or Sainsbury
but by shopping at your Village Store for say 6 locally produced farm eggs
each week or to buy a card, supports our community owned business. Think of
the savings you make on petrol and time !
From the middle of next week (ie Feb ’02) we will be stocking a range of
locally butchered meats - especially selected frozen and packed for our
Village Store. Lines we intend carrying will include individually portioned
Pork, Lamb and Beef Steaks, Minced Beef and Chicken Fillets. If you have
suggestions for other cuts or products, please let me know.
Additionally, we can source specialities such as Guinea Fowl, Ducks and
Pheasants to order. Again if you want something special, I will try to
obtain it for you.
Assuring you of the best of service from all at our Village Store
Ruth Coulton
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Village Shop
Bucks Examiner - 11th Jan 2002 :

Re Letter in Bucks Examiner dated 11th
January by unnamed ‘former resident’ - above - response by Ray
Challinor - Chairman
I do not propose to
seek to publish a letter of reply in the Bucks Examiner as this may only
encourage further sterile correspondence.
Customers and
supporters of the Village Shop may wish to be aware of the following by
way of comment on the latest epistle.
 | It is not necessary for the
correspondent to point out the fact that the present premises are only
temporary – my letter to Bucks Examiner 28th October stated
this in terms.
 | We are well aware that 1 out of 3
small businesses fail in the first three years. What is also true is
that 2 out of 3 do not! It is not clear from the letter whether he/she
considers we shall be in the first or second category.
 | As to the 26 people on our payroll,
the correspondent seems to assume that they are employed on a full time
basis – would that we could accommodate 26 people in the cabin let alone
26 staff. In fact the full time equivalent staff in a typical working
week is only1.4 staff!
 | As regards the post office licence
this is a non-starter for the time being as we have no space to
accommodate such a facility. Suggestions from anyone other than Harry
Potter would be welcome!
 | There are in fact suitable alternative
premises within the village, but unfortunately they continue to as
unavailable now as they were as from 2nd April 2001.
 | The still shy correspondent seems to
suggest that further development within the village is likely to provide
the answer to the problem of a lack of alternative suitable sites.
However, there is a lack of consistency in the argument as the letter
implies that the shop is in any event likely to fail. The correspondent
does not appear to have had regard to history. Over the years more
developments in Hyde Heath have meant less shops, not more!
 | For the record, the present operations
of the Shop are very successful socially and economically. We are able
to repay all loans borrowed but until we have fully assessed our cash
position with regard to Phase 2 of the Operation, it would be premature
to repay the loans now.
 | As regards the future, we are very
hopeful that we shall shortly be able to announce that we have agreed
terms with the Village Hall Committee to operate from premises in the
Hall, subject to the Hall being enlarged to accommodate the shop and
also to improve other facilities for the village. |
If anybody requires any
further information as to the present and proposed activities of the shop,
please contact the undersigned.
Ray Challinor
Registered office: Chess Chambers, 2 Broadway Court, Chesham, Bucks HP5
1EG VAT no: 727639894
company no:415 65760 Directors: R.E.Challinor; L.A. Neale; R. Coulton & CJ
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Village Shop
Village Store - Help required with
a) Sorting and Marking up
- we need additional people for our rota to spend approx 1 hour
preparing, sorting and marking papers ready for delivery - starting
6.15am on weekdays and Saturdays and 7.00am on Sundays.
b) Newspaper Deliveries
- whilst we have no immediate vacancies these will arise and
we would like to have a list of anyone aged 13+ who would like to earn
£25 per week and who we could call on as and when opportunities arise.
Weekday rounds take approx 30 minutes per day and weekends a little
If you can help or would like any further details
please contact Ruth Coulton on 01494 775967 or e-mail:
Thank you
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Village Shop
The Village Store is open as follows:
Weekdays 7.30am - 1.00pm & 2.00pm - 6.00pm
Saturdays 7.30am - 1.00pm
Sundays 9.00am - 12.00 noon
We now stock fresh
sandwiches daily from a local supplier as well as a full range of basic
items including bread milk & eggs, confectionary, ice creams, soft
drinks plus cigarettes newspapers and magazines
Now available
- local Honey Fudge
Additional Christmas items available by special
order - see list and order forms in store. |
Dear Fellow Villager
As you will know our New Hyde Heath Village Store has now
been open for about two months following the closure of the Post Office.
Whilst we are not yet in a position to present to you with
longer term proposals, you may wish to be aware of the progress made to
Preparation of new shop
The weekend of 31st March – 2nd April saw about 30
villagers working together to install fixtures, fittings and stock in
readiness for opening at 7.30am on 2nd April
Trading to date
With the generous support of villagers we have received
loans totalling almost £13,000, enabling us to gradually broaden the range
of stock but the small size of the building is now a constraint on any
further substantial increase in the range of goods sold. The question of
repayment of the loans will be dealt with once we embark upon Phase 2 of the
operation i.e. the enlarged shop.
Trading has now reached, and has sometimes exceeded, the
levels predicted for break-even operation – with your support we are
confident this trend will continue. Despite a steep learning curve and the
occasional computer ‘glitch’ , staffing arrangements have generally worked
well – a great tribute manageress Ruth Coulton and all concerned.
The future
Discussions are taking place with the Village Hall
Committee and others with a view to establishing a larger and more permanent
building for the shop, but as there are a number of complicated issues to
resolve, the outcome may not be known for some time. However as soon as we
can we shall present our proposals to the village for consideration at a
public meeting.
Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to all our
hard working staff and also to the very many villagers who have supported us
in so many ways. To those who have yet to have the pleasure, I am sure that
your visit will bring very satisfying mutual benefits!
Yours sincerely
Ray Challinor
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Village Shop
Village people worked all weekend to
prepare our new "Hyde Heath Village Store" for opening on Monday April
2nd at 7.30 am
big thank you
To everyone who has supported us, may I say a big thank
you. Obviously, much of what we are doing is new to many of us and we do
appreciate your understanding in respect of any problems experienced, we are
still stocking up the shop but space is at a premium.
We do still need some extra staffing
and we would ask you to consider helping us with the following salaried
Weekday Counter Staff..
Primarily mornings, working 1 or 2 days a week on
a rota. This role could suit someone with children and working term times
only - two parents alternating looking after one another's children perhaps?
Sunday Morning Counter Staff.. The shift
is 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (the last 30 minutes being to cash up and
complete paperwork), again we would like to be working upon a rota. We need
1 or 2 people (older teenagers through to those who are retired) to add to
the team. We would like to have one person working say one Sunday a month
rather than the same people doing alternative weekends. Villagers
wanted the shop open on Sundays; we need to staff it!
Saturday and Sunday Morning Paper sorting.
For just over 1 hour each day, we need an active person(s) to help count,
sort and mark-up the papers -Saturdays will start at say 6.15 a.m. and
Sundays at 7.00 a.m. Ideally, we would like a rota so that one-person works
say one weekend in four. At present, David is doing every weekend and this
cannot continue.
If you are interested in any of the above, please contact
me as soon as possible at the shop, (telephone 01494 783340) or on my home
number 01494 775967. Please do help us to provide a service to
Ruth Coulton
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Village Shop
from - Ray Challinor - Chairman S.O.S Committee
01494-776200 Fax 01494-774415
23rd March 2001
ear Villager,
I am now pleased to inform you that we plan to commence trading from a ‘Rovacabin’
on the car park of the Village Hall as from Monday 2nd April at
7.30 am.
The present position is as follows:
A new company has been formed with the generous support of Lennon &
Co. solicitors of Chesham, and has been registered for VAT.
The ‘Rovacabin’ has been promised for delivery in Hyde Heath
on Thursday 29th March. Fitting out of the shop will take
place on Saturday afternoon (31st March) and Sunday (1st
April) – volunteers are required please to assist in
transferring fixtures and fittings from the present shop – please
contact David Coulton on 775967 a.s.a.p.
The response to our request for help in the shop has been
tremendous – thanks to all concerned. We are therefore confident that
we can open the shop and deliver newspapers. Opening hours will be
daily 7.30 am – 1 pm and 2 – 6 pm,
Saturdays 7.30am – 1 pm and Sundays 8 am – 12 pm.
4 We aim to sell a reasonable range of basics including bread, milk
eggs as well as frozen foods, snacks, cakes, pies etc, sweets,
cigarettes, soft drinks (no alcohol) stationery (including greeting
cards) and postage stamps.
The future
The priority has been to open the new temporary shop, but we have also
been investigating the longer-term prospects for a shop incorporating a Post
Office. The most important criterion for the success of a retail business is
its position. In view of the continued unavailability of the existing
Village Store building there is no alternative existing building and no
entirely satisfactory available vacant site within the village. Most
reluctantly we have concluded that we must consider a site which for many
will not be ideal, as it will be on Common Land.
The site we have in mind is behind and adjacent to the bus stop, but set
back from the road. Planning consent will be necessary and we already aware
that the prospects of achieving such consent are not high. Nevertheless,
unless there is somebody in the village who can suggest a satisfactory
alternative, we believe that we should proceed with our proposals.
Common land is a very emotive subject but we consider that our proposal
will not violate the basic principle of keeping such land for the benefit of
the common good, even if few in the village will want to exercise their
right to graze their sheep (foot and mouth permitting!). What we propose is
that the future shop on the Common will be owned by a Co-operative of all
those members of the village wishing to join and it will also be run and
managed by members of the village for the benefit of village as a whole.
This letter is by way of follow up to earlier letters and in particular
to the responses received from very many villages offering monies ranging
from £50 - £500. We now urgently need those villagers who previously
indicated their support to provide us with a cheque for 50% of the amount
indicated, please. However, it is not too late for those who were unable for
one reason or another to make an offer The cheques should be made payable to
Lennon & Co. who have kindly agreed to receive the funds and only to
release them once they are fully satisfied with our bona fides.
The monies received will be treated as interest free unsecured loans to
the new company to be used as follows:
-purchase of fixtures and fittings for the shop
-costs of fitting out and transfer of ‘Rovacabin’ to the site on
the Village Hall car park
-working capital including stock for the shop, and modest debtor
finance for newspaper bills
-costs of mounting a planning application for the longer-term future
In seeking funds from you, you should be aware that
-all costs to date have been met by the working party from their own
funds but reimbursement is not required
-the shop will mainly be staffed by those engaged in the present
shop, supported a pool of volunteers from the village to cover holidays
and sickness etc. All staff will be paid at approximately the same rate
as at present
-the ‘managers’ of the shop will primarily be Nell Neale Ruth
Coulton, and myself with unpaid assistance from Rodney Howlett and David
Coulton. Nell and I will not be remunerated but Ruth will receive
payment for her work in the shop and for agreeing to have a day to
responsibility for the shop operations
-because we shall be using villagers’ money we shall use it prudently
and therefore no credit for goods will be allowed other than for
newspapers .We expect villagers to settle their accounts weekly but the
maximum credit allowed would be four weeks with bills being paid within
7 days. A failure to settle bills promptly will mean that deliveries
will cease
we cannot guarantee that all loan monies will be repaid in full but
we are reasonably
confident of being able to repay the loans in the fullness of time.
However, we shall be in a better position to assess this once we have
started trading and have reviewed the position after about 3 months
- the shareholders (3 x £1) will hold their shares in trust for the
benefit of the Loan Note holders so that if they ever achieve value, the
Loan Note holders will benefit.
As previously promised, cash flow forecasts and budgets have now been
finalised. Because the forecasts contain commercially sensitive information
such as profit margins, costs and profits I hope it is appreciated that we
are unable to distribute such information widely. However I am very happy to
call a meeting in the Village Hall for those interested when the figures can
be revealed explanations provided.
I apologise for the length of this letter but as I am sure you will
appreciate it is not always possible to condense such a wide range of
important information onto one sheet of paper.
Finally, and if you are still reading this letter, I would ask you,
please, to forward your cheques to the above address within the course of
the next few days. I shall them forward them to Lennon & Co and each
remittance will be acknowledged with a receipt.
Yours sincerely
Ray Challinor
Director Hyde Heath Village Store Ltd
Registered Office: Chess Chambers, 2 Broadway Court, Chesham, Bucks HP5
VAT no: 727639894 Hyde Heath Village Store Ltd, Company no: 4165760
Directors R E Challinor; L A Neale; R Coulton
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Village Shop
Working for the